What animals live in South America? Animals of South America. Description, names and types of animals of South America Creative work on geography animals of South America

Ministry of Education of Ukraine

on the theme "Animals of South America"


Grade 7-B student

Shostak A.I.


Donetsk 2004

PLANTS AND ANIMALS The natural world of South America is one of the richest on the planet. In the Amazon, at least 44,000 different plant species, 2,500 species of river fish and 1,500 species of birds can be found. In the jungle there are huge sciences that feed on birds, and mammals such as armadillos and sloths. The rivers of South America are inhabited by sea cows, freshwater dolphins, giant catfish and electric eels. Thousands of species of forest insects have not yet been studied.
  In the Andes there are alnaki and vicuna from the camelid family. In the steppes of Pamna there is a large running bird, the Nanda, or American ostrich. Penguins and seals are common in colder areas on the southern outskirts of the continent. On the Galapagos Islands, lying in the Pacific Ocean west of the shores of Ecuador, there are such rare representatives of the animal world as the famous giant turtles.
  Fertile soils nourish the rich flora of the continent. South America is the birthplace of prickly araucaria, caoutchoux, potatoes and many domestic plants (such as monsters).
  The nature of South America is in danger of destruction. As people cut down forests, many species of forest animals and priceless plants that have not adapted to new living conditions disappear without a trace.

  (Tapirus terrestris)

Mammals / Equidae / Tapirs / TAP
Mammalia / Perissodactyla / Tapiridae / Tapirus terrestris

· View TAPIR PLAIN listed in the international Red Book

TAPIR PLAIN (Tapirus terrestris) is the most famous and wider than other types of tapirs. He is relatively small in stature, his body length is about 2 m, the height at the withers is about 1 m, and his weight is 200 kg. Dark brown short hair covers the whole body. Starting between the ears, a stiff, stiff mane stretches along the entire neck. Plain tapir lives in the forests of South America, from the Amazon basin to Paraguay and northern Argentina. Tapir is a solitary, cautious inhabitant of the rainforest. He avoids open spaces, but is very attached to water. Where it does not bother him, tapir feeds at any time of the day, except for the hot midday hours that it spends in the water. Swimming places for tapirs are easy to find along the trails and a lot of litter on the shore and in shallow water. In water, tapirs not only escape from the heat, but also get rid of the blood-sucking arthropods. They walk along the same paths that are laid in dense thickets in the form of tunnels, often along rivers and streams. Along these paths on the foliage and grass accumulates a lot of ticks and ground leeches awaiting the victim, so a person should not use these paths. Fleeing the attack, the tapir (and its main enemy - the jaguar) throws the path, breaks through dense thorny bushes with extraordinary speed. Plain tapir feeds on young leaves of shrubs and trees, marsh, water and meadow grasses, as well as fruits and fruits, grabbing leaves with a movable trunk. If the tapir cannot get a tidbit, he gets up on his hind legs, leaning his fore feet on the trunk. The trunk of a tapir is unusually mobile; he stretches and retracts all the time, feeling all the objects. The tip of the trunk with a button-like patch is equipped with sensitive coarse hair - vibrissa - and serves as a sense of touch. Like all forest animals, tapir has a good sense of smell and hearing, but poor eyesight. Near human settlements, tapir raids fields and plantations of corn, sugarcane, mango, cocoa. Females become sexually mature at the 3-4th year of life; males, probably a year later. The sexual cycle occurs every 50-60 days throughout the year, and the cub (always one) can be born in any month. Pregnancy lasts 390-400 days, and the female produces offspring, on average every 15 months. Before mating, animals are usually excited; the male, looking for the female, makes a short coughing sound or a sharp lingering whistle. As with all tapirs, the striped-spotted calf walks with his mother for a long time. He sucks his mother when she lies on her side, like a pig, and sleeps lying next to her mother. She does not let go of the cub far away from her, calling him as soon as he runs back two or three steps to the side. With age, the young tapir becomes very mobile, runs around his mother, jumps, shakes his head. Locals prey on plain tapir for meat and skin. In danger, the tapirs try to hide in the water, where the natives catch them in boats and, as soon as the animals come up, kill them with spears or knives. In villages, you can often see young tapirs taken from murdered mothers. They quickly become tame, take a pacifier with milk, and at the age of a few weeks they eat well boiled vegetables and porridge. Later, tapirs feed on leaves and grass, and especially like leaves and young ears of corn. Village kids ride hand-held tapirs on horseback. It is said that in the last century, colonists plowed with success, harnessing hand-held tapirs to a plow. In captivity, the tapirs lived to 30 years.

  (Panthera onca)

Mammals / Predators / Feline / JAGUAR
Mammalia / Carnivora / Felidae / Panthera onca

· View JAGUAR listed in the international Red Book

JAGUAR (Panthera onca) is a representative of a group of large cats in the fauna of North and South America. It is slightly larger than the leopard: the body is 150-180 cm, the tail is 70-91 cm, the mass is 68-136 kg. The body of the jaguar is more stocky, massive, the tail and legs are relatively shorter than that of a leopard, and rather it is like a tiger. The jaguar is distributed almost throughout South and Central America and in the south of North America. For him, the most characteristic are dense tropical forests, to a lesser extent - arid thickets of shrubs. Sometimes jaguars appear even in pampas. They lead a wandering life and often overcome wide rivers, as they swim excellently and, most importantly, willingly. Deer, bakers, agouti, capybaras are the prey of the jaguar. He attacks large tapirs when they come to a watering place, abducts dogs and livestock, catches alligators, turtles, fish, and small animals. Jaguars breed all year round. Pregnancy lasts 100 to 110 days. In the brood, there are up to 4 cubs. They grow quickly, but reach puberty in three years.

