On a hot day I'm the most coveted. Riddles about water for children. Riddles about water in nature and its states Riddles and proverbs about water

... and about water

All living things need clean water. And it is polluted in many places from the fact that harmful substances from factories get into it. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to build treatment facilities at enterprises.
   Water must be used carefully, do not waste it in vain, do not forget to close the tap on time.

Guess a riddle. Write a guess.

What can you not carry away in a sieve? Answer: Water

Create and write your own riddle about water.

Runs, flows, goes, falls, drips.
   Answer: Water
   A person consists of it at 80%.
   Answer: Water
   It happens alive and dead.
   Answer: Water

These are the wonderful boats that launched the Question Question and the Wise Turtle into the river Ant! If you arrange the boats correctly, you get a very important phrase. Write it down. Explain this phrase.

Water is life.

Water is needed to sustain the life of all living things. Life was born in water and without water it is not possible. Water plays an extremely important role in human life, because a person himself is 80 percent water.

View the drawings. What water is safe to drink? (Mark with a blue pencil.) What water can be hazardous to health? (Mark in red pencil.) Explain why you think so.

It is safe to drink the water that has been purified, so we marked with a blue pencil tap water in bottled water, as well as water in the kettle, where the water is purified by boiling. It is dangerous to drink water from open sources that has not been cleaned.

Write your story about the beauty of water here.

Water gives us the joy of life every day. This is a simple, very well-known substance on Earth. So familiar that we can stop noticing her magic! But water is not only that colorless liquid that is poured into a glass. This and the Ocean, covering almost all of our planet, all of our wonderful Earth, on which life was born millions of years ago. Clouds, clouds, fogs that carry moisture to all living things on the earth's surface - this is also water. The endless icy deserts of the polar regions, snow cover that covers almost half of the planet - and this is water. Unlimited variety of life. She is everywhere on our planet. But life is only where there is water! The flowing water is unusually beautiful, whether it be the majestic course of a wide river or the murmuring waters of a small stream in the rocks. She can bewitch, soothe, comfort. It's nice to just look at the quiet expanse of water, admire the tints of sunlight or the beauty of the moonlit path on the water. Colors of various shades can be seen in the water, depending on the lighting and depth. Water is the main mystery, the main miracle of the Planet.

On this page is a selection of the most interesting puzzles about water with answers. The child must understand that water is not only in a liquid state, but also in the form of steam, ice. Also, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans will be filled with water. How does the river begin? What is water like? All this can be told to the child in playing, asking complex or funny puzzles about water for children.

Riddles about water tell children in a playful way about all its diversity, about rivers, lakes, oceans. It can be liquid, solid and gaseous. Water turns into a state of ice at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius, and boils - at 100 degrees. The volume of fresh water is only 3% of the total volume contained on Earth. Without food, a person is able to survive for 30 days, and without water can only last 3-4 days.

Solving riddles about water and remembering them is easy enough. Children joyfully try to solve the riddle by plunging into the amazing water world, learning interesting facts, both about the water itself, and about the animal and plant world that inhabits rivers, lakes and oceans.

Riddles about water (with answers for grade 1)

On the sea goes, goes,
  And it will reach the coast -
  Here it will disappear. (Wave)

Flowing, flowing - will not flow
  Runs, runs - does not run out. (River)

So that there is no trouble
  We can’t live without ... (Water)

I am a cloud and a fog
  And the stream and the ocean
  And I fly and run
  And I can be glass! (Water)

No legs, but she’s not standing still,
  There is a bed, but does not sleep,
  Not a boiler, but seething
  Not a thunderstorm, but thunders.
  There is no mouth, but she is never silent. (River)

Riddle about water (with answers for grade 3)

Water in nature in riddles for children

In the seas and rivers lives

But often flies through the sky.

And how boring she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (Water)

A little trembling in the breeze

The tape in the open

The narrow tip in the spring

A wide at sea. (River)

From a great height breaking down,

Menacingly he roars

And breaking on stones

Foam rises. (Waterfall)

Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like a dough

Here sedge, bumps, mosses ...

