How to understand that you need to clean your aura. Self-cleaning aura: is this possible? Incense Cleansing Aura

From this article you will learn:

    What is aura

    What is the structure of the aura

    What does the term “purification of aura” mean?

    Why clean an aura

    How does a person understand that you need to clean the aura

    What are the ways to cleanse the aura

    How often is it necessary to clean the aura

From ancient times it was known about the existence of a human biofield. For each, it looks its own way, and the integrity and condition of this energy shell depends on the lifestyle, behavior and thoughts of the individual. It’s rare for anyone to have it as pure and bright as possible, so cleansing the aura may interest everyone who wants to restore and improve their electromagnetic field. In our article we will talk more about what an aura is and how it can be cleaned.

What is aura

Any living creature on our planet has its own biofield. But not everyone understands what it is. To learn more about this concept, consider the very interpretation of the word "aura". Usually, they designate a certain electromagnetic field surrounding all living things on the planet, as well as plants and inanimate objects. Accordingly, even the chair on which you are now sitting has its own aura.

If we talk about past centuries, then before the human biofield was perceived differently. A vivid example is the image of saints whose heads are surrounded by a luminous halo. This is the electromagnetic field inherent in living people. It was customary for painters to portray him only about martyrs and saints, but in fact, every person and animal has it.

Its strength depends on proximity to higher energy levels. The cleaner the thoughts of man, the closer he is to the divine, the brighter and stronger the field. Sometimes you can meet people whose faces are literally glowing. This indicates maximum closeness to higher levels, when the human electromagnetic field has an oscillation frequency inaccessible to mere mortals.

It has long been known about a number of special people who are able to somehow perceive the individual's energy field. It could be clairvoyants, shamans or famous healers. Each of them in his own way felt an aura. Someone felt it, someone saw it, and the most powerful specialists could influence it.

If all statements about the existence of a biofield seem unconvincing to you, then we give such an example. Since various healers and shamans began to appear in the world, they have always kept their notes and diaries. Many left behind themselves whole scientific treatises, where they very carefully described the color of the energy field, its size and possible effects from exposure to it. Such works could have been compiled by various authors who lived at different ages on opposite continents, but the essence of the foregoing was approximately the same. After that, it’s hard not to believe that the aura really exists.

The first scientific papers on the study of this phenomenon date back to the 20th century. So, among the innovators in the study of the electromagnetic field, one can distinguish Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, who developed a method of photofixation of any living objects, which allows confirming the presence of their aura.

The method itself included an amazing and fairly simple photography technique. For example, to take a picture of the electromagnetic field of a person’s hand or foot, an object was placed on a photographic plate and subjected to high-frequency radiation for several seconds. As a result, an imprint remained on it, the manifestation of which reflected not only the object, but also its aura. At the same time, one could see that each finger corresponds to a unique biofield pattern.

In addition, plants were photographed at different stages of their life cycle. As a result, a large number of pictures were obtained of both healthy and fading specimens. Based on them, it was established that in the first plants the electromagnetic field completely covers the entire object, and in the case of wilting the aura becomes intermittent and uneven.

Kirlian photography has greatly advanced many areas of medicine. This was especially true of acupuncture and reflexology. Thanks to such a photograph of the hands and feet of people with specific diseases, scientists were able to establish an interesting pattern. It was revealed that certain problems with internal organs occurred in those patients who had a modified or weakened biofield of some part of the limb. That is, the meridians, through which all energy passes, did not work properly in a person. If the patient's well-being improved, then the normal electromagnetic field was restored.

All these data, based on Kirlian photographs, prompted scientists and physicians to a more in-depth study of the aura. Even many ordinary people became interested in this phenomenon, realizing the importance of the biofield and its purification for the health of the whole organism.

Photographing aura and energy centers (chakras)

Analysis of the aura glow will help to understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding of yourself and your inner world

Certified Color Therapist
  (International Academy of Color Therapy ASIACT, UK).

You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the aurosensor, you will learn about how the energies of the Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

The electromagnetic field of a person always has a certain shape. At the same time, it persists throughout life, being the basic shell. Inside it there are separate zones, each of which has its own color. A total of nine zones stand out. Their condition is usually stable, and if any color changes occur, then this takes a very long time.

In general, the upper sectors of the energy field have lighter shades. They reflect enlightened energies, all the best that has developed in man. The lower sectors are usually painted in darker colors, representing negative vibrations. It concentrates everything that a person wants to get rid of.

  1. Round aura.

It can be called round with a stretch, because it looks more like a slightly elongated ellipse. With this form, the electromagnetic field above the head protrudes by about 15 centimeters. Its width necessarily covers the distance of the outstretched arm and a little more. The base shell is most often gold or silver, although it may change depending on the needs of the person. The round shape of the electromagnetic field indicates that its owner is in the process of spiritual growth.

  1. Rectangular aura.

The rectangular shape of the energy field takes up much more space compared to the round counterpart. Inside the base shell, the body is slightly offset from the center back, leaving some space in front. The rectangular shape itself is evidence of the degradation of a person’s spiritual consciousness.

  1. Aura in the shape of a pointed oval.

The oval aura sharpened above and below resembles a round shape, but has a significant difference. Its upper border is 60 centimeters above the human head. The color of the base shell in this case is usually gold, which indicates the installed protection. A person with such an electromagnetic field is as close as possible to his divine "I".

Fields of aura can both be inside the base shell and go beyond it. They are the personification of the personality characteristics of the individual. By exerting a positive influence on the energy fields, by cleaning them, you can seriously improve some qualities of life.

  • Health field.

All organs and tissues of the body, that is, the entire physical structure of a person, are included in this electromagnetic field. The process of functioning of the body is regulated by this field.

Outwardly, it is all permeated with health lines emanating from the physical body. These are energy beams of silver-white color. But it looks like a healthy human biofield. In case of illness, their color may change to a gray metallic and be more dull. A serious pathology can lead to the fact that these energy lines "sag" closer to the body.

If a person is on the verge of death, then they can get very close to the body, changing their color to a very dark gray shade. For a strong, strong physical body, a radiant aura with interspersed orange and red colors is characteristic. Usually it extends 5 cm beyond the base shell. In addition, the human organs themselves have their own field. And if in norm it is a reddish hue, then in the case of an illness of any organ, its field becomes dull gray.

