Vedas numerology by date of birth. The calculation of the numbers of fate according to Vedic numerology and the Indian horoscope. The basics of Vedic numerology

Numbers and signs surround a person throughout his earthly life. They are studied by kiology, Indian and Vedic numerology, tantric science and others. Even in antiquity, our ancestors believed that each number has magical powers or secret meanings. They paid special attention to the date of birth. Similar methods for calculating the number of souls are applied now.

What is the number of souls

In Vedic numerology, the date that a person was born into the world is called the number of the soul. It plays a huge role in destiny, self-knowledge and personal growth. It is this number in esoteric that defines the tasks and goals of the life path. The number of souls - jivas - reflects the attitude to the inner world, affects the ability to reveal oneself, to build relationships in the family, team, society as a whole.

More in Vedic numerology by date of birth  it is possible to determine the abilities, character, weaknesses and strengths of a person, to help break the deadlock in the process of self-development. This is a unique code of the soul, reflecting the individual preferences of a person.

Formula for calculating

You can determine the jiva yourself, without resorting to the consultation of a numerologist. To do this, you need to know the date of birth and the calculation algorithm. Birthday numbers  folded in a classic way for numerology.

For example, how to calculate the number of souls by date of birth on April 24, 1989. You do not need to use the month and year to calculate, only the date. Add the date in the following way - 2 + 4 \u003d 6. If we took the number 29, it would be 11. Then it would be necessary to add 1 + 1 \u003d 2, where 2 is the number of the soul. In our case, with date 24 there will be jiv 6.

Characterization of numbers

Each number is from one to nine has its own unique characteristic. After reviewing the description of your number, you can understand how it affects relationships with other people, career, destiny.

One (born under the sign of the Sun)

Unit-driven people are active, motivated individuals. They know how to set goals and achieve them. The units are under the control of the Sun, which gives them purposefulness and a steel character.

People with the number of jivas have a unique point of view, they are able to defend and argue their own position. They are sociable, easily meet people. Very caring and hospitable. Demanding to others, clearly build their own boundaries and do not allow themselves to be offended.

Often among the “units” there are spouts that bring comfort to the forefront, dream of easy money, material wealth and status. They are hard on criticism. But they themselves evaluate and criticize other people with great pleasure.

These people are activists and leaders who easily join religious, volunteer and trade union organizations. They differ in artistic taste and aristocratic manners.

"Units" love innovation and extreme sports, respect physical labor, sports. They value efficiency, punctuality and sobriety in the work. Easily build a career in any of the industries, have a successful business. Without personal growth, they experience apathy, depression, dissatisfaction.

Two (sign of the moon)

People with two jivas live under the protection of the moon. This cosmic body greatly affects their subconscious.

"Deuces" have a strong, creative character. These are innate aristocrats and artists with femininity and romanticism. Women with the number two jivas are very beautiful, graceful and charismatic.

The weaknesses of the number are indecision, a high need for support from the outside world, dependent on the opinions of relatives or friends. Often these people are moody or too emotional.

At the same time, they are very friendly and human, always ready to help their neighbor. On the other hand, they take friendship too seriously, believe in its holiness, for the sake of a friend they are ready to sacrifice many, even themselves.

Three (sign of Jupiter)

People with three jivas are the wards of Jupiter. Their life path is based on righteousness, enlightenment, faith in justice. Jupiter greatly expands the consciousness of the "triples", makes them courageous, strong spirit, energetic. "Three" - these are true family members. Family and self-knowledge is the main thing in their life.

In the social sphere, people with numbers  three souls are sociable, active, disciplined workers. They are very dynamic, hardworking, have an active life position.

Basic character traits:

  • masculinity;
  • discipline;
  • self-righteousness;
  • reliability;
  • sense of humor;
  • high spiritual standards.

"Troika" is always busy with something, it is difficult to switch to rest.

Four (Rahu cosmic force)

Four-jeev people live under the auspices of the Rahu cosmic force. It negatively affects a person, pushes him to laziness, self-destruction, selfishness, the search for quick pleasures and easy money. It is often difficult for the Quartet to distinguish between good and evil; they are aggressive and pessimistic. These people are prone to addictions - alcoholism, gambling addiction, shopaholism, etc.

In the professional plan of the “Quartet” are talented painters and artists, art historians. These love prefer a bohemian, luxurious life.

