Damir Khalilov social media marketing. Damir Khalilov “Social Media Marketing

  📖 "The most perfect thing in the world," Tim Burkhead. A wonderful book dedicated, oddly enough, to eggs (Rzhevsky, keep quiet !!!). The author, an ornithologist, explores the multifaceted world of bird eggs: structure, genesis, defense mechanisms, and much more. And, like any professional, he infects the reader with his love. ⠀ 📢Slava Polunin, lecture on TEDx "Fool's Happiness". I consider myself a happy person, I feel happiness every second of my life. Polunin (whom I adore from my early youth when I first got to the Snow Show @ slavasnowshow.ru and sat wide-eyed and haven’t closed since then) is amazingly simple and amazingly shares its principles of happiness. it’s worth hundreds of books and master classes. ⠀ I wanted to soak up the mood of the lecture and the key ideas of Slava that I downloaded the audio track and set it as an alarm clock. in the end, every morning I’m sewing, and during the day I’m returning my thoughts. ⠀ 📖 @ Dmi_bykov, “Infectious country.” Dmitry Lvovich, get better. It's not only that we need you (and we need you!), I just want these People were fine. The collection is a great example of Bykov’s poetic satire - sharp, apt, insanely talented. Citizen Poet fans will appreciate it. ⠀ 📖 Speech Improvisation, Elena Kantil. An excellent training book with luxurious exercises to develop an improvisation skill. I’ve been following the @lenakantil project for a long time, I’ve been trying in training for a year now, but the date constantly coincides with business trips. ⠀ ✈Visited Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk. Two atmospheric and completely different cities, each of which for a long time and dearly love. ⠀ 💯 “Tell me what's important to you, and maybe I'll believe you. Show me your meeting schedule and bank statement, and I'll say what's really important to you,” Peter Drucker. ⠀ Share your insights, ideas and discoveries, friends. Ph: @maximovawed

8 THINGS YOU NEED TO DO WITH POST BEFORE PUBLICATION ⠀ So, you wrote a great post. What's next? ⠀ I advise you to keep this important checklist. ⠀ 🔖 Shorten the text. The more capacious your text, the more people will read it. Most users read up to 1000 characters. So go through the text with a scalpel - for example, I usually write text for 4,000 characters, and then cut it in half. ⠀ 🔖 Break the text into small paragraphs. Structured texts are better perceived. One of the most important principles is small (characters up to 250) paragraphs instead of sheets of text. ⠀ 🔖Fill invisible spaces. To visually separate paragraphs from each other, you need to remove spaces at the end of paragraphs, and also insert a special invisible space between them. What kind of gap is this and where can I get it? Here it is "⠀". Copy and paste. By the way, if you want to know about design chips - write in the comments. ⠀ 🔖Add lists. Instagram is one of the few sites where emojis are perfectly acceptable. Not in the format of smiles, but in the format of arrows, checkboxes, etc. Put them in the text - it is very structured. ⠀ 🔖 Define the purpose of the post. Each post should have a target action (CD) - what the user should do after reading: application, call, subscription, remembering, smile, etc. Answer two questions: what is the CD for the post and how does the post stimulate this action. If the CD is an application, this does not mean that you need to write "go and buy," but there must be arguments for the purchase, for example, an analysis of the USP or a product review. ⠀ 🔖Add geolocation. If you add a place and this place is popular, then coverage is growing. Doubt it? Just look at the statistics of a post with a popular place. ⠀ 🔖Add hashtags. Yes, of course, hashtags give extra. coverage. Do not put a lot of them, I recommend no more than 10 in the post itself. In general, there are a lot of rules, if it is interesting, write in the comments and I will write a post. ⠀ 🔖Add Call to Action. I repeat - the experience of the previous interaction is very important for a smart tape, and therefore for coverage. Therefore, add a call to each post. Culturally, unobtrusively, contextually. By the way, if the post was interesting - like it. ⠀ Ph: @jullborodina

