What does the name Vova mean? The meaning of the name Vladimir. Interpretation of the name. What kind of character can the boy Vladimir have?

In this article we will analyze the meaning of the name, character and fate of the man who was named Vladimir.

Vladimir, an accurate description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Vladimir

Name Vladimir. Origin and meaning of the name

Vladimir is an old Slavic name. It is believed that this is a pagan native Russian name.

The name Vladimir, origin and meaning have a special influence on the fate of the boy. This majestic name contains a deep sacred meaning: Vladimir, Owner of the World.

A person who can lead to agreement and mutual understanding.

The name Vladimir is widespread in Russia.

What character might the boy Vladimir have?

Little Vladimir is a dreamer. The characteristics of the name Vladimir will tell parents how to guide and raise the boy:

  • communication skills
  • friendliness
  • goodwill
  • energy
  • developed willpower
  • calmness
  • easy approach to problems
  • peacefulness
  • self-sufficiency
  • daydreaming.

The character of a child named Vladimir is bright, cheerful, and friendly. As a child, Vladimir is very curious, interested in everything around him, tries to understand the structure of the world, he likes to compose various unreal stories and tell them to others. He has a rich inner world, which he generously shares with others.

Vova has a good memory, he easily remembers and retells fairy tales to his friends. Parents should notice the creativity in the boy in time and support his hobbies. Once carried away by one task, a boy can spend a long time and painstakingly disassembling and analyzing it. However, Vova is not able to deal with two questions at the same time - he will spend a long time fiddling around and deciding what to do first.

Vladimir is friendly and enjoys playing outdoor games with children. The little tomboy always takes part in funny yard pranks, for which he is often punished by his parents.

It is difficult to disturb Volodya from his balance and calm state, however, if someone succeeds in this, Vovka will sulk and be irritated for a long time. His character is easy, the boy quickly moves away from insults.

What fate awaits Vladimir?

Characteristics of the name Vladimir, character traits and fate

The name Vladimir, the meaning of the name and fate are decisive in the life of a young man. Vova will grow up to be a calm, confident man. He has nobility. As a child and as an adult, he will strive to help those who are weaker, to stand up for the offended. The strength of his character is demonstrated here in all its beauty. Confidence in yourself and your rightness. Prefers to avoid conflict situations and resolve unpleasant moments with words. People often turn to him for support, advice or help - and he will not refuse!

Easy-going and friendly, Vladimir has easily established contacts with girls since his youth, but when choosing his one and only, he tries to check her before the wedding. To attract Volodya, a girl must be self-sufficient, cheerful, independent, energetic, and have an easy-going disposition. Vladimir’s lover often becomes an extraordinary, talented girl. This man is able to appreciate a girl’s ability to play a musical instrument, and this quality will be more important than the ability to cook. Volodya is prone to idealizing his partner. Vladimir appreciates the romance and tenderness of a girl’s nature. Moreover, he may pay less attention to the girl’s appearance and clothing; it is important to him that she be graceful in manners, easy to communicate, intelligent and well-read.

Vova is monogamous and will be faithful to his wife. Often very devoted to work and does not want to destroy an already established life and family hearth.

Even if his wife does not suit him in the future, Vladimir will do everything to save the family. Likes to spend time at home, with his family. He loves children and will be a good father to them, but kind and firm. However, Volodya does not like educational processes. He will prefer to shift this difficult responsibility to his wife. And he himself will become a good friend to the children, an adviser and support in difficult situations.

Vladimir is a hard worker. At work, he turns off emotions and does not worry about failures. Vova strives to do her work as efficiently as possible, but chooses professions that are not associated with stress and the simultaneous solution of a large number of issues and tasks.

Vladimir is distinguished by a sharp mind, a love of work, he can be ambitious if he finds “his own business” and in such work he will achieve considerable heights. A man takes criticism hard, can be seriously injured by a careless word, and will be offended for a long time.

In friends and colleagues he values ​​honesty, openness, and the ability to keep his word. Vladimir is a sociable person, he easily becomes the life of the party in a team and at a friendly party.

What will the child named Vladimir be like?

Character traits of a child named Vladimir

Vovushka, Vladya, Vadya, Volodyushka - this is what the household members of a small child call him in early childhood. The name Vladimir, the meaning of the name for a boy will seriously affect his life in the future. Vladimir is a creative person. As a child, his entire world is filled with childhood fantasies. He has a good ear for music. Household members are touched by his cute antics.

From early childhood, Volodenka was prone to adventures, and with his leadership character, this means that he started all the children's pranks. Which will cause his parents a lot of trouble in the future. Little Vova happens to be his parents while he is very young. Growing up, he will pretend that he listened, but his strong-willed character will force him to remain unconvinced.