"Fours" are mysterious, keep their personal lives secret, have a rebellious disposition. Often live from extreme to extreme, overcome many obstacles that they create for themselves. As a result, the “fours” respect the support of loved ones, are patient with themselves and others, and know how to love.

Five (Mercury)

The Fives live under the influence of the planet Mercury. They quickly respond to changing circumstances, are characterized by a volatile nature.

These are smart, gambling people. Their talents are well revealed in commerce and entrepreneurship.

Mercury gave cunning and resourcefulness to those born with the number five in the date. The Fives are prone to sarcasm, evil jokes, manipulation and extreme travel.

Five jivas are born vulnerable and sensual. But over the years they become restless seekers of truth and thrills. Sociable, optimistic, often become the soul of the company.

Spenders do not know how to save money at all. At the same time, there is always a certain amount on the account, ready to help out on a difficult day. They value time, business relationships and discipline.

Experience and knowledge are more effectively gained in travel.

Six (Venus)

People with six jivas are under the auspices of Venus. This cosmic body bestows its wards with love, sophistication, passion, sensuality, artistry.

People with the six souls embedded in the figure of the soul are playful and loving, life energy boils inside their souls. But at the same time, they are able to calmly analyze their own actions in a calm environment.

The Sixes love to be in the spotlight and live in comfort. They have an exquisite taste and good manners.

Men and women with this number in the date behave differently. Men are wonderful lovers, avid for beautiful women, prone to cheating in marriage. Women are distinguished by a wonderful figure, passion and love of sex in youth. At a more advanced age, ladies prefer to invest the energy of Venus in their careers and personal growth.

Seven (Ketu cosmic force)

The patron of the "sevens" is the cosmic power of Ketu. People born under her leadership are endowed with wisdom, extrasensory perception, insight. “Sevens” devote a lot of time and energy to discovering the secrets of the soul, self-knowledge.

Material wealth for them is secondary. They often argue with loved ones, have a developed imagination and sensitivity to the world. Outwardly, they may look messy, because in the real world they prefer the world of illusions, the material is secondary.

To achieve career success, they need the help of a mentor or assistant. Work better under direction. They need an understanding of the authorities, the right motivation.

Basic character traits of the "seven":

  • sensitivity;
  • originality (in appearance or worldview);
  • romance;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness to all people, without division into social groups;
  • capable of resurrecting old thoughts or things;
  • able to sell their knowledge and experience.

Eight (Saturn)

The G8 is ruled by Saturn. These are people who are prone to gloom and suspicion. It is difficult for them to trust the world and themselves. Often these are pessimists with pronounced negativity in behavior and thoughts.

At the same time, the G8s are true to their words, duty or promise. Qualitatively perform the work, are responsible executors. The road to their goals is not easy for them, but hard work and zeal helps them.

It is difficult to enter into friendships, rarely find friends, but are faithful to them to the end.

Nine (Mars)

Mars helps and manages the life of the "nines." These are very motivated individuals. They are disciplined, faithful to their duty, patient and self-confident.

At the same time, the “nine” are selfish, confident that their desires and needs are above all else. Often cruel and cynical on the way to their goals, "go over their heads." People with a soul number of nine are impulsive, capable of a forbidden love affair, easily violate the law, are passionate.

In spirit, they are athletes. Respect fair fight and compliance with the rules of the game.

Basic character traits of the “nine”:

Compatibility of people by number of souls

According to Vedic numerology, the number of jivas greatly affects the relationship between people, it can change fate. Knowing the compatibility of numbers reduces the likelihood of conflicts and misunderstandings in marriage and in working relationships:

Knowing about your soul figure helps a person to accept himself, to love his strengths and weaknesses. And also to discover a cosmic force that supports in difficult situations.

Thanks to Vedic numerology you can calculate the number of souls and find out whether people are compatible for love relationships, what is the purpose of a person, or why it does not go to achieve a goal. Indeed, understanding the pros and cons of personality, the discovery of innate character traits - this is already half the success.

Attention, only TODAY!

Chapter 2. Vedic numerology

Basic Information on Vedic Numerology

Turning to the heritage of the Vedic numerological tradition, it is necessary to understand the following general principles. All numbers are mystical messengers of cosmic energy, these are not really existing entities, but only their symbols, carrying useful information about the entities. Numbers are associated with celestial bodies and are subject to their influence. These celestial bodies, which emit fluctuations in the measured frequency, exert their influence through the actions of people and their spiritual and physical qualities. Numbers provide the key to human individuality, to the spiritual meaning of human existence.

