Water Monster from Africa - Goliath Tiger Fish. Goliath tiger fish Big tiger fish

On our planet, including the underwater world, you can meet truly amazing creatures. One of these creatures is the goliath tiger fish or Hydrocynus goliath, which is translated from Latin as "giant water dog." The article tells about where this unusual freshwater fish lives in nature, how it looks, what it eats. And also we will find out if this river monster can be kept in a home aquarium.

Her homeland is Africa. The most comfortable environment for the giant’s life is large rivers and lakes: Congo, Senegal, Nile, Omo and Tanganyika. It is not found in other places.

Gigantic hydrocines live in packs with individuals of their own species or similar. They are greedy and insatiable. Perhaps only piranhas are more bloodthirsty than them. They catch fish, aquatic animals and can even attack a crocodile. There are cases of attacks on a person, but this is most likely an accident.

The first description was given to her in 1861.

Locals call Mbenga fish. Fishing on it is not only a popular pastime for them, but also a popular attraction for visitors. This is a difficult task, since no fishing line can withstand the onslaught of her teeth. For fishing use special very strong steel leashes.

What does a goliath tiger fish look like

Her body is powerful, strong, oblong. It is covered with large scales, cast in silver, and sometimes in gold. The fins are small, pointed, red or bright orange.

The head is large with a huge mouth, in which there are 16 large sharp fangs, similar in size to the teeth of a white shark (8 at the top and 8 at the bottom). With these fangs, the goliath tears the prey into pieces. Throughout life, they are replaced by new ones, and old ones fall out.

The fish has a wonderful ear, and it can sense low-frequency vibrations from prey. And it is not difficult for her to move in water with a rapid current.

This representative of the African family can grow up to 180 cm. The weight of such a fish is 50 kg. Males are larger than females. For these enormous dimensions, she was given the nickname "Goliath", which, as we know, was a great almost three-meter warrior. But the tiger is due to horizontal dark stripes on its sides, very similar to tiger.

Giants live from 12 to 15 years.

Scientists consider goliath a contemporary of dinosaurs. In the places where he lives, it is very difficult to survive. That is why fish has passed its evolutionary path and has become a dangerous creature. However, not only predators, but also humans became a threat to her. Mass capture, poisoning with chemicals of coastal vegetation significantly reduced the number of species. Local authorities and environmental services are trying to rectify the situation.

What does the goliath tiger fish eat

Under natural conditions, her food is small mammals, fish (mainly the camba, which is abundant in Congo). She does not disdain vegetation with detritus. And in case of severe hunger, it attacks even crocodiles.

A powerful Goliath can simply calmly move against the tide, and weaker inhabitants who are not capable of this will fall into his mouth themselves.

Can I keep Hydrocynus goliath in an aquarium?

In the world of aquariums, this fish is famous. She is considered pretty. However, due to the size and pack life, she needs huge volumes (from 3 thousand liters) and a lot of food.

A powerful filter, capable of creating a rapid flow, will also not hinder. That is why it is not possible to keep her at home.

But in zoos and exhibition aquariums it is found. They always have powerful filtering and shelters equipped. At the bottom most often lies sand, stones and driftwood. Plants are rare. The temperature there is 23-26 ° C, the acidity is 6.5-7.5 pH.

Few neighbors will be able to survive near the goliath, so most often a species aquarium is equipped for them. Or they plant large and protected fish like arapaimas.

Some argue that juveniles can be kept in a home aquarium, but it grows quickly and needs to be attached somewhere later. The captive diet needs to be diversified: live fish, minced meat, shrimp, fish fillet, freezing and artificial feed (granular and pellets, these are balls and cylinders from various components).

About breeding tiger fish goliath

In captivity, they do not get divorced. The fry are caught in the habitats of these fish.

In nature, spawning occurs in the rainy season (December-January) and lasts only a few days. Goliaths move from large rivers to small tributaries, where females lay a lot of eggs in shallow water in thickets. For hatching fry, the ideal conditions are: safety, warm water and plenty of food. They grow up, and gradually carries them back to large rivers.

It may be interesting.

The capture of these terrible freshwater fishes is often compared with a bear hunt in the taiga. Catching a goliath is not only a dangerous adventure, but also a matter of honor. Fishermen from all over the world come to Africa for this.