  • Mental field.

It also received another name - “mental body”. This section of the human electromagnetic field has a close relationship with the thinking system. Purification of the aura very often begins precisely from this zone.

The movement of the energy of the mental field is perceived as a golden ribbon at the head of a person. Also, the intellectual abilities of a person affect the radiance of an electromagnetic field, embodied in shades of lemon and yellow. The center of mental energy is the mental chakra located in the middle of the forehead. Its radiance depends on the nature of the individual’s thoughts. Most often, a person is in an unenlightened state when thoughts are confused and disoriented. It is so characteristic of us that it is often not even noticed by the people themselves. In the case of enlightened thoughts, a state of bliss sets in.

  • Emotional field.

Physically, the emotional field is located in the solar plexus. It is a reflection of the emotional nature of man. If an individual is angry, the radiance in this area will have dark red blotches. Moreover, the more anger, the more dark red. Such bright feelings as love and love cause the appearance of light red and pink flowers in the glow of the aura.

Feelings and emotions can have a huge impact on the electromagnetic field of a person. The emotional field is the center that allows you to balance the entire aura of the individual. If he knows how to control his feelings and emotions, it will be painted in light pink, orange, green and blue tones. The energies of this field can go beyond the envelope, if we compare them with the radiation of the mental.

Negative emotions contribute to the appearance of dark green, dark brown and black shades in the aura. In this case, the natural direction of energy movement is violated. When they say: “Everything has shrunk inside me”, this may just indicate the violations that occur in the solar plexus.

The emotional field of each person is a mixture of the most diverse emotions in polarity. After all, an individual can be in love at the same time (and then pink shades appear in the glow) and at the same time experience wild jealousy, which adds energy to a dark green or avocado color.

  • Magnetic field.

All human talents and his creative potential are reflected in the magnetic field. Its center is located slightly above the heart, on the left side of the thoracic region. In the active state, it is a circle measuring 5 cm in iridescent blue. It is from him that bright rays diverge.

Looking at these rays, one can understand how talented or creatively developed a person is. If they are orange tones or in the form of bright electric-colored lines, you can be sure that the individual fully realizes his creative potential. Fading lines and dim light indicate that a person does not use his talent, does not develop it.

  • Color field.

The color field corresponds to the personality traits: habits, hobbies and mood. This field intersects with all other energies. Particles of the color field like small sparks or points of light moving in the base shell. At the same time, they are pearl-iridescent in an enlightened person, and thanks to them the whole aura glows and shimmers.

  • Spiritual field.

The level of spiritual development of a person can be judged by his spiritual field, located 60 cm above his head. Outwardly, it looks like a kind of rainbow, that is, seven light strips of different colors, curved in a semicircle. The width of each strip is a little more than a centimeter. Their glow reflects the spiritual light of the person accumulated in the process of life.

Bright light streaks indicate that a person is highly developed spiritually. During the movement, the tone of the stripes may change, approaching lemon, light pink and light green hues. The highest level of spiritual development of the individual is evidenced by the presence of an indigo band among the entire rainbow.

Aura colors and their meaning

Usually, several shades are present in the biofield, but each person has his own primary color. It can indicate the main personality traits. There are 12 varieties of the individual, depending on the color of the shell.

  1. White aura.

White indicates a person’s enlightenment, wisdom, developed intuition, awareness. A biofield of this color is a sign of harmony, trust, openness of the carrier. If such a shell takes on a dirty shade, the person is frightened, restless and overly anxious.

  1. Yellow aura.

The yellow color of the biofield is due to the powerful flow of male energy. It symbolizes logic, pragmatism and firmness of character. The yellow color with impurities of dirt indicates a large number of bad, embittered thoughts, a lack of willpower.

  1. Green aura.

The green biofield is inherent in people who are constantly learning and developing, are able to take care of others, heal and bless. It indicates that a person is in a good harmonious state of body and spirit, and a dirty greenish glow is about a yearning heart.

  1. Red aura.

The red energy shell belongs to very energetic and passionate people with emotions raging inside. If the color is pure, then the person is active, decisive, firm. A dirty shade of red reflects an increased level of personality aggression.

  1. Orange aura.

The orange color of the biofield is inherent in a strong spirit and creative optimists. Such people are confident, sexy. A dirty orange warns of bad habits.

  1. Pink aura.

The pink biofield gives the owner empathy, mercy, good taste and a sense of style. The energy field of a person of this color expresses a tendency to sacrifice himself for the happiness of others. If clots of a pink hue are found in the shell, this is very bad. Initially symbolizing unspoken grievances, over time they indicate the location of cancerous tumors in the body.

  1. Blue aura.

The blue biofield happens in telepaths and clairvoyants. These people are initiated into the secrets of the universe, calm, with powerful intuition. A healthy person has a clean and light blue energy field. If the shell acquires a dirty blue, dark color, its owner suffers from depression and chaos in his thoughts.

  1. Violet aura.

The violet color of the biofield is characteristic of geniuses and lunatics. At the same time, a pure lilac shade of the biofield indicates the presence of great spiritual strength, the ability to learn the sacraments, and become a spiritual mentor. Dark purple tone usually belongs to people with various mental disorders, maniacs and drug addicts.

  1. Silver and gold aura.

Gold and silver colors indicate a happy person with unique talents. Such aura shades are very rare.

Why do I need aura cleansing?

There are situations when a person’s life is filled with various difficulties and troubles, as if a “black line” had come. This indicates that the biofield requires urgent purification. The individual's energy channels are blocked by various blocks of the subconscious and conflicting thoughts.

Cleansing the aura will help get rid of these problems, taking care of your energy shell. Perform it under the force not only of psychics and clairvoyants, but also to the person himself.

Not everyone understands why to do this and how this process happens, but if you have a desire to cleanse the aura of the house yourself, you will surely cope with it.

Unenlightened people sometimes do not understand the essence of such a ritual and laugh at it. Their thoughts are concentrated only on the physical body. But after all, it is the coarsest and densest of all our bodies. Through it, in the physical plane, problems of the energy field can also appear.

Have you noticed how sometimes you leave a house or a store and you want to wash yourself? Are you dirty? Look at your hands: they are clean. The body is clean. Where did this urge to wash come from?