In the Universe, there are pairs of opposites, which are an important factor in its structure. The main properties that numerologists attribute to even (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and odd (2, 4, 6, 8) numbers, as pairs of opposites, are as follows (Table 9).

Table 9

Basic properties of numbers

Odd numbers have much brighter properties. Along with energy “1”, brilliance and luckiness “3”, adventurous mobility and versatility “5”, wisdom “7” and perfection “9” even numbers do not look so bright. There are 10 basic pairs of opposites that exist in the universe. Among these pairs: even - odd, one - many, right - left, male - female, good - evil. One, right, masculine and good, was associated with odd numbers; many, left, female and evil - with even ones.

Odd numbers have a certain producing middle, while in any even number there is a perceiving hole, as if a gap in itself. The masculine properties of phallic odd numbers follow from the fact that they are stronger than even ones. If an even number is split in half, then there will be nothing left except the void in the middle. It's not easy to break an odd number, because there is a dot in the middle. If we combine the even and odd numbers together, the odd will win, since the result will always be odd. That is why the odd numbers have masculine properties, imperious and sharp, and even numbers have feminine, passive and perceiving.

Odd numbers odd number: there are five. Even numbers an even number - four.

Odd numbers are solar, electric, acidic and dynamic. They are the terms; they are stacked with something. Even numbers are lunar, magnetic, alkaline and static. They are deductible, they are reduced. They remain motionless because they have even groups of pairs (2 and 4; 6 and 8).

If we group odd numbers, one number will always remain without its pair (1 and 3; 5 and 7; 9). This makes them dynamic. Two such numbers (two odd numbers or two even numbers) are not favorable.

Even + even \u003d even (static) 2 + 2 \u003d 4.

Even + odd \u003d odd (dynamic) 3 + 2 \u003d 5.

Odd + odd \u003d even (static) 3 + 3 \u003d 6.

Some numbers are friendly; others are opposed to each other. The relationship of numbers is determined by the relationship between the planets that control them (see "Compatibility of numbers"). When two friendly numbers are in contact, their collaboration is not very productive. Like friends, they relax - and nothing happens. But when hostile numbers are in the same combination, they force each other to be on their guard and encourage active actions; so these two work a lot more. In this case, the hostile numbers are actually friends, and friends are real enemies that inhibit progress. Neutral numbers remain inactive. They do not provide support, do not cause or inhibit activity.

There are no "bad" and "good" numbers, but each number has positive and negative sides.

The system of interpretation of numbers in Vedic numerology is more complex than in European (Pythagorean), because although the prime importance of primes from 0 to 9 is recognized, in Vedic numerology all numbers are taken into account and have a separate meaning, not just unambiguous ones.

In the tradition of Vedic numerology, it is believed that three important separate numbers are inherent in a person - Number of Souls, Number of Fateand Number of Name.  If a person’s birthday is a single integer from 1 to 9, then there is an exact value Soul Numbers.But those whose birthday falls on compound numbers from 10 to 31 will be affected by the compound numbers themselves, and a number reduced to a prime, called The Number of Souls.  For example, people of the number “1”, “units”, a fan who was born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month, have similar character traits - they are often irritable and have high activity.

But, on the other hand, the “units” are noticeably different from each other. This is the influence of a two-digit "qualifying" number. Those people who were born on the first number have the exact number “1” as their number and, according to numerologists, are lucky. Those born on the 10th are slightly less fortunate; those born on the 19th have to assert themselves in life; those born on the 28th have to be calmer and work harder. Thus, the difference between the characters is due to the influence of the components of double numbers on each other (10, 19, 28). For example, for those born on the 19th, both the number “1” and the number “9” are associated with an irritable character: the number 9 (Mars) makes people with the number “1” (the Sun) more angry and impulsive. In date 28, the number “2” is controlled by the Moon, which is very variable, the number “8” is associated with Saturn, a slowly moving planet, which causes a slower course of life events.