One of the lucky ones who caught a giant tiger goliath was 52-year-old Jeremy Wade, who is an expert on freshwater fish and host of the River Monsters program. Travel to the inaccessible places of the Congo and eight days of waiting were rewarded. In his hands was a copy of 1.5 meters and 70 kilograms. Photos, in which a fearless man holds a dangerous fish with his bare hands, is full of the Internet.

Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, it is impossible to settle goliath tiger fish in your home aquarium. Yes, and in the habitats of her visit is unlikely to succeed. But if you are lucky enough to be in a zoo or at an exhibition with this “exhibit”, be sure to look at it. It's worth it.

Popular science video about goliath fish:

The frightening appearance of this fish inspires fear not only for local residents. But also on any sane person. Under the description, this fish first came in 1861. They named the fish in honor of the huge warrior Goliath from the Bible. Dark stripes on the sides, and often a golden tint and size give reason to call her Tiger fish. Locals call this fish with silver mbenga scales.

External description

Fishing for such a predator is definitely not a quiet hunt. Few fearless anglers and thrill-seekers can boast of such prey.

It lives among similar predators, and both for protection and for food has huge fangs. Fangs complicate the hunt for this predator, it chews or simply tears any fishing line. To solve this problem, thin steel fishing line is usually used. Only such a solid fishing line really catch this freshwater monster. The number of fangs in an adult is 16, small in number, but powerful in action, they tear the victim apart quickly and easily. Throughout life, fangs can fall out, and new, sharp ones grow in their place.

Inspire the size of the fish: length reaches 180 cm, and weight more than 50 kg. But scientists suggest that the length can reach 2 meters. Goliath has a powerful torso and a strong head. Although the fish is large, it is quick and quick enough. The pointed fins are either orange or red. Scales difficult to penetrate, this is an excellent defense against other predators. The mouth opens wider than other predatory underwater inhabitants, and this gives more chances to win during an attack. There are five species of tiger fish, and the goliath is considered the largest. Often a monster is compared to a piranha, but a piranha does not reach such a huge size.


  There were cases attacks on crocodiles. Can eat an animal or a person that has fallen into the water. Typically, a predator feeds on smaller organisms. Goliath either hunts for prey, or catches weak fish, unable to cope with the rapid flow. The main food is camba. The ability to pick up low-frequency vibrations does not bode well for mining. In other words, if a predator hears vibrations and is hungry, there is no chance of salvation. But such ferocity does not guarantee a complete rejection of plant foods.


For the sake of such production will have to go to central africaor rather, to the basin of the Congo River, there are the largest number of them. Congo itself is the second longest river in the world. As for full-flow, the river ranks first. Fishing is flourishing here, because not only Goliath, but many other fish swim in the Congo basin. Many are listed in the Red Book and, accordingly, are considered very rare. Scientists have a little less than a thousand species living in this river. Such a catch can be the reward of searching and fishing for several weeks.

Main habitats:

It can be found mainly in the places listed, but this creature does not swim beyond the continent of Africa.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years old. Females spawn for several days, this occurs in December-January. Fish pre-swim in the tributaries of the river. Spawning occurs in shallow water and in places with increased vegetation. The fry grow just in places with enough food and without blades from most predators. And gradually gaining strength and weight, it carries the current to deeper places.

In captivity, goliaths are kept mainly in commercial aquariums. In them, the fish do not reach such large sizes. On average, the length of the aquarium inhabitant varies from 50 to 75 centimeters. Mostly they can be seen in exhibition aquariums. The main standards for content are:

  • the presence of an aquarium (at least 2,500 liters);
  • to feed tiger fish you need a constant huge amount of food. This is mainly fish and adapted feed;
  • because of the love of the flow, it will be necessary to come up with a system with a duct;
  • comfortable temperature is 23-26 degrees.

Coexistence with other species is possible, but they must be able to protect themselves. In captivity, fish do not breed, so you have to consider this issue.

Survival in nature

  Adult individuals, despite the fact that they may well exist independently, prefer to pack in packs. Tiger fish can be collected as one species, and with other individuals.

Scientists are sure Goliath is a contemporary dinosaur. The fact that Goliath lives in the waters is a huge rivalry for survival. And for the sake of life, goliath evolved into such a dangerous creature. But not only other predators should be wary of tiger fish. Wide fishing in fishing gives less chance of continued existence. In addition to fishing, for the sake of fishing, some people destroy chemicals along the riverbanks with chemicals. On future fry, respectively, this affects negatively. At the moment, environmentalists with the local government are trying to solve this problem.