This requires your aura, your energy! And if you don’t do it, don’t clean it, it can turn around:


  • stresses out of the blue;

    irritability at all and everything;

    breakdowns in the arrival of money;


Some sit and think that the aura will clean itself. But this does not happen. Nothing happens on its own. Either you clean your energy field yourself, learn it, or hire a specialist.

Signs of a Purified Aura:


    balanced state without fuss;

    normal sleep;

    in the morning a person gets up rested;

    he hears people, and people hear him;

    there is enough energy for the whole day;

    good health, well-being.

How often do I need to clean my aura?

Do not go to extremes and continuously listen to the mantra to cleanse the chakras and biofield. Everything in life must be done in moderation.

If you feel that your condition has worsened, you are often angry, cursing, arguing with others, etc., then perhaps it is time for you to start listening to mantras to cleanse the aura. But you should not do it just like that without a good reason. Clean the energy field only as necessary.

In this case, you can use any method that you like.

16 ways to cleanse the aura

  1. Salt.

Salt is a material of the earth's elements, which very effectively absorbs all negative energy. For self-cleaning aura, salt is best suited. Specifically, the cleansing technique is that you take a shower with sodium chloride. In the process of washing, gently rub it into the skin, and rinse with water at the end of the procedure. An essentially similar procedure for cleansing the aura is to take a bath with sea salt.

  1. Egg.

It is also an effective technique. An egg is an integral living cell. With it, you can achieve the purification of each chakra. To do this, take the egg and move it clockwise along the contour of the body. It perfectly absorbs all the negative energy. At the end of the procedure, take the egg outside and bury it in the ground. Make sure that the integrity of the shell is not broken.

  1. Meditation.

You can clear and restore the energy field with the help of meditative techniques. The effect is achieved only with careful preparation of the entire process.

Usually adhere to the following procedure:

    To start, turn on relaxing music and dim the lights.

    Then you need to take a comfortable position and try to completely relax. In this case, the spine should remain flat, shoulders lowered, and hands should be placed on the knees with the palms up.

    Throw out all unnecessary thoughts from your head. Better harmonization of the state contributes to the adoption of the correct position of the fingers. So, to calm down, connect the tips of your thumb and forefinger to form a ring. If you want to increase the flow of incoming positive energy, then connect the thumb and middle finger.

    Close your eyes and gradually relax all the muscles, from the face to the toes. The breath should be deep and measured. Focus on relaxation and feel the movement of energy through the body.

Purification of the aura and restoration of vitality is facilitated by daily meditation for 20 minutes. If necessary, you can gradually increase this time.

There is a special mantra for cleansing the aura:

  1. Pranayama.

Pranayama is a special breathing technique that makes it possible to direct energy in the right direction. In Sanskrit, the word "prana" is translated as "vital energy", and the word "pit" means "control." As a result of such management of vital energy through breathing, you can contribute to its purification, attract positive flows and repulse negative ones. Even a novice user can use pranayama to work with the aura. But if you first familiarize yourself with all the features of performing a technique, you can act more efficiently.

  1. Candle.

Cleansing the aura with a candle allows you to both restore lost strength and get rid of damage and binary phenomena. For the ceremony, in addition to the candle, you will need an assistant.

The man whose purification of the aura they are going to do is put on paper. Then a lit candle is led in the area of \u200b\u200bhis neck, above his head and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel and tailbone. Mainly focus on the flame. Drive until it ceases to crack and smoke. Then the candle should burn to the end, and the paper, along with the frozen wax, is buried in the ground.

  1. Asanas.

Purification of the aura and body can occur through physical gymnastics. In yoga, each asana belongs to a certain level. Some of the gymnastic exercises can be performed by beginners, while more complex groups are designed for advanced users. All physical practices aimed at cleansing the human aura should be done under the supervision of an experienced teacher. After all, it is important not only to protect yourself from possible bruises and sprains, but also to perform asanas correctly. Only then will the cleansing of the aura from the negative be fully achieved.

  1. Being in nature.

Walks in the fresh air have a very powerful effect on human energy. Nature helps to cleanse and strengthen the aura of living beings. And if you stand, embracing a tree, at least five minutes, then the weakened electromagnetic field of a person is restored.

  1. Music.

The purification of space and aura is facilitated by listening to calm music. When choosing compositions, pay attention to the fact that the purity of 432 hertz is recognized as healing. Listening to music for the energy field is best immediately after an argument, as it has a calming effect on the entire human body.

We offer you several compositions that help cleanse the aura and remove spoilage:

  1. Shatkarmas.

An effective method of cleansing the energy field is the use of shatkarmas. Shatkarmas are techniques of manipulating the body and soul of an individual, causing healing of both the physical body and its energy shell. This method involves the passage of six stages of biofield purification, as a result of which the purity of energy flows is restored. In addition to cleansing the aura from negative flows, there is an increase in the vitality of a person.

  1. Essential oils.

The use of essential oils helps to cleanse the aura and rejuvenation. Bergamot, cedar and orange oil attract positive energy into our lives. If you add them to a moisturizer, then as a result of daily application of the product to the skin, you can protect yourself from the effects of negative phenomena from the outside.

  1. The smoke of sacred herbs.

Good luck and positive energy are attracted not only to those who listen to special music for chakras and aura. You can also use sacred herbs, the smoke of which, scattered throughout the room, helps to cleanse the entire space and objects in it. They can be purchased at specialized stores.

  1. Bell ringing.

Chime of bells also has a beneficial effect on human energy. To clean the aura of subtle bodies and promote health, only live listening is used. The aura is not cleared through video or audio recording.

  1. The purity of thought.

Purity of thought is the unconditional basis of any health practice. Only with a clean and bright mind can the desired result be achieved. The path to self-improvement begins with proper thinking. Spiritual purification and harmony are achieved only by that person who is able to control the course of his thoughts and their purity.

  1. "Combing the aura."

An interesting technique for cleansing the energy field is the use of fingers. You must first wash and dry them thoroughly. Then, with your fingers wide apart, comb through them the air around you from top to bottom. At the end of the aura cleansing procedure, wash off the remaining energy from the hands with water.

  1. Proper nutrition.

Achieving the best state of the energy field, it is impossible to act in only one direction. Your approach should be comprehensive. It is impossible to engage in meditation to cleanse the chakras and aura, and at the same time not follow the principles of proper nutrition. It should not be forgotten that the meat of dead fish and animals has a negative effect on humans and their biofields. You can read more about proper nutrition in a thematic article.

