What is the dream of a mosquito. What do mosquitoes dream of in large numbers

Sometimes a mosquito enters our dreams. Why do mosquitoes dream? According to Slavic interpretations of dreams, this means that soon you will find yourself in the company of people who are boring, boring and annoying, acquaintance with whom will bother you.

In some cases, such a dream portends minor troubles due to the machinations of envious and ill-wishers.

If you killed a mosquito in a dream, you will soon get rid of your enemies and will be able to destroy their plans.
  • To dream in a dream a whole cloud of mosquitoes, to run away from mosquitoes  - You expect troubles at work and quarrels in the family. Sometimes such a dream is explained as your attempt to escape from problems in real life, to get away from unpleasant people or to solve problems at someone else's expense.
  • Kill the itchy mosquito  - Your next of kin needs your help, but are embarrassed to admit it. Take a look around and look around: you must understand for yourself who expects a helping hand from you.
  • Hear a mosquito itch in a dream  - soon you will have to do boring and tedious work, which will not bring you much profit.

Noble dream book

  • You dream that you cannot get rid of mosquitoes  - there are many false friends and ill-wishers around you. Beware of them!
  • Hear a mosquito squeak under your ear  - someone will annoy you with a boring conversation and tedious requests.

To catch a mosquito in a dream - to quarrel with a friend or beloved for nothing.

  • Kill a mosquito  - you will defeat the enemies and get what you want, but you will have to work hard for this.
  • Mosquito bites you to the blood  - beware of envy and dirty gossip from the side you don't expect at all.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do Martyn Zadeki have mosquitoes?

  • See mosquitoes in a dream  - to the machinations of enemies and envious. You must collect all your will and activity and then they will not be able to harm you.
  • Kill mosquitoes in a dream  - Now you are not in the best shape and not at the peak of your activity. But do not worry, soon everything will change and you can easily solve all the problems.
  • A big mosquito annoys you  - soon expect a serious conversation with a loved one who will significantly affect your destiny.

You have been bitten by a mosquito - beware of evil gossips and unpleasant people around you.

Ancient dream book

  • Kill an annoying mosquito in a dream  - You will soon overcome all the obstacles to your family happiness.
  • Drive mosquitoes out the window or door  - You managed to solve all the problems and defeated your enemies. In the very near future you will enter a series of happy days.
  • To see a large mosquito in a dream -be carefull! You incorrectly assess the capabilities of your rivals and enemies. They are plotting against you.
  • A mosquito is spinning around you  - A period of anxiety and anxiety awaits you.
  • A mosquito sat on another person  - you take offense at this person and harbor evil against him, although you are afraid to admit it even to yourself.

To kill a mosquito in a dream - to defeat enemies, achieve the desired, soon you will find success and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation Winter

See mosquitoes in a dream  - quite a lot of unpleasant people, empty friends, unnecessary acquaintances are curling around you. In addition, such a dream means that you will find many small unimportant, but boring affairs and annoying losses due to quarrels with completely strangers.

Miller's Dream Book

  • To see a mosquito in a dream -  you are surrounded by secret enemies who are constantly plotting intrigues against you. You should gather all your strength so as not to flinch under the onslaught of minor troubles.
  • You killed an annoying mosquito  - You can solve all your problems and get around obstacles and, in the end, enjoy family well-being and success in business.
  • Mosquitoes or other small insects bite you  - This dream is for a major loss.
  • Kill all mosquitoes in a dream  - a sign of luck in everything.

Esoteric dream book

  • To see a mosquito in a dream -you expect small empty chores and unpleasant meetings.
  • Kill a mosquito with a clapperboard -you have an annoying acquaintance who brings a lot of trouble and trouble, you need to break off relations with him.

You can also see what a mosquito dreams about by watching a video.

The mosquito is the personification of such evil human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency.

Perhaps the image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious in a dream is a signal that in real life you have completed a task carefully, accurately and in good faith. In a word, as the popular wisdom says: “A mosquito of a nose will not undermine”.

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a mosquito, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people.

Perhaps such a dream suggests that your well-being will seriously suffer due to the stupidity and non-independence of a person close to you.

If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before he could bite you, then the business ahead of you will be useless and will bring neither harm nor benefit.

Perhaps this dream indicates that you will soon meet with an uninteresting person.

To dream that a mosquito has become entangled in a web is a sign that you underestimate the strength of your enemies. Perhaps you are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you.

Keeping track of a mosquito’s flight in a dream is evidence that in real life there is a terribly boring and stubborn person in your environment who is detrimental to you.

