Psychological factors of well-being of a modern family. Introduction To a new family

A happy personal and family life, a favorable psychological climate in the group, and much more at the social, microsocial, and personal levels to a large extent depend on the characteristics of the experience of subjective well-being of interacting people. The state of the subjective world of an individual influences the productivity and nature of the course of various types of activity and behavior, largely determining the upcoming success or failure. The phenomena of the subjective world of personality rarely become the subject of psychological research. Perhaps this is due to the desire of psychologists to unambiguous interpretations of all concepts that describe this world.

The experience of well-being (or ill-being) is integrative, it is influenced by various aspects of a person’s life, many features of a person’s relationship to himself and to the world around him are merged. By psychological well-being (mental comfort) we mean the coherence of mental processes and functions, the harmony of the individual, a sense of integrity, inner balance.

For the psychology of personality and psychology in general, from our point of view, it is especially important that the experience of well-being is an essential component of the dominant mood of the personality. It is through him that subjective well-being, as an integrative experience, exerts a constant influence on various parameters of a person’s mental state and on the success of behavior, productivity, effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, many other aspects of an individual’s external and internal activity.

Needs and psychological well-being

Let us analyze a number of important features of subjective well-being, using empirical data obtained in compiling the socio-psychological "passport" of residents of an urban area. This work was carried out in the Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to the Population of the Petrograd District of St. Petersburg led by L.V. Kulikov in 1993-1994. The purpose of the “passport” was to fix the characteristics of the needs-motivational sphere of residents, the sense of well-being (or trouble), that are significant for the individual and the district social protection service. Subjective experiences are a significant factor in the state of public consciousness, group moods, expectations, relationships. Without taking them into account, it is impossible to build a scientifically based social policy, social management, social planning.

We have developed a questionnaire with the aim of obtaining information about the parameters of self-awareness that are significant for a person, self-esteem, the need-motivational sphere, general emotional comfort, satisfaction with one's own health, and a number of other important dimensions of a person’s personality. The questionnaire was conducted by O.V. Ivanov and M.A. Rozanova and was anonymous. He was reached by people of different ages. The group of the first period of adulthood included men aged 22 34 years (n \u003d 11), women 21 34 years old (n \u003d 28). The second period group of mature (middle) age included men 35 59 years old (n \u003d 19) and women 35 54 years old (n \u003d 56). The third group consisted of elderly people: men 60 74 years old (n \u003d 25) and women 55 74 years old (n \u003d 104). The fourth group included people of senile age, men and women 75 years and older (n \u003d 22). Comparing the available quantitative characteristics obtained on subsamples of men and women, we did not find significant differences. Therefore, further consideration will be carried out for groups including respondents of both sexes.

To answer the question "How satisfied are you with your life?" the respondents were offered a five-point scale - from “completely dissatisfied” (1 point) to “completely satisfied” (5 points). It turned out that the level of satisfaction with their life for all the indicated ages is almost the same: 2.8; 2.8; 2.9 and 2.9 (hereinafter: average scores for the groups listed above, respectively). The analysis of empirical data showed that satisfaction with life is primarily due to the characteristics of interpersonal relationships, the state of one’s health and very weakly depends on a person’s material wealth and financial situation.

In the first paragraph of the questionnaire, the respondent was asked to indicate how important it is for him at present to satisfy a number of needs. An importance assessment was also proposed on a five-point scale. The average score of the importance of needs was calculated, which can be interpreted as the level of intensity (strength) of the needs of the individual as a whole. It turned out that with age, the strength of needs decreases, but there are no significant changes: 3.9; 3.8; 3.3; 3.3.

In middle-aged people (first and second groups), the most important is the need for personal life (love, family, children). At the top of the hierarchy of needs are also the needs for health, a clear conscience that satisfies housing, and protection from threats and deprivation. Quite significant are the needs of self-regulation and self-development, job satisfaction. At this age, the needs for own and family well-being, health, inner peace and balance dominate. The needs for professional and social activities are in the background.

With age, the need for privacy weakens. Most likely, the decrease in this assessment is associated with a change in the nature of love experiences, with a decrease in such a component as love passion, and not with the rejection of emotional attachments to loved ones. With age, the need for an interesting leisure time also decreases. In the elderly and senile age, the need for skills to control oneself, to develop and strengthen the psyche is little actualized. Different groups of respondents have a very high need for improving relations with people, which is closely related to their overall satisfaction with their lives.

Among the most important life needs was the need for health. Health is the universal value of human life in any social time and space. In different age periods, health has an equally large, but different in meaning value. From 21 to 35 years, health is recognized by the individual as one of the necessary sources of security. In the second period of middle age, it has an independent value. In old age, health is valued in and of itself, and also because it allows you to maintain wider interpersonal relationships.

The second most important are vital needs, which does not require any comment. This is followed by needs, the satisfaction of which maintains the stability of the individual, the need for respect from others, in constant interpersonal relationships. The importance of having a clear conscience is high. The concept of "conscience" is among the most important for determining the meaning of life.

The questionnaire asked what events in the future the respondent expects: "Probably in the future awaits me ...". Further options for answers were proposed: much more good events than bad ones (1 point); more good than bad (2 points); approximately equally good and bad (3 points); more bad than good (4 points); much more bad than good (5 points). The average score of answers is 2.8; 2.7; 3.5 and 3.5. Here, age differences are quite noticeable. Elderly and senile people expect more bad events than good ones. Most likely this is caused not by pessimism increasing over the years, but by their insufficient security, insecurity in the future.

To clarify the picture of subjective well-being, we found out from the respondents that they would like to improve in their lives. The most strong were the desire to improve health, housing, family life, financial position (earnings). In intensity, they are very close to each other. The following are desires to improve work, nutrition, marriage (matrimony), relationships with people, education, qualifications, leisure. If we compare the hierarchies of needs and desires for improving life, it becomes clear that there is no complete correspondence between them.

The next stage of the study was devoted to the analysis of the influence of completeness of satisfaction of basic life needs on a sense of satisfaction with life. The respondents were 17 men and 33 women aged 18 to 58 years (average age 41.4 years). All examined had a higher or secondary special education.

The results showed that assessments of the significance of needs and assessments of the completeness of their satisfaction differ in their relations with the subjective well-being of the individual. More than others, people are satisfied with their life, satisfied with their marital relations and health. No connection was found between satisfaction with life and satisfaction with communication, the expectation of good (or bad) events in the future, with age, gender, marital status, educational level, social status, and housing characteristics.

Life satisfaction with needs satisfaction assessments is more closely associated with needs significance assessments. Probably, assessments of the significance of needs are formed in the sphere of self-awareness and exist as its cognitive components. They are only indirectly associated with the motivational sphere and therefore do not exert a noticeable influence on it and on the emotional sphere of the personality.