There is no leg support. (Swamp)

He is without arms, he is without legs

I could break out of the ground

He is in the summer in the heat of us,

Icy watering. (Spring)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror:

The glass is blue and the frame is green. (Pond)

Water around

Drinking is a disaster. (Sea)

I run to the river mom

And I can’t be silent.

I'm her native son

And I was born in the spring. (Stream)

In the morning the beads sparkled

All the grass was shut up

And let's go look for them in the afternoon,

We seek, we seek - we will not find. (Dew)

On the sea goes, goes,

And it will reach the coast -

Then she will disappear. (Wave)

Challenging riddles with answers

Two people approach the river. There is a boat on the shore that can withstand only one. Both people crossed to the opposite shore. AS?
They were on different banks.

On the edge of the table they put a tin can, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the cans hung from the table. After a while, the bank fell. What was in the bank?
A piece of ice.

How can I fill half a barrel with water without using any measuring device?

Answer: Tilt the barrel and pour water until the water fills the barrel so that the beginning of the bottom is visible and the water touches the edge of the barrel.

Funny puzzles about water with answers

Around water, and in the middle of the law. What it is?

Answer: the prosecutor bathes.

If our hands are in wax
  If blots sat on your nose,
  Who then is our first friend,
  Will remove dirt from the face and hands?
  What mother can't do without
  Neither cook nor wash,
  Without which, we will say bluntly
  Does a man die?
  To rain from the sky
  So that the ears of bread grow
  To sail ships -
  We can’t live without ... (Water)

Proverbs about water

  • You’re grieving - you’ll drink water
  • Do not wear water in the sieve
  • You cannot hold water in a sieve
  • In still water, whirlpools are deep
  • Better bread with water than pie with trouble
  • Water will find a way
  • Water will find the way
  • Boil water - and water will
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss
  • Full pour - live richly
  • Bread and Salt
  • Living - out of the gate and into the water
  • Open to the rich like a pike in water
  • It happens sometimes - water flows in the mountain
  • Like a crayfish aground, like a fish without water
  • Expensive bucket of water in case of fire, alms in case of poverty
  • Much water has flown under the bridge since that time
  • On the poor everywhere caplets
  • Vola is invited not to drink honey - carry water
  • That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian would not doze off
  • Water was important on the father, but don’t go to your son and with a clamp
  • From heat and water boils
  • Where the water will rush, then the course will find
  • Where the river went, there will be a channel

On page collected   children's puzzles about water, which will be useful in lessons on the subject world around them in the 2-3rd grade of elementary school, as well as in developing classes in kindergarten. You can find the answers here.

Water surrounds us everywhere, assumes various states, and has various properties that are studied in the school curriculum.

It can run and fly, evaporate and turn into a cloud, and then turn into snow or rain and return to the earth to quench the thirst for all living things. The full range of properties, patterns, and conditions is described below. school riddles about waterfor children.

If you suggest that children independently come up with a short riddle about water, they will easily and easily cope with this task.

In the seas and rivers lives
But often flies through the sky.
And how boring she is to fly,
Falls to the ground again. (Water)

On a hot day, the most coveted happens ... (Water)

In the sea I am always salty
  And in the river I’m fresh.
  Only in the desert hot
  I have no place at all. (Water)

If our hands are in wax
If blots sat on your nose,
  Who then is our first friend,
  Will remove dirt from the face and hands?
  What mother can't do without
  Neither cook nor wash,
  Without which, we will say bluntly
  Does a man die?
  To rain from the sky
  So that the ears of bread grow
  To sail ships -
  We cannot live without ...

Down dropping in droplets
  And upstairs - invisible.

He flies in a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He is a cool star melting
On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

Frost descended into the water
And the world around has changed.
Where everything used to flow
Everything turned into glass.