To kill a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy of the fact that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, which is called "pulls money from you."

Hearing a buzzing mosquito in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a friend who will begin to dissolve gossip against you.

Seeing a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream is a sign that there are many evil and envious people around you.

If you are attacked by many mosquitoes, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your co-workers are trying to hurt you by any means trying to hurt you in order to take your office by any means.

To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger that you expose yourself to by trusting strangers.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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  Dream Interpretation - Mosquito

Seeing mosquitoes in your dreams means that you are trying in vain to remain unwavering under the onslaught of cunning, secret enemies. Your patience and luck will be greatly affected by these Persians.

If you killed mosquitoes, then in the end you will overcome obstacles and enjoy wealth and family happiness.

  Interpretation of dreams from

What does the woman Komar dream about (from the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

As a rule, mosquitoes often prevent us from falling asleep at night. However, it also happens that you see them in a dream. If you dream of a mosquito or mosquitoes - this is a warning that your enemies will turn out to be extremely cunning and show an exceptional onslaught, pressure. To counter this, you will have to collect all your physical and mental strengths, but even this may be in vain. If your enemies succeed, you may lose all your patience and luck. And if in a dream you saw that you managed to get rid of a pesky mosquito, for example, slammed it with your palm - this is a good sign that you will successfully overcome all obstacles, bypass traps set up for you and be able to fully enjoy peace and family happiness .

Mosquito on the Small Velesov dream book

The mosquito you see, like in reality, is an unpleasant symbol. He warns of some obsessive troubles, persistent misfortunes that will simply haunt you, the visit of a annoying and intolerable guest whom you cannot get rid of in any way. She dreams that you are chasing a mosquito in a dream - to empty talk. If, however, you managed to kill him - that's good - it predicts luck in your endeavors, you're lucky. If you have not seen the mosquito itself, but only heard its ringing above your ear - expect an invitation to visit.

The Meaning of the Corrosive Buzzing Dream (Russian folk dream book)

The mosquito you see is a symbol of importunity, envy, stubbornness and dependency. As well as thoroughness - remember the saying that a mosquito nose will not tarnish? When a mosquito dreams, it means that someone obsessively offers you their communication or wants to profit at your expense. If you managed to kill a mosquito - this is a good sign, you will be able to get rid of a person who simply enjoys your reliability and kindness. Not to see the mosquito itself, but only to hear its buzzing in a dream - a dream warns you that you should not trust others with your secrets. Especially if you really want to keep something a secret. It was a dream that you see a swarm of hungry and evil mosquitoes around you - unfortunately, in reality, you attract envious and unkind people to yourself, be careful.

What is Komar dreaming about (Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

According to popular beliefs, if a mosquito dreams, this is a negative sign that predicts a lot of trouble in reality. But to hear the buzzing mosquito is good, you expect an invitation to visit. Seeing that a mosquito has managed to bite you - someone will take advantage of your responsiveness and kindness, which will cause you a lot of trouble later. To see that you managed to kill a mosquito is a good prediction that you will be able to get rid of a annoying and envious person.

Mosquito - what dreams in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

In a dream, you see a mosquito or hear its insistent buzzing over the ear - means that in reality you will have to worry about the swing man. It is possible that it will not be too significant, but the experience will bring you many unpleasant minutes. You chased a mosquito, unsuccessfully trying to kill him, a dream warns you that in reality all your chores on the case of the case will be in vain. To kill a mosquito in a dream is good, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve success, luck will smile at you. This is what the dream that you had tonight means.

The everyday interpretation of sleep about Komarik (according to the writer Aesop)

Mosquito - A mosquito in a dream is the personification of such evil human qualities as importunity, tediousness, envy, stubbornness and dependency. The image of a mosquito caused by your subconscious in a dream is a signal that in reality you have completed a task carefully, accurately and conscientiously. In a word, as the popular wisdom says: “A mosquito of a nose will not undermine”. In a dream that a mosquito bit you, in reality you will seriously suffer from the evil gossip of your envious people. Perhaps the dream suggests that your well-being will be seriously affected due to the stupidity and lack of independence of a person close to you. If you brushed off a mosquito from your hand before he could bite you, then the business ahead of you will be useless and will bring neither harm nor benefit. Perhaps - this dream indicates that soon you will meet with an uninteresting person. Dreaming like a mosquito entangled in a web - you underestimate the strength of your enemies. You are in danger from a person who, in your opinion, is much weaker than you. Watching a mosquito fly in a dream is a testament to the fact that in reality in your environment there is a terribly boring and stubborn person who adversely affects you. To kill a mosquito in a dream is a prophecy of the fact that you will finally be able to get rid of a person who, using your kindness, which is called "pulls money from you." Hearing a buzzing mosquito in a dream means that in real life you will entrust your secret to a friend who will begin to dissolve gossip against you. To see a swarm of mosquitoes in a dream - there are a lot of evil and envious people around you. If many mosquitoes attack you, then in reality you work in an evil and envious team. Your co-workers are trying to hurt you by any means trying to hurt you in order to take your office by any means. To poison mosquitoes in a dream is a danger that you expose yourself to, trusting strangers.