Little Volodya is sociable. He is surrounded by a large number of friends. The boy is hardworking and constantly tries to help adults around the house.

Little Vladimir is in good health, but has a tendency to catch colds. Vladimir's love for walks, fresh air, and sports will help him improve his health.

A child born with the name Vladimir is simply doomed to become successful, rich and great, since the very name given to him by his parents clearly outlines the owner’s enviable destiny: “to own the world.”

Origin of the name

From the ancient Russian nickname Volodimir, composed of the roots “voloditi” (to own, manage) and “peace,” the name Vladimir, familiar to contemporaries, was formed. The meaning of the name and the fate of its bearers in history confirm the implementation of the plan of the ancestors-authors; it is not for nothing that the appeal is still in demand to this day.

general characteristics

Vovochka is growing up to be a rather unusual boy. At first glance, no different from other children, a kid who loves to play pranks like others, play in the company of peers, and show off a new toy to his friends, Vova stands out for his leadership abilities and natural talents.

Valdemar always stands firmly on his own, defending his point of view is a matter of honor for him, while the boy can hardly be called a bully, he manages to resolve any conflicts without fists.

Volodya has a lot of courage; for the sake of justice, he will always stand up for the younger and weaker, and will not allow girls to be offended. The boy is respected by all the guys he knows, his friends and acquaintances listen to his opinion.

He is a capable student and easily masters a foreign language and other humanities subjects. Vova deservedly demonstrates his sporting achievements to those around him; he may well associate his future career with his physical hobby.

Positive character traits

Vladimirka loves cleanliness, he handles things more carefully than other children, he helps his mother clean up the house, and he doesn’t have to be asked twice to put away scattered toys. The guy’s love of order continues into adulthood.
Since childhood, Volodya has been responsive and kind to others. He cannot ignore trouble; he will try, if not to help, then at least to encourage the person.
Vladimir has a wonderful sense of humor; his jokes always come in handy.
“The one who owns the world” also controls emotions: he has a strong-willed character, is not used to giving up and losing, and stands his ground to the last. At work, a man adheres to a pre-thought-out plan, and in society he is an unspoken leader who is always listened to and respected.

Negative character traits

Vova is a hostage to his own mood, sometimes he is inclined to commit unjustified risky actions, which he later regrets.
The man, nicknamed Vladimir, is able to devote himself completely to his work, forgetting about rest. Excessive workaholism of the bearer of the name can lead to health problems.

Zodiac sign

The name Vladimir harmoniously combines with the sign of Libra.
Venus, called “Little Happiness” by astrologers, protects the baby.
The color of luck for the owner of the nickname is green.
The talisman of fate is semi-precious jasper.


Vovka, Volodka, Vova, Vovochka, Vovasya, Vovan, Volodya, Volodenka, Vovik, Vovchik, Volodechka, Vladimirushka.

Name options

Valdimar, Volodymyr, Vlodzhimierz, Valdemar, Vladimiro, Valdomir, Vladimiros, Valto, Volodimer.

Historical figures

OK. 960 – 1015 – Baptist of Rus', Prince Vladimir I.
1053 – 1125 – Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh.
1801 – 1872 – Russian scientist, lexicographer, dictionary compiler, writer Vladimir Dal.
1863 – 1934 – Russian trainer Vladimir Durov.
1870 – 1924 – Soviet revolutionary, great political leader of the 20th century Vladimir Lenin (real name – Ulyanov).
1893 – 1930 – poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
1899 – 1977 – writer Vladimir Nabokov.
1932 – 2006 – Soviet animator Vladimir Dakhno.
1938 – 1980 – singer-songwriter, Soviet-era actor Vladimir Vysotsky.
Born 1934 – Russian television journalist Vladimir Pozner.
Born 1939 - Soviet actor, director, TV presenter Vladimir Menshov.
Born 1940 - Russian choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev.
Born 1952 - Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Born 1963 – Russian actor Vladimir Mashkov.
Born 1964 – shocking Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Born 1976 - Ukrainian boxer, former champion in all versions, Vladimir Klitschko.
Born 1978 - Ukrainian comedian, TV presenter Vladimir Zelensky.

The difference between the names Vladimir, Vova and Volodya.

Vladimir is currently unpopular. This is due to some fatigue. The fact is that immediately after the war and another 20 years after it, boys were often called that. Accordingly, the name has become boring and now the masses are taking a break from it.

