Interpretation of sleep search in dream books. Modern dream book search Dream book search me

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Autumn dream book. For what dreaming Search By dream book: Search- See in dream, how someone spends it search For what dreaming Search V home Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Search in dream If you dreamed what did you find in your home footprints search: Unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. Conduct search V someone else's apartment: means that you will have to do unpleasant work to improve your financial situation. If you are watching search V own home, and they find something you were hiding: you risk causing discontent among others with your unworthy act. Read more

    Dream book ""

    Interpretation sleep in which dreaming Search in terms of 10 different dream books, as well as comments from users who dreamed Search.Dream Interpretation birthdays of September, October, November, December. For what dreaming Search- See in dream, how someone spends it search, and you are a witness, you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation, because of which you will have to suffer greatly. Read more

    Dream Interpretation ""

    Dream Interpretation, dream about search. If dreamed If you are being searched, then you need to prepare for scenes of jealousy that your partner or life partner will inflict on you. Conduct search- means that you have to do not very pleasant work to improve your financial situation. If you saw in dream in his home footprints search, then not very pleasant news awaits you from your elderly relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation interpreter online » Interpretation dreams starting with the letter O" I dreamed about it Search what is this for, what does it mean in dream Search.To you dreamed about it Search what is this for - it’s as if you are searching some person - your enemies are preparing to attack you. You are searching someone else's apartment - in order to improve your affairs, you will have to do unpleasant work. You or yours house being searched - one of your recent actions in society may be regarded as undignified. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Dreamed in a dream Search Dream Interpretation can be interpreted differently. Such dreams tell about some secret aspects of your life, and can contain very valuable information for the future. To understand the full meaning of this dream, you need to take into account all the details that are mentioned in it. If in dream You found in your home footprints search, this is unpleasant news.. ¬ more. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-online"

    Dream Search V modern dream book. If dreamed what do you have Houses was search, during which you find the thing you were looking for, then in reality you will outrage the public with some kind of trick. Personally carried out in someone’s home search dreaming to a not very pleasant job that allows you to improve your financial situation. Were a witness search- in reality you will see how low one of the people you know will fall. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Search, dream Search, dreamed Search. Dream Interpretation If you dreamed what do you produce search in dream Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Modern dream book Search»›. If you dreamed what did you find in your home footprints search: Unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. If you are watching search V own home, and they find something that you were hiding: you risk causing discontent among others with your unworthy act. A woman like this dream. In dream to search a person in order to find a weapon: a warning that your opponents are plotting against you. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "ya-camaya"

    Search, seen in dream, in real life promises various events. In most cases this dream is a harbinger of negative life changes. I dreamed about it search, held at Houses in your presence, then in the near future you will outrage the public with your unexpected prank. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Summer dream book. Why dreaming Search: Search- See in dream, as your apartment is searched in the presence of witnesses, means that someone will inflict moral trauma on you, from which you will not soon recover. Why dreaming Search in dream: Search- If you are searched, get ready for scenes of jealousy that your life partner will inflict on you. Dream, in which you come home and see what was produced there search, warns of possible danger that comes from your loved ones. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.magic-daily"

    Modern dream book Search. If you dreamed what did you find in your home footprints search, then you will receive unpleasant news from elderly relatives. Conduct search V In dream, in which, when you come home, you find that you have been searched, warns of the danger posed by people close to you. Your personal dream book Search.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Modern combined dream book. If you dreamed what did you find in your home footprints search- Unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. Dream Interpretation birthdays of September, October, December. See in dream, how someone spends it search, and you are understood - you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation, because of which you will have to suffer greatly. Dream Interpretation birthdays of January, February, March, April. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "myinfomir"

    I dreamed about it SEARCH- if you feel like you are being searched, their hands touching every fold of your clothing, but you don’t see who is doing it, - dream portends difficulties at work or Houses. There will be quarrels, insults, squabbles. If in dream you accidentally enter the room where they are conducting search The police will probably suspect you of something in reality; to prove your innocence, you will have to try very hard. Read more

    Dream book "Sonnik-Land"