  (Euphractus sexcinctus)

Mammals / Nawtooths / Armadillos / WHITE BRUSHNESS
Mammalia / Edentata / Dasypodidae / Euphractus sexcinctus

WHITE-BADDEN BARNESET (Euphractus sexcinctus) is distributed farthest from the north from Middle Argentina to the lower Amazon; the second inhabits Northern and Central Argertina. In addition to the color of the bristles, the white-bristled one differs in somewhat larger sizes (the length of its body is 40–50 cm, its tail is 20–25 cm, and its mass is 3.5–4.5 kg) and its relatively poorly developed bristle cover. These armadillos, which are called peludos (hairy) in Argentina, are better known than others because they dig numerous temporary burrows in the savannah and often leave burrows during the day, even in bright sunshine. If the ground is soft and there is no hole near, then in danger, the peludos quickly buries in front of the pursuer. The course of an ordinary hole does not exceed 2 m and ends with a camera. In addition, there are many small holes or, more precisely, deep skates dug by the animal in search of food. Because of their holes, peludos for local gaucho (riders) are a “thorn in the eye,” since horses often fall into its holes and break their legs. In addition, by digging a hole, armadillos spoil crops. In some areas, even premiums for the destruction of peludos have been established, and hunters get hundreds of these animals in a few days. They hunt them in the moonlight with dogs and kill with a stick or fill holes with water. Bristled armadillos feed on insects, worms and other invertebrates, as well as carrion. In the corpse of an animal you can meet several animals at the same time, usually living alone. They breed twice a year. Pregnancy lasts 62-74 days. Usually bring two cubs, which the female feeds in the hole for a month.

Caiman Crocodile
  (Caiman crocodilus)

Reptiles or reptiles / Crocodiles / Alligators / CAYMAN Crocodile
Reptilia / Crocodylia / Alligatoridae / Caiman crocodilus

Caiman crocodilus (Caiman crocodilus) has a relatively long muzzle narrowed in front. In adults, through holes are formed to accommodate large - first and fourth - teeth of the lower jaw (in the premaxilla in front of the nostrils and in the suture between the premaxillary and maxillary bones). Often, on one or both sides of the skull, the outer wall of the opening on the suture of the maxillary and maxillary bones is destroyed, forming not fossae, but notches in the edges of the upper jaw to accommodate the fourth lower teeth. This gives the skull the appearance usual for the skulls of real crocodiles, which led to the species name of this species. Animals reach 2.4-2.6 m in length. Crocodile caiman is common in Central and South America: from Chiapas in the north to the mouth of Parana in the south, in Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guiana, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay , Argentina. On this vast territory, the caiman forms 3-5 subspecies. It is tolerant of brackish water, which allowed it to settle from the continent of America to some islands close to the mainland: Trinidad, the small islands of Gorgon and Gorgonilla off the western coast of Colombia. Crocodile caimans were sometimes met in the sea near the coast. In the distribution of these animals, floating islands, formed from water hyacinths (Eichhornia) and other plants, sometimes reaching considerable sizes (over 900 m²) and often floating downstream, play an important role. These floating islands (“mats”) provide refuge for young caimans and can carry them long distances and into the open sea. Animals prefer quiet waters and are more often found in swamps and small rivers. Young individuals feed mainly on aquatic insects. Adults attack any prey that they can handle. The main food consists of large water snails, freshwater crabs and fish. They breed throughout the year, but especially intensively from January to March (Colombia). Females for laying eggs build nests from rotting plants among thickets near water. Clutch consists of 15-30 eggs. Adult males occupy a certain territory and fight with males who have violated the boundaries of individual plots. The number of crocodile caimans has now fallen sharply due to intensive hunting for them for the sake of the skin.

THE Dwarf game
  (Cebuella pygmaea)

Mammals / Primates / Needle-shaped / Dwarf game
Mammalia / Primates / Callitrichidae / Cebuella pygmaea

The Dwarf Toy (Cebuella pygmaea) lives in the upper reaches of the Amazon River - from the west bank of the Purus River to the foot of the Andes, also found on the banks of the Putumayo River in Colombia. Their fur is thick, brownish, with yellowish and greenish marks on the hair, the lower parts of the body are whitish, on the tail are not clearly defined stripes. The face is frayed. The ears are small, bare and hidden in a thick mantle. They sleep in the hollows of trees. They feed on insects, fruits, small birds and their eggs. They are difficult to observe in the wild. At the slightest danger, they instantly hide in the thick of the foliage. Judging by the observations, in captivity dwarf marmosets give birth to two cubs, which are kept on the body of their father for up to 6 weeks. From 8 weeks they gradually become independent and independently find their own food. By 24 weeks they reach the size of adults.