Note. "SB" - the average values \u200b\u200bof satisfaction estimates. “K” are the correlation coefficients of needs satisfaction estimates with life satisfaction. Correlation coefficients with significance level p

An attempt was made to assess the impact of severity of needs on life satisfaction. In this case, we understand the severity of needs as the degree of their dissatisfaction. The numerical indicator of severity for us was the difference in the scales of the first and second points of the needs questionnaire, i.e. the magnitude of the differences in the points of significance of needs and the completeness of their satisfaction.

In general, the influence of the severity of needs is similar to the effect of the completeness of their satisfaction (of course, with the opposite sign, the more acute the need, the lower the satisfaction with life). However, differences were found. The severity of needs for professional growth, job satisfaction, and respect for others has very low, insignificant correlations with life satisfaction. Consequently, when these needs are frustrated, the lack of emotional comfort is relatively more easily compensated by satisfying other needs and, probably, by activating the protective mechanisms of the personality.

Thus, the results obtained suggest that the completeness of the satisfaction of needs only indirectly affects life satisfaction. Empirical evidence has confirmed that a sense of satisfaction with life to a large extent determines the dominant mood and mental state in general. It is significantly associated with such characteristics of the psychological level of the state as vivacity, relaxedness, satisfaction with self-realization.

Comparative analysis of sources of discomfort

The troubles of everyday life to any person to one degree or another "spoil" the mood. But the questions are very significant, to what extent are they capable of changing it, and is their aftereffect great?

The mental state is, to one degree or another, determined by reasons of a different scale: small, passing, and serious, long-lasting. According to our understanding of mood, the main attention in the consideration of the causes of emotional discomfort should be given to reasons that have a personal meaning.

We conducted a study of the significance of various sources of discomfort, most of which can be considered relatively constant. We have compiled a questionnaire containing a list of the most common stressors. The basis was taken on the scale of friction (bad circumstances) Kanner. In our opinion, in its original form, the scale is rather cumbersome and does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian way of life. M.Yu. Dolina translated it into Russian and did initial testing on a group of 12 people. Testing gave us material to highlight the most pressing causes of discomfort.

Respondents were asked to rate on a seven-point scale the degree of anxiety delivered by each of the factors listed. Answers were given by doctors, employees of preschool institutions, students. A total of 117 people were interviewed (105 women and 12 men). The survey was conducted in 1995 1996. All respondents had higher or incomplete higher education. They also answered the questionnaire for diagnosing the characteristics of the mental state developed by L.V. Kulikov (the questionnaire "DS").

When processing the data, average scores of subjective assessments of the significance of the causes of discomfort were obtained. The first five reasons for severity included: financial unreliability (4.29), difficulties with the ability to express oneself (4.00), overwork (4.00), anxiety caused by intrapersonal conflicts (3.90), thoughts about the meaning of life (3.87), lack of rest (3.80). They completed the full list of reasons: concern about the situation in the country (3.19), clashes with superiors (3.04), unpleasant neighbors (2.92), problems with subordinates (2.66) and with the place of work because of their gender (2.49).

Using factor analysis, five groups of causes of emotional discomfort were identified (in parentheses is the factor load of the symptom):

1) trouble in interpersonal relationships: clashes with superiors (0.67), physical ailment (0.66), problems communicating with employees (0.63), dissatisfaction appearance  (0.56) and others;

2) the burden of the roles performed: overloaded with family responsibilities (0.76), lack of time for the family (0.65), overworked (0.64), problems with children (0.59);

3) internal disharmony: anxiety caused by intrapersonal conflicts (0.72), problems with a sexual partner (0.48), difficulties with the ability to express oneself (0.47), etc .;

4) social and domestic difficulties: rising prices (0.72), lack of rest (0.69), problems with shopping (0.69), problems with transport (0.37), concern about the situation in the country (0, 32);

5) insecurity: problems with the place of work due to one's gender (0.73), concern for the health status of one of the family members (0.66), financial unreliability (0.54).

Two of the three causes of discomfort included in the “insecurity” factor occupy the top position in the hierarchy of subjective significance - concern for the health status of one of the family members, financial insecurity. The insecurity factor included the causes of discomfort, occupying an isolated position, among other reasons. Perhaps this explains their weak ties with other needs and values.

Of the five factors, only “insecurity” and “social difficulties” contain non-psychological causes of discomfort. Most of the signs are included in factors that include the actual psychological causes of discomfort - describing certain aspects of the disharmony of the individual and interpersonal relationships. The high significance of the causes of ill-being in interpersonal relations is explained by the fact that interpersonal interactions act as the main links mediating the social adaptation of a person, realizing the possibility of social support in difficult life situations.

The results of a correlation analysis of estimates of the causes of discomfort and scale ratings of the DS method showed that the most severe adverse effects on mood are exerted by a physical ailment, collisions with superiors, rising prices, and dissatisfaction with one's work. They are followed by: remorse over past decisions, anxiety caused by intrapersonal conflicts, condemnation and discrimination from others, financial insecurity, loneliness, unpleasant neighbors. Thus, a health disorder is assessed as the most significant cause of the overall emotional discomfort of the individual.

The causes of discomfort with the emotional tone of the state have more significant correlations than indicators of activation and tone. We consider this as evidence that the influence of the socio-psychological level of personality regulation on mental states is realized through mood.

According to the results of the correlation analysis, we can conclude that among the considered causes of discomfort, the most intense emotions are caused by the group of reasons "trouble in interpersonal relationships." In this group, “remorse about past decisions” stands out, it weakens feelings of joy and excitement, enhances feelings of guilt and sadness. The reasons associated with work (collisions with superiors, dissatisfaction with one's work, problems with subordinates) also have a rather strong influence on the severity of feelings - weaken activation feelings and strengthen evaluative and tensional feelings. Most often, various causes of discomfort lead to increased feelings of guilt and anxiety. The relationship between these feelings and awareness of the causes of discomfort, we consider as two-way.

Our study of the influence of causes of discomfort on mental states provides further evidence of the wide possibilities of using subjective assessments to study mental conditions, and confirms the reliability of data obtained in this way. We believe that many factors leading to discomfort are subtly understood by the individual. This is evidenced by the significant consistency of subjective assessments of one's mood (and mental state as a whole) with an awareness of their probable causes. There are similarities in the reactions. different people  similar life events and circumstances. Note that this conclusion relates to the procedure of scientific research using special methods.

Subjective well-being (a sense of satisfaction with life) must be interpreted as a generalized and relatively stable experience that is of particular importance to the individual. It is an important component of a dominant mental state.