He completed an important cycle for me - he spoke at TEDx. ⠀ Every week I get about 20 invitations to speak, but only at TED I was eager to speak myself. To realize the dream that appeared exactly at the moment when I first saw the TED lecture. ⠀ For me, it became a kind of speaker challenge, an analogue of Ironman. All your merits, experience and achievements mean nothing, only the value of your idea is important. ⠀ For about a year I hatched a topic, prepared a presentation, worked out a structure, then, along with the wonderful @ainurzinnatullin, I adjusted the speech to a specific TED format, then I talked with the organizers, defended (yes) the idea and structure, corrected it, drove it (about 30 times). ⠀ The last time I was so prepared for my performance at the RIF in 2007. ⠀ By the way, I thought that this was about the 1000th performance of mine - I will remember it as an anniversary one. ⠀ I told, oddly enough, not about SMM (even though social networks played the main violin in my 12-minute speech). I spoke with the topic "New privacy, or why you should not be afraid for your personal data" - outlined a very important idea for me, which I have been burning for a long time and which, I believe, is very important for our generation. A video will be ready next week, and I will certainly share this idea with you. ⠀ In preparation, I immediately said to myself: “Damir, no“ clear-step-by-step ”, the TED-format itself assumes that for the first time in my life I will need to“ water ”(this I so affectionately call the format of conceptual storytelling performances). But, as you can see слай thanks to the organizers @TEDxSolnechnyOstrov - great atmosphere at the event. By the way, I was very glad to meet students, subscribers, partners. ⠀ Thanks to TED for the best lecture format in the world. ⠀ And thanks to everyone of you for being cool 👍 ⠀ Photo: @maximovawed

This post is about Love. About Love for your Client. ⠀ Once, a famous culinary specialist Hakim Ganiev said that the first thing a young cook studies in Uzbekistan is a special prayer for the health of a person who will eat. A terrific technique for the right attitude towards the Client - you cannot cook badly for the person for whom you prayed. ⠀ I love each of my students. Regardless of who he is, where he lives, he paid for tuition or not. These are people who have entrusted me with their time, their development. And when I go on stage, start a webinar, start video recording for vlog, write a chapter for a book or post - I sincerely thank and love everyone. As a result, I can proudly say that at every one of my thousands of speeches I give all my best, I give everything I have, without reservations like “It's just an ordinary performance” or “It will do.” ⠀ Several of my suffered insights regarding customer relationships. ⠀ 💯Do not work from under the stick. If the Client is inadequate, aggressive, not capable of dialogue - fire this Client. It's quite normal. And God forbid you to build a business so as not to have such an opportunity. ⠀ 💯 Conduct in-depth interviews with several Clients and draw avatars based on them. This will help to better understand how your audience lives, what it thinks, what it burns and what it cares about. This means that your relationship will become more intimate. ⠀ 💯Do not joke customers at the office. With jokes like “Andryukha, look what these types wrote in the brief”, disrespect for the Client begins. ⠀ 💯 Start writing the word Client with a capital letter (do not listen to any gram-nazi who will yell that you can’t write like that). This at the level of the collective unconscious will make the Team understand the role of the Client. ⠀ 💯Love the Client equally at all stages of work. We all know examples when the Client is carried on the hands at the sales stage and dropped onto the concrete floor as soon as payment is received on the account. ⠀ 💯Customer needs to be loved. Do not pretend, but sincerely love. The client as a woman feels falsity in a relationship very well. Therefore, just feel that it is the Client, along with the Team and the Product, that is the basis of your business. ⠀

