Halls of Svarog by date of birth. Halls: Slavic calendar of the gods. Perun, Eagle Hall, Sacred Tree - Oak

Halls of the Slavs is a Slavic analogue of the horoscope of the signs of the Zodiac, based on the beliefs and pantheon of the gods of our ancestors.

Slavic halls are added to the circle of Svarog, Slavic calendar. It displays a system of space world order. Kolovrat, an ancient Slavic symbol, personifies the movement of the Sun across the sky, as well as the cycle of the wheel of Time.

How do you know your chamber? The calendar of the Slavs was very different from the modern one, this calendar did not divide the year into months, but into halls. According to the horoscope of these halls, a certain god patronized a person, the corresponding amulets were selected. Halls of the Slavs also determined the compatibility of the couple according to the horoscope, according to the calendar it was possible to determine the fate and character traits of a person.

Slavic chambers by date of birth, description and meaning

Halls divided the year into 16 parts, each of which corresponded to its own special sign.

Hall of the Virgin (08/28/20/09)

People born in this hall of the Slavic calendar are extremely independent, they are stubborn and single-minded. They are patronized by the goddess Jiva, the tree charm - the apple tree.

The Pike Hall (12.10-3.11)

According to the horoscope of the Slavs, pikes have the ability to perfectly adapt to any situation, but they experience certain difficulties in making important decisions. The patron goddess is Rojana, the sacred tree is the plum.

The Swan Hall (3.11-24.11)

People who were born during the period indicated on the calendar as the palace of the Swan can be extremely arrogant. They attach great importance to their appearance. Their charm is Makosh, a symbol of the sown field, the spinning goddess of the ancient Slavs. The amulet is best cut from pine.

Hall of the Snake (11.24-17.12)

If a person according to the horoscope of the Serpent, it says, on the one hand, about his coldness, on the other hand, indicates voluptuousness. Such people are intolerant of criticism, but constantly strive for communication. They are protected by Semargl, the god of fire, and a linden is the plant-preserver.

Hall of the Raven (12.17-8.01)

The Raven sign in the horoscope endows the person with love of lovingness, as well as a tendency to comprehend wisdom at a more mature age. Ravens are protected by Varuna, the ruler of human destinies. The tree that gives strength to the inhabitants of this chamber is larch.

Hall of the Bear (8.01-1.02)

Those born under the sign of the Bear in the Slavic calendar love and know how to overcome difficulties. Such people are focused on achieving well-being for their kind. Svarog himself is their protector, and beech and raspberry are considered a sacred tree.

The House of Busla / Stork (1.02-20.02)

People whose sign in the horoscope of the Slavs is Stork are considered the soul of any company. They are open and generous, and also have developed intuition. God Rod helps them to leave healthy offspring, it is recommended to cut their amulets from willow wood.

Hall of the Wolf (02.25-22.03)

Those born under the sign of the Wolf are distinguished by the desire to restore order everywhere, as well as alertness and perception of the world on the principle of "friend or foe." Volkov is patronized by Veles, the “bestial god” of the ancient Slavs.

Hall of the Boar (09/20/12/10)

Vepri by date of birth in the Slavic calendar very skillfully solve emerging problems, tend to defend their opinions and intolerant of any pressure from outside. The patron god of the Boar's chamber is Ramhat, in Indian mythology known as Rama. Talismans are recommended to be made of pear.

Hall of the Fox (03/23/15/04)

Foxes by date of birth, very cunning and savvy. These people know how to flatter and impress others. They are not afraid of risk, very curious and attach great importance to luxury. The goddess Marena rules the Foxes in the circle of Svarog, the sacred trees are the hornbeam and currants.

Hall of the Tour (15.04-7.05)

Those born under this sign of the Slavic calendar are hardworking and persistent. They rely only on their own strengths, perfectly tolerate the routine and are able to equip a comfortable life. They are protected by the Roof, Heavenly Shepherd of the ancient Slavs. Charms are best cut from aspen.

Hall of the Elk (7.05-30.05)

People whose birthday fell on this period are loving and optimistic. They are open to new acquaintances, faithfully serve their ideals, and at the same time have a surprisingly light character. They are patronized by Lada, the goddess of beauty and love. The sacred tree is birch.

Finista's Hall (05.30-21.06)

The finist on the Slavic calendar endows the personality with traits such as caution, rationality and optimism. Finisters are hardworking and persistent in achieving the goal. They are patronized by Vyshen, the Father of Svarog, in ancient India known as Vishnu.

The Horse Hall (06.21-13.07)

Native horses are restless to the extreme, they are hasty and greedy for life. Surprisingly, these people combine their maximalism and impatience in achieving their goals. The bright god Kupalo protects them in every way, and the elm and fern are the sacred plants for making amulets.

Hall of the Eagle (13.07-4.08)

Those born on the dates of the Eagle are decisive and kind. They have a sharp mind and rich imagination, but sometimes they tend to impose their opinions on others under the guise of patronage and exaggerate its significance. They are patronized by Perun the Thunderer himself, and the sacred oak gives strength.

Hall of the Race (4.08-28.08)

Born in the shadow of the sacred ash, people of the Race surprisingly easily learn new knowledge. They are distinguished by unshakable calm, analytical thinking and serenity. The patron god of the Race is Dazhdbog.

Slavic horoscope compatibility

There are pairs of halls with similar properties. People from these couples find it easier to find a common language, they share common values \u200b\u200band a look at things. Based on this, our ancestors chose a mate in order to create a strong family and continue their family.

Date of birth in the circle of Svarog became in a sense a guarantee of harmony in the family circle, mutual understanding and tolerance among loved ones.

Children in such a family had excellent health, received good education and parents could be proud of them.

Pairs of halls: Virgo / Boar, Pike / Swan, Serpent / Raven, Bear / Stork, Wolf / Boar, Tour / Elk, Finist / Horse, Eagle / Race.