The name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Many believe that the name is of Old Church Slavonic origin. In fact, the roots of the name are pagan, the translation itself is Volodimer. Full version - Vladimir. The name is translated as one who owns the world or who loves peace. Initially, in paganism, the particle -mer was translated as agreement, so it turned out - one who desires agreement. But in the Old Church Slavonic language the particle was perceived as -world. It was thanks to Rus' that the name later became popular in Germany and Sweden. The Valdemar variant is often used there.

It is worth noting that his full name is Vladimir. But he has a lot of abbreviations and diminutives. This is Vova and Volodya. These are all shortened forms of the name.

The name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: how to correctly say the full name?

Full name is Vladimir. Vova and Volodya are just folk forms and abbreviations. Only the full version of the name is recognized in documents. In the registry office they do not write down as Vova or Volodya. Only Vladimir.

These are simply shortened forms of the name. That is, Vova and Volodya are folk and short forms of Vladimir. The most interesting thing is that this name was forgotten for a long time. But after the war, the name became popular again and even topped the ratings. But now again, few people call their children that. The abbreviated forms Vova and Volodya are not used in the documents.

What is the difference between the name Vova, Volodya and Vladimir?

Is it possible to call Volodya or Vova Vladimir?

Yes, these are derivatives of the name Volodya. They were formed as a result of verbal fatigue. Now the forms Vova and Volodya are used more often than the main name.

As you can see, with the name Volodya everything is clear and simple. Abbreviated and folk forms remained derivative. Therefore, there is no confusion in documents and new names.

VIDEO: The secret of the name Vladimir

There are two fairly coherent theories of the meaning of the name Vladimir.

The meaning of the name Vladimir. is formed from two roots clearly related to the Old German language and even earlier Indo-European based languages. Volodymer (in Church Slavonic Vladimir) consists of two roots, “Vlad” and “mer”. Vlad - in Church Slavonic “power”, and maybe even goes back to the more ancient Indo-European wal - “strength”. The root "мѣръ" - this root is related to the Gothic mērs - "great" or related to the Germanic mâri - "famous". It turns out The meaning of the name Vladimir is “great power”, or “great power”. The theory was put forward by Max Vasmer, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, famous German Slavicist.

The meaning of the name Vladimir. according to folk etymology. The theory where the root “Vlad” is “owner”, and the root “mer” is “peace”. Those. The name Vladimir means - Owner of the world. It is considered a folk (false) etymology of the name, but is not without grace.

The meaning of the name Vladimir for a child

Volodya is growing up to be a good active boy. He is a very capable boy, and the main thing here is not to miss this natural talent. Has ability since childhood and in studies and good leadership qualities. Both the exact sciences and the humanities are easy to study. Often quite good hearing and acting ability. Vladimir's parents will be faced with the problem of choosing the direction of development for their child.

Volodya has a good reaction and a stable psyche. He easily tolerates both physical and mental stress, even unusual for a child. But with planned loads, we still must not forget that he is still a child.

Little Vladimir's health is consistently good. He cannot be called heroic, but many children's problems bypass him. However, you need to be careful. Its activity often makes it necessary not to comply with bed rest where it is strictly necessary. Failure to comply with bed rest can cause unwanted complications, so be careful.

Short name Vladimir

Vova, Volodya, Volodka, Volodyukha, Volodyaka, Volodyakha, Vadya, Vava, Ladya, Vladya, Vlada.

Diminutive pet names

Vovochka, Vladimirushka, Vovusha, Vavulya, Vavusya, Volodyasha, Volodyunya, Volodyusha, Vovulya, Vovunya.

Children's middle names

Vladimirovich and Vladimirovna. It has no established folk forms.

Name Vladimir in English

The name Vladimir is written in English as Vladimir. This name is not popular in England and has no English equivalent. Therefore, the English simply transliterate it.

Name Vladimir in the passport spelled - Vladimir. It is written in the same way as the English form of the name, without changing at all.

Translation of the name Vladimir into other languages

in Arabic - فلاديمير‎‎
in Belarusian - Uladzimir [Uladzimir]
in Bulgarian - Vladimir
in Greek - Βλαδίμηρος [Vladimiros]
in Georgian - ლადო [Lado]
in Danish - Valdemar
in Spanish - Vladimiro
in Italian - Vladimiro
in Chinese - 夫拉基米爾
in Korean - 블라디미르
in German - Waldemar
in Polish - Włodzimierz [Włodzimierz]
in Portuguese - Valdomiro
in Serbian - Vladimir
in Slovak - Vladimir
in Ukrainian - Volodymyr [Volodymyr]
in Finnish - Valto
in Croatian - Vladimir
in Czech - Vladimir
in Swedish - Valdemar
in Japanese - 平和主

Church name Vladimir(in the Orthodox faith) unchanged. The name Vladimir is one of the most revered names of the Russian Orthodox Church. The name of Prince Vladimir, the baptist of Rus'.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

One of the main characteristics of the name Vladimir is his leadership qualities. This is not the hasty leadership of youth, but a balanced, confident progress towards the goal with careful consideration of each step. Leadership, combined with curiosity and open-mindedness, makes Vladimir a good strategist. Often his successes seem random, but know that there is painstaking work behind them.