What a Mosquito dreams in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

If in a dream a mosquito - means that you are trying in vain to maintain equanimity before the onslaught of insidious and cunning secret enemies. You pretend that you don’t care about the troubles they cause, that for you it’s nothing more than pin shots. However, in reality, your patience is already running out, and besides, your luck can really suffer. But if you dream that you managed to kill a mosquito besieging you, this is a good dream, which means that in reality you will be able to overcome all obstacles and bypass the traps prepared for you. You will get rid of your opponents and fully be able to enjoy peace and family happiness.

What is the dream of (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Mosquitoes turn out to be a symbol of angry and envious people, who annoy you. Probably someone is imposing his society on you, which causes you a lot of trouble, causes annoyance. It is a dream that mosquitoes sit on you and bite - this is a warning that you may suffer from someone’s evil intentions, be careful. To see that you killed a mosquito is a good sign promising that you will soon be able to get rid of your envious or ill-wishers.

Mosquito in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Mosquito, as in life, is a symbol of small, but extremely annoying and annoying chores. You will chase after them and try to slam just like you are trying to slam a mosquito. The problem is that as soon as you deal with one, a couple of new ones immediately flies in its place - and everything starts all over again. But if you can protect yourself from mosquitoes with the help of a fumigator, with troubles everything about it seems not so simple. It is a dream that you managed to kill a mosquito in a dream - you have to part with an extremely annoying person in reality.

The Meaning of a Bloodsucker Dream (Hebrew Dream Book)

Mosquito - Swarms of mosquitoes from which it is impossible to hide anywhere In spring, this dream means that you will find many small troubles; in the summer - that your friends will reproach you unfairly; in the fall - that your mood will go bad and any trifle will annoy you; in winter - that you need to be wary of gossip and slander.

What dreams and how to interpret Komar from the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananita)

If you dream that he is chasing a mosquito in a dream - this is a negative sign that predicts to the dreamer empty talk that will not end in real business. Seeing mosquitoes sitting on themselves - in reality you are in danger from evil and envious people who are trying to harm you. If, however, you managed to kill the mosquito - that's good, a dream predicts luck in your endeavors, you are lucky. If you have not seen the mosquito itself, and you only dreamed of its ringing above your ear - expect an invitation to visit.

See the Mosquito, why? (according to the Magic Dream Book)

Dream Komar - slam him - lucky in reality. Mosquito bit - petty insult. Mosquitoes curl - close people annoy.

What is Komar dreaming about (dream book of esoteric E. Tsvetkov)

When you dream of mosquitoes - this is a warning that your ill-wishers have intensified and are trying to harm you in one way or another. Perhaps their injections are not too painful and look like a mosquito bite, but they can cause you a lot of trouble, you have to endlessly comb this place, which in itself can also be annoying. But if you saw that you were able to kill a mosquito sitting on you - this is a good sign, indicating that some luck awaits you, luck will smile at you.

The Importance of Sleeping about Mosquitoes (Zhou-Gong Collection of Interpretations)

If someone dreamed at night that mosquitoes or mosquitoes were biting him - this is a sad warning about the losses awaiting you. They may not be too large, but numerous, so the dream encourages you to be careful, especially in monetary matters. And do not trust people who can deceive you. It is a dream that you killed a mosquito sticking to you - a good sign saying that in reality you will be able to get rid of some person who uses your kindness and credulity in his own selfish interests.

What does Komar (Slavic dream book) dream about?

Mosquito - annoying interlocutor. Symbol - not worked out. Twins.

Why do you dream of Komar (the dream book of Catherine the Great)

Mosquito - You saw a mosquito or mosquitoes in a dream, you drive them away - someone in reality will behave hostilely towards you; the opponent’s remarks will be extremely sarcastic. Mosquitoes seem to bite you - you, like any strong person, have secret enemies; these people will try in many ways to annoy you, to knock you out of balance; they will succeed - for your patience is not unlimited. You kill mosquitoes in a dream - all life obstacles will be overcome by you, enemies - obvious and secret - are broken; you will enjoy quiet family happiness.