This water is hard as a stone.
The sun will bake, it will flow. (Ice)

What kind of asterisks are through
On the coat and on the scarf
All through, cut,
And take it - water in your hand? (Snowflake)

On the sea goes, goes,
And it will reach the coast -
Here it will disappear. (Wave)

I'm running like a ladder
Pebble ringing.
From afar by song
Recognize me. (River)

There is a commotion in the yard:
Peas are falling from the sky. (Hail)

The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light. (Ice)

Under our roof
A white nail hangs
The sun will rise,
The nail will fall. (Icicle)

In the morning the beads sparkled
All the grass was shut up
And let's go look for them in the afternoon,
We seek, we seek - we will not find. (Dew)

Around water, and drinking trouble.

No water is drunk from it,
Because it’s not tasty -
And bitter and salty.
Water around
Drinking is a disaster.
Who knows where this happens? (Sea)

They drink me, they pour me.
  Everybody needs me
Who am I? (Water)

Lots of me - the world would be gone
  Little me - the world would be gone

No arms, no legs
  And it destroys the mountain.
  (A drop)

Why not roll up the hill,
  In a sieve not to carry away,
  Do not hold in your hands?

We say: it flows;
  We say: she plays;
  She always runs forward
  But does not run away anywhere. (Water)

Not a horse, but running
  Not a forest, but a noise.

No legs, but she’s not standing still,
  There is a bed, but does not sleep,
  Not a cauldron, but seething
  Not a thunderstorm, but thunders.
  There is no mouth, but she is never silent.

Neither cook nor wash,
  Without which, we will say bluntly
  Does a man die?
  To rain from the sky
  So that the ears of bread grow
  To sail ships -
  We cannot live without ... (Water)

He has neither arms nor legs,
  And knows how to break the mountain.

Very good-natured
  I am soft, obedient,
  But when I want
  Even a stone to a source. (Water)

Why not roll up the hill,
  In a sieve not to carry away
  And do not hold in your hands?

What can’t you take away in a sieve? ... (Water)

I am a cloud and a fog
  And the stream and the ocean
  And I fly and run
  And I can be glass! (Water)

Some interesting facts about water:

  • Our body is 65-70% composed of water.
  • Giraffes can do without drinking water longer than camels;
  • A person can live without water no more than 2-3 days
  • On top of Everest, water boils at a temperature of 71 degrees Celsius;
  • 20% of all fresh water not enclosed in glaciers and underground is located in only one lake - Baikal.
  • One sunflower plant “drinks” 200-250 liters of water during the summer.

Yes, because without water - and neither here nor here! 🙂 This fun riddle about water is known not only to everyone over thirty, but also to many younger readers.

But the youngest kids need other puzzles about water. Which not only captivate and develop the imagination, but also introduce the child to the outside world. These are exactly the riddles about water and its different states that we have collected for you on this page.

Riddles about water for children

Itself does not drink, but makes us.

Very good-natured - soft, obedient.

But when he wants, the stone will exude.

She is both a cloud and a fog.

She is a stream and an ocean.

She flies and runs

And glass can be.

Everyone says it flows.

Everyone says she plays.

She always runs forward

But does not run away anywhere.

Without legs, but running.

Without arms, and has sleeves.

In the seas and rivers lives

But often in the clouds.

And how boring she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again.

And - not land, not water.

You won’t swim on it and you won’t go with your legs.

Hidden under the moss

Not walk

Do not ride.

Young ospenki look at him,

Colored their trying on scarves.

Young birches look at him

Putting on their earrings in front of him.

Both the month and the stars - everything is reflected in it.

What mirror is this, say, called?

Everybody goes around this place

The land here is like a dough.

Sedge is everywhere, mosses.

There is no leg support.

Not walk

Do not ride

What is hidden under the moss.

In the morning, the beads sparkled.

All grass was shut up by itself.

We went looking for them in the afternoon.

We seek, we seek - we will not find.

In the evening - is born,

At night - enjoys.

In the morning - dies.

It doesn’t happen during the day

Always fall in the morning

Neither a rain, nor a star.

And sparkles in the meadows

On trees and bushes.

It stands a trough filled with water.

Curls, curls in the distance

Tape in the open.

The narrow tip is in the spring,

And wide - at sea.

Runs in the summer, walks,

And in the winter - resting.

In winter - hiding

In the spring - wakes up.

In the summer - having fun.

In the fall - he goes to bed.

It pours into it, it pours from it,

Itself is woven on the ground.