The feeling of satisfaction with life is associated with all three sets of characteristics of the mental state (emotional, activation, tonus).

The full satisfaction of needs only indirectly affects life satisfaction. More than others, people are satisfied with their life, satisfied with their marital relations and health. No connection was found between satisfaction with life, satisfaction with communication, expectation of good (or bad) events in the future, with age, gender, marital status, educational level, social status, and quality of housing.

Concerns about health and the causes of internal disharmony (difficulties in self-expression, worries about the meaning of life, repentance for past decisions) make the greatest contribution to reducing mood and the formation of stable states of discomfort.

Kulikov L.V., Dmitrieva M.S., Dolina M.Yu., Ivanov O.V.,

Rozanova M.A., Timoshenko T.G.


The total “Health and Well-being Index” of Russians is 37 points (out of 100 possible). For comparison: the leaders - United Arab emirates  - 88 points, Saudi Arabia - 78, India - 72. Below the Russian index only in Japan - 27, in Turkey and Italy - 34. But in the USA and France it is 55, in Germany - 52, in the UK - 45.

And we don’t have enough for quite a few - good roads, fresh air, kind people around, free time - but only to spend more time at home, with loved ones, and not on yachts around the world, as many people think. And most importantly - to be appreciated at work - not only materially, but also humanly. And we justify the saying "happiness is not in money." Simple Russian happiness, as it turned out, is completely different.


As an important factor in happiness and prosperity, three-quarters of Russians identify, but only 48% are satisfied with it.


  83% of the population is important salary.

  25% of the population are satisfied with their salaries.

This indicator is one of the lowest in the world.

Relations with bosses and colleagues are important for 66%, but 58% are satisfied with them. Rest time is important for 77%, and 45% is enough.

Fear of losing a job

In 75% of Russians, fear is a key source of stress; they are only worried about the health of their parents.

And the level of cost of living is important for 90% of Russians, but only 24% are satisfied with it.

Family and friends

Importance and friends is the same for all ages. The main thing for most of us - 84% - is the health of our relatives. The health and well-being of parents is a major concern for 78%. For comparison: less than 33% of Russians are worried about politics, government and news.

At the same time, people who have children consider themselves healthier and happier, more positively evaluate the changes in their health that have occurred over the past 5 years than those who do not have children.

The most common way we can improve our health is:

  64% stay at home.

55% spend time with friends and relatives.

Native open spaces

Not always considered relevant, it turns out to be important for 85% of Russians, and only 22% are satisfied with it.

What else are we missing in the first place:

  • 93% quality roads
  • 93% life safety and low crime
  • 85% of the parks where you can walk
  • 78% of hospitals


52% of Russians feel quite well. 41% think: health is almost entirely up to us. In the USA there are 60%, in Brazil - 61%, in China - 52%, in India - 57%.

For complete happiness, we lack normal and medical services (77% and 80% respectively worry about this).

By the way, 60% of Russians plan to live at least 70 years (in Turkey, where, as in Russia, only 14% of the respondents regularly visit doctors, only 41% are so optimistic).

State of mind

Citizens who value time that they can spend alone with themselves:

  • Russia 67%
  • Italy 65%
  • Turkey 89%
  • Belgium 91%
  • US 71%
  • Japan 47%

In addition, 11% of Russians are highly susceptible, and 75% experience “some stress”. But a fifth of those around do not even know what to worry about - 20% are not exposed to stress at all. By the way, psychologists advise more often to communicate with optimists. 35% of Russians dream of sleeping more (among young people - 42%). 29% of men and 18% of women do not get enough sleep because of work, 27% of women cannot fall asleep because they think about the events that happen in their life.

It is known that any marriage union in the development process experiences not only happy periods, but also stages of crises. There is no family that does not encounter various problems or misunderstandings in specific situations, and this is not an exception to the rule: rather, a regularity. It is simply important to understand that in order to achieve family well-being it is necessary to deal with such crises together, as well as to build harmonious relations in a marriage. In this article we will consider the main factors and conditions that promote mutual understanding in a married couple and strengthen marriage.

Family Well-Being Factors

The first condition for family well-being, of course, is considered the love and affection of the spouses. And the importance of such feelings in this matter is unlikely to be denied by anyone. Along with this, it should be noted that only in love marriage will not be able to hold out for a long time. Indeed, the mutual passion and romantic mood that characterizes the initial period of relations do not last as long as we would like.

This is explained by the strength of habit, because sooner or later a person gets used to his partner and no longer seeks to win his love with the same strength. It is a mistake to believe that at this stage the feelings fade away and a harsh life begins. Indeed, to achieve family well-being, it is necessary to approach this turn of events with the understanding and confidence that it will not interfere with real feelings.

If the spouses expect that mutual passion at the beginning of the relationship will be enough for them for many years of a happy life together, they will very soon doubt their beliefs. After all, a marriage is not only romantic walks in the evenings and beautiful declarations of love: the family also implies a common way of life, and, therefore, worries and problems. Not everyone is ready for such a test, which is why many couples get divorced without living together for several years.

Experts have identified the main factors of family well-being, which should be taken into account by everyone who is going to start a life together with a loved one:

  • Focus on spouse;
  • Sympathy and trust;
  • Communication without conflicts;
  • Understanding;
  • Sexual satisfaction;
  • Material well-being.

Orientation to the spouse is the most important condition for family well-being, as it serves as the basis for mutual understanding. It involves careful attention to the interests, preferences, habits of a loved one. Ideally, spouses should take their actions only taking into account the wishes and needs of each other.

Sympathy and trust are also necessary factors for family well-being, because if you do not feel sympathy for the person with whom you are going to live, the marriage is doomed to failure. And when there is no trust in the relationship, love gradually disappears, because its place is occupied by eternal suspicions, jealousy and discontent.

Normal communication without constant quarrels and conflicts should be present in every good family. People need to share their emotions, impressions and experiences with loved ones, so you need to create at home such an atmosphere that disposes spouses to mutual frankness and trusting relationships.

Mutual understanding is one of the most important conditions for family well-being. In order to achieve it, the spouses will need a lot of time and trials. But the key point here is indulgence and tolerance towards each other, which are excellent qualities for creating a strong family.

Sexual satisfaction also very often comes with years of marriage, as partners do not immediately recognize each other's preferences: it takes time and desire. When people are connected by a mutual strong feeling, almost all problems of a sexual nature are solvable. This is due to the strong desire of both to please their spouse.