4 SWEET INSTAGRAM-DREAMS AND THEIR Ruthless Exposure ⠀ How attractive and sweet the future seems at the beginning of Instagram's journey ... ⠀ And how misconceived most of the ideas are about this very future. ⠀ So, the top most common Instagram misconceptions and their exposure. ⠀ 🌟1. I will only advance through content. You will. Thousands to three subscribers a year. Without active promotion, only through publications, a commercial account has minimal chances for rapid growth. ⠀ 🌟2. I have 2,000 subscribers and 1,500 posts. When there is 2 million, there will be 1,5 million. No offense, but now your high coverage is due solely to the fact that the audience is hot. Acquaintances, colleagues, clients, friends of friends, etc. When scaling, maintaining the same degree of warmth is extremely difficult, even if you do not use tools like gives. The engagement of any channel decreases as the number of subscribers increases. ⠀ 🌟3. Giveaways will give me sales. Theoretically, this is possible. But, under the conditions that you have a super-mass niche (inexpensive clothes, etc.), there is no geo-binding and you post ingenious promotional content. But in this case, sales will be only after a long and high-quality heating. Therefore, think about expediency three times when deciding whether to participate in the giva. ⠀ 🌟4. I will find cool SMMs and forget about promotion. This does not happen. A full-time SMM specialist / freelancer / agency can take on many tasks, but there are points in which you will have to participate: monthly report and results, expert advice on the product and information lines, assistance in answering specific questions, and participation in strategic planning. This absolutely does not have to be done by the owner, but someone from the company. ⠀ I’ll add that this is the way any area works: you can’t give the accountant a question about finances and forget about it — sooner or later streams of money will flow from the company. If you stop being interested in the relevance and implementation of the sales plan, you can be sure that sales will fall. And so in everything. ⠀ Share your main insight during your promotion in ⠀ Photo.

Each week, H&F reads one business book and selects interesting points from it. This time we read a book by Internet marketer Damir Khalilov on the rules for organizing SMM campaigns. From it we selected 10 ways to promote the community on VKontakte.

Embed widgets in your website

VKontakte, like most other popular social networks, has special widgets that can be embedded in third-party pages. A reasonable question: if customers have already visited the company’s website, why do you need to send them to the community? The fact is that the people involved on the site are usually transit visitors. They receive information, perhaps even make a purchase, but then they almost never return. When they need something similar again, in most cases they will not return to this store, but will again use the search. Joining the community solves the problem of forming a pool of loyal users who will make repeat purchases. When working with this tool, you should use the widget with photos of participants. If the user's friends are in the community, then first of all he will see their faces, and this is a social confirmation that the community can be interesting to him. Place the widget on all pages of the site. Show the user widgets for several major social networks. This will allow him to choose the one in which he is most often.

Use other people's groups

Today, there are more than 10 million groups in VKontakte, and most of them do not belong to any companies, but are created and supported by enthusiasts. Accordingly, it is possible to promote their own communities through them. It should be noted right away that it makes no sense to use posting links on walls, in discussions or in comments. This approach applies to spam methods, and it is not only ineffective (because almost all links will be deleted), but can lead to reputational losses for the company.

place a call to action in the ad text: “Join the group”, “Join!”

In order to post a link in the community, you need to contact the administrators and discuss the conditions that will be beneficial to both parties. As a rule, the placement is made on a monthly fee basis - every month (or at different intervals), the advertiser pays the administrator for the placement of the announcement. There are three main formats for such announcements: 1) permanent references (preferably with an active link) of the promoted community in the microblog; 2) a link to a promoted community in the form of a graphic banner in the news; 3) a link in the form of a text teaser (text link).

Buy Offers

Another method of promoting communities is offered by the administration of a social network. People who use the popular VKontakte applications are offered a certain bonus in them - for example, additional game values, access to paid functionality, level increase. The only condition for receiving such a bonus is to join a certain community. This format is called “promotion of offers." VKontakte has an agreement with administrators of popular applications on placing offers in them. The advertiser can contact the VKontakte advertising department to order promotion of their community. The cost of each person who enters the community is determined by VKontakte employees, taking into account factors such as the subject of the community and the level of content. The main drawback of this promotion method is obvious: users join the group solely for the sake of the bonus and are in no way interested in further interaction. Accordingly, the communities that were promoted by this method will have a high level of exit of participants, as well as a significant percentage of “dead souls” - users who once entered but never return.