Under the grass on the sand

Drop the belt.

He lies, but not to lift.

He is running, but not to catch up.

To the river sister

Running, murmuring water.

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Without arms and legs

Could break out of the ground.

All of us in the summer, in the hot heat

It is watered with ice water.

Where the grasses curl, on a forest path,

A blue saucer is hidden in the grass.

Who passes by, will approach, will bend.

For his way, he will gain strength.

He runs down the mountain slopes

Chattering with himself.

And in the dense green bushes

He hides the blue tail.

White as chalk.

He flew from the sky.

Lying all winter

And in the spring he fled to the ground.

In these water deserts

The waves are like dunes.

And among the bottomless blue -

Storms, hurricanes.

(Seas and oceans).

Wide, deep

Beats against the shore.

There is always a lot of water in it,

But she is not drunk.

(Sea ocean).

White cotton wool floats on the water somewhere.

There is a commotion in the yard.

Peas are falling from the sky.

She ate five peas Zina,

She has a sore throat now.

He’s busy all the time,

He cannot but go.

And it goes, it paints white

Everything that meets on the way.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

And touch - quietly melts

On the palm and in the mouth.

White tablecloth

She dressed the whole earth.

What kind of stars are these

On the coat and on the arm?

All funny, carved,

And take it - water in your hand.


Lived in the yard

Where did the kids play.

But from the sun

Suddenly turned into a stream.


The mirror lies in the middle of the field.

The frame is green, the glass is blue.

Around - water

But drinking is a disaster.

White sheep

On a blue meadow walk.

(Waves, sea).

The day was good at first.

Suddenly peas rained down.

He put thirty in his pocket,

And in the hands - one voditsa.

And doesn’t burn in the fire

And does not sink in water.

It is transparent like a diamond.

There are no roads.

Born to his mother,

And he gives birth to her.

Transparent as glass.

But you can’t insert it in the window.

Fishes live under it warmly.

The roof is thick glass.

This is winter glass

In the spring it flowed. (Ice).

I cry from the sun.

I can not do otherwise!


Climbed to the ledge

The nose hung down.

Hides tears at night

Happy crying from the sun.


Hanging under the eaves

The kulek is ice.


I am not - everyone is waiting for me.

And I’ll come, everyone is running.

Born in the sky

Useful on earth

Buried in the ground.

The whole day is coming, coming.

Flimsy weather.

Maybe it's a helicopter

Is it pouring water on the ground?

Not! Water from the clouds.

Tell me, who is he?

Small, large, frequent

And he watered the whole earth.

He is long and tremendous

He lay down from the clouds to the ground.

Let it go stronger

So that the mushrooms grow faster.

It grows not in the summer, but in the winter.

It grows upside down.

And the sun will suddenly bake,

She is leaking water.


Above you and above me

She grows upside down.


The kids sat on the ledge

And grow head down.


Under the roof, a white nail hangs.

The sun will bake - and the nail will fall.


I ran and made noise.

She fell asleep - shone.

White, not sugar.

Without legs, but coming.

The white blanket is not made by hand.

Not weaving and not cutting -

He fell from the sky to the fields.

Gray geese flying

White fluff was dropped.

(Clouds, snow).

Water - knee-deep, and not get drunk.

Light as a feather.

White as sugar.


White, not a hare.

Flies, not a bird.

Comes quietly.

Lays down gently.

The fluffy carpet is not made with cloth or silk.

In the sun and during the month, like silver glistens.

Girl Belyana

I bleached all the glades.

A white blanket covered the earth.

The sun was hot - the blanket was flowing.

In winter, a star!

In the spring - water.

Flies - is silent.

Lies - silent.

And as he dies

That will roar.

On the street - a mountain!

And in the room - with water.

Gray-haired grandfather near the gate

All eyes are clouded.

Over the river and the valley

Hanging white canvas.

Swirls, but not smoke.

Lies, but not snow.

These are the riddles about water and relations with it that we have collected for you. Of course, many of them are already somewhat outdated. And now the situation with water is simpler than thirty years ago. You can, for example, call one of the companies involved in the supply of water, and they will bring water directly to us. But this is on the one hand. On the other: who would have thought relatively recently that ordinary water would need to be bought? However, this is a completely different song.