Further, the first number in a complex date is more important than the second, since it determines which group the number belongs to. The birthday of the 12th day (1 + 2) belongs to group 1 (numbers from 1 to 19), while the birthday of the 21st day (2 + 1) belongs to group 2 (numbers from 21 to 29). Both of these combinations give the number “3” when added, but those born on the 3rd of any month will differ from those born on the 12th or 21st: the number “1” dominates the life of a person born on the 12th, and the number “2” dominates the life of a person born on the 21st of the month. In these examples, we see how people who have a regular number in their date of birth (such as a unit) are affected by two numbers that appear on their date of birth (such as 10, 19, 18).

To get a clear idea of \u200b\u200ba person, a numerologist must take into account the complexity of the component numbers when receiving a single integer. Since double numbers also reflect individuality, by doing so, you can increase the flow of available information. Understanding the human personality will become more distinct. When you think only of nine numbers, the details are skipped, but when you are dealing with a combination of nine numbers and zero, the details have an important place. Increasing the level of understanding, considering the same value of a number from different angles, the numerologist releases his intuition. To form an image of a number in accordance with the celestial body to which it relates, and to see how people live through the individual components of these numbers with their own lives - this is real numerological art.

So, the first task for mastering the basics of Vedic numerology is understanding nine numbers as the main nine characteristics, and then, at the next stage, understanding the “mixed characters” of double numbers (see “Secrets of numbers”). The images of both simple and complex numbers must be confidently fixed in the mind of the interpreter so that numerological analysis becomes an accurate tool for establishing the characteristics of a particular person at a given moment.

It has already been said that there are no bad and good numbers. But a detailed study of the issue shows that some numbers are difficult for a person as Soul Numbers,  but good, for example, like Fate Numbers(tab. 10).

Table 10

Comparison of the qualities of primes for an individual fate

Each of these basic numbers, Number of Souls, Number of Fateand Number of Name  affect a person in their own particular way, which will be discussed in other chapters of the section on Vedic numerology. As in other countries of the East, numerology was closely connected with various areas of life practice. The doctrine of the relationship of numbers and precious stones has come to the fullest and most consistent way to our days.

Resident Numbers  express the connection between a person and a certain object. Resident Numbers  include home number, street number, city or country of residence. To calculate the number of houses and street numbers, you must add all the numbers of the calculated object together and get a single number (unless, of course, the house numbers themselves are no longer single numbers). The number of a city or country is determined by adding up the numerical value of the letters included in the name of the specified city or country (you can use the table of numerical-alphabetic ratios of your main communication language).

These separate numbers of names cannot be combined to obtain a single “final” number, because the personal relationships of each person are influenced Fate Numbers  precisely at the time when a person lives in a given city or in a given country.

The methodology for the use of resident numbers is based on comparing them with the basic numbers of a person - The Number of Soul, Number of Fate and Number of Name.  The closer the resident number and the main person’s number of interest are between them, the more sure is the sure sign of a favorable outcome correlated with the numbers of the event. For example, if Fate Number  If you are planning to buy a house or rent it does not match the number of this house, you should refuse to move.

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Part 1 Numerology Practical Numerology

Russian Vedic numerology - This is a system of ancient sacred knowledge of our distant ancestors of the Aryan-Rus. It is based on an in-depth knowledge of the meanings of numbers, their relationships and the impact exerted on a person.

But numerology also studies the influence of numbers on human life. How then do they differ?

The value of the digit is "0". First difference

First of all, the relation to the number "0". Modern classical numerology, the father of which is considered to be the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC), knows only one meaning of zero - "emptiness". Therefore, in calculations it is reduced, but in the conclusions it is not taken into account and is not interpreted in any way.

In Vedic numerology, on the contrary, this figure is given great importance. Depending on the context, it can be interpreted as the “rational energy of the Absolute”, “truth”, “cosmic energy”, “destruction”, etc. Accordingly, zero is necessarily taken into account both in the calculations and in the interpretation of the results.

Does this give any advantage to Vedic numerology compared with classical numerology? Of course it does! After all, in this way you can get more accurate results and operate with more detailed data. So, ceteris paribus, the effectiveness of the conclusions will be higher.

For instance.

When calculating the additional digits of the full date of birth of a person (calculating the individual digital code of a person), we get the first additional number "30", and the third additional number - "10".

When deciphering values \u200b\u200bin classical numerology, zeros will not be interpreted in any way: they are reduced, and only the numbers "3" and "1" will appear in the analysis.

And from the point of view of Vedic numerology, zeros provide additional information that:

Moreover, if this person plans a trip, say, in the summer on his car to the south, to the sea, then if the extra dates of the start of this trip also show at least one zero, then the departure would be better rescheduled for another day.