Use targeted ads

There are two models for paying targeted ads on VKontakte: pay for clicks and pay for impressions. In the first case, the advertiser pays only for direct transfers to the community (or to the site). In the second case, he pays a fixed amount for 1,000 impressions. As a rule, payment for conversions allows you to more clearly predict the campaign budget, as well as manage it in the process. The price of one click consists of the following elements: depth of targeting, popularity of the audience, the ratio of impressions and clicks. In addition to the price of a click, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that not every user who enters the community will become a member of it: as a rule, the share of those who have entered among those who have passed is 15-30%. Thus, the cost of each entered will be 3-7 times higher than the cost of a click.

in order to join the group, the user must have a clear motive

There are methods that can significantly reduce the cost of a newcomer by increasing the CTR and increasing the conversion from visitors to participants. First, test different ads written in different forms, and change them regularly so that they don't become familiar. Second, personalize your ads. Thirdly, place a call to action in the ad text (“Join the group”, “Join!”). This increases the conversion rate of participants by 15-20%.

Understand user motives

If we talk about working with our own community, a reasonable question immediately arises: “Why do people even join the group dedicated to our company?” Indeed, in order to enter, the user must have a clear motive. Practice shows that there are three main motives for joining groups. Firstly, obtaining information either about the company itself and its product, or on related topics. Secondly, users communicate with each other, as well as with company representatives in the community. Thirdly, getting bonuses, for example discounts on the menu - in the restaurant community, one free lesson - in the fitness club community.

Make the group right

In most cases, the user decides whether or not to join the community based on two elements: the name and logo. After reviewing them, he either closes the page, or joins the group and continues to study it. The name should meet three basic requirements: conciseness (long names are more difficult to perceive), information content (so that the name makes it clear what the group is dedicated to), non-advertising format (filters will work for frankly advertising names in the user's mind). Most users of VKontakte perceive an order of magnitude better photo, video and graphic information than text.

Therefore, the more bright visual elements will be in the group’s interface, the better the participants will perceive its materials. A case in point is that simply replacing the text menu with a graphic one increases the number of page views of the group by 25-35%. Optimal microblogging refresh rate: 1-3 posts per day. If the group is updated less frequently, then the participants cease to perceive it as a constant source of information, but if more than five updates are published daily, then users perceive it as intrusive and often begin to leave the community.

Hold community contests regularly

One of the most effective community management mechanics is holding contests. It allows you to solve several problems at once. First, to “stir up” the audience. Being involved in active actions, users more often return to the community, and, thus, the core of the target audience is formed. Secondly, attract new members to the community. There is a competition mechanics called “Voting”: the one whose work (or answer option) gets the maximum vote wins. This encourages participants to invite friends to the community and disseminate information about the competition as widely as possible. Thirdly, fill the group with user content. Often, contests are organized in such a way that the users participating in them create content related to the company themselves: for example, they take pictures with products or a logo, record video messages. All this accumulates in the community and thereby increases its value to the participants.

Stimulate community discussions

The discussions themselves, as a rule, do not appear. In general, users are more likely to join ongoing discussions than to start their own. That is why community administrators need to take the initiative. Practice shows that the minimum level of activity, after which users begin to perceive the community as “live” and leave messages, is 15 topics with 10 messages each.

Advise participants

If an expert is present in the group who periodically answers questions arising on a topic related to the company’s business, this will significantly increase the interest of users and serve as an additional incentive for their periodic return. And here it is important to observe several conditions. The consultant really needs to be an expert in this topic. It is necessary to outline in advance the range of issues on which consultations are possible. Answers should not be of an advertising nature, but be objective and informative. The deadline for answering questions should be indicated in advance.

Keep spam out of the group

Users stop going to the group if spam is constantly accumulating in it. The optimal frequency of moderation is twice a day.