And we hope you liked these riddles about water, snow, rain, steam and other conditions of water. And you are happy to see others on our site. There are many interesting things: from to. And 44 more different collections. See for yourself!



riddles about water

Proverbs and sayings.

Water sharpens a stone.
To crush water in a mortar - water will be.
Spilled water cannot be collected.
The still waters are deep.
Run from that water that does not make noise and does not murmur.
Without water and in a good boat you won’t swim.

Water and steel, and tempers people.
Water does not like dirty people.

It happens sometimes - water comes in the mountains.
Water - pour in, and try, get drunk!
Shallow water makes a louder noise.
There are no safe fords in unfamiliar waters.
Water is the master, water and fire are afraid.   An hour with kvass, sometimes with water.

It is written with a pitchfork on the water.
Water and fire are good servants, but bad overlords.
Water drops - pitfalls rise.
Water flows down, a person tends up.
If you get into the water, you won’t get out dry.
In muddy water you will not see a reflection.
Water takes from one, gives to another.
Water does not know fatigue.
In large water, and stones float.
Feet are watery on the water.
Spilled water cannot be collected.
Although the sea is big, and the water in it is nowhere!
Don’t mess with fire, don’t be friends with water, don’t believe the wind.
Where water is around the neck, everyone can swim.
You will be overjoyed - you will choke on water.
Wait to sink (drown) the water is cold.
Sieve to measure water - to lose time.
You cannot hang a castle on the flowing water.
Fire is trouble and water is trouble, but there is no worse trouble than fire or water.
He walks on water, and is afraid to soak his feet.
Do not rush into the water before the boat rolls over.
Need like water in a sinking ship.
On which water to swim, that water and drink.
The truth does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.
Truth from water and from fire saves.
It’s hard to swim against water.
In decide to carry water.
And the boat on the water and the oars in hand, there’s nothing to argue about.
The jug walks on water so often that it eventually breaks.
Bread with water, but not a pie with interest.
When you do not see the bottom, do not go through the water.
Burned in milk - and blowing into the water.
Peace drinks water, and anxiety drinks honey.
The water is close, but to walk slimy.
Stagnant water rots.
Lakoma cat to fish, but do not want to go into the water.
To eat a fish, you have to climb into the water.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Hop is not water, a person is in trouble.
To regret the water - do not cook porridge.
Take a look at your nature in the water.
It’s better to drink water in joy than honey in a twig.
The island was surrounded by water, but we are in trouble.
The trouble is that water: accidentally comes to the yard.
An ambulance wedding - that the water is hollow.
What a goose without water, then a man without a wife.
To crush water - there will be water.
In a thin boiler, water does not hold.
What is water from a goose.
Not knowing the ford, do not pop into the water.
Do not spit in a well - it will come in handy to drink water.
Our truth does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.
The water of the Kuban River went, where the Bolsheviks ordered.
The shore eschews water. Storm in a glass of water.
Be lower than grass, quieter than water.
To marry is not to drink water.
Every miller takes water to his mill.

Catch fish in troubled waters.
Come out dry from water.
Go through fire and water (and copper pipes).
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart ones will not be taken out.
He disappeared and disappeared, as if falling into the water.
For October freedom, into fire and water.
Under water and on water, the enemy will not hide anywhere.
Love is a drunken wine, friendship is refreshing water.
To love how the devil loves holy water.
The ox’s name is not to drink beer, but they want to carry water on it.
Spring pours water into the river, labor adds a price to a person.