An important factor in family well-being is also the material well-being of the family. It's no secret that financial difficulties that are chronic in nature, very quickly affect the relationship of the couple. Domestic problems that cannot be resolved, debts and nervous stress caused by all this, prevent people from enjoying their feelings and living in harmony. After all, the lion's share of family conflicts is connected with the topic of money.

Symbols of family well-being

Recently, the teachings of Feng Shui, with the help of which many people call for material security, harmony in relationships and love in their home, have become widespread. To do this, you just need to know what basic symbols of family well-being exist in this teaching:

  • Aquarium;
  • Turtle;
  • The Dragon;
  • Phoenix.

Aquarium is one of the main symbols of family well-being in material terms. It is believed that he attracts money to the house, so it is best to put goldfish in it and, of course, do not forget to feed them in time and clean the aquarium.

The turtle also acts as a symbol of material wealth and health, therefore it is advised to acquire a living aquatic turtle that will live in an aquarium: this combination should provide a double effect.

The dragon is a symbol of family well-being, success in business and career growth. In addition, experts believe that he gives the inhabitants of the house a special energy that develops qualities such as determination and endurance.

The phoenix appears to be a complement to the dragon, since in Chinese mythology they are considered spouses. It provides the family with fame, success and a strong relationship. In addition, if it is placed in the southern part of the house, then such a talisman will protect family members from all sorts of negative influences from the outside.

Along with this, it should be remembered that the best symbols of family well-being are primarily love and mutual understanding in a marriage.

As a manuscript
Bashkatov Sergey Alexandrovich
Tiered factors

personal well-being

Specialty: 19.00.01 - “General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology”


candidate of psychological sciences

Chelyabinsk - 2013

The work was performed at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education  South Ural State University (National Research University)

Scientific adviser -

doctor of Psychology, Professor   Baturin Nikolay Alekseevich .

Official opponents:

Minyurova Svetlana Aligaryevna,

doctor of Psychology, Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University, Head. Department of General Psychology;

Chumakov Mikhail Vladislavovich,

doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Kurgan State University, Head of the Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education, Head. Department of Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology.

Leading Organization -

Federal State Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute»RAO.

The defense will take place on November 26, 2013 at 11.00 at a meeting of the dissertation council DM 212.298.17 at the FSBEI HPE South Ural State University (National Research University) (454080, Chelyabinsk, avenue named after VI Lenin, 76, room 363).

The dissertation can be found in the library of FSEI HPE SUSU (NRU) (454080, Chelyabinsk, 87 named after V.I. Lenin, building 3D).

Scientific Secretary

dissertation Council Yu.V. Worldwide

The relevance of research.The economic and social achievements of many developed countries of the world, including Russia, in the last decades of the past and the beginning of our century allow us to talk about the creation of many objective prerequisites that can ensure the well-being of their citizens. However, despite this, as shown by sociological and psychological studies, the level of subjective well-being has not grown as significantly as material and social benefits, but according to some indicators, for example, “a feeling of happiness,” the developed countries of Europe and America lag behind some underdeveloped countries in Africa. These facts indicate the relevance and necessity of research aimed at studying both objective factors that ensure well-being, and such phenomena as personal happiness, life satisfaction, personal well-being, etc.

The transition to large-scale studies of these phenomena is complicated by the fact that for many decades in domestic and especially foreign psychology, the study of negative inherently psychic phenomena such as depression, stress, anxiety, frustration, etc., has dominated. It is very difficult to abandon the usual subjects of study.

Only at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in foreign, and then in domestic psychology, a new scientific direction was identified, which was called the “New Positive Psychology” (K. Peterson, M. Seligman, M. Chiksentimihai). The main goal of this direction is to study the ways to achieve well-being, personal happiness, prosperity. In the last decade, Russian psychology has also carried out studies similar in name, but often differing in the content of phenomena such as “subjective well-being”, “emotional well-being”, “psychological well-being”, etc.

Additional problems are associated with the fact that the followers of positive psychology use constructs with names that differ from the terms and corresponding constructs used in classical psychology, for example, virtues, strengths of character, etc. This leads to the emergence of resistance of domestic psychologists in synchronizing their research with foreign colleagues. In this regard, extensive discussions are held on the Internet (for example, on the site and at conferences (D.A. Leontiev vs. A.N. Poddyakova). Obviously, to solve this problem, not only discussions are needed, but also empirical research aimed at identifying the similarities and differences in the terms and constructs used.

In the applied plan, there is one more urgent problem, which is to check the effectiveness of the means and methods of increasing general life positivity offered in the rational-emotive psychotherapy system (A. Ellis), the pedagogical movement Positive Action (K. Allred) and supporters of positive psychology on domestic sample.

All this indicates the relevance of the study of the identified problems and the need for empirical verification of discussion issues.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem . Studying the phenomena of happiness, positivity, prosperity, etc. began in the second half of the last century in the framework of the concept of psychological well-being of N. Bradburn, K. Riff, subjective well-being of E. Diener and became especially active at the beginning of our century in the framework of positive psychology (M. Seligman, M. Chiksentmihai, K. Patterson and others .).

In parallel with these areas of research in domestic psychology, applied and theoretical studies were regularly published that described implicit representations of authors about well-being, life satisfaction, vitality, etc. The authors of the studies used several clearly synonymous terms, such as “well-being” (Yu.A. Bessonova), “subjective well-being” (N.K. Bakhareva, E.E. Bocharova, M.Yu. Boyarkin, L.V. Kulikov, S. A. Minyurova, R. M. Shamionov, E. F. Yashchenko and others), “psychological well-being” (M. V. Buchatskaya, A. V. Voronina, T. T. Gordeeva, R. V. Ovcharova etc.), “satisfaction with life” (G. A. Monusova). Such a polysemy does not help to generalize the results. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the psychological content embedded in the terms, and develop new constructs, as well as introduce new terms to denote these constructs. In the studies of the same authors and in other special studies, the goal was to identify and describe the structure of well-being and similar phenomena. At the same time, the most diverse components (elements or factors) in terms of quantity and content were distinguished: three (G.L. Puchkova), five (M. Seligman), six (K. Riff), seven (Yu.V. Bessonova). Attempts were made to combine the components into groups (O.S. Saveliev, L.V. Kulikov). Another complex aspect of the problem is the need to separate the components that make up the essence of well-being, as a complex mental phenomenon, and factors - predictors of well-being of various nature  and organizational level, which provide support and "existence" of personal well-being. It goes  about neurodynamic, psychological, material, social and socio-demographic factors.

All noted aspects of the problem need in-depth research. In this paper, an attempt is made to theoretical analysis and empirical verification of some of them.

Purpose of the study:  to study the relationship and dependence of the components of personal well-being on the properties of temperament and personality, material, social and socio-demographic characteristics.