   Hall of the Race

Hall of the Race

The Hall of the Race is the fifteenth segment of the starry sky, which is part of the Svarog Circle. The sacred tree of the Hall of the Race is ash, and its divine patron is the great Dazhdbog (do not confuse with Dazhbog!). Dazhbog is the nickname of the god Tarh, who saved Midgard 40,000 years ago from the treacherous attack of the Kashcheev. Dazhdbog means "God who gives peace." The basis of the image is a real historical person, a multidimensional entity, the commander of one of the space military formations of the Great Race. Dazhdbog embodies protection, victory, salvation and protection. This wise, bright and powerful god is noble and kind to the children of the White Race, but cruel and unforgiving towards her enemies.

Before proceeding with the analysis of the image of people born in this Hall, I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the concept of "Hall of the Race", the word "race" does not have the same meaning that you are probably trying to imagine. In this case, this is not at all an abbreviation for “The Birth of Ases of the Country of Ases”. Our ancestors called the leopard (or pardus) race. Therefore, the Race Hall is the constellation of Leopard.

People from the Hall of the Race are inquisitive, cheerful and active, but their “fuse” can sharply “burn out” and then the thirst for activity is replaced by despondency, depression and spleen. In general, they are impulsive, although they recognize the patronage of logic over emotions. They love, value and respect knowledge, strive for it, but they can be quite lazy or imprudent in choosing ways of perfection. But their laziness is not so terrible as the ability to convince anyone, including himself, that this is the right direction. And although this does not happen so often, Leopards are better off avoiding a passive lifestyle.
Races born in the Hall know how to relax. They may be reckless, even a little crazy, but when the time of labor comes, they immediately become serious, wise and reasonable. Such people can be trusted with any tasks, they will do the maximum possible in this situation and will certainly achieve their goals. There are no insurmountable obstacles for them, they are persistent and courageous people: brave, prudent and furious warriors, or brilliant strategists and wise philosophers. They are inclined to leadership, sometimes even too much. Therefore, they can be selfish and do not take into account the opinions of others. This is very wrong, such a “Leopard” at the end of the road is waiting for loneliness and oblivion.

People from this Hall can literally "go over their heads", they believe that their chosen goal justifies any means. Sometimes it can benefit others, and sometimes it can harm them. In such situations, “Pardus” must pull himself together and nip all his exorbitant egoism to the root, otherwise he risks turning friends into enemies. Such people are decisive and generally positive, striving for good, but do not understand that “violent good” is actually not so positive. Therefore, they must learn to pacify themselves through meditation and various spiritual practices. Then their powerful energy will be able to perform truly great and good deeds.

Hall symbol:

Halls of the Slavs are a reflection of knowledge about the universe. From ancient times it is known that the date and time of birth are important for the life of every person. Born in a certain chamber, he receives the patronage of one of the gods of Slavic culture, and at the same time certain qualities of character and destiny.

The Slavic calendar has certain differences from the modern:

    the countdown of the new year is the autumnal equinox, the celebration of the new year on January 1 was introduced in Russia under the reign of Peter I;

    There were 16 halls in total, against 12 today;

    the beginning of the night is considered to be sunset on the day of the equinox, which falls at 19:30 pm, today the countdown is from 24:00;

    the week of the Slavs had 9 days, against today's 7;

When calculating your chamber in disputed (borderline) moments, taking these features into account will help to more accurately determine your chamber.

Knowing your chamber, you can predict the main character traits, the protection of God and pick up your amulet and rune to help in everyday life. In addition, knowledge of the native culture will not be superfluous even if you do not believe in the supernatural and higher powers.

The oldest Slavic Aryan calendar - Svarozh circle

The calendar of Svarog consists of several circles, each of which carries its own information.

    The first circle on the outside includes the name of the chamber and patron belonging to this section of the starry sky.

    carries information about the runes that belong to each palace. This information is useful for compiling a personal amulet.

    Elements: fire, water, earth, sun, moon, stars, heavenly power, the influence of gods and trees.

    Days of the week and patrons.

    The center of the globe is a 9-ray star that symbolizes the main chakras of a person.

Features of the Svarog circle

The ancient horoscope concludes the knowledge of ancient peoples accumulated over many years. Thanks to a thorough study of the influence of stars on what is happening both globally and on the fate of an individual, the Slavs managed to compose a horoscope to determine the fate of a person as carefully as possible and predict the future. In addition to sacred knowledge, the use of the amulet of the Svarog circle helps to improve the fate and quality of character of each person.

The meaning of the gyms

The astrology system of the ancient Slavs is more complicated than the modern one. Each hall includes 9 halls, in each hall there are 9 tables where 36 benches are located on both sides, one of them is male and the other is female. Each bench has 760 personal seats.

Thus, the halls of the Slavs have an analogy in the real world. Where the chamber is a tower where there are separate halls (rooms), each hall has its own benches accommodating a certain number of people. Everything is connected, heavenly and earthly.

Let's get acquainted with the meaning of each hall of the Rodnover calendar.

Each hall is responsible for a specific area and enhance individual character traits.

Couch hall

A gift to a person from the home-stay room is the knowledge necessary to comprehend professional skills. From the same room comes knowledge of housekeeping and basic rules of housekeeping and everyday life.

Military valor

People born under the influence of the hall of military glory are highly capable of mastering military skill. Duty and honor - this is a profile character traits regardless of the gender of the person. Another feature of people born under a warrior star is the high strength incorporated at the genetic level: physical strength, will and fortitude.

Such people become the basis for protecting the homeland.

Hall of Creation

The Hall of Creation becomes the birthplace of the creators of the people. A distinctive feature of people will be a craving for knowledge and the creation of something new. People born in this room are inventors and creators, for example, great architects.

Healer Magi Hall

In this room makings for healing and magic are formed. People born in the healing room easily master their body, thoughts and consciousness. Many people born under this star become healers, healers, shamans and are able to heal with the help of words or gifts of nature.