  1. Additional methods.

There are other ways to cleanse the energy channels that may also be useful to you:

    Games with the wind.  You can just relax and move towards the wind with your arms wide open. The cleansing of the chakras is due to its breath.

    Feathers.  You will need an assistant for this technique. Armed with a large feather, he must make sweeping movements around your body. Start the procedure from the bottom and move towards the head. Thus, purification from negative energy occurs.

    Refusal of profanity.  Many people do not understand that using swear words in speech, they themselves cause the destruction of the energy shell of their body. One has only to get rid of foul language, as soon as you feel better and the energy field is restored.

Each of these methods in its own way helps to cleanse the human aura. Owning them, you can take care not only about your health, but also about the emotional balance of your loved ones.

Where to buy everything you need to cleanse the aura

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In the life of every person, a lot of negative happens, gradually transforming into a whole ball of heavy negative energy. And it, in turn, slowly penetrates the biofield, exerting a significant influence on the events taking place in human life.

That is why it is very important to know about how to clean the human biofield in order to eliminate excess negativity and normalize one’s condition.

Why clean the biofield

Professional cleansing of the biofield is gaining popularity today, as many people have come to realize how important the aura is in their lives.

They came to understand that daily negativity negatively affects the biofield, leading to various internal blocks and contradictions that can block important energy channels.

And only the aura cleansing will help to correct the situation, which you can do today yourself, without the help of professionals.

Thanks to special exercises, any person gets the opportunity to remove the internal clamps and completely get rid of the negative energy that interferes with leading a quiet and calm life.

How to cleanse the aura from the negative?

In an effort to learn about how to cleanse a person’s aura from negativity, many break through a lot of diverse information, turn to experienced practitioners and learn various techniques.

Some clean the biofield with salt, adding it to the bath, others use ordinary feathers, while others pray earnestly.

But most often people resort to special exercises that can effectively help in the fight against negativity. Among them, everyone can find their own exercise, which helps to cope with various events in life easier. And keep the aura bright, beautiful and vibrant.

Below are the exercises that have gained the most popularity around the world:

Cleansing Whirlwind

This exercise is based on the visualization technique, and the ideal time to complete it is evening. It is necessary to sit comfortably in your favorite armchair, sofa or bed. And then try to completely relax, letting go of all the problems, grievances and heavy thoughts from your head.

Then you need to imagine the formation of a white stream of light (fire), resembling a small tornado.

And then let the stream of fire penetrate the body, cover the biofield and simply burn out all the accumulated negativity. After it you just need to let go to the very center of the earth and collapses into small safe fragments.

Perform the exercise is allowed independently in those cases when the soul is especially difficult, and inside you feel real exhaustion.

Fire ball

This exercise is also great for cleansing a human biofield and is done by visualization. You will need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to relax. It is very important to breathe deeply and measuredly.

Then it remains only to visualize a beautiful ball of fire, the rays of which penetrate into every cell of the body and simply eliminate all negativity completely. With the help of the presented exercise, it will be possible to completely get rid of the accumulated negativity and clear your own aura completely.


Those who do not know how to clean their aura at home should use the following special exercise in the form of meditation. It is necessary to take a relaxed pose, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the endless night sky, where the stars shine brightly, and there are no boundaries.

It is necessary to buy enough in their incredible light and bright energy, having satiated the latter literally to the "brim". And feel real freedom and lightness, allowing you to once again feel the joy of your own life. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes daily.

The house is our fortress, there should be nothing in it except positive energy, which helps to restore strength and completely relax.

But what if the negative energy nevertheless penetrated the dwelling and how to clean the aura in the apartment yourself to get rid of it forever? We will answer this and some other questions in this article, and also consider some ways of energy protection of housing.

Home Aura

Before starting a conversation about how to clean an aura in an apartment, we should decide what it is like. Our whole world consists of energy flows, some of them have great speed and power, others are slow and weak so that even a long exposure to them remains invisible. And, of course, these energy channels differ in the effect that they produce.

Positive energy is the power of good, joy of love and all the brightest, it is it that can breathe happiness into the soul of any person or miraculously heal a sick person. Negative energy, however, has a radically opposite effect and carries only pain, grief, illness, and so on.

In the surrounding world there is the same amount of both types of energy, due to this, the natural balance of forces that is inherent in everything in our universe is preserved.

Every object, every living creature also has its own energy. For everything else, man is capable of not only accepting this power, but also emitting it. Thanks to this, our home becomes a kind of battery, in which we stack positive and negative energy layer by layer. The total aura in the apartment, which is the sum of all this energy, depends on the number of these layers and their charge.

In the event that the general background of the energy of the home is positive, then this is extremely favorable for its residents. Conflict situations rarely occur, diseases seem to bypass the whole family, and children, if any, are calm. In such an environment, any family member can easily regain strength after a hard day's work and successfully cope with the negative that he received outside the apartment.

Everything changes if we talk about a house dominated by negative energy. In such rooms usually something bad and depressing is immediately felt. People living in such apartments often get sick, conflicts arise, it would seem, out of the blue. But the most important thing that happens when living in these dwellings is that the energy of the person himself is changing. It acts like poison in small amounts, which slowly undermines people's health and strength.

The reasons why the aura in the house can deteriorate are many. The main and most dangerous is the presence in the room of a person who was slowly and painfully dying. A similar process is always associated with severe infection of this room, after which this energy is distributed throughout the house and infects it after itself.

Another of the most common causes is considered to be frequent conflict. The fact is that any negative surge is immediately deposited in a separate layer on the walls, floor and ceiling of your house, which is why it is better to avoid such situations altogether or minimize them, and after they have occurred, you should clean the apartment as much as possible rather.

This rule applies to everything related to bioenergy and negativity, any negative phenomenon is easiest to remove when it is still fresh, over time, the situation usually worsens and the negative attracts an even larger variety. Because of this, problems are growing like a snowball, so experienced experts recommend never delaying cleaning both the apartment and its energy. Therefore, this advice is suitable not only for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to clean the aura in the apartment, but also for those who want to get rid of the negative in themselves.