What is Dreaming about Mosquitoes by Dream Book Housewives

A mosquito is an annoying person.

Meet Komar in a dream (clue on the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Mosquito, mosquito - Kill a mosquito - to overcome obstacles. Unless you have done this, imagine that you are killing a mosquito.

The household interpretation of sleep about the Insect (according to the Worldly Dream Book)

Komar - A business partner uses you to his advantage, you suffer losses. Imagine that you are killing all Mosquitoes.

What does sleep with Komar mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring of what a mosquito dreams in a dream - stinginess, slander, resentment; to kill is auspicious, to unexpected luck.

If in the summer in a dream I dreamed about how a mosquito itches above your ear - to an annoying person.

In the fall, why did you dream about how a mosquito drank your blood - to a wound.

In winter, why dream of a mosquito drinking blood - to an experienced villain.

Many are aware of the effect of sleep on human life. For their interpretation, various dream books are used, as well as popular beliefs. Each person independently decides to trust fully received information or to use it only partially. But what mosquitoes dream of is necessary to know. After all, these insects often warn of negative consequences or any changes in life.

There are many interpretations of what squeaking mosquitoes dream of. They depend on the development of events, the number of individuals and other aspects.

  • If mosquitoes in large numbers dream of a woman, then this indicates the presence of envious people. In order to clearly understand what biting mosquitoes are dreaming of in large numbers, and also to eliminate negative consequences, it is necessary to reconsider the circle of communication and make adjustments to life.
  • If what a biting mosquito dreams about is of interest to unmarried girls, then they should think about fans. The periodic appearance of blood-sucking insects indicates the appearance of a new boyfriend, who will be persistent.
  • The presence of larvae in dreams indicates a far-fetched danger in a career or life.
  • A pest that disgusts squeaks or bites warns of minor troubles.
  • People who look like a swarm of annoying mosquitoes in a dream protect themselves from unpleasant events. In a dream, you can be not only an active participant, but also an observer. If in a dream you were not attacked by mosquitoes, but by another person, then you need to prepare for difficult events. An outsider will bring them to life.
  • Dreaming mosquitoes and midges, which interfere with resting or doing things, indicate the presence of a annoying gentleman in the environment.
  • A dreaming dead mosquito makes it necessary to get rid of certain people in real life. Many mosquitoes in a dream - the presence of cases that do not bring benefits. They should be disposed of.
  • In Russian dream books, the interpretation of what dreams of killing a pest is clear. It warns about the imminent neutralization of the enemy. In a Russian dream book, killing or driving away a mosquito means getting rid of trouble.

Why adults and children study the dream book is not difficult to understand. After all, with its help you can identify hidden anxieties and troubles.

What do mosquitoes dream of in large numbers

  • To explain what many blood-sucking mosquitoes dream of, you need to reconsider your own life. Many mosquitoes indicate anxiety in reality, not in dreams.
  • To interpret what a bite of a squeaking mosquito dreams of, use the calculations of Vanga. The possible betrayal of a loved one or friend is noted here.
  • Swarm of mosquitoes in the dream book - the presence of ill-wishers.
  • The presence of a lot of annoying mosquitoes in a dream - enemies, which should be excluded from the circle of their communication.
  • Miller’s dream book clearly spells out what nightmares in a dream are associated with blood-sucking pests. Flies and mosquitoes in dreams are unpleasant events. To get rid of them, you should read a special plot or a prayer.
  • If a woman dreamed of mosquitoes, then she urgently needed to get rid of unpleasant people.
  • Pest flight is a common occurrence. To understand why the flight of a large mosquito is dreaming, pay attention to friends and colleagues. The stubbornness of acquaintances or employees affects the lives of others.

Dreamed of mosquitoes that bite

Common - mosquitoes bite a person in a dream. There are many interpretations of this event:

  • In an esoteric dream book, a mosquito bite is interpreted as the lack of material benefit from the work performed. To correct the situation, it is necessary to focus on spiritual practices, to purify one’s own energy. Such actions raise the spirit and improve the general condition.
  • If mosquitoes bite in a dream, it means a collapse of hopes or the appearance of unpleasant events.
  • A man who sees mosquitoes in a dream can count on changes for the better. To achieve them, you need to make some effort. Make every effort immediately, as luck may turn away.
  • In Vanga's dream book it is clearly spelled out why dreaming of bullying a swarm of mosquitoes. The main interpretation is getting rid of enemies and opponents using unacceptable methods. Such actions should not be performed. According to the dream book, killing mosquitoes is the need to hide certain information.
  • To see mosquito larvae in a dream is an early pregnancy or the appearance of a long-awaited baby.
  • If the larvae are dreamed of by adult women, then they will have a faithful companion.