  (Eunectes murinus)

Reptiles or Reptiles / Scaly / Snake-legged / ANACONDA
Reptilia / Squamata / Boidae / Eunectes murinus

ANACONDA (Eunectes murinus) is the largest snake in the world - inhabits the whole of tropical South America east of the Cordillera and the island of Trinidad. The average size of the adult anaconda is 5-6 m, but individuals up to 10 m long are occasionally found. The unique and largest reliably measured specimen from East Colombia reached 11 m 43 cm (we recall, however, that this specimen could not be preserved). The main body color of the anaconda is grayish-green with large dark-brown spots of round or oblong shape, alternating in a checkerboard pattern. On the sides of the body there is a series of small bright spots surrounded by a black stripe. This color perfectly conceals the anaconda when it lurks, lying in a quiet backwater, where brown leaves and bunches of algae float on gray-green water. Favorite places of anaconda are low-flowing arms and backwaters, elders and lakes, swampy lowlands in the basins of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. In such secluded corners, the anaconda, lying in the water, guards its prey of various mammals coming to a watering place (agouti, paka, bakers), waterfowl, sometimes turtles and young caimans. Domestic pigs, dogs, chickens, and ducks also fall victim to the anaconda when they approach the water. Anaconda often crawls ashore and takes sun baths, but does not depart far from the water. She swims perfectly, dives and can be under water for a long time, while her nostrils are closed by special valves. When the pond dries, the anaconda moves to the neighboring ones or goes down the river. In the dry period, which may occur in some areas, the anaconda burrows into the bottom silt and falls into a stupor, in which it remains until the rains resume. The molting process at the anaconda also often takes place under water: in captivity it was necessary to observe how the snake, plunging into the pool, rubs its belly against its bottom and gradually pulls itself out of the crawl. The anaconda is ovoviviparous, and the female brings from 28 to 42 cubs 50-80 cm long, but occasionally can lay eggs. They do not live in captivity for long - 5-6 years, the maximum life expectancy in captivity is 28 years. The main food of the anaconda is rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, but it also eats various reptiles, fish and sometimes swallows snakes. Once a 5-meter anaconda strangled and ate a 2.5-meter dark python, which took her only 45 minutes. Contrary to the numerous "scary" stories of "eyewitnesses", the anaconda cannot be considered dangerous for an adult. Single attacks on people are carried out by an anaconda, apparently by mistake when a snake sees under water only part of a person’s body or if it seems to her that they want to attack or take her prey. Only the case of the death of a thirteen-year-old boy swallowed by an anaconda is completely reliable. Local hunters, as a rule, are not afraid of anaconda and kill it whenever possible. A number of myths and superstitions that exist among the Indian tribes are associated with this snake.

  (Sappho sparganura)

Birds / Long-winged / Hummingbird / COLIBRI-SAPFO
Aves / Macrochires / Trochilidae / Sappho sparganura

COLIBRI-SAPPO (Sappho sparganura) is peculiar to the southern part of Bolivia and Northwest Argentina. It adheres to the dry open landscape of the foothills and the high plateau of the Bolivian Andes. Her head and front of her body are brilliantly green, her back is purple-violet, and her long forked tail is red with black endings for each feather. When a bird soars upward with great ease, its “burning” tail gives the impression of a comet trail. Due to excessive persecution, this bird is now very rare.

  (Vultur gryphus)

Birds / Day Birds of Prey / American Vultures / CONDOR
Aves / Falconiformes / Cathartidae / Vultur gryphus

· Kind CONDOR listed in the international Red Book

CONDOR (Vultur gryphus) is a huge bird: the male is about 1.15 m long, the wingspan is up to 2.75 m. The condor females are slightly smaller. The coloring of adult birds of the condor is black with a white collar of leaf-shaped feathers. Minor flywheels with wide white rims, shoulder white with black bases. The bare skin of the head and throat is blackish-gray, the neck and goiter are red. Condor's legs are dark gray. The rainbow is red. The beak is black with a yellow top. Males have a crest on the waxwort (females do not have it). Young condors are brown in color, their head is covered with down. Condor is widespread in South America from Venezuela and Colombia to the southern tip of the mainland (Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego) and the Falkland Islands. In the northern part of the nesting range, the condor inhabits a high mountain belt at an altitude of 3000-5000 m, sometimes flies higher (at Chimboraso it was recorded at an altitude of more than 7000 m). In the southern part of the nesting area, condor is found both in the foothills and in the plains. In nesting time, the condor is kept in separate pairs, at other times of the year it leads a flocking lifestyle. A condor nests on the rocks, sometimes arranging a small litter of twigs. There are 2 eggs in the clutch. The female incubates for 54-55 days. The development of young condors is slow, puberty (full dress), they, apparently, reach only at the age of six. Condor feeds mainly on carrion, decomposed to varying degrees. Occasionally, condors also attack live animals (newborns or weakened wigons, calves and lambs).