This book is well complemented by:

Anatomy of word of mouth marketing

Emanuel Rosen

Twitter Marketing

Mark Schaefer

Pinterest for business

Beth Hayden

Platform: how to become visible on the Internet

Hyatt Michael

Content marketing

Michael Stelzner

First Reader Reviews

I have been waiting for this book for a long time, asked Damir to write it and tell about our special, Russian way of promotion in social networks. Previously, this information could only be obtained at Damir’s personal trainings and while working on his brilliant projects. Before that, we had to collect bit by bit information from books in English. The book turned out better than I expected:

It is simply filled with clear and clear algorithms, how to promote your product in social networks step by step and increase sales using the SMM strategy;

Everywhere our, Russian specifics are described: how to neutralize the negative actions of competitors, how to respond to “trolls”, how to promote your brand in domestic social networks;

I really like the ethical side of this book: only for fair play, by the rules, without black PR;

And this book is easy to read and interesting.

Sergey Bekhterev,managing partner of the consulting company Game Rules

Damir Khalilov - one of the leading experts on the work of Runet on social networks. His book is a topical, devoid of water and empty romance guide to action.

Maxim Spiridonov,cEO of the Netologia Online Education Center

Great book! We read - we do!

Igor Mannpublisher

Internet promotion can be an extremely interesting and effective marketing tool for many businesses. Especially for organizations and enterprises striving for expansion in the regions of Russia, the CIS countries and access to the world market. Unfortunately, until recently, promotion on the Internet, including in social networks, could only be learned from your own mistakes. Since most of the books on this topic were either declarations calling for a brighter future that did not contain practical recommendations, or platitude books chewing on obvious truths.

That is why such a useful and valuable book is Damir Khalilov's book “Social Media Marketing”, which consists entirely of cases of real companies, promotion technologies and a huge number of practical recommendations. The secret is simple: Damir is a leading expert in Russia and the CIS on these issues, and when writing the book, he used his many years of experience with numerous projects and brands of both Russian and foreign organizations and enterprises.

Konstantin Baksht,owner of Capital Consulting holding, business expert, author of business bestsellers “Building a sales department”, “How to ruin your own business”, “Big contracts”, etc.

Only the lazy one doesn’t talk about promotion on Facebook and Twitter. And only the stupid does not use them for his business. The book "Social Media Marketing" details what and how to do for a set of thousands of likes, followers and retweets.

Masolova Elena,Eduson.tv

I met Damir after one of his many appearances. He always talks in detail, leisurely, and in a high-quality manner. So his book is written - in detail, with examples, specifics. Everyone needs such books; read it - be sure to let colleagues and friends read it. Good books should not be on the shelves. And this is a very good book.

Andrey Albitov,author of the book Facebook: How to Find 100,000 Friends for Your Business for Free, Vice President of Leta Group International Projects

Damir Khalilov managed to write a long-awaited SMM hit. The book contains many practical recommendations in a convenient format: “15 first steps to launch a campaign in ...” The book contains extremely important material from studies conducted by Damira. Particularly pleased with the real cases described in the form of an algorithm for action, for example, to create communities "VKontakte" and Facebook. The description of each social network indicates the business areas for which this type of marketing is suitable. After spending three hours reading the book, I wrote down 97 ideas that I intend to implement.

Leonid Grokhovsky,head of the training center "TopExpert"

Damir Khalilov is a person who has proven that social networks are the best tool for brand development. Largely due to his recommendations, the page of my company Isaac Pintosevich Systems gained over 25,000 followers over the year. The Autumn Smile post received 20,500 likes, and more than 4,000 people shared it. This post was the best in Ukraine in 2012. Damir's tips work!

Yitzhak Pintosevich,author of the bestselling book “Act! 10 Commandments of Success "

Today, SMM is becoming a separate science - the science of competent and effective business promotion in social networks. For me, as the owner of an online business, it was Damir Khalilov’s book that became a real step-by-step guide on this topic. After reading it, for example, I was convinced of the effectiveness of using graphic social networks such as Pinterest and Instagram to promote a brand. Their use gave an unexpectedly large-scale effect. From now on, this book will become a desktop for the sales department in our company.