A lot of mosquitoes in a dream what does it mean

Often people are interested in what a flock of blood-sucking mosquitoes dreams of. There are several interpretations:

  1. Often people in a dream see a lot of mosquitoes. This is due to certain fears and unpleasant actions. If impressionable people encountered similar events, then on their body you can see real mosquito bites.
  2. In Russian dream books, catching a swarm of mosquitoes or driving them away means fighting against enemies who are significantly weaker. Another interpretation is the use of unacceptable methods of struggle.
  3. He was bitten by a blood-sucking mosquito in a dream - an attack by a loved one. A person who is betrayed in reality can be bitten.
  4. In the dream book, mosquitoes bite their legs up to blood - a disease of a close person or blood relative.
  5. According to the dream book, large mosquitoes that girls dream about mean separation from a young man or close friend.

Kill mosquitoes in a dream

According to the dream book, the onslaught of many mosquitoes means pressure from the people around you. Not all people notice this. But there is some influence from colleagues, friends and acquaintances. To correct the situation, you need to reconsider your relationship with other people. Girls, young mothers and women need to pay attention to the second half.

It’s easy to figure out what is the dream of catching a flock of mosquitoes. Entrepreneurs and people who are actively moving up the career ladder should think about opponents. After all, envious colleagues can interfere.

In some interpretations, the number of mosquitoes that was dreamed is of particular importance. A swarm of insects circling around a person means wealth and lack of problems.

Kill a blood-sucking mosquito in a dream - identifying hidden enemies that affect life and career growth.


To explain what the dream of killing mosquitoes is, you can use a different source. Many citizens study not dream books to interpret the events they saw, but beliefs.

  • A bunch of annoying mosquitoes - the presence of a person that affects life. Depending on whether the swarm is located on the ceiling in an apartment or on another surface, one can judge the degree of influence. If blood-sucking pests are located on top, then the degree of pressure is quite high.
  • The person was bitten by mosquitoes and there were discomfort - the likelihood of trouble. It often happened that a man who was bitten by mosquitoes encountered certain troubles in life or work.
  • If you dream of moving around the house of these blood-sucking pests, you need to reconsider your environment. The appearance of insects in a dream indicates the presence of envious people. Attacks on their part will follow at the moment when vigilance is lost.

  • You also need to know what dreams about moving a malaria mosquito around the house. Insect examination of all rooms is a third-party effect. If it is difficult to drive away the pest, then it will take a lot of effort to get rid of outside influence. If it turned out to kill a mosquito in a dream, then the degree of influence will gradually decrease.
  • A large blood-sucking pest is a complex task that a person is trying to cope with. The duration of the struggle also depends on how large the individual is sitting on the face or other part of the body. If you managed to kill a squeaking mosquito with blood in a dream, then solving this problem will require a lot of effort.
  • Young mothers are interested in why mosquitoes bite a child. Indeed, for parents, their baby is the most precious thing in their life. Often such dreams are seen by those mothers who are worried about their child. The severity of the bite depends on how big the trouble will be. To protect the baby, it is necessary to treat the bite.
  • A dreaming small insect is a favorable sign. This indicates a solution to a problem that recently appeared in life. If the blood-sucking pest is large, then the task will be more difficult. But it can be solved.

How to protect yourself from annoying insects in a dream?

In order for people to encounter blood-sucking pests less often in a dream, it is necessary to create high-quality protection in reality. To do this, use:

  • Natural repellents. Blood-sucking insects do not tolerate the aromas of cedar, anise and basil oils. Droplets of oils are applied to the skin or cotton wool.
  • Quality protection - the scent of valerian or wormwood. For protection, dried or fresh plants are used. They are placed around the house in order to enhance the effect.
  • In suburban areas, tomato bushes are used, the aroma of which is poorly tolerated by pests. Therefore, summer residents plant such bushes under the windows or in pots.
  • Tea tree extract is a reliable insect repellent. You can purchase such a composition in specialized departments or in a pharmacy. Its cost is low.