  (Lama vicugna)

Mammals / Callosophy / Camelids / VICUNA
Mammalia / Tylopoda / Camelidae / Lama vicugna

· View VICUNA listed in the international Red Book

VICUNA (Lama vicugna) is a species of wild lamas. It is smaller than guanaco: body length 125-190 food, height - 70-110 cm and weight - 40-50 kg. Her head is shorter, but her ears are longer. The coat is brighter, reddish; it is longer than that of guanaco, on the neck and chest forms a suspension 20-35 cm long. Chestnuts on the legs are hidden by hair. The border between dark and light coat color is not pronounced. Vicuna is common only in the highlands of the Andes. Like guanaco, kept by family herds of 5-15 females with young under the leadership of an adult male. Single males form temporary, easily decaying groups of 20-30 animals. Vicuna gon runs from April to June. Pregnancy lasts 10-11 months. Previously, the Incas annually drove a large number of vicunas into corral, cut their wool and then released it into the wild. Now the Indians also sometimes drive a herd of vicunas into corrals near rocky cliffs, shear and release them, but the number of vicunias has sharply decreased, and such cases are now rare. In the research farm in Cuzco (Peru) at an altitude of 4000 m above sea level, work is being carried out on the domestication and breeding of vicuna. Currently, no more than 5,000 vicunas have been preserved in Peru, about 1,000 animals in Bolivia, and this species is under protection. All species of wild and domestic humpbacked camels live well in zoos up to 20-25 years old, breed and produce prolific hybrids. It is harder than others to keep vicuna, and it rarely crosses with other forms.

Family SLOTS

Mammals / Toothless / Sloths /
Mammalia / Edentata / Bradypodidae /

Family Sloths (Bradypodidae) Sloths are purely arboreal animals that feed on leaves and spend their whole lives on trees in a suspended position with their backs down. In this regard, 3 fingers on the hind legs and 2 or 3 fingers on the front paws together with powerful curved claws form hooks, as it were, with which the animals hang or move slowly. In contrast to all other animals, their hair has a pile directed not to the belly, but to the ridge, so that rainwater easily rolls off the body. The only way of self-defense of these harmless animals is to go unnoticed, which is why their extreme slowness is associated. Among the foliage of trees in the rainforest, these animals are really completely invisible, which is facilitated by the greenish tint of their long coarse coat. This green color of the gray-brown hair depends on the blue-green microscopic algae (Trichophilus and Cyanoderma) that settle in the longitudinal and transverse grooves of the sloth hair. Another cohabitant spends almost all his life on the body of these animals - a special kind of moth butterfly, laying its eggs in the sloth's wool.

The internal organs of the sloth due to the constant position of the animal with its back down are also unusual for mammals. The liver is turned to the back, covered by the stomach and does not touch the abdominal wall; the spleen and pancreas lie not on the left, but on the right. The bladder is very large and almost in contact with the diaphragm, the trachea makes two bends, etc. Sloths feed on leaves, young shoots, flowers and fruits of the trees, which break off the lips with hard, horny skin. In exceptional cases, when there is no food, sloths go to neighboring trees on the ground. But on earth, they are completely helpless. Lying with their limbs extended to the sides, they are looking for something to catch on with their claws, and they can hardly move a few meters.

Sloths sleep 15 hours a day, sometimes gathering several animals together in a fork in the branches, and then they surprisingly resemble an armful of hay. Their breathing and blood circulation are very slow, and body temperature can drop to 24-33 °. They defecate very rarely, about once a week, usually after rain, and for this they go down to the base of the tree in a group. Sloths are resistant to hunger and suffer such injuries from which other animals die. Despite the fact that sloths are intensively hunted, since their meat resembles lamb to their taste, the skin is used to cover saddles, and curved claws are used for necklaces, these subtle animals have been preserved in many places in South and Central America where other mammals have long been exterminated .

South America has a length of 7500 km includes the Andes mountain system, the Amazonian lowland between the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus, the Galapagos Islands, rivers, waterfalls.

There are six climatic zones in South America. The climate is mostly tropical.. Favorable natural conditions have formed a rich fauna and flora on the continent! Some representatives of the flora and fauna of South America are unique and are not found anywhere else.

In tropical rainforests live freshwater poisonous and, marmoset monkeys and arachnid monkeys. There are many birds on the continent, especially Ara parrots and other colorful birds.

Rodents (tuco-tuco, swamp beaver) and predators (,) settle in the savannahs and steppes. Pampa fox, Magellanic fox, are common throughout South America. And what are the most famous representatives of the fauna that live on the continent?

Puma - a large predator, a representative of the cat family. The body length of the animal is 100-200 cm. Weight is 800-100 kg. Only jaguars, lions and tigers are larger than cougars..

Cubs of a cat are born spotted, spots disappear by the first year of life, and the animal becomes monophonic. Cougar milk is 6 times fatter than cow's milk.

It is interesting!  On the plain, the cougar can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h, but she quickly gets tired and, in the event of a chase, tries to quickly climb a tree.

Cougars adapt to any natural conditions: they live in mountain, coniferous, tropical forests. Their range is limited only by the lack of food and shelter. Puma eats exclusively food of animal origin. Puma's pursuit of prey in 82% ends with a positive result.

The cat is active day and night. The time of wakefulness and hunting depends on hunger. The animal easily climbs trees and rocks in search of prey, easily climbs up mountainous terrain.

And yet, cougars can purr like domestic cats.

Jaguar is a predatory mammal of the genus panther. It looks like a leopard, but much larger than it.

The main habitats of the animal are tropical and mountain forests, the ocean coast (where a cat is looking for turtle eggs).

It is interesting!  Jaguars are able to get food in the water, and also swim and dive perfectly.

Jaguars - do not like invasion of personal space and are menacingly representatives of a different kind of feline. Therefore, the territory per animal is from 25 to 50 square meters. km

The diet of jaguars includes waterfowl, snakes, rodents, monkeys, possums, livestock.

Important!  Jaguar is an animal non-aggressive towards humans. He can chase people in the forest out of curiosity without attacking. Although occasionally there are cases and attacks.