Irination hall

People born in this room are distinguished by wisdom, which is based on harmony and love, most often become mentors.

Hall of Wisdom and Death

Those born in the hall of wisdom and death often become fortune tellers or diviners. People born in this room are subject to the knowledge of the future and the past, they are not able to see through time.


Those born in the hall of the arbiters of fate became priests-rulers and priests-guardians. Such priests were subject to the elements.

Hall of Fates

Those born in the courtroom made up a caste of stewards. Here princes, elders and other rulers were born. Many people fell to the lot of trials for the sake of the birth of a stronger nation. In addition, those born in the hall of fate have a tremendous energy of creation. The upper class has never been parasites, unlike the modern world.

Hall of the Vedas

Born in the hall of the Vedas strive for knowledge and comprehension of the secrets of the universe. The people of the Vedas belong to the caste of sages and guardians of ancient secrets.

It is important to understand that not every person finds himself in the explicit world, knows his own path and purpose.

Each chamber has its own rune, both border runes are suitable for those born on the boundaries of 2 periods and the character consists of the features inherent in the signs.

How halls affect a person

correspondence of the halls to the zodiac signs

Halls of the Slavs influence the formation of human character traits. All halls of the ancient calendar are arranged in pairs according to the common signs of traits and power of influence.

  • Born under the signwild boar and virgin   distinguished by a craving for knowledge and independence in decision making. People born under these signs negatively relate to moral pressure on themselves and attempts to push towards a certain decision.
  • The basis of the lifestyle of those born under the influencepike or swan it is a calm and measured flow. The biggest problem for people in the sphere of influence of these halls is responsibility and the need for decision-making.
  • People born under signs. snake or crow   belong to companionable personalities; loneliness is not acceptable for them. Another striking feature of the nature of these halls in the sphere of influence will be amorousness. Love, love, attraction - this is what will accompany them all their lives.

    Born in the chamber bear or beadwill do everything for a kind. Kind and caring by nature, such people direct all their energy to the development and happiness of children, relatives and friends.

    Experimenters, researchers, and adventurers are born under the influence of a chamber. fox and wolf. Born into these signs always in search of the meaning of life, their destiny, they are not afraid of difficulties and sudden life changes. Comfort, calm and stability do not appeal to them.

    Tour and Elk   give a person industriousness dependent on the season. In spring, people feel a rise in energy for work, and by the fall, work capacity drops. In any case, the main character trait of a moose or tour born in the hall is considered to be a positive attitude to work and a lack of craving for a freebie.

    The desire to do everything at once is peculiar to people born in the sphere of influence of halls horse and finist. Savvy, assertiveness and maximalism - these are their distinguishing features. Painstaking and monotonous labor born in this period is perceived as torture.

  • The most good-natured and helpful people are born posessign of race and eagle . However, they do not differ in perseverance or industriousness, laziness is the norm of life. Such people are waiting for everything to work out by itself and do not seek to change something.

Halls by date of birth

You can find out your hall by date of birth, given that the Slavic year began on the day of the autumnal equinox, the countdown will begin from this time.

  • September 20 - October 11 chamber. The patron of the chamber is Ramhat, the tree is a pear.
  • October 11 to November 3 - the palace. The patron is the goddess of family values \u200b\u200b(prosperity, comfort, birth of children) Rozhana and a plum tree.
  • November 3-24, the sphere of influence of the chamber. People are under the protection of the goddess of fate - and the sacred tree is a pine.
  • November 24 - December 16 palace, patron saint, sign tree - linden.
  • From December 16 to January 7 the palace, on New Year's days, Kolyada is the patron, and the tree is larch.
  • From January 7 to January 31, the chamber rises where the patron god is the heavenly blacksmith and creator of the earth's firmament. The sacred tree of the bear is raspberry and beech.
  • From January 31 to February 25 are in the chamber ,   in another stork. The patron god will be the demiurge of the solar system and all living things. The tree of power is a weeping willow.
  • From February 25 to March 22 the palace

From this article you will learn:

    What is Svarozh circle

    How to determine your Slavic chamber by date of birth

    What is the best compatible Slavic halls

    How to choose a charm based on the Slavic chamber

In ancient times, our ancestors used their own traditional astrological calendar, which appeared long before the zodiac horoscope. These are the so-called Slavic halls. There were 16. Each palace did not correspond to a mythical creature, but to the Protecting God.

When the Slavic halls appeared

Slavic halls were an ancient well-established tradition to classify people according to certain criteria. The Slavs used this classification long before Christian times. The infallibility with which the Slavic chambers described the characteristic features of people, and today is much more accurate than traditional western horoscopes. The first historical document confirming with certainty the existence of the Slavic halls is The Round-the-Number of Chislobog. This book is proof that the Slavic chambers were practiced not only by our ancient ancestors, but also until the end of the 19th century (in one of the libraries a copy was published, published in 1888).

It is important to note that the ancient Slavs with special attention and thoroughness studied the change of seasons and the frequency of the phenomena associated with them. It is known that the most ancient human structures were different observatories. That is why our ancestors so easily unraveled the secrets of the constellations and the universe itself.

Slavic halls had another interesting difference from the signs of the zodiac. This is the practical application of astrological knowledge in order to improve life and solve important pressing problems. For example, the Slavic halls had their own amulets or charms.

An explanation of the concept of “chamber” should be sought in the explanatory calendar and in fairy tales. The chamber is a spacious hall, which was in the princely palaces or in the dwellings of rich people. Sometimes the palace was called the entire castle. Thus, the Heavenly Halls were “mansions” where certain constellations lived. Slavic halls gave the idea for the emergence of the zodiac astrological system, shifted to the famous Arabic interpretations of the celestial constellations.