Blood-sucking insects often dream. And what follows after their appearance depends largely on people. If you do not focus on certain events and draw conclusions correctly, you can get rid of troubles or prevent them.

A mosquito is a terribly annoying and unpleasant creature. How much trouble these buzzing insects give us in the warm season!

Their bites itch for a long time, and a squeak keeps them awake at night. But that’s all - only in reality. But why dream of a mosquito in dreams, what does his squeak, bite or victory over him mean? It should be understood that a mosquito, like any other vision, is only a metaphor. This dream has its own interpretation, and the dream book will tell what is at stake.

In order to explain what mosquitoes dream of, it should be recalled that you saw them in large numbers, or one, and what generally happened. Details play a serious role in the interpretation of dreams, and with their help you can learn many useful details. Remember your dream and look into the dream book! For example, you could dream about this:

  • One mosquito or many.
  • They are sitting on you.
  • Bite or try to bite in a dream.
  • Hear flies or mosquitoes squeak, buzz.
  • To kill mosquitoes, in a dream to get rid of them.

There are few options, and the dream book knows all the plots. It is worth making a reservation in advance - a dream with mosquitoes does not portend anything bad.  He is unlikely to promise pleasant events, but there will also be nothing terrible. Most likely, this dream will be your advice.

Only see

Seeing or being bitten is a different thing. We'll figure out what the mosquito dreams of if you only had a chance to see it from the side, or if there were a lot of them.

Most mosquitoes interpret mosquitoes as annoying people who are unpleasant to you. It can be envious or ill-wishers, for example - at work, or in your personal environment. They want to find out something or just love to discuss you behind your back.

But the main thing you need to know is that they can do no harm to you, as well as minor ones. They are annoying and unpleasant, but getting rid of them is as easy as shelling pears. So do not be afraid and just make sure that unpleasant people do not spoil your mood.

To dream of one big mosquito is a sign that says that there is a person unpleasant for you nearby. Either he wants something from you, and it’s very annoying, and he can’t leave you alone. Or just bothers with his presence, interferes with work or live in peace.

Again, this person is not capable of causing any harm to you - do not exaggerate its influence. Just save yourself from his company, make sure that this person is simply not in your environment.

Why dream of a mosquito of unreal sizes, huge and monstrous? The dream interpretation claims that huge insects - flies, mosquitoes, no matter - always personify your fear from scratch. You greatly exaggerate the abilities of people unpleasant to you.

It seems to you that some person who is unpleasant to you has great power and causes really great harm, but this is not so! He can not do anything to you, only spoils the mood. You can easily limit yourself from communicating with him, step back and simply not react to his presence. And he will disappear!

If there were many mosquitoes in your dream, just huge clouds - people around you envy. This means, firstly, that you live very well - there is something to envy! But also this means that you put your happiness and achievements on display, and this causes envy. People who envy you are unlikely to do much harm, but nothing nice either. So be modest, and most importantly - do not provoke people who are inclined to envy.

Hearing a mosquito squeak in a dream is a symbol that you should keep all your secrets to yourself. Not everyone can be trusted secretly! You will be safer if you talk less, and especially about the innermost, tell only the closest people.

  in dreams they represent unpleasant people. They are nearby, and you suffer from this, but think - why? Just limit your communication with people who do not bring you joy and benefit. Do not talk, and that's it!

Dead insects are a symbol of your victory. Moreover, you will not have to do anything - enemies and ill-wishers will disappear by themselves. You just need to understand that they are powerless and can not do anything to you.

Something happened

And suppose you dreamed that a mosquito had bitten you. Or more than that - hordes of insects have bitten you! In general, if you not only saw mosquitoes, but something else happened, the dream book will tell the meaning.

If mosquitoes have stuck around your body and are sitting, then in reality someone will “get you”. These are people who literally draw energy from you, parasites or opportunists who use your kindness. Get rid of them, be more determined!

To kill a mosquito in a daydream means to defeat the enemy. You will be able to get rid of society and the machinations of an unpleasant person, and you will breathe a sigh of relief! If you got rid of a lot of mosquitoes, for example - etched them out of the apartment, then know - in reality you will defeat all the problems. You are not afraid of anything! You will be able to get rid of envious people, enemies and competitors.

If mosquitoes in your dreams bite you, then you suffer because of your softness and kindness. You are a wonderful person with a good heart, but there are people who use it. Be a little firmer and protect your interests!

Do not be afraid - neither in dreams, nor in reality. Let the dream book help you become wiser, and it will make your life more pleasant and better!

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