In those cases when, in your opinion, nothing bad happened to you or past residents, and failure or illness continues to haunt your family, you should make sure that it is connected with the aura of the apartment. This is done in order to exclude the option when adversity is caused by some kind of curse or simply negative, which is directed purely at people and not at the premises itself, in which case you should first put up protection, and only then get rid of that energy damage that has been inflicted on you.

How to make sure that the aura in the home is negative

Restless pet behavior

Animals are several times better able to sense any bad energy, especially feline ones. As soon as you notice the strange behavior of the beast, observe what kind of place it is trying to avoid, perhaps this is where the epicenter of the negative is located and it should be given special attention.

Also, during cleaning, clean this area most thoroughly.

Fading plants

If a change in the watering schedule, as well as moving to a sunnier part of the apartment does not give any results, then with a high degree of probability the death of flowers is an alarming sign. Plants have a simpler energy shell, so even a slight negativity can kill them.

In those cases when the strength of such an energy is great, then the death occurs within a couple of days or even less.


Their use is both a negative detector and a way to clean the aura of the house yourself. It is very simple: with a lit candle, you should go through all the rooms in the house. In those places where the flame begins to behave strangely, for example, it trembles violently, goes out or bursts sharply, and there are no drafts in this zone, there is a negative territory.

The cleaning method is similar to the search method, but has a number of subtleties, which we will talk about in the corresponding section a little below.

How to clean the aura in the house with your own hands: ways

Of course, there is always the opportunity to invite a priest or an esotericist to your home who will professionally and quickly clean all the rooms in your house. But as practice shows, not all clergy are eager to do this, and the search for a suitable option can drag on for a long time, which is very valuable in this case.

In the case of specialists from the field of bioenergy, there is a great chance to stumble upon an outright charlatan, who, hiding behind the loud name of the doctrine, will do absolutely nothing if it does no more harm. For this reason, if you do not have a friend of the priest who is happy to help you, or if the problem does not require such cardinal intervention, it is recommended that you restrict yourself.


The first thing that is recommended to be done, regardless of how you are going to clean the aura in the house, and which of the following methods has been chosen, is to thoroughly and thoroughly clean the entire house. The fact is that the principle of dualism works not only with respect to a person, the aura of your home is inextricably linked with its physical state.

It is for this reason that you may have noticed that even a small repair can make it easier to breathe in the apartment. What can we say about the overhaul, but it is only worth updating the apartment if we want to move into a house with crystal clear energy.

A thorough cleaning not only allows you to clean everything from physical dust, but also does the same with energy dirt.

Of course, this will not make a positive aura of the apartment, but this step is simply necessary and is a kind of preparatory stage, which in the future will help us to conduct a better cleaning. Another positive aspect of cleaning is the search for foreign objects.

Not always absolutely all our friends are friendly people, moreover, there is always a rather big chance that it is in our close circle that we have the most terrible enemies. Such people, often, do not disdain a wide variety of methods, which can very much harm not only the energy inside the house, but also the health of you and your loved ones.

When cleaning, look for foreign objects, it can be bags, needles or pins.

Most often they are in inconspicuous places where you most likely do not look at when carrying out standard cleaning. If you find a strange object, try to get it without touching directly, for example, through gloves. Then put it all in a bag and throw it away. After this, use one of the cleaning methods. And also, it would be nice to take a closer look at your surroundings in order to avoid a repetition of this.


First of all, I want to note one of the easiest ways, which does not require much effort. In it, as you already understood, candles are used. Ideally, it could be a church candle, but ordinary can be used.

The main condition is that this candle should be as simple as possible, that is, no decorations, paints or shapes, only wax and wick. You should go to the front door and light a candle; you can say a prayer to yourself if you know it.

You should adhere to the rule that allows you to exit any maze - go along the left or right wall and in no case do not turn off the path, so you will go through absolutely all sections of your apartment and do not miss anything.

In those places where you find any changes in the behavior of the flame, you should linger and wait for it to completely calm down. If one candle is not enough and it goes out, then this means that the negative energy is too strong, then light a few more candles at the same time and let them cope with this work together.

In those places where you have mirrors or reflective surfaces, you should linger a bit. These areas are a bit deeper in terms of energy and the candle takes time to clear them. Just do not forget that it should be reflected inside the mirror, otherwise it will not give any effect.


How to clean aura at home with salt? There are several options at once, the first involves the use of its dry variety, the second - a solution, and the third - combines dry salt and a candle.

The easiest option is to pour salt into saucers and arrange them around the apartment, preferably higher. In this case, salt will act as a kind of repellent, but instead of insects there will be negative energy. As in the case of insect repellents, salt also requires replacement, usually its shelf life is from a month to two, then it is replaced with a new one.

If you are interested in the option of using a solution, you should dilute a little salt in warm water, usually a proportion of 1 tablespoon per one and a half liters of water is taken. With this solution, floors are washed throughout the house.

The combined method is as follows: a little salt is poured into a small bowl, a lighted candle is placed on top of it. This device is placed in the place where the strongest negative energy is observed. Then the entire structure is thrown out, previously wrapped in a tight bag. Smelted wax perfectly absorbs all the negative in itself, then it is mixed with salt and the negative energy is completely destroyed.

Tibetan cleansing bowls

The modern market for energy cleansing in the house is rich in things that make high sounds. The fact is that fluctuations in such high frequencies are detrimental to any manifestations of negative energy. This explains why such objects are found in almost all cultures and have approximately the same value.

I especially want to highlight the Tibetan bowls, which are not only a wonderful weapon in the fight against negative energy, but also have a very positive effect on the harmonization of internal flows and the person himself.

Experts recommend going around room after room with this bowl and in each a small game session on it. As soon as the room is cleaned, you will feel it, so you should go around absolutely all the rooms in the house, and the session should be completed by a corridor.

St. John's wort and incense

How to clean the aura of the house with herbs? St. John's wort copes with this task perfectly. It was not for nothing that our ancestors considered this herb to be the main remedy against all kinds of evil spirits and dark forces. In order to conduct a cleaning session, you should light a small branch and slowly go through all the rooms in the apartment so that the aroma will fill them completely.

You can also use various aromatic oils and Chinese sticks, which in the same way perfectly fight the negative in any of its manifestations.