Slavic reckoning is one of the oldest. According to some scientists and archaeologists, it appeared long before the Mayan calendar, which on the eve of 2012 the whole world community knew. Even the concept of “calendar”, our ancestors put a special meaning, decoding it as “Carols Gift”. According to Slavic traditions, the calendar was presented to people by the god Kolyada. Today, Kolyada was replaced by Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

To determine your place in the Slavic astrological system, you will need certain knowledge of the ancient chronology. Initially, the week was nine days, and the length of the day was 16 hours. The year consisted of nine months, each of which was 40 or 41 days. Every 16 years, the "Holy Summer" came - a year consisting of 369 days. Our ancestors did not use the word "year" because in antiquity the years were called "summers."

Slavic chambers and the Swarozh Circle

The Swaroz Circle is the space in the starry sky within which within one summer the sun god Yarilo moves (akin to the modern Zodiac or ecliptic). The Svarozh Circle had 16 equal sectors - halls: Virgo, Boar, Pike, Swan, Snake, Raven, Bear, Busl, Wolf, Fox, Tour, Elk, Finist, Horse, Eagle, Race.

Slavic halls had certain patrons (these were ancient Slavic-Aryan gods) and endowed people with specific qualities given at the time of their appearance in the Clear World. Compared to the Zodiac, the Swarozh circle has more constellations and is a more complex and curious structure, covering all aspects of life.

Slavic halls by date of birth

  1. Hall Boar.

Validity: from September 23 to October 14. Ramkhat is considered the patron god of the Boar. In this chamber, inquisitive and persistent people, distinguished by their determination and ability to overcome obstacles. The disadvantage is the ability to neglect other people.

  1. Hall Pike.

Validity:   from 14.10 to 06.11. This Slavic chamber under the auspices of the god Rozhany. People of this chamber seek peace, it is difficult for them to make important decisions, however, new and unexpected circumstances prompt them to quickly adapt.

  1. Hall Swans.

Validity: from 11/06 to 11/27. The patron god is Makosh. The people of this chamber are selfish, but hardworking. They tend to rely on their efforts, not relying on luck. They love and know how to work with their hands.

  1. Hall Serpent.

Validity:   from November 27 to December 19. These people are controlled by the god Semargl. This Slavic chamber is distinguished by wisdom. Sometimes the people of this chamber are selfish and conservative.

  1. Hall Crow.

Validity:   from 12.19 to 10.01. The patron god is Kolyada. This Slavic chamber is extraordinary. People born in this period do not like loneliness, but they can’t establish their family life until they are 40 years old.

  1.   Hall The bear.

Validity: from 10.01 to 03.02. Svarog is considered the patron god. The people of this chamber are kind and persistent in achieving one of their main goals - to arrange their life.

  1. Hall Busla, or Stork.

Validity: 03.02 to 28.02. The patron god is Rod. All that the people of this chamber have is the fruits of their love of work. They are the first to help others.

  1.   Hall The wolf.

Validity: from February 28 to March 25. This chamber is under the auspices of the god Veles. The people in this chamber are experimenters and seekers of the meaning of life, they are always looking for the truth.

  1.   Hall Foxes.

Validity: from March 25 to April 17. God-patron consider Marena. This chamber is distinguished by curiosity and resourcefulness. Most of these people tend to live at the expense of others.

  1. Hall Tour.

Validity: from 17.04 to 09.05. The patronizing god is the Roof. For people of this palace it is not peculiar to understand their nature, they differ in isolation, industriousness and responsibility.

  1.   Hall Moose.

Validity: from 09.05 to 01.06. These people are ruled by Lada. This Slavic chamber is distinguished by endurance, sociability and the desire to control the situation. It is difficult for them to trust strangers.

  1. Hall Finista.

Validity: 01.06 to 23.06. The patron god is Vyshen. This chamber is characterized by incredible energy and a desire to do several things at once. These people are maximalists. Their disadvantage is that their mood changes dramatically and baselessly.

  1.   Hall Horse.

Validity: from June 23 to July 16. They are patronized by Kupala. This Slavic chamber gives birth to able-bodied people who courageously overcome various troubles. This chamber often gives excellent leaders.

  1. Hall Eagle.

Validity: from 07.16 to 07.08. These people are ruled by Perun. These people are distinguished by a sense of patronage and goodwill.

  1.   Hall Race, or Leopard.

Validity: 07.08 to 30.08. The patron god is Tarh. This Slavic chamber is purposeful, but these people are sometimes not able to hear and accept the opinions of others. Constantly striving for power.

  1.   Hall Virgin.

Validity: from August 30 to September 22. The patron is Jiva. The hall is characterized by purposeful people with pronounced leadership qualities. They seek knowledge of the world, but are very stubborn.

Slavic halls and their interpretation

Virgo Zhiva tirelessly defends the Slavic chamber of the Virgin. It gives rise to all living things. She also has a short name - Jiva - the goddess-protector of human souls. She saves everything breathing, saves everything, takes care of all living things.

This hall is guarded by a sacred sign - the rune of Alive.

People born in this chamber should know their Soul, participate in the revival of life in any way possible: protecting and raising animals, planting plants and trees, respecting the sources of vitality.

The apple tree - the sacred tree of the chamber of the Virgin - fills its representatives with life force.

  1. Hall of the Boar.

The Boar’s palace has another patron - the Heavenly Boar, called Ramhat. This god was always perceived as a universal judge and guardian of the general law and order, tirelessly watching the fulfillment of the main universal canon and the conformity of human actions to it. The traditional symbol of Ramhat is Second England.

People born in the boar of the Boar, from childhood, must comprehend the main set of universal rules, observe them and teach others what they comprehend.

The sacred tree of this chamber is a pear.

  1. Hall of Pike.

The Pike Hall is protected by the Goddess Rozhan, who controls the birth of all living things. The gentle wing of Rozhana protects pregnant women and women in childbirth, Rozhana promotes family well-being, happiness and harmony.

People born in this chamber seek to continue their kind, raising worthy offspring, who will soon continue their own kind.

The sacred tree of this chamber is considered to be a plum, which in the autumn carefully takes away all the useful from the earth and saves it for a long time as well as people continuing their family under the good fortune of Rozhana.