    Modern dream book Search If you dreamed what did you find in your home footprints search, then unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. For a woman like this dream predicts jealousy on the part of the spouse. In dream searching a person to find a weapon is a warning that your opponents are plotting against you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    For what search dreaming- esoteric dream book. Search apartment, in which they find a thing in your possession, evidence that they were looking for, indicates that you will commit a prank that will outrage the public. Why searches dream- modern dream book. Dream, in which you are searched, foreshadows a scene of jealousy from a loved one. Had a dream what they themselves did search, carried out a personal search - you will be attacked by competitors. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Dream Interpretation online » Meaning dreams starting with the letter O" Dream Interpretation Search dreamed about it, for what dreaming Search in dream.For what dreaming Search By dream book: Search- If you dreamed If you search a dangerous criminal and find things that belong to you, then you will expose your boyfriend to selfish intentions. If in a dream you are searched on suspicion of committing theft, this may mean that your position at work is unstable. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Search IN DREAM, DREAM Search DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. SEARCH See in dream, how someone spends it search, and you are a witness, you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation, because of which you will have to suffer greatly. Dream Interpretation birthdays of September, October, November, December. SEARCH See in dream If your apartment is searched in the presence of witnesses, it means that someone will inflict moral trauma on you from which you will not soon recover. Then unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. Conduct SEARCH V someone else's apartment means that you will have to do unpleasant work to improve your financial situation. In dream SEARCHING a person in order to find a weapon is a warning that your opponents are preparing a conspiracy against you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "son-o"

    See in dream: Search. Meanings: Interpretation Search according to Modern dream book: If dreamed what do you have Houses was search, during which you find the thing you were looking for, then in reality you will outrage the public with some kind of trick. For married women, such a dream foreshadows an outbreak of jealousy of the spouse. Footprints search dream to not very pleasant news from elderly relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astrozodiak"

    If you dreamed what do you produce search, then in reality you are alarmed that some circumstances may become public, and you are making every effort to hide unnecessary things from prying eyes. If in dream search you personally, then you should be prepared for scenes of jealousy that your partner or life partner will inflict on you. Why dreaming Search V home- a sign of penetration into your life, your affairs, of unwanted persons, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "my-dreams"

    Dream Interpretation « Search" From the "Nightmares" section. If you dreamed what do you produce search, then in reality you are alarmed that some circumstances may become public, and you are making every effort to hide unnecessary things from prying eyes. If in dream search you personally, then you should be prepared for scenes of jealousy that your partner or life partner will inflict on you.

If you dreamed that you found traces of a search in your house- Unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives.

Conduct a search in someone else's apartment- means that you will have to do unpleasant work to improve your financial situation.

If you are watching a search in your own home and they find something you were hiding- You risk causing discontent among others with your unworthy act. A woman has such a dream- predicts jealousy on the part of the spouse.

In a dream, search a person in order to find a weapon- a warning that your opponents are preparing a conspiracy against you.

Eastern women's dream book

If you are searched- get ready for scenes of jealousy that your life partner will inflict on you.

A dream in which you come home and see that a search has been carried out there- warns of possible danger that comes from your loved ones.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Search- soon you will be intrusively monitored by interested parties in order to catch you cheating on your lover.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream about how your apartment is searched in the presence of witnesses- means that someone will inflict moral trauma on you, from which you will not soon recover.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

To see in a dream how someone is being searched, and you are a witness- you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation, because of which you will have to suffer greatly.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Search- to gross interference in your personal life, which will greatly upset you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you search a dangerous criminal and find things that belong to you.- this means that in reality you will expose your boyfriend to selfish intentions.

If in a dream you are searched on suspicion of committing theft- this may mean the instability of your position at work.

If a search takes place in your apartment, which is turned upside down by unceremonious employees of well-known authorities- in real life you will be humiliated, not being able to stand up for yourself.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dream of a search in your apartment- it means that an unwanted person is entering your personal life, if you are doing the search- this means you are penetrating into someone else’s personal life.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn your bed linen inside out.

    Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why does a woman dream about a search:

Searching someone's home or office means being drawn into someone else's personal life. Why dream of a search in the house - a sign of the penetration of undesirable persons into your life, your affairs, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of.

I had a dream 😴

Regular 0 Nightmare 0

2 Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing a search in a dream means:

If you are searched, get ready for scenes of jealousy that your life partner will inflict on you.

A dream in which you come home and see that a search has been carried out there warns of a possible danger that comes from your loved ones.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Small dream book

A dream with a search in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed that your home was being searched, then in reality you are alarmed that some circumstances may become public, and you are making every effort to hide unnecessary things from prying eyes. If you are personally searched in a dream, then you should be prepared for scenes of jealousy that your partner or life partner will inflict on you. A dream in which you come home and see that a search has been carried out there warns you of the possible danger that comes from your loved ones.

4 Modern dream book

Dreaming of a search means:

If you dreamed that you found traces of a search in your house, you will receive unpleasant news from elderly relatives.

In a dream, searching a person in order to find a weapon is a warning that your opponents are preparing a conspiracy against you.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Newest dream book

Meaning of sleep search:

Search - soon you will be intrusively monitored by interested parties in order to catch you cheating on your lover.

6 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a search:

To see in a dream how your apartment is searched in the presence of witnesses means that someone will inflict moral trauma on you, from which you will not soon recover.