Mantras for cleaning the bio-field and indoor space

Another Tibetan remedy that is also based on sound. These very ancient chant texts were written several millennia ago and still do an excellent job.

In addition, mantras can cleanse not only your home, but also yourself. In general, most people who are fond of this type of protection against negativity, as well as Tibetan culture, believe that those rooms in which mantras regularly sound are always filled with purely positive energy.

The mantra of Gayatri and Vajrasattva perfectly copes with the task of expelling and destroying the negative.

We fix the result

So, we figured out how to clean the aura in the room and the house as a whole, but how to make sure that the negative never returns to your house? All kinds of charms and tools that are present in many cultures will help you with this.

Perfectly, Feng Shui copes with the task of protecting the house from any manifestations of negative energy. In this teaching, there is a whole mass of all kinds of means that allow you at the energy level to simply not let any, even very powerful negative force into the house.

Try to also ensure that the cleanliness always reigned in the house, which we so sought at the initial stage of cleaning the house from negativity. Remember that this is one of the fundamental requirements, which not only helps harmonize the energy in the house, but also adds coziness. In a clean room you can always breathe a little more freely.

Do not store various rubbish in your house, these items often carry quite the wrong energy that you would like to see next to you. Get rid of things if their service life has run out, there’s nothing to clutch at the past, it never leads to anything good.

The main thing to remember is not how to clean the aura in the apartment on our own, but the fact that basically we are its creators and only in our power to make it so that it brings purely bright emotions and acts only for the benefit of us and our family . Therefore, try to leave all the negativity beyond the threshold of your house, let it be where it came from, and then your home will become a truly impregnable fortress.

This article answers the questions: “What is an aura?”, “How to clean it?” And “What are the consequences of a weakened biofield?”

An aura is the energy envelope of a person, his biofield. It is not accessible to the simple human eye. Only an clairvoyant or psychic can see an aura. The human biofield can be exposed to external influences. As a result, holes can appear in its shell, which does not affect the physical and spiritual state of a person in the best way. A person can restore or clean the aura independently or with the help of a professional.

What is aura

There are several definitions of the word “aura”. Each clairvoyant or psychic sees her in his own way. It is believed that even the color of the energy envelope of a person can be completely different.

Some argue that the aura is the spiritual shell of a person, his highest energy. It consists of the subtlest etheric substance. Many clairvoyants are able to see only this human shell. They claim that when it is damaged, a person loses spiritual strength. As a result, frequent depression, complete apathy, unjustified aggression.

The second ones believe that a person’s biofield is his chakras. They can be located completely in different places of the human body. By exerting a beneficial effect on chakras, psychics and healers are able to give a person energy, strength, improve mood and get rid of some diseases.

Still others claim that a person’s aura is a kind of energy flow. Esotericists believe that there can be several such flows on the human body. It is important to determine their location and to properly distribute their energy.

How to clean a person’s aura

Cleansing an aura is the process of ridding a person of negative energy. It affects all the components of the human biofield: its chakras, energy flows, etheric bodies, the spiritual shell and capsules. In order for the aura to always remain clean, it is necessary to avoid negative influences from the outside, to be able to manage your own and not let the negative into your life. But if nevertheless a gap has formed in the energy shell of a person, it urgently needs to be restored. First of all, it must be cleaned and then “patched up”.

How to clean a human biofield

  1. Impact on a person’s spiritual state. Elimination of negative emotions. A state of joy, happiness and euphoria. Getting rid of old grievances. Any manifestation of negativity can create a gap in the energy shell of a person.
  2. Meditation and self-government are the best means to cleanse the human aura. The ability to control oneself, to avoid stressful and conflict situations, to restrain aggression.
  3. Another effective way to restore a human biofield is through self-hypnosis. That is, the targeted elimination of negativity and a positive attitude.
  4. A simple charge can also help restore the human skin. Due to physical activity, the chakras open, the energy flow increases. As a result, a person experiences a surge of strength and energy.
  5. Surprisingly, proper nutrition also restores the human biofield.
  6. To eliminate more serious violations in the aura of a person, you need to contact a professional - a healer or a psychic.
  7. A person can restore his aura with his own hands. For example, through prayer. Morning and evening prayers are the best way to strengthen the human biofield.
  8. Walking in the fresh air, trips to the bosom of nature - soothe the soul, filling it with peace and quiet.
  9. Quiet melodic music for relaxation and relaxation calms the nerves, restores peace of mind, eliminates the negative.

The effects of a weakened aura

First of all, these are constant conflicts at work or at school. Difficulties c. Frequent quarrels and scandals. Loss of authority. Diseases and accidents, prolonged depression and stress. Family troubles: misunderstanding between spouses, parents and children.

Every day, a person takes care of his appearance, his home, his duties. But do not forget about the spiritual side of life. You need to set yourself up for positive things, fill your heart with joy and happiness, and nourish your soul with positive energy. In this case, the aura of a person will be under reliable protection.

Bye everyone.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Instruction manual

Water treatments. This is the easiest and one of the most effective ways to clean your biofield and remove the negative. Shower, swimming in the pool, swimming or even simple splashing in the river, sea, pond - to choose from. Which is closer and more accessible. The most effective is immersion in running water (or bath under running water). That is, a river or a shower will quickly remove negative information from you. If it is not possible to take a shower or swim in the pond, you can wash your hands and rinse your face with clean water.
A very effective way to relieve negativity is by wet foot massage. Wet your feet (you can only reach the ankles) and hands, then clap your feet on the feet with your palm. 50 times on one and 50 times on another. Set the strength of the cotton yourself. The greatest effect happens if melt water is used for wetting.

Fire. Light candles and sit in their surroundings. Or light a fireplace, bonfire, stove (keep the door ajar). It is important that there is a fire (decorative electric fireplaces and electric lamps a la candle are not suitable). Curious fact: almost all earthly elements can be subjugated by evil. So, the earth and water are able to absorb negative information and give it out, the air can also be penetrated by it. Fire is considered the only element on Earth that is not defeated (not desecrated) by evil. It is pure in itself, and actively purifies what is in its halo: objects, phenomena, people.

