The largest star system. Secrets of space: what is the name of the largest star

A myriad of stars dot the night sky. And to a person from Earth, they seem exactly the same. Well, in some parts of the sky, for example, in the Milky Way region, stars merge into luminous streams.

This is because there is an incredible number of stars in the universe.

In fact, there are so many of them that even the knowledge of modern researchers, which was obtained using the latest equipment (by the way, it allows you to look into the territory of space for 9 billion light years) is not enough.

There are now about 50 billion stars in the bowels of space. And every day the figure is only growing, because scientists do not get tired of exploring space and making new discoveries.

Brighter than the sun

All stars in the Universe have different diameters. And even our Sun is not the largest star, however, and not small. It has 1,391,000 kilometers in diameter. There are more weighty stars in the Universe, they are called hypergiants. For a long time, VY was considered the largest star, which is located in the constellation Big Dog... Not so long ago, the radius of the star was refined - and is approximately from 1300 to 1540 solar radii. The diameter of this supergiant is about 2 billion kilometers. VY is located 5 thousand light years from the solar system.

Scientists have calculated to imagine how gigantic it is, one revolution around a hypergiant star will take 1200 years, and then, if you fly at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour. Or, if we reduce the Earth to 1 centimeter and also proportionally decrease VY, then the size of the latter will be 2.2 kilometers.

The mass of this star is not that impressive. VY is only 40 times heavier than the Sun. This happened because the density of gases inside it is incredibly low. Well, the brightness of the star can only be admired. It shines 500 thousand times stronger than our heavenly body.

The first VY observations that have been recorded are in the star catalog of Joseph Jerome de Lalande. The information is dated March 7, 1801. Scientists have indicated that VY is a seventh magnitude star.

But in 1847, information appeared that VY has a raspberry hue. In the nineteenth century, researchers discovered that the star has at least six discrete components, so it is likely a multiple star. But now it turned out that the discrete components are nothing more than bright areas of the nebula that surrounds the hypergiant. In 1957 visual observations and high quality images from 1998 showed that VY lacks a companion star.

However, by our time the most big star in the universe has already lost more than half of its mass. That is, the star is aging and its hydrogen fuel is already running out. The outer part of the VY has become larger due to the fact that gravity can no longer prevent weight loss. Scientists say that when the star's fuel dries up, it is likely to explode in a supernova and turn into a neutron star or black hole. According to observations, the star has been losing its brightness since 1850.

Lost Leadership

However, scientists do not leave the study of the Universe for a minute. Therefore, this record was broken. Astronomers have found an even larger star in the vastness of space. The discovery was made by a group of British scientists led by Paul Crowther in the late summer of 2010.

The researchers studied the Large Magellanic Cloud and found the star R136a1. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope helped make the incredible discovery.

The giant is 256 times more massive than our Sun. But the brightness of R136a1 exceeds the celestial body by ten million times. Such fantastic numbers became a revelation for scientists, because it was believed that stars that exceed the mass of the Sun by more than 150 times did not exist.

And continuing to explore the clusters of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, experts have found several more stars that have exceeded this limit. Well, R136a1 turned out to be a real record holder. The most interesting thing is that throughout their entire existence, stars lose their mass. At least, such statements are made by scientists. And R136a1 has now lost one fifth of its original mass. According to calculations, it was equal to 320 times the mass of the Sun.

By the way, according to the calculations of experts, if such a star is imagined in our Galaxy, it would be brighter than the Sun as much as the Sun is brighter than the Moon.

Record stars

But the brightest stars in the visible sky are the stars Rigel and Deneb from the constellations Orion and Cygnus, respectively. Each shines brighter than the Sun 55 thousand times and 72.5 thousand times. These stars are removed from us by 1600 and 820 light years.

Another bright star from the constellation Orion is the star Betelgeuse. It has the third highest luminosity. She's brighter sunlight by the power of light emission by 22 thousand times. By the way, most of the bright stars are collected in Orion, although their brightness changes periodically.

But the brightest among the stars closest to Earth is Sirius from the constellation Canis Major. It shines brighter than our Sun by only 23.5 times. And the distance to this star is 8.6 light years. In the same constellation there is another bright star - Adara. This star shines just like 8,700 Suns combined at a distance of 650 light years. Well, the Polar Star, which many people incorrectly consider the brightest visible star, shines 6 thousand times brighter than the Sun. Polaris is located at the tip of the Ursa Minor and is 780 light-years distant from Earth.