  1. Hall of the Swan.

The patroness of this chamber is the Majestic Makosh, whose energy intertwines human destinies. The helpers of the goddess in connecting life's paths are her daughters - Share and Nedolya. Sometimes they are also called Srech and Nesprech. Thanks to their help, Makosh makes up human destinies, weaving strong and unique for each canvas that people are destined to live.

People born under the sign of this chamber love to know their life path and the fate of other people in order to determine the most accurate ways of their connection and development.

The Slavic chamber has its own symbol, donated by the goddess. This is a bucket or Ursa Major, because Makosh is the mother of this Bucket.

The sacred tree of this chamber is a pine.

  1. Hall of the Snake.

Another Slavic chamber Snake is ruled by the warlike and invincible god Semargl, filled with one of England - a fierce flame of life. This flame provides him with the power to mediate between gods and humans.

That is why people born in this chamber must learn to talk with the gods themselves and help others to establish a divine connection. These people are wise, since the Serpent originally possessed Fiery wisdom.

The symbol of the chamber is linden. This sacred tree expelled any heat with its ancient energy. Linden inflorescences gave tea and other drinks a unique honey flavor.

  1. Hall of Vrana.

Reliable god Kolyada protects the Slavic chamber of the Raven (Vrana). Kolyada initiates changes in people's lives and contributes to any of their endeavors.

People born in this chamber should have peace of mind if changes come to their lives. Even if these changes did not help to achieve the goals, Kolyada tells how to start all over from scratch, without losing heart peace.

The symbol of the Raven’s chamber is the Trident. Kolyada controls both expected and unexpected life changes. The sacred tree of the Raven chamber is considered larch.

The familiar carols and the Day of Changes, traditionally celebrated on the day of the winter solstice, were held for the god Kolyada.

  1. Hall of the Bear.

The patron of the palace of the Bear is the powerful and great god Svarog, who created the world visible to people from absolute matters. Svarog rightfully controls the fate of all living things.

People born under the sign of this chamber should be creators for others, serving as the creation of valuable works of art immortalized in the memory of generations.

The symbol of the Bear’s palace is beech and raspberry, as they are the treats of the bear. In the old days, raspberry juice was called bear blood, and beech was often planted next to raspberries. The roots of the tree were abundantly watered with raspberry juice, and many ants that resorted to the smell of juice, along with the juice, also destroyed the larvae that grind the tree.

  1. Hall of Busla (Stork).

The chamber of the Stork (Busla) is patronized by the god Rod, who first appeared in real reality after Ramha. Rod creates and broadcasts the future. In addition, Rod with the help of a Stork carries a child to the family, which continues the human race. Remembering their departed ancestors, people do not forget God each time, saying: "The race gave birth to us."

And this is true, because without the assistance of Rod and without certain actions of our ancestors, we would not be able to see this world.

People born in the house of Busla must accumulate all the grains of information about their family, respect the deeds of their parents in their family, and pass on the knowledge of their good deeds to new generations.

The sacred tree of this chamber is the willow, which was previously used to teach the wisdom of his negligent lad, if he could not know her ears.

  1. Hall of the Wolf.

God Veles rules the chamber of the Wolf. This patron knows everything with which the living world is filled. It is known that it was the Wolf that revived the world created by Svarog. That is why the wisdom of Veles is considered special. For this wisdom Veles was respected by artisans, peasants and other merchants.

Ancient legends tell that, being a child, Veles frolic, dispersing her mother’s herds in the sky, for which he received punishment. On earth, Veles reincarnated as a wolf and helped the then oracles.

Therefore, the sacred tree defined for this chamber is a poplar. Veles turned into a wolf, jumping over a poplar stump. The power of the poplar helps people today: if you hug it, the tree will take away the accumulated tension and calm the outbreak of emotions. With this tree, wounds are healed: poplar draws pain and bad energy into itself.

People born in this chamber should continue the work of Veles - to guide people through their own example and endow them with wisdom.

  1. Hall of the Fox.

The Slavic chamber of Fox was given into the power of the goddess Winter of Mary. There was a time when it was believed that calm Mara is the goddess of Death, but this is not true, since Mara simply determines the measure (including life, who is destined to live and how much).

And this goddess is a protection during a natural dream during the long winter. Mara created a sparkle of snow that preserves the purity of the world and its spiritual radiance. Tired of worries, Mara lets the winter go - it ends, the radiance of the snow fades, it turns gray, since the patroness takes his shine with her.

The fate of a person born in this chamber is difficult and thorny, since his life's mission is to find his sense of proportion and cultivate it in himself with poise and calm. People from this chamber retain within themselves the radiance that the goddess gave them, and share it with their neighbors.

The sacred trees of the chamber are the hornbeam and currant, which soothe and stabilize the condition, helping people to keep calm and lowering high blood pressure.

  1. Hall of the Tour.

The patron god Roof gives wisdom and militancy to the people of this chamber.

This god is famous for his victories over any enemies. And on earth, he instructs people with benevolent and wise words, controlling rites and ritual ceremonies. That is why people from this chamber must have a clear consciousness, be friendly, but also capable of struggle.

Aspen is called the holy tree of the chamber. In the old days, under the aspen, they laid only to their enemies and bad people.

But aspen also has useful qualities. Bath canopies and walls were covered with aspen, which, warming up, took away people's diseases. And if someone was soaring with brooms, aspen transmitted his energy to a person. It is common for this symbol to give energy to good people and at the same time take away heavy thoughts and ailments from them.

  1. Hall of the Elk.

The goddess Lada is considered the guardian of the palace of Elk. She is the mother of the bright gods. Lada guards the representatives of the chamber, surrounding them with his love, harmony and beauty. She brings up in children and wards mutual respect, understanding, sincerity, the ability to live in peace.

The symbol of this chamber is the Elk, called the elephant-hawk (the name implied a mammoth who had a plow on his head). The global cooling caused the mammoths to go in search of warm places in Africa and India. There mammoths bald and "turned" into elephants.