Object of study: personal well-being and its structural components.

Subject of study:  multilevel factors affecting the formation and stability of the structural components of personal well-being, and the functioning of the personal well-being system as a whole.

Research Objectives:

  1. Analyze the psychological content that researchers put into various terms used to denote well-being and highlight the generalizing term.

  2. To conduct an analysis of studies of the phenomenon of well-being based on the principles of a systems approach

  3. Based on the analysis of the results of domestic and foreign researchers and the basic concepts of well-being, identify its structure (composition and levels) and propose a structural-level model of personal well-being.

  4. Analyze the proposed rational-emotive therapy by A. Ellis, the psychological and pedagogical concept of C. Allred and the positive psychology of M. Seligman methods and techniques aimed at changing the level of personal well-being.

  5. To select a set of techniques that allows you to diagnose multilevel factors of personal well-being, to check the validity and reliability of those foreign diagnostic techniques that are adapted by the author of the dissertation.

  6. Perform an empirical study aimed at identifying the relationships between the properties of temperament selected for analysis, basic personality traits, positive character traits (virtues), components of subjective well-being, and also conduct factor and variance analysis of the results.

  7. Perform an empirical study aimed at identifying the links between social and socio-demographic characteristics, the characteristics of positivity and components of subjective well-being, as well as conduct factor and variance analysis of the results.

  8. Perform an experiment aimed at checking the influence proposed by the authors of positive psychology, techniques (techniques) to increase positive activity, and, ultimately, personal well-being.
The main hypothesis of the study:   there is a set of dependencies of the components of subjective well-being on different levels of factors that ensure the formation and functioning of personal well-being.

Private research hypotheses:

  1. The results of domestic and foreign studies will allow us to create a structural-level model of personal well-being, the basis of which are multilevel factors affecting various components of personal well-being.

  2. The use of diverse and multilevel variables in an empirical study will highlight the latent structure of the main factors of personal well-being.

  3. Subjective well-being depends on external (extrapersonal) and inside personality factors  and, in turn, has an inverse structure-forming effect on the components of personal well-being.

  4. Men and women, as well as young and adult people with high and low levels of subjective well-being, differ significantly in terms of the various components of personal well-being.

  5. New constructs of "virtue" and "strength of character" will not reveal fundamental differences from the classical constructs of the basic personality traits that are part of the structure of the Big Five.
Theoretical and methodological basis of the study there were the principle of the systemic organization of the human psyche (B.F. Lomov, B.V. Shvyrkov), the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (S.L. Rubinstein), the principle of development determinism (A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky). The private methodology was: the concept of personal potential (D.A. Leontyev and others) and positive psychology (M. Seligman, K. Peterson, M. Chiksentmihayi), the evaluation function of the psyche (N. A. Baturin). Approaches to the analysis of well-being and quality of life from the standpoint of the positive functioning of the personality (E. Diener, C. Riff, M. Chiksentmihaii).

Methods and techniques of empirical research:

Theoretical analysis of studies, experiment, methods of psychometric verification of reliability and validity, statistical methods: correlation analysis (according to Pearson), factor analysis by the method of principal components (varimax normalized version), analysis of variance, questionnaire.

For an empirical study, the following diagnostic complex of methods was used. 1. A group of methods for diagnosing the level of personal well-being: "The scale of experiencing happiness" by M. Fordyce in adaptation S.A. Bashkatova, a questionnaire "Positive and negative emotionality" D. Watson et al. in adaptation E.N. Aspen, questionnaire "Measure of subjective happiness" S. Lyubomirskaya in adaptation D.A. Leontiev and E.N. Aspen, “The Scale of Satisfaction with Life” by E. Diener et al. in adaptation D.A. Leontiev and E.N. Aspen. 2. A group of methods for the diagnosis of characterological positivity: the penchant for gratitude by M. McCullough and R. Emmons, The Forgiveness Scale McCullough et al., An abridged version of the VIA-IS questionnaire by K. Peterson and M. Seligman - all in adaptation S.A. Bashkatova. 3. A group of methods for diagnosing the properties of temperament and personality, social and socio-demographic characteristics: nEO PI-R personality questionnaire P. Costa and R. McCray in adaptation V.E. Orla, I.G. Senina, a questionnaire of temperament Ya. Strelyau in adaptation N.N. Danilova, A.G. Shmeleva, an author's questionnaire for identifying social and socio-demographic characteristics.

All calculations were carried out using the statistical software package Statistica 6.0

Research Stages:

Stage 1: 2008-2010 Theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of personal well-being. Analysis of the conformity of various methods and techniques of the research objective. Constructing a conceptual apparatus and developing a research program.

Stage 2:  2011-2012 An empirical study of the relationship between personal well-being and properties nervous systemtemperament and personality, social and socio-demographic characteristics.

3 stage:  2012-2013 Processing and summarizing the results of empirical research, their psychological analysis and interpretation, description and presentation of the research results.

Sample feature. The sample of the main empirical study was 209 people, of which 104 were women and 105 were men. The age of the study participants ranged from 18 to 50 years. All respondents live in the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan: Ufa, Sterlitamak, Neftekamsk, Birsk and in the urban settlement of Chishmy.

A total of 105 people (51 women and 54 men), aged 18 to 50 years, and 73 married couples aged 26 to 45 years participated in a psychometric test during the adaptation of the methods.

30 people (15 men and 15 women) aged 20 to 30 years participated in checking the effectiveness of the methods and techniques for increasing individual positivity.

In total, 490 people took part in the study, of which 243 were women and 247 were men.

Reliability of the research results it was ensured by thorough theoretical analysis of the problem, reliance on fundamental theories of domestic and foreign psychology, the use of reliable and valid psychodiagnostic techniques, and the use of adequate methods for statistical processing of the obtained data (correlation, factorial and analysis of variance).

The scientific novelty of the study.

  • Based on the analysis of the set of terms used in the study, new terms are introduced personal well-being  and psychological basis of personal well-being, their definitions are formulated.

  • Based on the factor analysis of all integrative variables, three well-interpreted factors were identified: intrapersonal, impersonal and interpersonal well-being, which generally correspond to the main blocks of the theoretical model of personal well-being.

  • The results of factorial, correlation and analysis of variance allowed us to prove that subjective well-being is associated with all components of personal well-being and is a structure-forming factor in the system of components of personal well-being, which corresponds to its theoretical model.

  • The results of the comparative analysis made it possible to demonstrate that subjectively successful and dysfunctional subjects have fundamentally different personality structures with diametrically opposite indicators of temperament properties, basic personality properties, and character forces.

  • The results of the entire study made it possible to isolate and prove the influence of factors of various levels: extrapersonal, personal and interpersonal on subjective well-being, which, as a structural-forming factor, in turn, is associated with all components of a person’s personal well-being.
The theoretical significance of the study.

  • As a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign studies on the problem of personal well-being, on the basis of a systematic approach, a structural-level model of personal well-being was formulated.

  • Based on various grounds, it is justified the allocation of three components of subjective well-being: affective, cognitive-affective, cognitive.

  • An empirical verification of the similarities and differences between the new constructs of positive psychology (strength of character, virtue) and the classic constructs of the basic personality traits that make up the Big Five has been carried out.
The practical significance of the study.

  • To conduct an empirical study, a set of psychodiagnostic techniques was compiled, which can be recommended for a systematic analysis of personal well-being. Four techniques included in the complex were adapted by the author, their validity and reliability were checked.

  • The revealed differences in the indicators of men and women, young and adults in groups with high and low levels of subjective well-being made it possible to form generalized “portraits” of subjective well-being and troubled people that can be used in advisory work with these categories of clients.

  • The proven effectiveness of the influence of techniques (techniques) on subjective well-being allows us to recommend their use in the development of specialized trainings and in individual work with subjectively disadvantaged people.

  • Research materials are used in the educational process of the faculty of psychology of the South Ural state university  in the framework of the courses "Differential Psychology", "Psychology of Personality" and the special course "Personal well-being and its optimization."

Protection provisions:

  1. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies and concepts, a structural-level model of personal well-being is formed, which was mainly confirmed during its empirical verification.

  2. Theoretical analysis and empirical research made it possible to identify factors of four levels of personal well-being: impersonal factors, psychological factors, interpersonal and subjective-personal factors, which correspond to four groups of structural components of personal well-being.

  3. Impersonal well-being factors (material, social, biological) in the form of their subjective assessments are associated with all components of personal well-being and directly affect the level of subjective well-being.

  4. Psychological well-being is ensured due to the synergistic interaction of temperament, basic personality structures and positive character traits, while the properties of temperament and personality have a direct impact on the manifestation of characterological positivity and indirectly through characterological positivity on the level of subjective well-being.

  5. Successful and dysfunctional subjects are diametrically different from each other in all indicators of the components of personal well-being, which testifies to the fundamental difference between their personal structures; pairwise comparison of men and women, young and adults in the groups of prosperous and dysfunctional revealed specific differences in indicators.

  6. New constructs of “virtue” and “strength of character” are interconnected with and depend on the basic personality traits, which testifies to the fundamental relationship between the “new” and “old” constructs, as well as their multilevel dependence.
Compliance of the dissertation with the passport of a scientific specialty.

The contents of the dissertation correspond to the passport of the scientific specialty 19.00.01 - “General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology” in the part “... study of fundamental psychological mechanisms and patterns ... functioning of the human psyche and ... personality ...”; paragraph 1 "Mental life and human behavior .... Determinants that determine the mental life and behavior of a person ”; paragraph 28 “Temperament and character ... Structure and typology of character; paragraph 31 "Personality structure. The problem of individual differences and the typology of personality. Correlation of the inner and outer world of man. ”

Testing the dissertation

The main results of the work were discussed at meetings of the Department of Psychological Diagnostics and Counseling of the South Ural State University; at the VII International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of the formation and realization of the potential of the individual in modern Russia"(Ufa, 2010); at the International scientific-practical conference “Psychology in the modern developing world: theory and practice” (Chelyabinsk, 2012); at the XXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Psychology and Pedagogy: Methodology and Problems practical application"(Novosibirsk, 2013); at the International Scientific Conference “Psychology of personality development and stagnation in the framework of modern society”(Kazan, 2013), at the X International Scientific and Practical Conference“ Modern Psychology: Theory and Practice ”(Moscow, 2013).

The structure and scope of the dissertation

The text of the dissertation is set out for 175 pp .; consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, conclusions, a list of references from 182 titles: 120 titles in Russian and 62 in foreign languages, annexes; includes 21 tables and 11 figures.


In administered  substantiated the relevance of the work; the subject, purpose, objectives and hypotheses of the study are formulated; The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study are disclosed; the characteristics of the examined group and the methods and techniques used, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are given; presents the main provisions to be defended.

The first chapter "Theoretical analysis of studies of human well-being" contains an analysis of the literature, consisting of five sections.

In the first paragraph “Analysis of terms used to describe various aspects and types of well-being”a comparative analysis of the terms "human well-being", "psychological well-being", "subjective well-being", the terms derived from them and related in meaning, but denoted by other terms. As a result, terminological analysis allowed us to draw two important conclusions. The first is various kinds good  and their various ways receiving, the variety of derivative terms that different authors put under different categories, lead to the understanding that the word and term well-being  serve to denote a complex phenomenon, which can only be imagined as a multifactorial and multilevel construct. Second - a new term is needed "Personal well-being"  to indicate a phenomenon that summarizes various types of well-being, as well as to denote the entire set of components that ensure personal well-being.

In the second paragraph “General review of research on human well-being in foreign and domestic psychology”  provides information on theoretical concepts and empirical studies of well-being, which are mainly of applied value. Summing up the general results of the analysis of the results of the study of well-being in different aspects, we can do the following general findings:

  • There is no single understanding of the well-being phenomenon under study. This, as already noted, is expressed in the contradiction of terms and their meanings.

  • Most domestic studies of well-being are characterized by an existentially humanistic orientation.

  • An analysis of empirical studies has shown that, on the one hand, well-being is seen as factor  self-actualization, semantic certainty in different areas of life, including professional activity. On the other hand, factors  various personal determinants that motivate and stabilize well-being are advocated for well-being.

  • Empirical studies have established a variety of interconnections  well-being with properties, characteristics and strategies of personality behavior (tolerance, optimism, temperament, meaningfulness of life, responsibility).

  • Sustainable influence  on the well-being of the following impersonal factors: the presence of a family, close relationships, satisfying professional activities and income levels.
In the third paragraph "Analysis of the main factors of personal well-being"consistently considered the main factors of personal well-being and the content of the corresponding structural components that ensure personal well-being.

External factors. In theoretical and empirical studies, factors external to the personality are regularly identified as an important reason for human well-being. In the dissertation they are combined into three groups external (impersonal) factors:

  1. biological  including vitality as an integral factor of health, gender, age;

  2. social  including family and interpersonal relationships in a wider society;

  3. material  including income level, living conditions, quality of rest and leisure.
The combination of these factors is presented in the dissertation as one of the blocks of structural components of the personal well-being system.

Psychological factors. Based on the concept of psychological well-being of K. Riff, it was concluded that the positive functioning of personality structures can act as another factor that ensures personal well-being. Based on a thorough analysis of studies of the main structural components, not six private personality characteristics were identified, as suggested by K. Riff, but three basic personality structures: temperament properties, basic personality properties, and positive character traits. The paper gives the rationale for the inclusion of each of these structures in the form of an interconnected component of the subsystem of factors, the synergistic interaction of which ensures the functioning of the personality, which acts as the psychological basis of personal well-being.

Analysis of studies of temperament showed that, on the one hand, temperament determines the formal-dynamic characteristics of all mental activity. In particular, without “connecting” to the system of personality factors such properties as energy and dynamics of human behavior, strength and speed of emotional response, it is difficult to say anything about the positive functioning of the individual. On the other hand, temperament is the neurodynamic basis for the formation and manifestation of personality traits that determine the next level of psychological functioning.

Turning on basic personality traits into the system of factors ensuring positive functioning, dictated by their central role in the organization of human behavior. According to the ideas of Russian psychologists, a person is a system of human qualities that determine the totality of his social relations, the specifics of his life and the individual identity of the organization of activity (Ananyev B.G., Asmolov A.G., Leontyev A.N., Lomov B.F. ., Petrovsky A.V., Rubinstein S.L.).

The inclusion in the system of factors providing positive psychological functioning, positive character traits  based on the development of supporters of positive psychology (Seligman M., Peterson K., Chiksentimihayi M.). In line with positive psychology, a system of ideas about the existence of new constructs of “basic virtues” and their “character forces” is developed. These personality traits, on the one hand, are included in ensuring full psychological functioning. On the other hand, they are aimed at positive actions and actions that are necessary to achieve personal well-being.

Subjective personality factors. These factors represent a block of components of subjective well-being. The concept of psychological well-being was introduced back in 1969 by N. Bradburn and developed in the concept of subjective well-being of E. Diener. According to E. Diener, subjective well-being consists of two components - affective, as a balance of positive and negative emotions, and cognitive, as conscious satisfaction with various areas of one's life. In domestic studies, it was proposed to isolate from three to seven components of the structure (Kulikov L.V., Puchkova G.L., Bessonova Yu.V.).

The analysis of studies and concepts of subjective well-being, as well as the methods used to diagnose them, allowed us to propose a three-component structure of subjective well-being. The first is the affective component  It is a stable, global, positive, emotional in nature, attitude towards oneself and the world. The second is a cognitively affective component.  It is a set of integrally stable assessments of oneself and the world. The third is the cognitive component.  It is a stable set of positive knowledge about oneself and the world, which are the result of reflective judgments, which in most cases are attributive in nature.

Thus, the components of subjective well-being appear in the structure of personal well-being as its "highest" level. The severity of each of the components of subjective well-being depends on all factors of personal well-being and, in turn, has the opposite effect on all structural components of personal well-being.

In the fourth paragraph « The theoretical model of personal well-being "based on the conclusions drawn from the analysis of domestic and foreign studies and the concepts of psychological well-being of K. Riff, subjective well-being of E. Diener, human well-being of M. Seligman, analysis of the main factors that influence personal well-being, and also relying on the definition of personal well-being as a new construct , presents a theoretical model of personal well-being in the form of a scheme structural-level organization of the system of personal well-being. In general, the theoretical model consists of factors of four levels, presented on the diagram in the form of blocks of structural components of the personal well-being system.

The level of external (impersonal) factors  represented by a block of three groups of generalized components of external goods: biological, social and material goods. All external benefits act as factors that influence personal well-being, not in themselves, but in the form of their subjective significance (assessments) for human well-being.

Level of personality factors  represented by a block of three groups that make up the psychological benefits: the properties of temperament, the basic properties of personality and positive character traits. All these hierarchically organized components provide positive psychological functioning, which is the psychological (intrapersonal) basis of personal well-being.

The level of interpersonal factorsrepresented by a block of three groups of generalized components of interpersonal benefits in the form of the results of positive interpersonal activity: positive actions and actions, achieved favorable interpersonal relationships and the totality of socially significant achievements. The results of positive interpersonal activity become a factor ensuring personal well-being, being approved and evaluated by significant other people and received a high positive rating from the subject himself.

The level of subjective personality factors it is represented by a block of three components: affective, cognitive-affective and cognitive, which allow us to formulate generalized and relatively stable experiences of subjective well-being in the form of emotions, assessments and judgments about the results of our positive activity, as well as the subjective level of our external impersonal factors of well-being.

The developed theoretical model, firstly, made it possible to compactly and holistically present numerous multilevel factors affecting personal well-being, and secondly, it allowed targeted testing of the main hypothesis in the empirical part of the study.

In the fifth paragraph "Analysis of approaches and ways to increase positivity"analyzes the approaches in psychology, psychotherapy, pedagogy, coaching and their theoretical justification for increasing the positivity of character traits and active use in one’s life and interpersonal relationships.

The paragraph presents the main points of rational-emotional behavioral therapy (REPT) by A. Ellis, which involves influencing the cognitively-affective and cognitive component of subjective well-being by changing irrational beliefs, which ultimately leads to more positive assessments and judgments about one's own of life. In the psychological and pedagogical concept of C. Allred “Positive Action”, the main unit of advancement in personal development is a positive act that includes three components: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Due to the consistency and inclusion in wide networks of social interaction, the analysis of the results of his positive actions, a person subjectively assesses his life as more prosperous. Well-being education is also one of the main practical directions of the positive psychology of M. Seligman, which is carried out through the implementation of special programs and techniques. The section also presents the main topics of coaching positive psychology and practice that contribute to increasing positivity.

Maria VegesPhD, Organizational Stress and Wellness Management Consultant:

- Hello colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to the Corporate Well-being program. And today we are visiting Anna Strelnikova, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Affairs of IPSEN.

Hello Anna!

Anna Strelnikova, HR and Administrative Director, Russia and the CIS,IPSEN:

Hello Maria!

- We’ll talk today about how the companyIPSEN implemented well-being programs for employees. And in the end I will ask Anna the most interesting questions  as to how Anna herself observes her personal well-being.

Anna, tell us about how the well-being project came about in your company.

Thank you, Maria, for the question. Let's probably tell you a little about the company. IPSEN is an international biopharmaceutical company focused on innovation and specialized areas. In addition, we have a very large baggage of knowledge and skills in the field of OTC drugs.

The slogan of our company is Innovation for Patient Care. And this word “care” determines not only our attitude to our patients, but also how we work with our employees. Therefore, wellbeing or well-being is not a project for us, it is part of our corporate culture.