The fact is that “0” in its negative meaning is interpreted as “death”, “destruction”, “destruction”. If zero shows exactly these values, then the trip can turn into big troubles for this person, since he is very attached and depends on the number "0".

And what can make this figure negative? Yes, any negative emotion shown by a person on the eve or during the trip. This, of course, is not a fatal inevitability, but it’s not worth the risk.

The structure of the universe. Second difference

In addition, Vedic numerology is inextricably linked and relies on the Vedic numerical understanding of the world order. That is, to describe the structure of the universe (both dense and subtle worlds) through the totality of the properties of numbers and their relationships.

The fact that our world has a digital structure and operates according to digital laws has long been known to esotericists. Academic science, too, not only does not deny this, but also finds more and more confirmation. However, both theoretical and practical means and methods of modern science are too complex for the layman. This is the lot of professionals, which by definition cannot be many. And the scientific concept of the universe accepted today is still far from perfection and completeness. There are too many “white spots” in it, gaps that scientists still can not explain theoretically and prove in practice.

The Vedic numerical understanding of the world order is not only a holistic and comprehensive system, but, very importantly, it also contains a peculiar “civil-household” version of the description, accessible to any person.

Of course, in the distant past, complete knowledge was available only to professionals: a limited circle of initiates - priests, sorcerers, sorcerers. Although ordinary, ordinary people to some extent were aware of this topic, since this knowledge was included in any basic education, no matter what a person was engaged in. Without this, harmonious coexistence neither with the surrounding nature, nor with their own kind, was simply impossible. And, as you know, harmony is one of the fundamental constants of the universe.

Let us ask an eternal question, the answer to which millions of people are trying to find: why is a person born on earth? For what purpose, and what is its purpose?

Of course, this is not one, but two related issues.

Since each person, without exception, is individual and unique, in order to answer the second question, it is necessary to calculate an individual digital code by the full date of birth and decrypt it. As a result, the main tasks that a person needs to solve during his life will become clear. This, so to speak, is the personal part of the mission.

And there is also a common part. Those tasks that must be solved by every person living on earth. This will be the answer to the first question. If you answer it briefly, in one phrase, then each person should come to the Creator.

The word Creator is not used here by chance. Gods are different. For Christians - one, for Muslims - another, and for Buddhists - a third. But the Creator, the Creator is one. And it is to Him that the person in the final must come, no matter what religion he professes!

And what does it mean to come to the Creator? What is needed for this?

Does this mean that it is necessary to become a truly religious, church-minded person and unquestioningly abide by all church canons and precepts? Not at all. More precisely, this will be clearly not enough, as it is not enough to take only one step in the right direction if it is necessary to go a kilometer to the target.

Of course, each person should have faith (not to be confused with religion!). Without this, moving forward along this difficult path is simply impossible. But it is also extremely important to know and live according to the Cones of the Creator (not to be confused with religious dogmas!). These horses are nothing more than a peculiar short, thesis description of the principles of the structure and functioning of the universe. So, for example, one of Konov reads: "What goes around comes around!". Physics has long discovered and proved this postulate. It is only described in it in a slightly different way -   "the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection".

In order to come to the Creator, a person needs, from embodiment to embodiment, to perfect his immortal Soul, enriching it with necessary experience, developing positive and outliving negative qualities. And at the same time live according to the Cones of the Creator.

To paraphrase another Cohn and adapt it to modern language, we can say that one of the indispensable conditions is that every man must create an alliance with a woman whose children will be the highest achievement. Here's how it looks from the perspective of the Russian Vedic numerical worldview.

When the masculine principle (symbolized by the number 1) is combined with the feminine principle (2), the result is a new life (3): 1 + 2 \u003d 3. But this is only the simplest, most superficial look. After all, a unit is also the essence of the Creator. The very particle of God that is present in every person. So it turns out that the child (3) carries within itself a particle of the divine from the father (1) and a particle of the divine from the mother (1), but in order to become a person, and not just a representative of the animal world of the planet, it is necessary to endow the Soul (1), which is an exceptional act of the Creator: 1 + 1 + 1 \u003d 3. The three is the number of the first qualitative energy leap, as a result of which synthesis occurs.