If instead of the Sun there were other stars and planets

It is noteworthy that astronomers also distinguish the zodiacal constellation Taurus from the total mass. It contains an unusual star, which is distinguished by a supergiant density and a rather small spherical magnitude. According to astrophysicists, it mainly consists of fast neutrons, which scatter to the sides. It was once the brightest star in the universe.

Star R136a1 and the Sun

Blue stars have a high luminosity, scientists say. The brightest known is UW CMa. It is 860 thousand times brighter than our heavenly body. But this indicator is falling rapidly, as the brightness of the stars changes over time. For example, according to the chronicle, which is dated July 4, 1054, in the constellation Taurus there was the brightest star, it could be seen in the sky with the naked eye even in the middle of the day. But over time, the star began to fade and after a while it disappeared altogether. And in the place where it shone, a nebula formed that looked like a crab. This is how the name Crab Nebula appeared. She appeared after a supernova explosion. By the way, modern scientists in the center of this nebula have found a powerful source of radio emission, in other words, a pulsar. This is the remnant of that bright supernova that was described in the ancient chronicle.
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One of the most popular ways of presenting information today is the compilation of ratings - finding out the highest person in the world, the most long river, the oldest tree, etc. There are such ratings in the world of astronomy - the science of stars.

From school lessons, we know well that our Sun, which gives our planet warmth and light, is very small on the scale of the Universe. Stars of this type are called yellow dwarfs, and many much larger and more spectacular astronomical objects can be found among the countless millions of stars.

"Stellar" life cycle

Before looking for the biggest star, let's remember how stars live and what stages they go through in their development cycle.

As you know, stars are formed from gigantic clouds of interstellar dust and gas, which gradually thicken, increase their mass and, under the influence of their own gravity, contract more and more. The temperature inside the cluster gradually rises and the diameter decreases.

The phase, indicating that the astronomical object has become a full-fledged star, lasts 7-8 billion years. Depending on the temperature, the stars can be blue, yellow, red, etc. in this phase. The color is determined by the mass of the star and the physical and chemical processes taking place in it.

But any star eventually begins to cool down and simultaneously expand in volume, turning into a "red giant", the diameter of the original star tens or even hundreds of times. At this time, the star can pulsate, expanding, then contracting in diameter.

This period lasts several hundred million years and ends with an explosion, after which the remnants of the star collapse, forming a dim "white dwarf", neutron star or "black hole".

So, if we are looking for the largest star in the Universe, then it will most likely be a "red giant" - a star in the aging phase.

The biggest star

To date, astronomers know a lot of "red giants", which can be called the most big stars in the observable part of the Universe. Since this type of stars is subject to pulsation, in different years the leaders in size were considered:

- KY Cygnus - the mass exceeds the mass of the Sun by 25 times, and the diameter is 1450 solar;

- VV Cepheus - with a diameter of about 1200 solar;

- VY Canis Major - considered the largest in our Galaxy, its diameter is about 1540 solar diameters;

- VX Sagittarius - the diameter at the maximum pulsation phase reaches 1520 solar;

- WOH G64 - a star from the nearest neighboring galaxy, the diameter of which, according to various estimates, reaches 1500-1700 solar;

- RW Cephei - with a diameter of 1630 solar diameters;

- NML Cygnus - "red giant", in circumference exceeding 1650 diameters of the Sun;

- UV Shield - today it is considered the largest in the observable part of the Universe, with a diameter of about 1700 diameters of our Sun.

The heaviest star in the universe

Another star-champion should be mentioned, which is designated by astronomers as R136a1 and is located in one of the galaxies in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Its diameter is not yet very impressive, but its mass is 256 times the mass of our Sun. This star violates one of the main astrophysical theories, which claims that the existence of stars with a mass of more than 150 solar masses is impossible due to the instability of internal processes.

By the way, in accordance with astronomical calculations, R136a1 has lost a fifth of its mass - initially this figure was within 310 solar masses. It is believed that the giant was formed as a result of the merger of several ordinary stars, so it is not stable and can explode at any moment, turning into a supernova.