Salt. She is a frequent attribute in many ceremonies that have been performed by our ancestors since time immemorial. Seeking help for salt is relevant and, as It is known that it has a flexible energy structure and is capable of vividly absorbing the information sent to it. Hold your feet on a layer of salt, it will take over the whole. Just be sure to rinse the salt off the toilet or pour it farther away from home. If you believe in conspiracies and rituals, before starting the procedure, heat the salt in a pan and read: “What came, everything went. Salt is pure, salt is real, take everything bad, ugly, said with an evil word, looked with a bad eye. Amen". You can hold your hands and elbows in salt, and put a few grains on the top of the head.

Nature. Forest, field, meadow, coast (sea or lake / river - it does not matter) contribute to the purification of our biofield, i.e. remove the negative. Amazing results are noted with direct trees (to approach and hug, snuggle first with the spine, then with the chest). Well, if you know "your" tree (according to the Druids), but if not, then there is nothing to worry about. Pine, poplar and aspen are excellently removed by adhering negative energy. You can even chop dice from these trees and bring them home. In moments of ill health, apply them to disturbing places.

Look into yourself. If you feel the influence of negativity, try to put your thoughts and feelings in order. Have you recently been angry, annoyed, indignant and thought badly of them lately? Did you send some curses or evil promises in haste to someone? Remember. After all, a bad word - it, like a boomerang, returns to the one who sent it. If you are a believer, go to the temple. If not, just reflect on your life and actions. Try to be kinder to others. This is always helpful. And the biofield at the same time always becomes cleaner, because you work on yourself, strive to become better.

In order to feel like a happy person, you need to constantly surround yourself with positive energy. Therefore, if you feel that there is a lot of tension, bad emotions near you, you need to clean yourself and your life from negativity.

You will need

  • Sea salt
  • Flowers
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Mop

Instruction manual

Perfectly cope with the purification of your bio-field from incense sticks. As soon as you light the wand and smoke begins to rise above it, try to draw around it the contours of your body from all sides, from the top of the head to the heels. Then fumigate the room in which you are constantly staying, starting from the right corner closest to the entrance. So you will expel all negativity from your living space.

Negative energy can come from people around you, things or places of residence. Being exposed to it, a person falls into the cycle of inexplicable harmful sensations and phenomena. In order to free oneself and protect oneself from a negative field, it is necessary to perform a series of actions that neutralize it and attract a positive field.

Instruction manual

Getting rid of the negative energy  using a black stone Imagine that you are surrounded by a white ring.
Take any black stone and place it on the solar plexus.
Think negative energythat has taken possession of you, and imagine that you are banishing it from your heart and moving it to a black stone.
Move the stone to your forehead, then attach it to the heart and say: "I expel my evil emotions and negative energy, instilling them into a black stone."
List all the negativity that you are getting rid of and imagine that the stone absorbs them.
After this, it is necessary to throw the stone into the pond. Perfectly stream, river or waterfall.

Getting rid of the negative energy with water When at home, first of all, wash your hands, hold them for several seconds under a stream of cold water, and wash yourself. Bring your wet hands to your hair a distance of ten centimeters and simulate movements as if combing your hair. During the "combing" pronounce the following: "Vodichka, vodichka, cleanse me from all that is evil, from everything that is unnecessary. Mother Earth accepts everything that is unnecessary. I become clean and healthy." Rinse your hands under a cold stream and repeat the same action several times. Do not miss the evening shower. While taking a shower, close your eyes and imagine yourself a golden figurine. Your inner vision will tell you that the figurine is covered in black. Stand under a strong shower and imagine that the dirt is washed off. Imagine that the figurine is completely laundered and shines. Thus, you will wash away all the negativity from yourself. In addition, your sleep will be strong and calm. Holy water helps to cope with negative energy. It is very useful twice a day, morning and evening, to wash and wipe the body with holy water. Once on the seashore or other body of water, you can very quickly get rid of the accumulated negativity and recharge with positive energy.
Sit on the beach in lotus position. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Take a deep breath, relax and concentrate on cleansing. Keep breathing deeply. As you exhale, imagine that you exhale all evil, fatigue, illness, and stress. As you inhale, imagine that the energy of nature is penetrating you. Repeat these steps at least 12 times.

Useful advice

Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors, especially near the water. From it comes a powerful stream of life-giving energy, which has an amazing cleansing and regenerating effect.


  • how to get rid of negative energy

In the modern world, it is very difficult to stay away from the mass of negative energy that surrounds us from all sides, especially in the stressful routine of urban life familiar to everyone. Many people are puzzled by how to relieve stress and relieve negative energyaccumulated per day? The best way to do this can be anti-stress meditation, which will help you relax and tidy up your inner state.

Instruction manual

Sit in a comfortable position in a relaxed atmosphere and imagine the event that caused you stress. Take a look at the picture that appears from the side and try to determine yours in this situation. Describe what you saw with all possible characteristics as detailed as possible - the biofield will envelop your body like clothes.

Do not deny any elements perceived in the picture, even if you do not like them. Having fully realized the appearance of the biofield, form a real intention to restore good mental state and get rid.

Try to get rid of indignation or resentment and accept the event in order to cope with the internal state and change it in a positive way. Try to look at the situation from a distance, learn from it a certain lesson and restore the normal state.

Again, visualize the picture in which your body is located, and imagine a black ball next to the body in the picture. Place it in the right place, depending on the type of situation that caused stress - for example, if you are in conflict, place a black ball between you.

Visualize as clearly as possible how a black ball draws in the negative information that exists between you, passes it through itself, and outward gives clean and positive energy, which overwhelms your biofield and cleans it. Imagine a ball spinning rapidly around its axis. The faster it spins, the faster the negative energy will be drawn inward, and you will get rid of it.

Say the correct position inside yourself - “I accept and let go of the situation”, “I forgive other people and myself”, “I want to regain a positive attitude”.

When the process of filling the biofield with new energy is completed, again look at it from the side. If the sensations are pleasant and joyful, then you have got rid of. In case the ball does not pull out the negative from you energy  as a whole, visualize your body in the form of a transparent essence and mentally clean the body from the inside luminous, saving it from dark areas.

Modern man lives in a world of artificial materials, synthetic fabrics and junk food. It is isolated from nature. This leads to the accumulation of a huge amount of negative energy. To get rid of the severity of such accumulations, you can use any of the following methods.