Spectacled bear

Spectacled bear is a predatory mammal.   Sole Bear Representative South America. Height - 150-180 cm, weight - 70-140 kg.

The animal lives in the mountain forests of the Andes, in open meadows and savannahs.

Spectacled bears are not fully understood, as they are on the verge of extinction. It is known that the animal does not hibernate and is herbivore - it feeds mainly on shoots of grass, fruits, crops of corn and rhizomes.

Spectacled bear is peaceful. Maximum - spoils the uninvited guest, and he leaves the territory.

At darwin fox  the fur is dark gray with reddish patches on the head and face. The animal does not mate with other representatives of its kind. It is smaller and darker colored. His legs are shorter than the legs of the continental species. The weight of the fox is 2-4 kg, which is significantly less than the weight of the South American fox, which weighs from 5 to 10 kg.

The Darwin fox is a typical forest animal that lives in a southern, temperate, humid jungle. Leads a solitary lifestyle. It is active, first of all, at twilight and predawn hours. It feeds on insects, small mammals, birds, amphibians, berries and carrion.

On the island of Chiloe lives 200, and on the continent less than 50 animals. The species is classified as endangered. The destruction of forests around the national park and dogs that carry infections and attack foxes are the main reasons for the low population.

The body length of an adult capybara reaches 1-1.35 m, the height at the withers is 50-60 cm. Males weigh 34-63 kg, and females weigh 36-65.5 kg (measurements were made in Venezuelan lianos). Females are usually larger than males.

This giant rodent is a fat animal with an elongated body, covered with stiff shaggy wool of a colorful brown color. The front legs of the capybara are longer than the hind legs, the massive rump does not have a tail, and therefore it always looks like it is about to sit down. She has large paws with wide webbed fingers, and the claws on her forepaws, short and blunt, are surprisingly reminiscent of miniature hooves. She looks very aristocratic: her flat, wide head and dull, almost square muzzle have a sympathetic, patronizing expression, giving her a resemblance to a brooding lion. On the ground, the capybara moves with a characteristic shuffling gait or jumps into a galloping waddle, while in the water it swims and dives with amazing ease and agility.

Capybara is a phlegmatic, good-natured vegetarian, devoid of the bright individual traits inherent in some of his relatives, but this flaw is made up for by her calm and friendly disposition.

Capybaras are public animals living in groups of 10-20 individuals. Groups consist of a dominant male, several adult females (with their own hierarchy), cubs and subordinate males located on the periphery of the group. 5-10% of capybaras, mainly males, live alone. The dominant male often expels from the group of male competitors. The drier the terrain, the larger the groups; up to several hundred individuals sometimes accumulate in drought around water bodies. A herd of capybaras on average occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 10 hectares, most of the time, however, spending on a site with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 1 hectare. The site is marked by secretions of the nasal and anal glands; conflicts were noted between its permanent inhabitants and aliens.

It is interesting!About 300 years ago, the Catholic Church classified capybaras as fish. Thus, the ban on the consumption of capybara meat during fasting was lifted.

A maned wolf is a predatory representative of the canine family. Has an unusual appearance, looking more like a fox than a wolf. The animal has a disproportionate size of body parts: the body is short - 120-130 cm, legs are very long - 75-85 cm, high ears and short tail. The weight of the wolf is 20-25 kg.

The animal can be found in the savannah, on grassy and shrubby plains. In the diet of the beast there is food of animal and plant origin: small rodents, birds, reptiles, bananas, guava.

Maned wolves are monogamous: choose a pair for life.

The size of a Geoffrey cat is similar to a domestic cat. Its length is 60 cm, and the tail length is an additional 30 cm. The main color of the coat is gray or yellowish brown, with the first phenotype found mainly in the south of the range, and the second in the north. The coat is covered with small black spots. Quite often there is melanism (completely black individuals).

Geoffrey cat lives in the southern part of the continent; its range extends from Bolivia and southern Brazil to Patagonia. It is found exclusively east of the Andes. The preferred habitat is forests and forest-steppes.

Geoffrey cat prey includes hares and rodents. Since she often preys on fish in water, she is also called a “cat fisherman” in South America. In scientific terminology, this name, however, refers to a different species (see cat-fisher). Geoffrey's cat is active at night, and sleeps on trees in the afternoon.

A cross between a Geoffrey cat and a domestic cat is called a safari cat. However, it is known that it is not so easy to obtain this cross. Geoffrey's cat, who lived in the zoo of the city of Haple, killed all the males of a domestic cat who ended up in her cage. All attempts to procreate from her and the domestic cat were fruitless.

Wool of this species has long been valued in the production of fur coats. However, due to the fact that the Geoffrey cat has become extremely rare in our time and is under serious threat of extinction, it was listed in the Washington Convention for the Protection of Nature and any trade related to it or products made from it is prohibited today. In the year before the entry into force of this convention, more than 5,000 individuals entered the market, which amounted to one tenth of its total population.

Nine-Belt Armadillo

Settles in forests and shrubs from northern Argentina north to Mexico and west to the Andes. Over the past hundred years, he has settled from Mexico to the southern United States, reaching Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. The length of his body is 40–50 cm, the tail is from 25 to 40 cm, and his body weight is about 6 kg.