At work, Vladimir is a workaholic. He likes to get things done and reacts very nervously if he is distracted by small things. He is efficient, but does not like to rush. A crisis manager is completely unsuitable for the position - this is not his element. Vova’s relationships with employees are good and often even friendly, but this is more of a communication style. It is extremely difficult to truly get into Volodya’s close circle of people.

Vladimir is a stronghold of calm in the family. He does not like sudden movements in life and carries the same principle into the family. He rarely gets divorced, as this is not his style, but there are exceptions. You don’t need to expect an ocean of passion from him, but rather a reliable partner. She loves children, but for the most part Vladimir’s wife will have to take care of the name.

The secret of the name Vladimir

Vladimir's secret can be called single-tasking. For all his positive qualities, it is difficult for him to solve two problems at the same time. If you want Volodya to fail, give him two important tasks at the same time. Well, and vice versa, knowing this secret, if you want the success of his activities, give tasks as they are completed.

Another secret of the name Vladimir is that if he is taken away from important matters, Vladimir becomes angry, and sometimes even angry. You shouldn’t tear it off over trifles. If you can solve the problem without it, then either do it yourself or wait until it is free.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Deer.

Name color- Green.

Vladimir's tree- Maple.

Plant- Heather.

Stone- Jasper.

Guardian Angel named after Vladimir and his patron can be found by date of birth. If you know the date of birth of your Vladimir, then the article “Patron of the name Vladimir” may be useful to you.

There are thousands of names in the world, and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Today we will talk about such a beautiful, majestic name as Vladimir.

The meaning of the name, its secret, the character of the person named by it - those are the points that we will definitely dwell on as part of our conversation. In addition, we will tell you about such features of this name as:

  • Origin of the name.
  • Full and abbreviated pronunciation of the name, as well as its derivative forms.
  • Patron saints of the name, dates on which the angel's day (name day) falls.
  • Female names with which Volodya has excellent compatibility, and those where compatibility is far from perfect.
  • Stones, plants, animals that can act as a talisman, as well as other interesting facts.

From the history

First of all, let's shed light on such a moment as the origin of the name. The name Vladimir has its roots in paganism. Later, after Russia adopted Christianity, dated 988, it will be considered a Russian Christian name (in some sources: Slavic, Church Slavonic, Old Russian). What does the name Vladimir mean? The first part of it, “Vlad,” is translated as “to own,” and the second part is clear even without translation—“peace.” It turns out - “owning the world.”

One of the main patrons of the name is considered to be the same Prince Vladimir, who, having accepted the Orthodox faith in Korsun, returned to his native land and performed the baptism of Rus' there. His memorial day is July 28.

Vladimir's spring name days fall on the following dates: March 03, March 7, March 21, March 25, April 3, April 6. In the summer, Volodya celebrates Angel Day on June 4, June 20, July 10, July 28, August 13, August 27. Autumn name days fall on September 02, 07, 09, 13, 15, 16; October 01, 04, 09, 17, 21, 30; November 03, 04, 05, 16, 25; winter - on December 03, 05, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31.

As for the forms of the name, the full pronunciation is Vladimir. Short (abbreviated) form - Vova. The diminutive form is Vovochka. In addition, there are many derivative forms of this name: Volodya, Vladimirushka, Volodyasha, Vovulya, Vovusya. The choice is quite wide, you can call any of the names presented, because in fact they are all the same name.

A few words about the astrology of the name Volodya. A semi-precious stone such as green jasper is perfect. He will not only protect Vladimir from bad thoughts, the evil eye and other misfortunes, but will also contribute to his success in business, eliminate existing fears, give him confidence in his own abilities, and help restore them.

Among the representatives of the animal world, it is recommended to make your choice in favor of deer and hawk. The first is a symbol of purity, prosperity, fertility. The second personifies nobility and strength. As for plants, you should pay attention to birch, heather and maple.

A favorable number is considered to be two, the day of the week is Friday, and the time of year is autumn. Volodya has two patronizing planets - the Sun and Venus. Its element is air, its zodiac sign is Libra, as well as Aquarius. As for the color scheme, red, green and purple tones suit Vladimir best.