Instruction manual

One of the easiest ways to remove negative energy is to get out into nature more often. If you do not have a country house, a hut in the village, then you can organize a regular trip to the river or to the forest. Nature will naturally remove all the accumulated negativity from you, and in return fill it with pure energy, which will help you cope successfully with the stresses of city life for several days.

During the day, many people communicate with different people. Some of them are positively inclined and give others positive energy, but most people are depressed or aggressive, which is not the best way to affect the state. Therefore, by the end of the day, many people feel exhausted and suffer from headaches. To remove these will help a shower or bath. Be sure to take some time in the evening for water treatments. They will help you remove static electricity and fill the body with the natural energy of water.

Metal will also help remove negative energy. In yogic practice, there is an easy way to restore harmony in the human body. For this you need a stainless steel sheet. During the procedure, both of your feet should fit on it. One end of the wire is soldered to this sheet. Its second end must be soldered to the water pipe. Now you can take a shower, and the metal under the feet will successfully remove all negative energy from your body. This method can be combined with contrast. A woman needs to start it with hot water and end it with it. And, on the contrary, the contrast shower begins and ends with cold water. It is believed that a sevenfold soul will not only save a person from negative energy, but also completely restore the aura, which means that your energy protection will become much stronger.

There are many ways to cleanse yourself of negative energy.

1. Take a piece of paper and (pen, felt-tip pens, pencils, paints) and start drawing. Let your hand move as the soul desires. Maybe it will be only two lines, and you will draw the whole sheet until you feel relief, as if you dumped the load. Your negative will appear on the sheet, so it must be torn and discarded.

In addition to purification, according to art therapists, even inept drawing with paints or a pencil has and reveals our ability to express ourselves and to know our inner world.

2. Look at the running water (it can be a river, stream or just tap water) and at the same time represent everything that bothers you.

3. It is possible to fire (it can be a fire,) and mentally burn in it your negative energy, sadness, longing, everything that bothers you.

4. Remove negative energy well: poplar and aspen. You need to go to the tree, greet him, ask for it. Hug the tree and stand until you feel relief. And be sure to thank him for.
The main thing is to believe and you will succeed!

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Due to negative thoughts or emotions, a person can develop not only mental problems, but also health problems. In the modern world, where often there is no time to really relax and relax, the negative accumulates inside and gradually destroys a person’s life. It is important to learn how to get rid of it.

Remove negativity from thoughts

It is worth recalling immediately that negativity does not rule a person until you react to him. That is, negative situations can occur around, strangers or acquaintances can say nasty things or do dirty tricks, but until all this takes root within a person, negative thoughts do not fill the mind. As soon as a person has reacted: answered, put another in his place, or showed another reaction in response to an external influence, the thought settles in his head, and he will need to work with it to eliminate it.

In working with negative thoughts, it is important to recognize in time when these very thoughts settle in the head. One technique for working with such thoughts is cutting. It does not involve their elaboration and analysis; in this technique, you just need to cut off the thought by replacing it with something else that is completely unrelated to it.

In another technique, thought should not be cut off, but viewed from the side. At the same time, you do not need to live it, you just need to consider it, such as, for example, a storefront. In this situation, you can ask yourself: “What am I thinking now?”, The thought will be perceived as a stranger, and not my own, which means that she will not be able to settle inside.

Another method that involves getting rid of negativity is exaggeration, bringing to absurdity. When a negative thought appears, you need to start working towards exaggerating it. So, the idea that the boss will be cursing now can be safely developed further: he will put the late employee on peas in the corner of his office, and then, with shame, along with the rest of the staff, they will walk and laugh ominously at him, then everyone will begin to scratch and bite etc. After another absurd thought, a smile will necessarily appear on the face, which means that the negative will go away.

Another effective way to deal with negative thoughts is to contrast them. When a thought like “I won’t succeed” appears, it should immediately be replaced by another, the opposite - “I will succeed”.

Work with emotions

It is more difficult to work with emotions than with thoughts, since it is not always possible to track what causes them to appear. But in no case should you leave the negativity in yourself: you need to throw it out. However, this does not mean that you need to throw out anger, resentment, sadness, anger or other negative emotions on others. There are special techniques how not to harm anyone and at the same time help yourself.

One such technique is the “empty chair”. You need to put an empty chair in the middle of the room and put a soft toy or pillow on it, imagining it to be an offender. The offender here may be not a person, but a thing, for example, a broken washing machine. And then you can knock on the “offender”, ask questions, stomp your feet or just scream so that all the negativity comes out. Similarly to this technique, you can tear paper, unpleasant photos, beat dishes - if only it would benefit.

There is also a technique that involves writing a letter to someone who once offended. This letter does not need to be sent, which means that you can not be shy in the expressions and write what you want. Then you can write a response letter, introduce yourself in the place of that person, apologize on his behalf, and justify yourself. It is advisable to write what I would like to hear from the offender personally. After performing such exercises, you can cry, you should not be afraid of this - this is how the negative comes out.

Share or not share

You must always remember that you can not spill negativity on your near and dear ones. Just telling people about their difficult situation, part of the experience falls on them, and the man himself still does not solve his problem. It is necessary to keep loved ones away from their problems or start a conversation that does not end simply with a statement of the situation. It is better to ask for advice, understanding, just support, i.e. get some kind of backlash, and not leave the other person alone with their problem.

If you cannot deal with the problem of negative perception of life on your own, you can contact a psychologist. You can already discuss everything with him without embellishment, without trying to spare his feelings. Good psychologists can cope with other people's negativity.

Some individuals can be called true sources of negativity. Not only that, they themselves are interested in various kinds of negative information, but also spread it around. Try to protect yourself from such personalities, for this you need to adhere to certain principles.

Do not accept the negative

Ignore the information that this individual is trying to present to you, be aloof, answer inappropriately. After such a conversation, the person will not be interested in you, and he will stop the conversation.

Use psychological techniques

Techniques of this kind can be easily found on the Internet in wide access. Practice at home yourself, and then experience its effects when dealing with a negative person. If it does not work, then try to pick another one, experiment.

Complain in response yourself

As they say, beat the enemy with his own weapons. As soon as a person tries to tell you another negative information, tell him something similar in response. Try to present everything so that you are much worse than him. After a while, you will be uninteresting as an interlocutor.

Such people are looking for “donors” to feed on them with positive energy. Do not let them use you in this capacity, in life there is a lot of not only sadness, but also joy.

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