Even today it is ten million times brighter than the Sun. If we move R136a1 to our galaxy, it will eclipse the Sun with the same brightness with which the Sun is now eclipsing the Moon.

The brightest stars in the sky

Of those stars that we can see with the naked eye in the sky, the blue giant Rigel (constellation Orion) and the red Deneb (constellation Cygnus) have.

The third brightest is the red Betelgeuse, which together with Rigel makes up the famous Orion Belt.


10th place - AH Scorpio

The tenth line of the largest stars in our Universe is occupied by a red supergiant located in the constellation Scorpio. The equatorial radius of this star is 1287 - 1535 the radii of our sun. Located approximately 12,000 light years from Earth.


9th place - KY Swan

The ninth place is occupied by a star located in the constellation Cygnus at a distance of about 5 thousand light years from Earth. The equatorial radius of this star is 1420 solar radii. However, its mass is only 25 times the mass of the Sun. KY Swan shines about a million times brighter than the Sun.


8th place - VV Cephei A

VV Cepheus is an Algol-type eclipsing binary star in the constellation Cepheus, about 5,000 light-years from Earth. It is the second largest star in the Milky Way Galaxy (after VY Canis Major). The equatorial radius of this star is 1050 - 1900 solar radii.


7th place - VY Big Dog

The largest star in our Galaxy. The radius of the star lies in the range 1300 - 1540 radii of the sun. It would take 8 hours for the light to fly around the star in a circle. Studies have shown that the star is unstable. Astronomers predict that VY of Canis Major will explode as a hypernova in the next 100,000 years. In theory, a hypernova explosion would cause gamma-ray bursts that could damage the contents of a local part of the universe, destroying any cellular life within a radius of several light years, however, the hypergiant is not close enough to Earth to pose a threat (approximately 4 thousand light years).


6th place - VX Sagittarius

A giant pulsating variable star. Its volume, as well as its temperature, change periodically. According to astronomers, the equatorial radius of this star is 1520 radii of the sun. The star got its name from the name of the constellation in which it is located. The manifestations of the star due to its pulsation resemble the biorhythms of the human heart.


5th place - Westerland 1-26

The fifth line is occupied by a red supergiant, the radius of this star lies in the range 1520 - 1540 solar radii. It is located 11,500 light years from Earth. If Westerland 1-26 were in the center of the solar system, its photosphere would encompass Jupiter's orbit. For example, the typical depth of the photosphere for the Sun is 300 km.


4th place - WOH G64

WOH G64 is a red supergiant located in the constellation Dorado. Located in the neighboring galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud. The solar system is approximately 163,000 light years away. The radius of the star lies in the range 1540 - 1730 solar radii. The star will end its existence and become a supernova in a few thousand or tens of thousands of years.


3rd place - RW Cephei

Bronze goes to the star RW Cephei. The red supergiant is 2,739 light-years distant. The equatorial radius of this star is 1636 solar radii.


2nd place - NML Swan

The second line of the largest stars in the Universe is occupied by the red hypergiant in the constellation Cygnus. The radius of the star is approximately equal to 1650 solar radii. The distance to it is estimated at about 5300 light years. Astronomers have discovered substances such as water, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur oxide in the star.


1st place - UY Shield

The largest star in our universe on this moment - a hypergiant in the constellation of the Shield. It is located at a distance of 9,500 light years from the Sun. The equatorial radius of the star is 1708 the radii of our sun. The star's luminosity is about 120,000 times the luminosity of the Sun in the visible part of the spectrum, the brightness would be much higher if there were not a large accumulation of gas and dust around the star.

The science

Of course, the oceans are immense and the mountains are incredibly high. Moreover, the 7 billion people for whom the Earth is home is also incredible a large number of... But living in this world with a diameter of 12,742 kilometers, it is easy to forget that this is, in essence, a trifle for such a thing as space. When we look into the night sky, we realize that we are just a grain of sand in a vast infinite universe. We invite you to learn about the largest objects in space, the size of some of them is difficult for us to imagine.

1) Jupiter

The largest planet in the solar system (142,984 kilometers in diameter)

Jupiter is the largest planet in our star system. Ancient astronomers named this planet after the father of the Roman gods, Jupiter. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. The planet's atmosphere is 84 percent hydrogen and 15 percent helium. Everything else is acetylene, ammonia, ethane, methane, phosphine, and water vapor.