People from this chamber should strive to awaken in their nature all sides laid down by the Lada - love, beauty and harmony. A liveliness of mind enables these people to reconcile quarreling, they are able to convince thanks to their kind words and sincerity.

Birch is considered the sacred tree of the Elk’s palace.

God Almighty is beneficent to this chamber. High above protects the area where our departed ancestors live.

The finist is connected to the Falcon, as in old tales, where the beautiful Alyonushka was destined to go in search of the Clear Falcon to the thirtieth Kingdom. In other words, the girl was looking for the Falcon outside the solar system, and Finist - the embodiment of the Falcon.

The rune in this chamber is the ancient Wheel of Samsara.

A sacred tree is cherry.

People born in this chamber should learn to distinguish between truth and deceit, helping to resolve conflicts and helping to open the truth to others.

  1. Hall of the Horse.

The beautiful and eternally young god Kupala ruled the horse palace. The power of Kupala gives him the right to pacify the natural elements, thanks to which he performs powerful rituals to cleanse the soul and body.

One of the runes of the chamber is Yoga, based on harmony and union. From that time, the word “coupled” has survived to us, which we pronounce to mean unification.

People born in this chamber should accept magical knowledge from the hands of Kupala, which allows combining various elements - water and fire, darkness and light, air and earth. Thus, Kupala collects together the knowledge that came to us from the ancestors, but for some reason became fragmented and misunderstood.

Since ancient times, many have performed one of the important rites, trying on Kupala day to combine the ancient energies of the four elements.

The main symbol of the palace is considered to be a fern, which personifies the power of love and the magical transformation of the inner human nature, coping with obstacles.

  1. Hall of the Eagle.

The patronage of the palace of the Eagle is carried out by the god Perun. This god is not only a great warrior who protects the existing world, but also a brilliant strategist, distinguished by nobleness, honesty and wisdom.

The sacred tree of the chamber is a mighty oak. The famous artist Vasilyev painted the god Perun with an eagle on his shoulder under a powerful oak tree holding a plasma emitter in his hand.

People born in this chamber should be distinguished by honor and courage, but they should use this power correctly to wisely repel the attacks of enemies and protect the weak. These people also need to work hard to open their heart to important knowledge and skills.

  1. Hall Race.

This Slavic chamber is called the White Pardus, or White Leopard.

Protects the chamber god Tarh. Often he is called Daj-God, because he gave people nine Vedas (all his powerful knowledge). Dazhd-God is considered a wise and brave defender of the world, who favors the children of the White Race, but is merciless to evil enemies.

People born in this chamber should be good-natured, with all their hearts to honor the gods, nature and their loved ones, to thank all of them for their good.

The sacred tree of the chamber is ash.

How Slavic halls are combined

Choosing a life partner, our ancestors used the Svarozh circle. Slavic halls helped in choosing a couple and creating a strong family, in which for many years there was harmony and love. The strongest pairs were obtained when connecting the halls:

    Virgin and Boar.

    Pike and Swan.

    Snake and Crow.

    Bear and Busla (Stork).

    Wolf and Boar.

    Tour and Moose.

    Finista and Horse.

    Eagle and Race (White Leopard).

How to choose a Slavic charm based on a palace

Oriental horoscopes could not offer people the use of higher powers to hide from magic, curses and dirty tricks of envious people. Slavic halls radically differed from the eastern exaggerated horoscopes in that they had a wide range of runes, thanks to which the Slavs solved many problems or programmed their life for success.

Each chamber had a patronizing rune, the use of which improved health, love and material luck. Slavic chambers prescribed the use of runes as amulets, which could be jewelry, embroidery or a drawing on clothes. It was also allowed to make such drawings on the body.

Slavic chambers advised choosing the amulets according to the date of birth, referring to the particular chamber in which the person was born. A correctly selected amulet is the strongest assistant in solving earthly issues. In each rune, the patron gods laid a power that helps to get rid of troubles and overcome life's misunderstandings.

But if you study this knowledge more deeply, you will notice that the runes have a wider range of effects than the Slavic halls allow. Using specific runic symbols, representatives of other halls attracted to themselves the missing skills, traits, support from above.

    The rune of beauty, for example, regardless of the calendar contributes to the return of lost or storage of existing beauty.

    The rune of help in childbirth is universal, able to support any woman in labor.

    The rune that protects the defending soldiers is a powerful amulet for any brave man when he directs his forces to the good.

    Slavic halls also offer runes that protect against magical evil. Thanks to them, everyone will be able to protect themselves from impairment and curses.

    There are also runes that attract wealth to the house. Slavic halls advise wearing them as a talisman, then it will be possible to significantly increase your material condition.

The secret of the influence of each rune is that the abilities that it possesses begin to interact with the aura and spirit of a person, directing the flow of vital energy in such a way as to invisibly permeate the rule and reality. The Navi world is distinguished from these two worlds by the fact that it lacks the divine energies of knowledge.

Charms and amulets representing the Slavic halls, you can buy in the online store "Witch happiness", which is considered to be one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. If you have found your own unique path in life, are actively changing the world around you and are not afraid to be responsible for actions and actions neither to others, nor to the Universe, our online store will be of interest to you.

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Today I came across a post - How to choose a Slavic amulet according to the horoscope. This dial was embarrassing for me - note: the outline contains the symbols of the Chinese Feng Shui teachings used in lopan compasses (I have been practicing them for a long time in building interiors according to Feng Shui).

But those who know a lot about magic, extrasensory perception, conspiracies, etc., etc. they will tell you, dear readers, DO NOT WORK for the Slavic, Western people, body amulets of the east! This is a completely different type of energy flow, we can say a different mentality. But what about the correct use of Slavic symbols as charms? Let's get it right. I am very interested in this topic in connection with embroideries and magical symbols in the interiors.