Character traits

First, let's try to find out what the meaning of the name Vladimir (the character of the child, his destiny) is for a little boy. Vova grows up as an inquisitive boy, he is interested in literally everything, and he eagerly explores the world around him.

Vovochka also has a rich imagination. He constantly invents incredible stories, flies on spaceships, communicates with elves and other fictional characters.

It should be noted that Vova is a very creative person. He is artistic, sings and dances well. The child’s parents should definitely pay attention to this. Proper support from loved ones - and, quite possibly, this boy will leave his mark on the history of modern art.

You can safely add diligence to the collection of positive traits that this child’s character possesses. Rest assured, your request entrusted to Vovochka will be fulfilled. Just don’t give him several tasks at once - in this case, he may not complete one or the other.

A calm character is another advantage of the boy. Only something out of the ordinary can make him lose his temper, when emotions simply run wild. Volodya is a very smart boy. At school, parents won't have to blush for him. This is the character of young Vladimir.

Next, let us pay attention to the meaning of the name Vladimir (his character, the secret of the name) for an adult man. Vladimir is hardworking and has excellent mental abilities. If he has set a certain task for himself, he does not stop in the middle of the path, does not abandon the work he has begun, but goes to the desired result.

This is a very energetic, active person. He not only loves to be in society, but chooses the role of leader, which he copes with perfectly. Vladimir easily finds a common language with people, is always welcoming and friendly. He is one of those who is able to lead people.

If someone thinks that he is too impulsive and prone to risk, then this is a mistaken opinion. Before committing this or that act, he will think it over, calculate everything down to the smallest detail, feeling the responsibility on his shoulders.

It is worth saying that, despite his self-confidence, Vladimir values ​​the opinions of others. It is important to him what people think about him, he wants to be useful to society. He can be easily hurt by an offensive word, but he will not hold a grudge or harbor a grudge.

Remember, when describing Volodya’s character in his childhood, we talked about his calmness? So, with age he does not lose this positive quality. Vladimir is still balanced, it is quite difficult to bring him out of his state of calm and see the violent manifestation of emotions.

As for living conditions, do they matter? Vladimir prefers comfort. He likes beautiful things, he loves antiques, handmade items will also appeal to him. Vladimir's house is always clean and tidy.

Love, marriage, career

It cannot be said about Vladimir that he is a womanizer, but he is a rather amorous person. In his early years, he can start an affair with several representatives of the fair half of humanity at once. She takes love failures to heart. In dealing with women he is very gentle and affectionate.

Speaking about love, one cannot help but say a few words about the compatibility of names. Alla, Elena, Valentina, Olga, Natalya, Evgenia - you can simply get lost in the variety of female names. How to understand which name is suitable for Vladimir, which of them has excellent compatibility with, and with which names compatibility fails?

So, with such female names as Alla, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Zinaida, Evgenia, Inessa, Lyubov, Natalya, Raisa, Sofia, compatibility is excellent. But with women named at birth Elizaveta, Lydia, Maya, Nadezhda, Nina, compatibility is far from ideal.

What does it mean? If Vladimir’s chosen one is called, for example, Natalya or Olga, then he will not have any difficulties communicating with her. But if it’s, say, Elena, then difficulties cannot be avoided. Girls with names from the second list should not be upset. Difficulties do not mean the impossibility of a union: if you really love a person, then they will not scare you, and you can overcome them together.

The increased love goes away as soon as the one and only one appears in Vladimir’s life. Not just any girl can claim the role of the lady of his heart; she, too, must be a bright personality, have intelligence, and be attractive in appearance.

Having tied the knot, Vladimir will become an exemplary family man. He listens to his wife’s opinion and makes compromises. Over the years, he puts first place in his relationship with his wife not love and passion, but spiritual comfort, the coziness of the home. He is not interested in commotion or emotional turmoil; he values ​​what he has.

Vladimir loves children, they are also comfortable in his company. However, due to his busy schedule, most of the worries and troubles associated with them fall on the shoulders of his wife.

Career - what does it matter? Vladimir works a lot, often devoting most of his time to his profession. In his business, he achieves enormous success. This man will find himself as a politician, public figure, doctor. Considering the creative component of his character, he can become an outstanding director, actor, and writer.

A few words to end the conversation about the name Vladimir and the character of its owner. He is a strong, purposeful, educated, active person with a kind, sympathetic heart. A wonderful family man, loving father. Values ​​comfort and order. Sometimes we are somewhat withdrawn, but each of us has the right to personal space, the opportunity to retreat into ourselves for a while. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova
