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Homemade lemonade: recipes and cooking tips

Lemonade perfectly quenches thirst and brings freshness in the heat. The history of this drink has not been studied for certain. It is known for sure that it is old. The popularity of lemonade is explained, among other things, by its availability. The drink is easy to prepare at home. Dl
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Three verb forms in English

Today's material will again be devoted to the great and powerful English verb. Why is the predicate in an English sentence given so much attention? Because it not only expresses any actions, but also indicates the time of their implementation. To with
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Why does a gypsy dream: the meaning of the dream according to famous dream books

Why gypsies dream is explained in the most negative way, based on the ill-fated experience of communicating with them. A proverb known from childhood - “A gypsy cannot live a day without deception” - speaks of the distrustful attitude of city and village residents towards the nomadic people.
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Classified as secret: giant pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle what's at the bottom.

The world's oceans keep many secrets and mysteries. One of which is underwater pyramids in the very center of the ominous and. Some researchers believe that it is with these pyramids that the still unsolved mysterious phenomenon of this phenomenon is associated. The influence of the zone extends
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How to find a good fortune teller?

There are good grandmothers and fortune tellers not only in big cities, they are also in villages and small remote villages, which cannot be reached at all times of the year. However, even in crowded metropolises, a reliable path to a real grandmother-witch is known. How to find n
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Recipe: Assorted salad for the winter - Boiled tomatoes, cucumbers and onions Cucumber salad for the winter

Canning for the winter: cucumber salad Cucumber and tomato salad can be not only fresh, but also canned, and this makes it even more delicious. It's easy to prepare, and on cold winter days this appetizer will delight you with a spicy flavor.
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How to use basil in cooking, what dishes to add to and what spices to mix with

In the article we discuss basil - how to use the plant. You will find out what seasonings the spice goes with. We will tell you how to add basil to meat dishes, winter preparations, sauces and desserts. How to use basil in cooking In cooking it is used
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