Apparently, for the sale of their products, artisans are accustomed to impressing unsuspecting customers with an explanation: “So it has long been customary among our Slav ancestors” . In fact, manipulations with the selection of the Slavic amulet according to the horoscope and attempts to force them to buy pagan amulets by date of birth are crude speculation and cruel deception - the ancient SLAVS have completely different horoscopes !!! pay attention - divisions 16 and not 12!

Why is the Slavic horoscope by date of birth, Slavic birthday - empty words and explanation HOW TO CHOOSE A CHARM

The horoscope takes into account the eclecticism and calculates the influence of the planets in a certain place at a certain hour. People so want to put the Slavic way of thinking in the usual framework imposed by pop culture! It’s right from the point of view of cognition to rely on familiar ideas, comprehending the new. But it’s wrong in the case of cultural differences - Slavic mythology and chronology has no analogies with Chinese and Japanese culture.

Naturally I want to read my slavic horoscope by date of birth. .. Horoscope is a field of astrology knowledge about the sectors of the eclectic (the Earth’s rotation plane around the Sun). So, I hasten to inform horoscope lovers on the last page of free newspapers: the practice of compiling horoscopes arose in Mesopotamia in the 5th century BC and even now is very It’s complicated because only fragmentary information has been preserved. And most pseudo-horoscopes are essentially fraud. Slavic horoscope by date of birth   it is impossible to calculate in such a way as astrologers currently do.

This deception is addressed to people who are just beginning to comprehend Slavic culture, otherwise there would not be these direct analogies with eastern horoscopes. -

Ancient Slavic calendar. Slavic birthday.

Just try to figure out the Slavic calendar and ask yourself - and in what year, month and date on the Slavic calendar was I born? Yeah! Over many, many years, over countless centuries, so many calendar options have accumulated that, only with clarification can you decide.

Try typing in an Internet search engine: "When was Peter the First born?".With astonishing confidence, different sources call either June 9, 1672, or May 30, 1672, or 7180 according to the then adopted calendar, the Byzantine calendar, valid from 988 to 1453 (according to the Gregorian calendar). Continue to want to determine your Slavic birthday?   Since the time of baptism in Russia, there has always been more than one calendar and system of chronology.

Scientific explanations can still be read about these calendars, but only rumors circulate about the calendar before baptism. In particular, the Daariyskiy Round robbery of Chislobog has no confirmed source (I will be glad to make mistakes, of course, show if anyone ever saw this in ancient manuscripts ) .There are, of course, tricks for the most painstaking. Understand that before the autumnal equinox you were born, or after that, until eighteen hours, or after. This difficult way will guess what day you were born on the Daari calendar, Then you must add five thousand five hundred and nine years to the year of birth, then from this date we take away seven thousand seven hundred seventy six. What we get. But the joy is short-lived, because this knowledge turns out to be useless to anyone. Choosing a Slavic amulet by date of birth will not help absolutely. ..

Therefore, if you want to live in a bright world of Slavic culture, forget about slavic horoscope by date of birth.Such horoscopes were not preserved, and those that were in ancient times were tied to calendars, which are no longer used.

Slavic amulet.

All of the above in relation to the ancient Slavs does not in the least diminish the strength of the ancient charm of Volshba and the ability to pick up a working Slavic charm. Spiritual. In this magical mystical world, mathematical calculations of the rotation of lifeless celestial bodies were not needed. Slavic amulet is a magical tool, a thin thread between you and wildlife! Protective symbols and signs were applied to household items, housing, body and clothing in order to strengthen these ties, to receive strength - nourishment for these delicate, but powerful, ringing like a stretched string of connections with the Divine world. And each God embodied in himself some part of the Universe, its special part. The name of God and the sign of God are a symbol that collects, focuses energy and transfers it to a person. What part of the power of this world are you want to strengthen in yourself, such a charm and choose! And he will act, protect and preserve!

By studying the signs and their connection with the Slavic Gods, an attentive researcher himself can come to certain conclusions. This is quite easy - you will find in the description a mention of the Slavic deity, which means there is reason to look at this sign. Understanding the qualities of God, this concentrate of certain properties, one can easily understand the power of the talisman with the sign of God.

The most powerful and ancient signs of the Gods are symmetrical.   The first ancient sign is the Swastika of the Family. If you have hesitations and doubts about what kind of energy you would like to receive for yourself, choose the Rod sign. Please note that the female and male forces have different orientations, male “salting” (on the Sun), female “anti-salt” (against the Sun), in according to gender and choose signs.

Slavic god and amulet by date of birth. The first way is to look at the Sun.

Our ancestors Slavs always looked at the Sun. They believed that the Sun was the giver of life on Earth, and the Solar God Horse every day rode to Heaven in his chariot of horses harnessed by fire-horses, and besides this, the Sun has an annual cycle of birth-growing-dying. The Slavs always celebrated in a big way astronomical events related to the Sun - caroling in December, calling spring in March, lighting bonfires on Kupala night in June and celebrating the fall in September. Namely the dates of the spring and fall equinox, summer and winter solstices matter when you want to choose atslavyansky amulet by date of birth. Each period of the solar year was, according to the Slavs, under the control of the Solar God. It was he who looked after people born in their time and determined their life path.

The date of birth among the Slavs suggests what sunny God looks down on your life and even directs your path of Reign outside of life. He is the Teacher of your Spirit.

God of Kolyada (for those born between December 21-22 and March 20)

God Yarilo (for those born between March 20 and June 20 - 21)

God Kupalo (for those born between June 20-21 and September 22-23)

God Avsen-Svetovit (for those born between September 22-23 and December 21-22)

Events that happen to you in a short period of time, for example, a week, are only a small part of this path. But, by and large, this is a small part of the great training of the Spirit. By choosing a talisman with the sign of God the Teacher, you establish a subtle connection between the divine essence and yourself.

control time in the solar circle: Kolyada, the God of the young Sun, Yarilo, the God of the spring Sun, Kupalo, the God of the summer Sun, Avsen-Svetovit, the God of the autumn Sun.