Digs holes in the banks of streams and rivers always near trees and shrubs. Such a hole is a direct passage into which 2-3 holes with a diameter of 15–20 cm and a length of up to 7 m sometimes lead. The nesting chamber at the end of the hole is lined with dry leaves and grass. This litter, especially after rains, the animal often changes, discarding the old one, so that rotten leaves accumulate at the entrance. On hot days, the battleship leaves the hole only in the evening; in cool weather he searches for food during the day.

Even the asphalt is not a hindrance for the claws of armadillos - sensing danger, they instantly dig up the upper hard layer of the road surface and quickly burrow under it.

Coming out of the hole, he sniffs, keeping his sharp muzzle near the ground. Moving in zigzags, he walks about one kilometer per hour, stopping at every step to dig a worm or insect, which he senses to a depth of 20 cm. If he pursues an armadillo, he moves from a mincing step to a gallop and strives to escape into the hole, from where he not so easy to extract. In the hole, the battleship is jammed with shell and paws, and its slippery conical tail is difficult to grasp.

The usual enemies of an armadillo are a wolf, a coyote, a cougar, as well as dogs, humans, and motor vehicles; a lot of armadillos die at night on the roads under the wheels of cars.

Armadillos can walk underwater. They have a very low oxygen demand and can hold their breath for 6 minutes, retaining air in the trachea and bronchi.

The body length of the ancestors of the battleships reached 3 meters. From their carapace, the natives of South America made roofs for the huts. It turned out a kind of durable tile.

At the foot of the Andes lies tropical rainforests. When climbing uphill, deciduous and coniferous forests are replaced by shrubs and herbs. Here, at an altitude of 3500-5000 m above sea level, a llama, a mammal from the camelid family, grazes.

In appearance, lamas have much in common with camels. The head is small, the ears are high pointed, the hair of medium length is soft to the touch.

The animal was tamed 4,000 years ago by the Indians of the central Andes (formerly Peru). It is used to this day for the transportation of goods in mountainous areas, where no transport can climb..

Packed up only adult males. If the load is too heavy, the llama will not move. When trying to punish - spit in the drover.


Nosoha is a mammal of the raccoon family. It got its name from a movable proboscis formed by the upper lip and elongated nose. The length of the body with the tail is 1-1.5 m, weight - 10-11 kg.

Nosoha is common throughout almost South America. They live in tropical forests, deserts. The animal is successfully tamed by humans, it can be a pet.

Russian anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky called a nose “Ideal candidates for rationality”  in connection with a tree lifestyle, sociality and developed limbs.

Alpaca - a cloven-hoofed animal of the camelid family, domesticated 6000 years ago. Height - up to 1 m, weight - about 70 kg.

Most alpacas live in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of 4000-5000 m above sea level.

The animal has a long fleece coat (on the sides 15-20 cm in length). It makes blankets, warm clothes. Valuable material has the healing properties of sheep’s wool, while it’s warmer than wool.

Alpaca is curious, but shy, afraid of touching hands. He has a peaceful disposition and never spits on people - only at each other in the struggle for food.

Crocodile - a reptile, belongs to the order of aquatic vertebrates. This is a cold-blooded animal whose body temperature depends on the temperature of the environment. Of the living representatives of the flora, the closest relatives of the crocodile are birds.

The length of the reptile is 2-8 m.

Crocodiles live mainly in fresh waters. Most of the day is spent in water, only in the early morning or evening they go on land to "warm up". Crocodiles love the heat, live at a temperature of 32-35 ° C. A temperature below 20 ° C is fatal to the animal.

Crocodiles move with the help of a tail and are capable of speeds up to 17 km per hour.

Contrary to beliefs, not all crocodiles are dangerous to humans. Some species (such as gavial) never attack humans.

The snake is a reptile from the squamous squad. In South America they live bushmeister  - a deadly poisonous snake, eastern rhombic rattler, coral asp, flying kite, aquatic muzzle  etc.

All snakes are predators. They feed on vertebrates and invertebrates. Non-toxic reptiles swallow prey alive or strangle and compress with jaws, pressing to the ground. Poisonous - they kill the victim, releasing poison into her body.

In search of prey, snakes use the sense of smell: they use a bifurcated tongue to collect particles of soil, air, water and transmit them to analyze the chemical composition in the oral cavity. This method allows you to detect prey and determine its location.

Turtle is a representative of a reptile squad. It lives in tropical and temperate climatic zones, lives in water and on land. It has a hard shell that protects the reptile from enemies, a solid beak for biting off food. Turtles have no teeth, but there are hard incisors on the beak. In predatory species, they are very sharp, so they serve as knives for cutting prey.

The size and weight of the turtle depends on the species. The largest representatives of the species are leatherback turtles. The length of their shell can reach 2.5 m, the span of the front fins - 2.5 m, weight - up to 900 kg. The smallest is the Cape speckled tortoise. Her body is 11 cm long and weighs 240 g.

Lizards are reptiles from the reptile squad. The species is distributed throughout the continent.

There are lizards with developed limbs and legless ones. Legless people are very easy to confuse with snakes - only an experienced biologist can distinguish them.

Most lizards are predators: they feed on mollusks, frogs, birds and small mammals.  Sometimes they attack large animals - wild pigs, deer.

Some species of lizards are herbivorous (iguanas, skinks). They eat the pulp of ripe fruit, leaves, flowers.