Jupiter's mass is 318 times that of Earth, and its diameter is 11 times larger. The mass of this giant is 70 percent of the mass of all planets in the solar system. Jupiter's volume is large enough to accommodate 1,300 Earth-like planets. Jupiter has 63 known moons, but most of them are incredibly small and fuzzy.

2) Sun

The largest object in the solar system (1,391,980 kilometers in diameter)

Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star, the largest object in the star system in which we exist. The sun contains 99.8 percent of the mass of this entire system, most of the rest of the mass is in Jupiter. Currently, the Sun is 70 percent hydrogen and 28 percent helium, the remaining matter is only 2 percent of its mass.

Over time, the hydrogen in the sun's core turns into helium. Conditions at the Sun's core, which is 25 percent of its diameter, are extreme. The temperature is 15.6 million Kelvin and the pressure is 250 billion atmospheres. The energy of the Sun is obtained through nuclear fusion reactions. Every second, approximately 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen is converted into 695,000,000 tons of helium and 5,000,000 tons of energy in the form of gamma rays.

3) Our solar system

15 * 10 12 kilometers in diameter

Our solar system contains only one star, which is the central object, and nine major planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as many satellites, millions of solid asteroids and billions of icy comets.

4) Star VY Canis Major

The largest star in the universe (3 billion kilometers in diameter)

VY Canis Majoris is the largest known star and one of the brightest stars in the sky. It is a red hypergiant located in the constellation Canis Major. The radius of this star is about 1800-2200 times greater than the radius of our Sun, its diameter is about 3 billion kilometers.

If this star were placed in our solar system, it would cover the orbit of Saturn. Some astronomers believe that VY is actually smaller - about 600 times the size of the Sun, and therefore would only reach the orbit of Mars.

5) Huge deposits of water

Astronomers have discovered the largest and most massive reserves of water ever found in the universe. About 12 billion years old, the giant cloud contains 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined.

A cloud of gaseous water surrounds a supermassive black hole located 12 billion light-years from Earth. The discovery shows that water has predominated in the universe for almost all of its existence, the researchers said.

6) Extremely large and massive black holes

21 billion solar masses

Supermassive black holes are the largest black holes in the galaxy, with a mass of hundreds or even thousands of millions of solar masses. Most, and possibly all galaxies, including the Milky Way, are believed to contain supermassive black holes at their centers.

One such monster, which is 21 million times the mass of the Sun, is an egg-shaped funnel of stars in NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in a sprawling cloud of thousands of galaxies. The hole is located about 336 million light-years from us in the constellation Coma Veronica. This black hole is so huge that it is 12 times the diameter of our solar system.

7) Milky Way

100-120 thousand light years in diameter

The Milky Way is a crossed spiral galaxy that contains 200-400 billion stars. Many planets revolve around each of these stars.

According to some estimates, 10 billion planets are in the habitable zone, revolving around their parent stars, that is, in zones where there are all conditions for the emergence of life, similar to the earth.

8) El Gordo

The largest cluster of galaxies (2 * 10 15 solar masses)

El Gordo is located more than 7 billion light-years from Earth, so what we are seeing today is just an early stage. According to the researchers who studied this galaxy cluster, it is the largest, hottest and emits the most radiation than any other known cluster at the same distance or further.

The central galaxy at the center of El Gordo is incredibly bright and has an unusual blue glow. The authors of the study suggest that this extreme galaxy is the result of a collision and merger of two galaxies.

Using the Spitzer space telescope and optical imaging, scientists estimate that 1 percent of the cluster's total mass is stars, with the rest being hot gas that fills the space between stars. This ratio of stars to gas is similar to that of other massive clusters.

9) Our Universe

Size - 156 billion light years

Of course, no one could ever name the exact dimensions of the Universe, but, according to some estimates, its diameter is 1.5 * 10 24 kilometers. It is generally difficult for us to imagine that there is an end somewhere, because the Universe includes incredibly gigantic objects:

Earth diameter: 1.27 * 10 4 km

Sun diameter: 1.39 * 10 6 km

Solar system: 2.99 * 10 10 km or 0.0032 sv. l.

Distance from the Sun to the nearest star: 4.5 sv. l.

Milky Way: 1.51 * 10 18 km or 160,000 St. l.

Local group of galaxies: 3.1 * 10 19 km or 6.5 million sv. l.

Local supercluster: 1.2 * 10 21 km or 130 million sv. l.

10) Multiple

You can try to imagine not one, but many Universes that exist at the same time. The Multiple Universe (or Multiple Universe) is an admissible cluster of many possible Universes, including our own, which collectively encompass everything that exists or can exist: the integrity of space, time, material matter and energy, as well as the physical laws and constants that make it all describe.

However, the existence of other universes besides ours has not been proven, so it is highly likely that our universe is one of a kind.

People tend to gaze into the sky, observing millions and millions of stars. We dream of distant worlds and paint ourselves images of brothers in mind. Each world is illuminated by its own "sun". The research technology looks deep into space for 9 billion light years.

But this is not enough to say with precision how many stars are in space. At the current stage of the study, 50 billion are known. This number is steadily growing, as there is constant research, technology is being improved. People will learn about new giants and dwarfs in the world of space objects. What is the largest star in the universe?

Dimensions of the Sun

Thinking about the dimensions of the stars, understand what to compare with, feel the scale. The dimensions of our Sun are impressive. Its diameter is 1.4 million km. This huge number is difficult to imagine. This will be helped by the fact that the mass of the Sun is 99.9% of the mass of all objects in the Solar System. Theoretically, a million planets could be located inside our star.

Using these numbers, astronomers have coined the terms "solar radius" and "solar mass", which are used to compare the size and mass of space objects. The sun has a radius of 690,000 km and weighs 2 billion kilograms. Compared to other stars, the Sun is a relatively small space object.

Former star champion

The stellar mass is constantly "losing weight" due to the "stellar wind". Thermonuclear processes, continuously shaking the universal luminaries, lead to the loss of hydrogen - "fuel" for reactions. Accordingly, the mass also decreases. Therefore, it is difficult for scientists to give exact figures regarding the parameters of such large and incandescent objects. Luminaries age and after a supernova explosion turn into a neutron star or black hole.

For decades, VY in the constellation Canis Major was recognized as the largest star. Not so long ago, the parameters were clarified, and scientists' calculations showed that its radius is 1300-1540 solar radii. The giant is 2 billion kilometers in diameter and is located 5,000 light years from Earth.

To imagine the size of this object, imagine that it will take 1200 years to fly around it, moving at a speed of 800 km / h. If you suddenly imagine that the Earth was compressed to 1 cm and VY was reduced in the same way, then the giant will be 2.2 km in size.

But the mass of the star is small and exceeds the mass of the Sun only 40 times. This is due to the low density of the substance. The brightness of the luminary is truly amazing. It emits light 500,000 times brighter than ours. VY was first mentioned in 1801. It was described by the scientist Joseph Jerome de Lalande. The entry says that the luminary belongs to the seventh class.

Since 1850, observations have indicated a gradual loss of brightness. The outer edge of VY began to increase because the forces of gravity no longer keep the mass at a constant level. Soon (by cosmic standards) the explosion of this supernova star is possible. Scientists say it could happen tomorrow or in a million years. Science has no exact figures.

Reigning Star Champion

Space exploration continues. In 2010, scientists led by Paul Crowter saw an impressive space object using the Hubble Telescope. While exploring the Large Magellanic Cloud, astronomers discovered a new star and named it R136a1. The distance from us to R136a1 is 163,000 light years.

The parameters shocked scientists. The giant's mass exceeds the mass of the Sun by 315 times, despite the fact that it was previously stated that there are no stars in space that exceed our Sun in mass by 150 times. This phenomenon occurred, according to the hypothesis of scientists, due to the combination of several objects. The brightness of the R136a1 glow exceeds the brightness of the radiation of our sun by 10 million times.

During the period from its discovery to our time, the star has lost one fifth of its mass, but it is still considered the record holder even among its neighbors. They were also opened by Crowter's group. These objects also exceeded the limit of 150 solar masses.

Scientists have calculated that if R136a1 is placed in Solar system, then the brightness of the glow in comparison with our luminary will be the same as if the brightness of the Sun and the Moon were compared.

This is the largest star, which is still known to mankind. Surely in the Milky Way galaxy there are dozens, if not hundreds, of larger luminaries, closed from our eyes by gas and dust clouds.

VV Cephei 2... VV Cepheus 2 is located at 2,400 light years, which exceeds the size of the Sun by 1600-1900 times. The radius is 1050 times the radius of our Sun. In terms of light emission, the star exceeds the landmark from 275 to 575 thousand times. It is a variable pulsar that pulsates with an interval of 150 days. Speed cosmic winddirected away from the star is 25 km / sec.

Dimensions of the Sun and Star VV Cephei 2

Research has proven that VV Cephei 2 is a double star. The second star B is eclipsed regularly every 20 years. VV Cepheus B revolves around the main star VV Cepheus 2. It is blue, with a turnover period of 20 years. The eclipse lasts 3.6 years. The object is 10 times more massive than the Sun and 100,000 times more intense than the Sun.

Mu Cephei... In Cepheus, a red supergiant flaunts, 1650 times larger than the Sun. Mu Cephei is brightest star Of the Milky Way. The glow brightness is 38,000 times higher than the reference point. It is also known as Herschel's garnet star. Studying the star in the 1780s, the scientist called it "a delightfully beautiful garnet-colored object."

In the sky of the northern hemisphere, it is observed without a telescope from August to January, it resembles a drop of blood in the sky. After two to three million years, a giant supernova explosion is expected, which will turn the star into a black hole or a pulsar and a gas and dust cloud.

The red giant V838 shines in the constellation Unicorn 20,000 light-years from Earth. This cluster of stars, previously unknown to anyone, became famous in 2002. At this time, there was an explosion, which astronomers initially perceived as a supernova explosion. But due to its young age, the star did not approach the cosmic “demise”.

For a long time they could not even imagine what the cause of the cataclysm was. It has now been hypothesized that the object has swallowed up the "companion star" or objects orbiting around it.

The object is credited with dimensions from 1170 to 1970 solar radii. Due to the gigantic distance, scientists do not give exact figures for the mass of the red variable star.

Until recently, scientists believed that the parameters of WHO 64 are comparable to R136a1 from the constellation Canis Major.

But it was found that the size of this star is only 1540 times larger than the sun. It shines from the Great Magellanic Cloud.

V354 Cephei... The red supergiant V354 Cephei, 9,000 light years from Earth, is invisible without a telescope.

It is located in the Milky Way galaxy. The temperature on the shell is 3650 degrees Kelvin, the radius is 1520 times greater than the sun and is determined at 1.06 billion km.

KY Swan... It would take 5000 light years to fly to KY Cygnus. This time is difficult to imagine. Such numbers mean that a ray of light flies at a hyperluminal speed from the star to the Earth for 5000 years.

If we compare the radius of the object and the Sun, then it will be 1420 solar radii. The mass of the star is only 25 times the mass of the landmark. But KY will quite compete for the title of the brightest star in the part of the Universe open to us. Its luminosity surpasses that of the sun by millions of times.

KW Sagittarius... 10,000 irresistible light years separate us from the KW star in Sagittarius.

It is a red supergiant with a size of 1,460 solar radii and a luminosity 360,000 times that of our Sun.

The constellation is visible in the sky of the southern hemisphere. It is easy to find it on the surface of the Milky Way. The star cluster was first described by Ptolemy in the second century.

RW Cephei... The dimensions of the RW Cephei are still being argued about. Some scientists argue that the dimensions are equal to 1260 radii of the landmark, others are inclined that they are 1650 solar radii. It is the largest variable star.

If we move it to the place of the Sun in our system, then the supergiant's photosphere will be between the trajectories of Saturn and Jupiter. The star is rapidly flying towards the solar system at a speed of 56 km / sec. The end of the star will turn it into a supernova, or the core will collapse into a black hole.

Betelgeuse. The red giant Betelgeuse is located in Orion 640 light years away. Betelgeuse is 1100 times the radius of the Sun. Astronomers are confident that in the near future there will be a period of the star's degeneration into a black hole or supernova. Humanity will see this universal show from the "first row".

As we eagerly peer into the sky with all our instruments and explore it with robotic spacecraft and missions with human crews, we will certainly make new amazing discoveries that will take us even further into the vastness of space.

We are constantly exploring new objects among trillions of celestial bodies. We will open more than one new star, which will eclipse the already known in size. But alas, we will never know about the true scale of the universe.

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