Large tiger fish (lat.Hydrocynus goliath) is the largest representative of the Characiformes order. Belongs to the African tetra family (Alestidae). It is also known under the names of giant hydrocin and goliath fish. Its weight can reach 70 kg, and fang-like teeth can cause serious injuries.

Africans claim that she is not afraid of crocodiles and often attacks people, tearing pieces of meat from their bodies.

In some villages, local men never bathe naked, fearing an unexpected encounter with a bloodthirsty monster, and Europeans are advised to use tight-fitting swimming trunks and swimwear.


This species is found in a limited area in the western and central regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in northern Zambia. It inhabits the waters of the Congo River and its tributaries, as well as the freshwater lakes of Upemba and Tanganyika, where there are sections with a relatively fast flow.

Goliath fish have not yet been found in other regions of Africa. 4 related species belonging to the genus Hydrocynus are more common. They have similar traits and behavior, but are inferior in size to the monster of the Congo River. All of them are attracted to warm reservoirs with muddy and oxygenated water.


The giant hydrocin is wild in nature and incredible gluttony. He eats everything he can catch. The basis of his diet is tetras of the genera Brycinus and Micralestes, which live in the upper and middle layers of water bodies, and barbs from the Karpov family (Cyprinidae). On Lake Tanganyika, the Tanganyin Lake Sardine dominates the menu.

The predator uses various hunting methods. Young growth is most often collected in flocks and resembles piranha with its habits. Adults usually hunt from ambush, making lightning throws towards the victim. They are able to jump out of the water and grab low flying birds on the fly or wait for small mammals to come to the watering hole.

In 2014, biologists from Northwestern University in Potchefstroom (South Africa) were able to record on video how giant hydrocins skillfully catch swallows flying over the water surface, jumping out of the water to a height of 2 m.

Despite their bloodthirstiness, large tiger fish are rather shy and afraid of the presence of large animals. They soberly assess their strengths and do not try to expose themselves once again to danger. As a rule, having noticed a person, they hide and try not to give out their presence.

For this reason, sport fishing on these monsters is considered very prestigious, but rarely successful. Trophies are hooked accidentally and away from public fishing spots.

Goliath fish is a danger mainly for young children.

Cases of attacks on adults are rare and, according to Africans, are associated with the instillation of the evil spirit of Mbenga into it. Having rational thinking, ichthyologists simply associate them with a deterioration in the vision of a river monster, because of which he loses the ability to correctly determine the dimensions of his potential victim.

Production is swallowed whole. If this fails, then it is torn into small pieces. The leading role in hunting and orientation in the aquatic environment is played by the lateral line, a sensitive organ extending from the gill slits to the base of the tail.

There is no reliable information on the reproduction of Hydrocynus goliath in vivo.


The average body length is 132 cm and the weight is 30 kg. The maximum length is 180 cm. The physique is elongated and spindle-shaped; with age, the dorsal part rises up due to the development of the adipose fin. The head is large and massive. Eyes are large, providing excellent vision. Sexual dimorphism is weak. Males are slightly larger than females.

The color is predominantly bluish. The back is darker than the abdomen. Streaks along the body are weak or absent. The caudal fin is large and bifurcated. In young individuals, it is pink or has a red border. The lower jaw protrudes forward.

In the mouth there are 32 sharp needle-shaped triangular teeth, the sides of which are sharp as blades. Their length reaches 3.5 cm. In the upper jaw there are two joints that allow you to open the mouth very wide.

Large tiger fish are found in marine basins. In Paris, she can be seen in the Tropical Aquarium in the Port Dore Palace. Pleasure will cost 19.5 euros.

Feeding is done with special tweezers only live fish 3-4 times a week. It has not yet been possible to obtain offspring in captivity.

Do you think that there is nobody worse than piranha in freshwater rivers? Then get acquainted: a big tiger fish or a giant hydrocin (lat. Hydrocynus goliath) is a larger version of the bloodthirsty Amazonian predator.

The length of her body reaches one and a half meters with a weight of about 50 kg - piranha has never dreamed of such dimensions! At the same time, the mouth of the tiger fish is filled with 32 large and sharp fangs, thanks to which it can even attack crocodiles. Yes, this is a real killing machine, which all the inhabitants of the Congo River and the lakes of Tanganyika and Upemba are afraid of, where this river monster lives.