Of course, in isolation from the context of the whole system, it is extremely difficult to understand the meaning of numbers and the principles of the system. Many things are incomprehensible, since their explanation was left out of the narrative. But in this case, the purpose was only of a brief illustration, and not an exhaustive explanation.

Interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof numbers. Third difference

And, finally, the third difference between Russian Vedic numerology and classical numerology is the interpretation of the meanings of numbers.

Unlike mathematics, where each digit is assigned a single value, in esoteric figures have many meanings. Their number in the same figure can exceed two dozen! How it is? Both simple and complex at the same time.

For example, let's draw an analogy and take a dice dice. What is its digital meaning? There are several of them. Depending on how it will be thrown, a figure from 1 to 6 will appear on its upper face. This will be the current digital value of the cube.

Roughly the same thing happens with numbers. The only difference is that there are significantly more options than the cube, and they do not fall out randomly, but under the influence of certain causal relationships.

But the problem is not this, but that in classical numerology, the values \u200b\u200bof numbers are considered in relation to specific tools (calculation algorithms). And this tool may well not use the totality of the values \u200b\u200bof a specific digit. Another tool, on the contrary, can use values \u200b\u200bthat are not included in the previous calculation, and getting confused in this is as simple as that. At the same time, Russian Vedic numerology is studying the entire comprehensive arsenal of numbers. Which not only prevents confusion, but, oddly enough, makes it easier to understand the big picture as a whole.

Summing up the line, we can say that, having knowledge of the basics of Russian Vedic numerology and a numerical understanding of the world order, a person greatly facilitates the task of achieving a life goal by choosing the shortest path to it.

In Vedic numerology, the Number of Fate is a number obtained from adding the numbers of the date of birth, month, and year, called the number in Western numerology Life path .
The coding of the bioenergy matrix of a person is in the range from 1 to 9. In order to work with cosmic energy, it is necessary to take into account the vibrational structure of the first nine numbers. Each number has positive and negative vibrations. Positive vibrations of numbers are associated with an awareness of the Cosmic mission of the individual and an understanding of his Divine destiny. Negative vibrations provoke destructive behavior. It is necessary to take into account the hidden connections between the numbers, which are able to show the lack of necessary contact with the Higher Mind, or determine the dominant vibration. The larger the number, the stronger its vibration: for example, the number 10 vibrates stronger than the number 1, and 20 is stronger than 2.
The Number of Destiny is what you were incarnated with and what you should do. It shows what your nature is and what abilities you have to work directly with the currents of the Universe. This number determines the initial encoding of the bioenergy matrix. If this number is in a positive aspect, you will successfully achieve your goal. If he is characterized by a negative mode, then he will have to work hard to change the sign of his inherent vibrations to the opposite.
The Numbers of Fate series are a network of relations of people with the Cosmos, the Highest code for describing the world and the basis for coordinating thinking aimed at gaining enlightenment. The Number of Destiny is more important than Soul Number  or Name Number  . A person always thinks the same way, but his fate will not always be what he wants. Due to the fact that the fate of a person begins to manifest itself clearly after 35 years, a definite compromise should be made between what a person wants to have and what he wants to achieve. The soul in its thoughts, expectations and desires is free. But fate gives a person only what he really deserves. This is due to the fact that fate is connected with the karma of past lives. Therefore, a person should remain disinterested - when committing acts, he should not worry about what will result from his actions; he should not care about the fruits of his actions. Without thinking about the fruits of his karma, a person remains aloof from pleasure and pain. Pain is caused by attachment to karma. The real cause of pain is waiting. By age 35, a person learns this lesson. There comes a time when he realizes that for his own good, he should stay away from expectations and fulfill only his own duty. Thus, a person gains happiness.
The Number of Destiny is not subject to any external influences. This Number is connected with our Samskaras - vibrational influences obtained as a result of actions in previous incarnations, which gives us a little freedom of action, but we get much more freedom when collecting the fruits of our past karmas. Everything that we do now will return to us in the future or in the next life; the same fruits that we are receiving now testify to what we deserve in past lives. Friendship or enmity, an unexpected reward or punishment - all these are the results of the karmas of past incarnations - and their causes cannot be traced in the present. The fruits of karma presented in this life can create a good and supportive environment for a person.
If the Number of Fate gets bad, then a good Number of Souls, the correct use of mascot stones, as well as unlimited help to those in need (charity) can create a suitable internal environment. Everyone must go through what fate bears him, but you can also ease your fate. There are many stories about the saints and the holy life of those who created good karma for themselves, but faced resistance and suffered as a result all their lives. And, as you know, there are many stories about bad people who created only bad karma for themselves, but lived happily and in luxury. These stories indicate the Number of Fate of these people: they created good (or bad) karmas in their previous lives, and the good (or bad) karma of this life has no effect so far. Therefore, such people either live happily or suffer.
Characteristics of people with a Number of Fate odd: This is a constantly burning, revolutionary type, persistently striving for changes in any field of activity - politics, religion, crafts, personal relationships. He could act as the leader of those in a subordinate position or in secondary roles. In their quest for change, such people often miss what is near at hand. Of all the troubles most often come out unscathed. Stubbornness, a one-sided attitude towards life make such people either witches, or witch hunters, religious fanatics or atheists. All their lives they are full of determination and confidence. The discrepancy between their views and the events of real life confuses them a little. They see the world as they invented it. When their plans coincide with their common goals, they become bright leaders, acting with all their characteristic energy, without being distracted by anything outside. This is a type of people who, by nature, have the talent of a psychologist and seek to use their capabilities. The human soul is an open book for them, they are the most observant - not a trifle escapes them. They are calm, collected and calm in any situation. Such people are attracted to everything new and different from the familiar. They are active, active, proactive, ambitious, prone to rivalry and competition, striving to pave a new path everywhere: from cooking to art. They are distinguished by realism and independence from the opinions of others.
Characteristic features of people with even  By the Number of Fate: these are loving, artistic natures that turn ugly into beautiful, gray into bright colorfulness. These people find the opportunity for creative expression in any situation. Their behavior can be a lot of children, but, despite this, at the necessary moments they are able to show courage. "These are seekers of truth and wisdom, they can do everything in their power to foresee future events. Defending their position even when power is not on their side, they are not always liked by others. People tend to consider them idealists, and yet they can be called illuminating the way In unexpected situations, such people may lack imagination and resourcefulness, but in vital things they are completely free to navigate.