Rimma Allamova,serial entrepreneur, owner of the Fashion brand Rimma Allyamova

For me, the most valuable thing in the book is the author’s many years of practical experience, which sticks out literally from every page. This distinguishes it from numerous Russian "SMM-textbooks", because the theory and cases without "insights" are useless. Today it is the best book on the topic.

Konstantin Maksimyuk,managing partner of the New Internet agency (part of CROS Group), author of the book New Internet for Business

Damir’s book is exactly what the book market did not have before - an understandable and modern manual for those who begin their journey into marketing with a profession that did not exist a few years ago.

Renat Garipov,Greeenfield project

There wasn’t enough such a solid book about the Russian SMM ...

Here it was not, now it is. Damir - one of the people who stood at the origins of the Russian SMM, managed to combine the weakly connected: to talk about the “technique” to the delight of fans of step-by-step instructions and specific cases, and about the ideology of promotion on social networks. That is, why people live on social networks, and what they really need, and why just placing information about your products or brand in the store is not enough to get loyalty or even more so sales. The book not only gives tools, but also pushes to the right thought - about the purposes of their use. The result was a very mundane book that makes you think about the important, that most people just do not think of.

Peter Ponomarev,Eshopsales

I am very pleased that the first SMM book appeared, written by an expert from the CIS.

I have been waiting for her for a long time. It was thanks to his trainings of Damir that I generally revised my attitude to promotion on social networks, began to pay more attention to interaction with the audience and community development.

The book turned out to be fundamental and detailed, with step-by-step instructions and recommendations for action. I am sure that it will give a powerful impetus to the development of SMM in the CIS countries. People will begin to understand what kind of toolkit is and work effectively with it.

Andrey Polishchuk,head of Powerschool Training Center

A fairly well-structured and, perhaps, one of the few books on working in social networks, which has an applied character. It is good both for general familiarization with the specifics of this area, and for optimizing existing experience and knowledge. In it, I met several interesting ideas that I can use on my personal pages.

Damir Khalilov

Dedicated to

to my father Nariman Khalilov

and to my Teacher Arsen Kulaev.

Thank you for everything.

Lovzar - 1. Game, fun. 2. The wedding.

  (Matsiev A.G. Chechen-Russian Dictionary.)

“Lovza (Chech.) - play, have fun, have fun. The word splits into two independent concepts: fishing (endure, endure) and sie (test) ... Thus, the word "lovza" literally means "test for patience", "test for endurance." Such tests were common among all ancient peoples and are called initiations in ethnographic science. ”

  (B. Tanaev)

© Khalilov D., 2016

© Design. E Publishing House LLC, 2016

A bright neon sign illuminated a small section of the street, painting in bright yellow the gray walls of the building and black night asphalt. Graceful ligature on the signboard was displayed: "Teahouse 24". A small red kettle was painted next to the inscription - the artist left a gap between the lid and the case, and this made passersby think: what keeps the lid in the air? Thousands of LEDs flashed so brightly that it seemed as if the invisible one was calling out loudly shouting the name of the establishment, shaking the kettle.

A young man paced along the wall of the teahouse. He spoke on the phone and then came out of the streak of light, then again fell into it. Black hair covered his forehead with an even hat, ears reaching his eyebrows, and during the conversation he kept throwing them back with a careless gesture. A tight black T-shirt, black jeans and elegant pointed shoes, despite the simplicity, harmoniously fit into his image, and immediately it was felt that the young man was extremely serious about the impression he makes.

The coolness of the night made him cringe and rub his hands, barely covered by the short sleeves of the black T-shirt.

- We’ll close, for all matters we’ll close, - talking, he tapped the plaster of the wall with his fist. The conversation went on for a long time, and the muscular hands of the young man managed to get goosebumps.

“No, I’m just not going to drag a goddamn here - it’s all ...” the young man began, but the interlocutor interrupted him again. Apparently, his role in the conversation was rather passive - he listened for a long time, sometimes tried to say something, but then stopped short and listened again, nervously playing with jelly. - Give ... Let me ... Why are you even talking to me if you don’t want to listen to anything ?!