7 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What a search might mean in a dream:

To see in a dream how someone is being searched, and you are a witness - you will be drawn into an unpleasant situation, because of which you will have to suffer greatly.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A search in a dream means:

A search means gross interference in your personal life, which will greatly upset you.

9 Dream book of the 21st century

If a girl dreams of a search, it means:

If you dream of a search in your apartment, it means that an unwanted person is infiltrating your personal life; if you are the one doing the search, it means that you are infiltrating someone else’s personal life.

10 Historical women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about being searched?

If you dream of a search in your apartment, an unwanted person is entering your personal life. Searching someone's home or office means being drawn into someone else's personal life. Why dream of a search in the house - a sign of the penetration of undesirable persons into your life, your affairs, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of.

It’s as if you are searching some person - your enemies are preparing to attack you. You are searching someone else's apartment - in order to improve your affairs, you will have to do unpleasant work. You or your home are being searched - one of your recent actions in society may be regarded as unworthy.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Dream book alphabetically

Why does a woman dream about a search:

A dream in which you search a dangerous criminal and find things that belong to you in his possession means that in reality you will expose your boyfriend for selfish intentions. If in a dream you are searched on suspicion of committing theft, this may mean that your position at work is unstable. If a search takes place in your apartment, which is turned upside down by unceremonious employees of well-known authorities, in real life you will be subjected to humiliation, not being able to stand up for yourself.

A search in a dream warns of rude, unceremonious interference in the life of a sleeping person. What you dream of about the search of personal belongings by the police, the dream book announces the unpleasant moments and humiliations that you will have to endure.

What does psychologist Miller say?

Miller's dream book, explaining why a search is dreamed of, warns against rash actions, which can cause the prejudice of others. Seeing a mess in an apartment caused by those conducting a search in a dream means trouble in family affairs.

Get your work in order

Did you dream that you couldn’t find a folder or briefcase with important documents? Miss Hasse's dream book advises to be attentive in work matters. Seeing that someone is rummaging through your papers means, in reality, an ardent ill-wisher is trying to harm you.

Be careful!

A search of an apartment by police officers in a dream foreshadows a serious risk of getting into an unpleasant story. If you dreamed that they were looking for something you had hidden in the house, it means that the development of events could cause huge public dissonance.

If you are examined, suspecting a theft that happened in a dream, it means, in reality, a very precarious situation will arise in the work sphere. Most likely, the cause of all the trouble will be the anonymous denunciation of one of his colleagues.

Pay attention to relatives

A dream of inspecting personal belongings, which happens in the dreamer’s apartment, heralds possible problems with relatives of the older generation. Most likely, there will be a sharp deterioration in the well-being of relatives, and the onset of a need for attention or basic necessities.

We'll have to work hard!

The universal dream book predetermines a deplorable financial situation, explaining why you dream of searching someone. The circumstances that arise in reality will force the sleeping person to look for a job not according to his heart, but according to the amount of income.

About unpleasant moments...

For those who happen to see that witnesses are present in your home during a search, the dream interpreter prophesies the receipt of moral trauma, from which it will take a long time to recover.

If you entered your home and noticed traces of a search, it means that in reality the danger comes not from inveterate enemies, but from your loved ones. The dream book for birthday people associates the interpretation of the dream with the rude interference of others in their personal lives, which will greatly upset and alert the dreamer.

Search details

A modern combined dream book, explaining why a search is dreamed of, takes into account the circumstances and details of the dreamed search. So:

  • to search someone else’s home - you will have to do hated work in order to improve your finances;
  • trying to find a weapon in a dream - warns of the insidious plans of opponents;
  • to be understood during a search - portends a dangerous situation due to which you will suffer;
  • inspecting someone else's car - reflects intentions to influence the opinions of others.

Tension in love affairs

A woman who is searched in a dream is mentally prepared by the Lovers’ dream book for scenes of her lover’s jealousy. The dream interpreter advises you to refrain from situations that would provoke you in some way in the eyes of your significant other.

If you dreamed that you found traces of a search in your house, then unpleasant news awaits you from elderly relatives. Conducting a search in someone else's apartment means that you will have to do unpleasant work to improve your financial situation. If you observe a search in your own home, and they find something that you were hiding, then you risk causing discontent among others with your unworthy act. For a woman, such a dream predicts jealousy on the part of her husband. In a dream, searching a person in order to find a weapon is a warning that your opponents are preparing a conspiracy against you.

Your personal dream book Search

Your personal dream book Search

If you dream that you are being searched, it means that you are alarmed that some people may reveal some of your secrets and so that this is not made public, you are ready to make every effort. If you are personally searched, a scene of jealousy awaits you, which will be arranged by your chosen one. In a dream, in which, when you come home, you discover that you have been searched, warns of the danger emanating from people close to you.