The Andes mountain system in South America stretches across seven countries of the continent in a direction from north to south, from Venezuela to Chile. It is the longest continental mountain range with a unique ecosystem and a wide variety of animal species. About two thirds of the Andean species are endemic to this region.

Of the 600 species of mammals living in the Andes, 13% are endemic. 45% of the 600 species of reptiles found here are also endemic. This mountain system of South America is home to about 1700 species of birds and 400 species of fish, almost a third of which are endemic. Below are the most famous animals living in the Andes.


This mammal is one of the most common animals of the Andes of South America. Guanaco belong to the family of camelids and can reach a height of 1-2.2 meters. They live in herds of females and offspring led by a dominant male leader. The male protects the entire group of animals from predators and other threats. The thick skin on the neck of these animals of the Andes reliably protects them during attacks by predatory animals.

The life expectancy of guanaco is 20-25 years. The legal hunting of these animals in the Andes is resolved only in some places within their range. Guanaco wool has excellent quality and is of particular value.


The Andes of South America are home to these rodents, known for their fur, which ranks second in the world in density among all terrestrial mammals. They lead a twilight lifestyle, showing the greatest activity at dusk and at dawn. Chinchillas in the Andes are found at an altitude of up to 4200 m.

The population of these animals is growing rapidly, but still they are most common in the Chilean Andes. Hunting wild chinchillas for the purpose of obtaining their valuable fur is one of the main reasons that significantly affect the development of their population. Long-tailed and short-tailed chinchillas are considered by IUCN to be among the endangered species.


This animal is a domestic species of vicuna that is bred in the highlands of the Andes of South America. Of particular value is alpaca wool, which is used to create clothing (in particular shawls, socks, sweaters, gloves and hats).

The most appreciated wool of two types of alpacas - Huacaya and Suri (Suri). Herds of these animals graze in the Andes at an altitude of 3,500 to 5,000 m. They differ from lamas in smaller dimensions.


This domesticated by the Indians animal of the camelid family for many centuries was inextricably linked with the culture of the Andean peoples. Llamas were used by people of this region as pack animals, and also served as their main source of meat.

The height of these animals reaches 1.7-1.8 m, and their life expectancy is from 15 to 25 years. Llamas are known to be social animals and coexist peacefully in large herds. They are also considered very intelligent and easy to learn Andean animals.

Peruvian and southand deer

These two species of deer are among the animals living in the Andes of South America. Peruvian deer is found mainly in Peru and Bolivia, and the second species is most common in Argentina and Chile.

Both animals are characterized by a massive body and short legs. In summer, they live at significant heights, and by autumn they move to protected valleys where they spend the winter.

Both deer species found in the Andes feed on grasses, shrubs, grass and lichens.

Their life expectancy is up to 10 years. Poaching, the destruction of their habitat and the appearance of non-native species are the main causes that lead to the threat of extinction of these Andean deer.

Yellow-tailed monkey

These monkeys are an endemic species of Peruvian primates, which totals about 250 individuals and is on the verge of extinction. They are found in the cloudy forests of the Andes - on steep cliffs, in deep gorges and dense thickets at an altitude of 1500 to 2700 m.

Due to human intervention and the destruction of the natural habitat of these primates, the population of yellow-tailed monkeys has decreased significantly. Only a few isolated groups of these animals remained in the Andes.

Spectacled (Andean) Bear

Spectacled bear is often called Andean. He is the only species of bears that live in South America. Also, the spectacled bear is one of the largest terrestrial mammals found on the South American continent.

Although these animals are omnivores, only 5% of their diet is meat. Andean bear lives in a vast area, including alpine meadows, shrubbery and cloudy Andean forests. Basically, these Andean animals are found at an altitude of more than 1900 m.

South American foxes

These representatives of the canine genus are not much different from other foxes that live in the Andes of South America. The most common in this group of six species is the South American gray fox.

Other species include Andean, Pampas, Brazilian, Darwin and Securan foxes.

Guinea pigs

The ancestors of these popular pets are animals that live in the Andes of South America. Guinea pigs were domesticated by the Incan indigenous South American inhabitants.

These animals played a special role in the culture of the Andean people and were used primarily as a food source, as well as in folk medicine.

Mountain tapir

These animals live in the Andes mountains and among the five species of tapirs occupy second place in the smallest size. It is easy to distinguish from the relatives of mountain tapirs by thick wool.

These herbivores play a key role in the development of the Andean ecosystem, as they contribute to the spread of plant seeds.


These wild representatives of the camelidae family living in the Andes are national animals of Peru. Vicuna is notable for its insignificant coat, which at the same time has excellent quality. Previously, only members of the royal families were allowed to wear vicuna clothes. Now these animals of the Andes are under protection and hunting for them is prohibited.

In the old days, it was unlimited hunting for vicuna that led to the fact that by 1974 the population was only 6,000 individuals. After considerable efforts aimed at the revival of these animals of the Andes, their number increased to 350 thousand individuals. Vicuna is found mainly in the central Andes in the territory of Bolivia, at an altitude of 3200 to 4800 m and feeds mainly on low-growing vegetation.

The fauna of South America impresses with its versatility. Also read about, including the numerous endemic species of this mountainous region, and find out which of the animals that live in the vastness of South America are.

South America ... Plants and animals of this region have been attracting increased attention for centuries. It is here that a huge number of unique animals live, and the flora is represented by truly unusual plants. It is unlikely that in the modern world you can meet a person who would not agree to visit this continent at least once in his life.

General geographical description

In fact, a huge continent called South America is huge. Plants and animals here are also diverse, but all of them, according to experts, are largely due to the geographical location and the features of the formation of the earth's surface.

The continent is washed on both sides by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The main part of its territory is located in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The connection of the mainland with North America occurred during the Pliocene during the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.

The Andes are a seismically active mountain system, stretching along the western border of the continent. To the east of the ridge flows the largest and covers almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bSouth America.

Among other continents, this one takes 4th place in terms of area and 5th place in terms of population. There are two versions of the appearance of people in this territory. Perhaps the settlement occurred through the Bering Isthmus, or the first people came from the South Pacific.

Unusual local climate

South America is the wettest continent of the planet with six climatic zones. In the north there is a subequatorial belt, and in the south there are subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate zones. On the northwest coast and lowlands of the Amazon, high humidity and equatorial climate.


This small cat family predator resembles a weasel or a cat. Jaguarundi has a long body (about 60 cm) with short legs, a small round head with triangular ears. Height at the withers reaches 30 cm, weight - up to 9 kg.

Wool of uniform coloring of gray, red or reddish-brown colors, not representing commercial value. It is found in forests, savannahs or wetlands.

It feeds on insects, small animals and fruits. Jaguarundi lives and hunts alone, meets with other individuals only for reproduction.

Here it is, unusual, stunning, alluring and bewitching South America, whose plants and animals are especially popular not only among scientists who connect their lives with the study of the continent, but also among curious tourists who are eager to discover something new.

Humanity still has a truly unique corner of the earth located on a continent called South America. Although anxiety for the future exclusivity of the enclave is caused by a natural phenomenon itself, which has formed a special flora and fauna, and human activity, which makes its own adjustments to the environment.

Animals and plants of South America are constantly in the struggle for survival, adapting to the ambiguous climate. The continent is under the continuous influence of tropical showers, highlands, savannahs, subequatorial forests, a sharp drop in altitude and human progress. It is entirely possible that all this diversity of climatic zones of the southern part of the New World predetermined the uniqueness of the natural world, which must be preserved and enhanced.

Intervention in human nature

However, a fresh example of intervention in the natural world by a man who did not bypass even the inhospitable place remote from civilization in the Atacama Desert (northern Chile), where the largest ground-based observatory arose, is noteworthy. Any traveler, being within the scope of this oasis of human progress, can confuse reality with fiction, since such a fantastic landscape on earth no longer exists.

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South America - Territory of Controversy

The territory of the controversial continent, which occupies the fourth place in terms of area on the globe, is literally crammed with contrasting natural zones. After all, through the countries of Uruguay and Argentina, where livestock farming is carried out, the hot steppe of Pampa stretches. But on the island of Tierra del Fuego, which is under the partial jurisdiction of Chile and Argentina, mostly cold weather prevails with constant gale winds from the Atlantic. A completely different matter is the west, where there are fertile valleys with a cool climate that arose in the Andes mountain system. The presence of the most sultry place of the Earth (Atacama Desert) on the continent and at the same time the functioning of one of the most deep-water river basins of the world (Amazon) with impenetrable jungle adds a picture of contrast.

Fauna of South America

A reasonable question arises: "What animals in South America could appear and survive, given a similar natural habitat?" First of all, the animals are the same inimitable and diverse as the nature of the southern part of America, the humid forest tropics and rare forests, savannahs and, of course, the inhabitants of the real mountain kingdom of the Andes.

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It makes no sense to consider the animal world of the southern half of the American continent separately from the longest - about 9,000 km - mountains of the Earth. The Andes have widespread presence in various climatic zones in southern America, covering six zones. The vertical division of the mountain massif identified three zones (terra elada, terra fria and terra calente), which are strictly delimited, and regardless of climate. The unique nature of the Andes has allowed mankind to acquire new cultures and plant species. Potato tubers, tomatoes, tobacco leaf, hindu tree have become valuable and irreplaceable representatives of the flora of the whole Earth.

Animals living in South America, for the most part, came from the Andes themselves or the surrounding mountains. Here you can find a large number (up to 600) species of mammals and even more (900) varieties of amphibians. The nature of the Andes painted many insects with bright colors, especially highlighting the butterfly population, and among the ants tried to create unique samples of large individuals. Andean bird colonies number 1700 species and deserve special attention. In dense thickets of plants, a constant numerous bird's homon is heard. Species of parrots and tiny hummingbirds have been honored with a special presence in the Andes.

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Condor animal symbol of South America

But the main animal of South America, relating to the bird kingdom, is a condor, which did not take pride of place in the International Red Book. Mainly due to humans, the condor became an endangered species, as it was considered a dangerous predator, and its habitat was reduced to two relatively small areas of the Andes. Nevertheless, he was honored with honorable attention of a person, becoming the national symbol of several states of South America at once - Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and the Colombian authorities depicted a condor on the country's national emblem. Recently, programs have begun to appear to protect the true cultural heritage of many Andean peoples.

Condor is one of the largest flying birds in the world.  and has a rare graceful coloring, and individuals of males are often much smaller than females. Among the feathered inhabitants of the planet, the condor rightfully belongs to long-livers who can overcome the age threshold of fifty years.

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