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Numerology - A serious science of the relationship of numbers with the life and fate of man. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain effect on a person. Date of birth, for example, and the numerical code of the name can not only determine aspects of the character, but also lay them. If you choose the right name for the newborn by comparing its numerical code with the middle name and last name, you can set the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with the cabalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely not true, since these sciences are independent and different, in fact. Kabbalistics determines the influence of a numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify complex and critical moments in the future with the aim of changing or eliminating them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic disasters and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic teaching of the Druids prescribes a specific tree for each numerical birth code, which determines its character and gives the person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology primarily determines the nature of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a particular year, month or specific day by its code, compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalism.

The essence of numerology

Numerology is perceived by many people as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in reality it is an absolutely serious science that allows people to first understand themselves and at least slightly change their life and destiny. For several millennia, from antiquity, mankind has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and know its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects, and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, as well as astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not understandable to everyone. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the sacraments of numerology as a serious, true science of predictions. Ancient numerologists believed that in every numerical code all information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole is hidden, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy can reveal all the secrets and secrets of the universe and the future universe.

Famous personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems of numerological knowledge are based on many aspects and directions, but at the core they adhere to two combined traditions - the cabalistic one, using Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and the Pythagorean one, created by the ancient Greek famous astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras, using exclusively numbers.

Pythagoras is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it was he who devoted most of his outstanding scientific works to numbers and their study, to identifying the laws of numerical combinations and current events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge he created a digital classification system, which is still used by modern numerologists. Probably, everyone knows the geometric theorems proved and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that it is precisely in numbers that all the secrets of the amazing Universe are enclosed.

The Pythagorean numerological numerical doctrine is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is precisely such a system of separation that is presented in I Chin - the Book of Changes, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could recognize this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numerical codes that provide a lot of important information, was created by Henry Cornelius Agrippa - a famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the cabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the occult sciences believed and claimed that the name given at birth, as well as its word forms, translated into a number system, are similar to personal astrological charts, giving the opportunity to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is Louis Gamont, called the Earl of Cairo. It was he who was considered the best predictor by a numerologist, who published several famous books. Earl Keiro was addressed by the most influential and famous people, including Edward VII - the king of England.

By studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic destiny, learn how to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and protect themselves from the negative, preventing many troubles and life disasters.

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