Of course, the giant hydrocin is not as bloodthirsty as piranha, but its extraction from this is not easier. It feeds on smaller river and lake inhabitants, who have the misfortune to come across in its way. Particularly unlucky was a small fish called camba, which Hydrocin considers its dessert.

Escaping from a strong and agile tiger fish is not so simple: it has the habit of swimming against the tide, devouring a weaker fish along the way, which cannot cope with the powerful stream of the Congo River. In addition, it reacts with lightning speed to a sudden movement nearby or a splash of water, and is even able to pick up the low-frequency vibrations of its victims. So they have no chance.

However, the big tiger fish got its name not only for its predatory nature. On the sides of her body are horizontal dark stripes that make her look like a tiger. The fins are most often orange or red, and during the breeding season their color becomes especially bright. Interestingly, males of large tiger fish are usually much larger than females.

As for the Latin name - Hydrocynus goliath - its fish was obtained solely due to its gigantic growth. After all, it is known that the Philistine warrior Goliath was the largest and strongest among his fellow tribesmen - his height reached 2 m 89 cm. And although the big tiger fish can not boast of such dimensions, it still got the name of a warrior.

But the locals call her Mbenga. They often talk about cases of attacks on careless fishermen: they bit off a finger and hurt this hand. It is only natural that Aborigines do not really like to contact her.

Whether it’s Europeans’s business - just let them catch someone bigger. Briton Jeremy Wade, host of the River Monsters program on Animal Planet, even went to the very jungle of the Congo River for this, where he spent 8 days waiting for a good catch. Of course, he was not alone there, but in the company of his assistants, the film crew of the program.

If someone was supposed to catch a giant hydrocine, then this is Jeremy. After all, he has been fishing since his early childhood and in his 52 years managed to visit different parts of the globe, bringing from there the most unusual representatives of the river fauna.

Finally, luck turned to the desperate fisherman: he managed to catch a large tiger fish. Yes, not simple, but one of the largest representatives of the species: the length of her body was 1.5 m, and the weight of as much as 70 kg. Great fish trophy!

The African tetra family includes such a remarkable species as a large tiger fish. She is also called the goliath tiger fish, goliath tiger, giant hydrocin. Locals call this freshwater predator mbenga.

It lives in Central Africa. This is a vast area covering the Konko River and its tributaries. The largest of these is the Lualaba River. This water system also includes the longest freshwater lake in the world of Tanganyika and the lakes of Uimba (Upemba) and Kisale.

In 2011, a message appeared that there was not one species of tiger fish, but four more in addition to the well-known. Two of them live in Tanganyika, and two in the Congo River. In principle, this can be allowed, since both the river and the lake have a very large depth, which has been studied poorly enough. But all these species differ little among themselves and only specialists can clearly distinguish them from each other.

The appearance of large tiger fish is quite frightening. In length, an adult can reach 1.8 meters with a weight of 50 kg. In the large mouth there are 32 teeth that resemble fangs in appearance. The teeth are separated from each other at a short distance, and this gives the mouth a somewhat unusual and creepy appearance.

With its sharp teeth, the river predator grabs the prey, tears it to pieces and swallows without chewing, since its fanged mouth is not suitable for this. In place of a tooth that has fallen out, a new one grows very quickly, and this happens throughout life.

It should be noted that the big tiger fish has excellent eyesight, hearing and feels prey by high-frequency vibrations. Rumor has it that it is not officially confirmed that representatives of this species, if hungry, can attack crocodiles. Such information is highly doubtful, but, in principle, if the reptile is sick and weak, it can be attacked.

The diet includes any fish that mbenga is able to overcome and swallow. Favorite place for hunting is the aquatic environment near the rapids. In such places, water vortices begin to influence the prey, and it becomes less attentive. Having found a prey, a freshwater predator rushes at it. If he can’t immediately catch the prey, then he pursues it.

There is a lot of information about the attack of large tiger fish on humans. They really attack the swimmers from time to time and therefore have a reputation for bloodthirsty aggressors. Local residents have long given them mythical status. It is assumed that Mbenga attacks people only when an evil spirit living in water infuses it. He enters the fish and subordinates it to his will.

Representatives of the species serve as an object of sport fishing in Central Africa. They like to be kept in exhibition aquariums. But this is a difficult matter, as a powerful filtration and water temperature in the range from 23 to 26 degrees Celsius are needed.

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