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world:

    Water is the head of everything(Arabic proverb)

    Water covers everything, and digs the coast.(Armenian proverb)

    Water drop by drop stone hollows(Armenian proverb)

    Water cleanses from the outside, and tears from the inside(Armenian proverb)

    Water will find its way(Armenian proverb)

    Water will leak, sand will remain(Armenian proverb)

    The water blew the whole mill, and you ask where the groove(Assyrian proverb)

    Water erodes a channel in a weak spot(Afghan proverb)

    Water itself will not work, thirst will work(Bashkir proverb)

    Water flows down(Bengal proverb)

    Water is wet, fire is burning(Indonesian proverb)

    Water will merge with water, and garbage will be thrown ashore (Indonesian proverb)

    Water flows from source to mouth, crime returns to the perpetrator (Kalmyk proverb)

    Water Muddles From Source (Kyrgyz Proverb)

    Water is cleared from the headwaters (Kyrgyz proverb)

    Water can carry a boat, or it can turn over (Chinese proverb)

    Water will rise and the boat will be high (Chinese proverb)

    Water flows down, and man tends to rise (Chinese proverb)

    Water is more important than flour (Creole saying)

    Water is not polluted for no reason (Creole saying)

    Water drains into the lowlands (Kurdish proverb)

    Water will make its own way (Neeg proverb)

    Water in the river, no matter how formidable, does not pull the tree to the bottom: it cannot sink what is born itself (Persian proverb)

    Turbid water from the spring itself (Persian proverb)

    Water erodes a channel in a weak spot (Pashtun proverb)

    Water reaches the nose - and the calf swims (Tuva proverb)

    Water is clear at the source (Chechen proverb)

    Water and fire do not argue with each other (Evenki proverb)

    Water and fire do not compete (Evenki proverb)

    Water that easily demolishes a house doesn’t carry stones along its path (Evenki proverb)

    Water droplets, stone hollows (Japanese proverb)

    Water washes everything, only dishonor will not wash away (Japanese proverb)

Russian folk proverbs and sayings:

  • April is glorious by the water.

    April will give everyone a drink.

    April opens the keys and water.

    April with water - May with grass

    April streams wake the earth.

    It happens sometimes, and water flows in the mountains.

    Dust is like tar, and fiction is like water.

    In March, water, in April, grass.

    The king will not quit spring water, the water will find a way.

    Water carries down, and bondage leads up.

    Sharpen water and earth and stone hammer.

    Water and mill breaks.

    Water sharpens a stone.

    Water does not stir up the mind.

    Water does not cry for water.

    Water breaks the dam.

    Jelly water - the body is vigorous.

    The water is close, but to walk slimy.

    To crush water in a mortar - water will be.

    You dig a well deep, the water will stand high.

    Where there was water, there will be; where the money went there and accumulate.

    Where the water runs, then the course will find.

    Where there is water, there is trouble.

    Where there is water, there willow, where there willow, there is water.

    Where there is water, there are ships.

    Where the sun warms, there the water will glimpse.

    Long droppers (icicles) - long flax.

    Waiting for water is not a problem, but water would come.

    Where water flows, it also carries wood chips.

    Better water in joy than mash in sorrow.

    Human happiness is that water is nonsense.

    Hollow water will blow the gate.

    Quiet water, but the whirlpools are deep.

    February will let water in, March will pick it up (about frosts).

    It does not sink in water, and does not burn in fire

    If there is no water in the tap, the Jews drank water

    Silent as I got water in my mouth

    And in troubled waters they catch fish

    You can’t spill them with water (Friends - do not spill water)

    As a jug turns to walk on water, so put his head there

    Like water off a duck's back

    Better bread with water than pie with trouble

    The frog is not an ox, no matter how much water you drink

    Much water has flowed since then.

    They carry water on the offended

    Without knowing the ford, do not get into the water

    It is unreasonable to teach - pouring water into a bottomless tub

    You need to bend down to get drunk from a stream of water.

    Burnt in milk, blow into the water

    He will dry out of the water

    Swam on the sea, but did not see the water

    A rolling stone gathers no moss

    Written by a pitchfork on water is written

    Passed through fire, and water, and copper pipes

    They splashed out the baby’s water

    Do not drink water from your face

    Talk to you - to carry water with a sieve

    No matter how much water you cook, all the water will be

    Bread and water are peasant food.

    To eat a fish, you have to climb into the water.

    Spilled water cannot be collected.

Chuvash folk proverbs and sayings:

Riddles about water.