Using this method, you are floating in the mainstream of Slavic culture, because the Slavs have always been sun worshipers and have linked the course of their lives with the daily and annual changes of the Sun.

People born in the period from August 27 to September 20, are in the chamber of the Virgin. They are childishly immediate, young and beautiful. The amulet will help them to maintain their beauty.

The Boar's Hall (September 20 - October 11) - a charm that suits individuals who are law-abiding and value order in all areas of life. Their main feature is punctuality.

Those born under the hall of the Pike, talented inventors. They love constancy and react poorly to changes in life. These are people born betweenfrom October 11 to November 3

  The Swan Hall (November 3-24) - amulet for family people, but at the same time proud and wayward. The patron of the chamber is the goddess Makosh.

People born from November 24 to December 16,   are in the chamber of the Snake. They will never betray, you can rely on them in moments of adversity. The talisman will help them become more protected.

The Raven Hall (December 16 - January 7). Bright, positive people are born in it. The preservation of this symbol will help them become wiser. Especially it will suit lawyers.

People born in the palace of the Bear (January 7-31) - leaders in everything. They are unbending and prefer authoritarianism. The amulet will help them to show their qualities in politics, the military environment and government.

Busl’s charm is suitable for people who were born between January 31 and February 25. They are prudent, like to analyze and think about their own actions. Busl’s Hall gives them reliability and faith.

People born under the Wolf’s Chamber (February 25 - March 22), prefer the charm of this chamber as an incentive to their creative abilities. Their patron is the god Veles

Hall of the Fox (March 22 - April 14).   This amulet is for cunning, independent and proud people. He will help in the successful completion of the work begun.

Those born from April 14 to May 6 are in the palace of Tour. These are wise and reasonable individuals who do not love conflicts and strive for harmony. The preservation of this symbol will help them in overcoming obstacles.

Hall of the Elk (May 6 - May 29). This amulet is intended for people who are soft and flexible. He will help them find, preserve and strengthen their family.

Finista's Hall (May 29-June 20). Preserved people involved in spiritual development. Protect from failures.

Those who were born in the horse’s palace (June 20-July 13), with the help of a talisman they will be able to become excellent parents for their children, as well as material well-being

  Hall of the Eagle (July 13 - August 4). A charm for those who love their loved ones so much that they will do anything for their well-being. Helps to avoid dangers.

And the last chamber- the chamber of the Race. People born in this chamber (August 4-August 27) are good-natured and cheerful. They are loving and sociable. The talisman will help them become more permanent and self-confident.

Pros of this method to choose a Slavic amulet: simplicity. The only thing is, if your birthday falls on the border dates, you need to find out exactly what day in the year of your birth this astronomical date was.

Cons: Governing gods are more interested in your life path, in your movement towards the Rule. The protection of the Native God by date of birth will help you if you ask yourself questions about whether you live the right life. Carry the item by the sign of God with you, and gradually you can feel a new understanding of your life path.

You want to know your right Way of life if you live by the Law. prediction

The second way - the Slavic god listen to ourselves.

Sometimes life becomes so unpredictable that you want to stop a little and get advice, help, support from someone wise, close, understanding. In this case, the Slavs called for their help God Protector, someone with whom they felt an inexplicable relationship in spirit. So you can do. Just think, with what divine essence you would like to be related. What Slavic God do you dream of calling into Patrons?

Symbols of Mokosh, Perun and Lada

Wise Makosh, the Goddess of Fate and Witchcraft, or the proud swift Perun - the Thunderer, Patron of Warriors? Tender Lada, Mother of the Gods, Patroness of the family and marriage, or the strongest Svarog, the God of Justice, the fetter of human destinies? Slavic pantheon is characterized by polytheism. And this is wonderful! You can find someone who will answer you with parental love, you should choose a suitable Slavic sign-symbol associated with a specific Slavic deity. This is the answer to the question: what kind of Slavic amulet should be worn? Sign of the patron god!

signs of the solar Gods: Kolyada, Yarilo, Avsenya. Pay attention to the solar form of the signs.

Pros of this method to choose a Slavic amulet : you get a subtle union with the Patron God.

makosh symbol - see post

Cons: you need to study mythology and understand the nature of the Gods. The guardian of the Native God, chosen according to the kinship of your characters, will help you when you want to live a life that is joyful and pleasant to you. Carry the object by the sign of God with you, and gradually you can feel protection and protection.

Want to quickly and accurately recognize your Patron God? Take the test developed by Northern Tale. Free online test "Who is your patron god?"

The third way - we think about the situation.

There is a third way to get a working amulet. If you have a specific concern - you want to improve your health, make a career, build a happy family, or even develop your magical abilities, then it is best to look for a special God who will help you in this. Each Slavic talisman associated with God has features. So, the charm of Svarog gives health, and the charm of Lada-mother is family happiness. There are peculiarities and differences that need to be studied and tested in practice.
   The choice of such a talisman will require you to be very careful, or help from the comrades of the Northern Tale.

Who can become your God Helper? A quick way to pick up a talisman.

Felt the awakening of interest in the Slavs? It's fine! Do you want powerful protection, attracting universal natural forces? There are such! Just choose your Slavic amulet, based on the knowledge and command of the soul.

Well, please forget about the hackneyed eastern horoscopes, which even the restrained Japanese themselves laugh at.

source https://northernfable.ru/article/slavyanskij_goros...date_rozhdeniya/?clear_cache\u003dY

Alive headin the form of a Star and plants in her hands and on a skirt are more related to her energy - she gives life to all living things - plants in her hands, like streams of life-giving strength and growth, nourishing all living things and filling Rod with light (head in the form of an Alatyr star). Birds are like Share and Nedolya, therefore they look in different directions, we cannot delete the bad from life, life includes both white and black.

Look how beautiful this symbol looks in embroidered products:

Comprehend, study the Native Gods and be happy! @Milendia

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