Apparently, these words had an effect on the interlocutor, because the guy continued:

- Come on. On Monday, the region, money will fall into the account. And then I’ll come - we’ll sit at the table, calmly mash everything, what and how to continue. Yes, yes - stopudovo, serious people have confirmed to me by the dough. Yes ... Yes ... I answer.

Someone from behind patted him on the shoulder and said:

- Salam, Hassan.

The young man turned sharply and saw a guy smiling amiably. Happily smiling back, Hassan, taking the phone off his ear for a few seconds, hugged the man who approached.

- Valeykum salam, Arsenka! Wait a second, ”he nodded to the receiver with an apologetic expression.

Arsen was half a head taller than Hassan, lean, with a few sharp movements. He was wearing light jeans and a checkered shirt, unfastened almost to the middle of his chest. His facial features were correct, you could even call him pretty, but the guy lacked the gloss and special masculine relaxation that women so valued. Kind eyes glowed on his concentrated, almost stern face.

- Well, bro, in general, I understand you - we will do everything as an adult. Come on, to the connection, ”Hassan said into the phone and turned back to Arsen. “Good to see you, brother!” Chased, ours are all there. - He smiled and waved his hand towards the sign.

Arsen smiled back and pushed the massive front door. A wave of voices, the sound of glass, background music and other sounds that immediately created a special atmosphere in any Friday venue immediately surged into the street. The guys came in, and the door, driven by a metal door closer, gently closed behind them.

* * *

On Friday night, the teahouse was crowded. At the counter there was a queue of people who wanted to get inside, but the wait was delayed, and the hostess only shrugged her shoulders for all questions. Visitors rarely came out of the hall - the format of the establishment was conducive to unhurried gatherings, long conversations, occasionally interrupted by shouts: “Girl, pour boiling water into the kettle!” or “Can I have a menu? !!” Dozens of hookahs gently exhaled smoke every minute, which streamed up to the ceiling and formed its own cloudy environment in the teahouse.

The hall was a huge archipelago with islands of tables. Each table was different from the others, everywhere there was its own mythology, as well as its own code of spontaneously formed rules. Someone came here to play backgammon, someone came to talk about business topics, someone arranged romantic dates here with secret strokes and furtive kisses. Waiters poured between the tables, in spite of the oriental surroundings of the establishment, they were able to maintain the Moscow imposing service and comfortable, especially for themselves, rhythm.

Four men sat at a large table. Lounging on low sofas with pillows, typical of the Moscow understanding of the oriental interior, they had a noisy conversation, periodically interspersed with peals of laughter. They had something in common - in movements, facial expressions, manner of speaking, even in a special way of smoking a hookah - sharp short puffs that did not interfere with the general course of the conversation.

“I answer: it’s generally crazy,” Hassan said with enthusiastic gesticulation. - Joke, I put the engine from the Lamborghini onto the Gelik, I completely lined the undercarriage - from and to, in short, generally a helicopter, not a car. Then, with such a surprise, I drew myself at the Vorobyevs and let's tear everyone there to the fullest. The boys are all in incomprehensible things: what kind of type did he come from, and he tore all these dags on the behi there.

Hassan took a drag on his hookah, who responded happily with a bang.

- We with Russia are: not a fig for ourselves, well, let's go see what kind of passenger. They approached: salaam-salaam. He, in short, it turns out, from Nazran, in Moscow holds a bunch of car services. I say: give on your "helika" I will make a circle. He is like this: no bazaar, bro. Nishtyak, sat down, gave the gas of a slander, there, under the hood, such a beast growled! In short, I rolled, then back and forth, I say: let's grumble somewhere. And the three of us with Rus drove to Tandoori Knights - they opened the Pakhanov kents, in short. Just arrived, we immediately go a table - not a table, champagne, fruit, all garbage.

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