Lots of me - the world would be gone
  Not enough of me - the world would be gone

Down dropping in droplets
And upstairs - invisible.


On a hot day
The most coveted happens.

No arms, no legs
And it destroys the mountain.

(A drop)

Why not roll up the hill,
In a sieve not to carry away,

Do not hold in your hands?


Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but a noise.


Flowing, flowing -
Won't flow out

Running, running

Do not run out.


Sleeps in winter
And in the summer it makes a noise.

Runs day and night
And there is no end to this run.

Hiding in winter
I appear in the spring

Having fun in the summer

I go to sleep in the fall.


It pours into her
Pouring from her
Itself is woven on the ground.

Two brothers
They look into the water
Century will not converge.

One says run away
Another says - lie down.

(River and banks)

I ran and made noise
Fell asleep - sparkled.
(River under the ice)

Flowed, flowed -
And fell under the glass.
(River under the ice)

They eat it
And they ride on it.
(River under the ice)

Egor is coming from the high mountains -
It is carpeted, nailed with a bracket.
(River under the ice)

Worth the trough
Full of water poured.

In the middle of the field lies a mirror,
The glass is blue, the rim is green.

(Lake, pond)

To the sister river
Runs, murmuring water.


Goes underground
He looks at the sky.

In the heat of summer
It will be treated with ice water.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.


Not water and not sushi-
You won’t sail away on a boat

And you won’t pass with your feet.


Hidden under the moss -
Not walk

Do not ride.

Where you can neither walk nor ride?

Not the sea, not the land -
Ships don't sail

And you can’t walk.


Going, going
Will sing a song by the shore
And disappear.

On the sea goes, goes,
And the coast will reach -

Here it will disappear.


White sheep
Walk in the blue meadow.
(Sea and waves)

Water around
And drinking is trouble.

There was a lanky-stuck in the ground.

My name is waiting
And come o-run away.

Large, fractionally frequent,
I watered the whole earth.


Lives in the sky
Will go for a walk -

Feet down to the ground.


Born in the sky
Buried in the ground.

I'll look out the window -
There is a long Antoshka.


One pours, another drinks
The third is growing.
(Rain, earth, grass)

He is long
He is tremendous
He is from the cloud to the ground ...
Let him go faster, faster
So that the mushrooms grow faster.

Gray-haired grandfather at the gate
All eyes are clouded.


Swirling, not smoke
It lays down, not snow.


Over the river, over the valley
A white canvas hung.


Croup falls from the sky.

There was a blanket
Soft, white.

The sun is baked -

The blanket is leaked.


Lives - lies
He will die - he will run

Belyan’s girl came,
Whitewashed all the glades.


Fluffy carpet
Not with your hands cloth
Does not sew silk
In the sun, in the month
Glistens with silver.

In the backyard mountain
And in the hut with water.

Heats in winter
Smolders in the spring

Dies in the summer
Flies in the fall.


The tablecloth is white
The whole world is dressed.

Bel, not a hare,
Flies, not a bird

Comes quietly
Lays down gently.


Mother has a white scarf -
Covers the earth

But the sea is not enough.


White as sugar
Soft as wool

Light as a feather.


Sits down at all
Not afraid of anyone.

White Tikhon shoved from the sky,
Where runs - carpeted.


Knee-deep water
And do not get drunk

Lay lay
Yes, he ran into the river in the spring.

Gray geese flew
Stole white fluff.

(Snow and clouds)

White as chalk
He flew from the sky.

I lay in winter

He escaped to the ground.

White blanket
Not done by hand
Not woven and cut
From heaven to earth fell.
V. Fetisov

Kids sat on the ledge
And they grow all the time down.


Under our roof
White nail hanging.

The sun will rise-
The nail will fall.


What is growing down the top?

Water floats on water.

Winter glass
Spring flowed.


Winter fish live warmly:
The roof is thick glass.

Transparent like glass
But you can’t put it in the window.


Clean and clear like a diamond
There are no roads
He is born of a mother,
It gives birth to it.

There is a stone in the yard
The house is water.


In the new wall
In a round window,

In the afternoon the glass is broken

And overnight inserted.

(Ice hole)

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