Very interesting approach. And how do you manage to manage the well-being of employees? Maybe tell us about the latest interesting projects that have happened with you?

With pleasure. We have defined for ourselves a systematic approach to the concept of “well-being”. The basis of this approach, we put the Gallup Global Well-being Index, which consists of five factors. And with each of these five factors, we are consistently working.

- Anna, what are these five factors?

These are factors of success, social well-being, social well-being, physical well-being and financial well-being. Of the most interesting projects that have occurred recently, we can probably mention "A week without stress." So, our No Stress program or “A week without stress” was aimed at working with physical well-being. We all live in a stressful world, and we wanted to help our employees find out what stress is and how to work with it, what tools are available to deal with stress - simple and effective - and increase awareness of their approach to their conditions.

- What audience was this project designed for?

In general, the project is aimed at all IPSEN employees in Russia. We started with the office staff, and now in July we plan a second wave for our field employees, who are located throughout Russia.

- Please tell us who was part of the team that implemented this project?

In fact, this is a very large team, and it is very nice, because it is a whole inspired team that is engaged in such a cool project. This, of course, is the personnel department, this is the internal communications manager, this is a labor protection specialist. And, most importantly, this is our CEO and our business leaders. It seems to me that the success of any project is due precisely to the fact that many people, and especially business, are involved in such initiatives.

- Please tell us how the company leaders relate towellbeing, as they may, by their own example, demonstrate own approach  to this topic.

In fact, our leaders are very active in the well-being approach. They demonstrate this in the fact that they support initiatives within the company. In addition, they, of course, are engaged in their own well-being: play sports, go to various developmental events, engage in charity. And this is also very valuable, because by our example we set an example for our employees.

Do you have any more or less standard procedure for how you evaluate the effectiveness of such programs?

For us, the main criterion for the effectiveness of ongoing programs is the involvement of our employees. Every two years, the company usually conducts a survey of employees about their involvement. The latest survey was conducted in 2017, and based on the results of this survey, our engagement index is 92%. This is the highest result across the company, and it is significantly higher than the market trends that exist today.

Well, this is really a fairly high rate. What about the difficulties that you encounter in the implementation process? Can you recall any barriers that you had at that moment when you wanted to implement a project supporting some kind of initiative in the area of \u200b\u200bemployee well-being?

You know, we are probably happy employees and a happy company, because our employees and our leaders very much support all the initiatives that are launched within the organization. The only difficulty is not, but our specificity is that most of the employees are distributed throughout Russia, and it’s not always possible for us to do everything for everyone here and now. Therefore, we always strive to find some of the most universal and optimal activities that can be implemented for all cities throughout the country.

- Anna, please tell us more about projects within the framework of public welfare. What else are you doing?

Oh Maria, we have a lot of projects here. Again, returning to our slogan Care, the word is not only about patients and about employees. We teach our colleagues to take care of the surrounding, external world. Of the interesting projects that we launched is the collection of batteries. Now, not only the employees themselves, but also their families are accustomed to bring batteries to work and put them in a special container. We also launched a very cool waste paper collection project. It would seem that this story remained in Soviet times, but no. And we started with completely small things. At the beginning, we put just ordinary boxes, and suggested that the employees put paper there. As a result, the project has grown, and now we have special containers for collecting paper. And one of the supplier companies comes on a regular basis, picks up these boxes and takes out, respectively, paper for recycling. I can say that in three months we have already collected 900 kilograms of paper.

And, probably, such the latest and most unexpectedly found response in the hearts of our employees project happened on June 5, on Defense Day the environment. If you don’t know, this year it’s the topic “Fighting for Plastic Pollution”. So, on the 5th we refused in the office from plastic bottles and glasses. Now we have only glass glasses, only glass bottles. And we were incredibly pleased to know that our employees support us. We received a huge amount of positive feedback, reviews. And it’s really very nice to see that everything we do resonates in our hearts.

We are doing a lot of charity initiatives, and these are initiatives both local, in Russia, and global at the level of the entire headquarters. And also we join various initiatives that take place in principle in the country. So, for example, we participated in the initiative “Someone’s life is no longer a trifle”, as well as “Old age in joy”. Our employees bought gifts for their grandparents on their own, brought them to the office, and we were simply responsible for delivering their gifts to the recipients for the New Year.

If we talk about our local initiative, we came up with a completely stunning project, which is called "Spring Landing." Indeed, we and the office staff arrange a landing every spring, we leave and ennoble public areas, we paint, plant flowers. We make our planet even more beautiful.

Very interesting! Anna, tell us about the other components of well-being. What projects are you implementing in other areas?

If we are talking about financial well-being, probably many of the things we do are traditional. Every year we evaluate the effectiveness of our employees, annually review wages. Be sure to develop various bonus programs. A very good initiative is the rewarding of employees who have been working for 5-10-15 years in the company today.

“By the way, are there many?”

Yes, we have a lot of employees who have been working in the organization for so long. This is also a good indicator of how comfortable and interesting it is for employees to work with us.

If we are talking about social well-being - this is about acceptance, about love, about gratitude - we also have various projects. For example, lunch with the CEO. We reward employees who demonstrate our values \u200b\u200bin their work, and they have the chance to meet all together with the CEO, communicate, discuss both working and personal issues. A very cool initiative, employees greatly appreciate the possibility of such communication with the first person of the company.

- Anna, please tell us about your comfortable office.

In 2017, we opened our new office. In fact, we moved from the fourth floor to the second, but here we feel like in a completely new place. Incredibly ergonomic, bright, very beautiful, with lots of greenery. We are sitting, Maria, in our kitchen, which is made like a French bistro - a special place where employees can have a cup of coffee, relax, chat with each other. In fact, it was very important for us to create an ergonomic, convenient, comfortable office for employees that meets the latest standards and trends in general by any standards. We are very proud.

Very comfortable, very cozy place. Good, and as for the next well-being initiative that you have, this is the so-called Success. Tell us more about the projects that you are conducting in this direction.

Here we really work a lot, and this is probably the area over which we will work in more detail in the coming years. Here we try to individually approach the development of our employees. We have various training programs for our top talents, for high potential guys, for those who will soon become managers.

We also have various solutions for all employees - this is mainly e-learning, a corporate library that is accessible to everyone. We try to form succession plans for key positions. And, indeed, it is very important for us that the people who work in our company can develop professionally here, build their careers and move up the professional ladder as well.

Thank you, Anna. And now the most interesting part: tell us about your personal recommendations, how you monitor your personal well-being.

I try to drink two liters of water a day, I try to go to the gym twice a week and smile as much as possible every day.

- Thank you, Anna, very much!

Thank you very much, Maria!

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