Introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies at a pedagogical university. Implementation of the project for the introduction of electronic textbooks at school Plan for the implementation of e-learning at the university

With the advent of the MOOC era, little attention has been paid to how information technology is impacting higher education. Higher education institutions are actively represented in the market of mass online courses, but until now the educational community has a small amount of data not about individual e-learning phenomena, but about the strategic importance of e-learning specifically in universities.

This question served as the basis for a study conducted by the European University Association, designed to outline the overall picture of the level of implementation of innovative technologies in higher education and predict future IT trends in education. In other words, simply understand what is currently working and what is not so much in this still new and exciting field of e-learning.

The study involved 38 educational systems in Europe, which represents about a third of the total European higher education area. Universities answered three main research questions: what type of e-learning they use, how and what they expect in the future. Questions were also asked about the support received, coordination, and quality of digital education. Let us briefly describe the most important results.

Key results

With very few exceptions, almost all European universities use e-learning technologies in their work. 91% of surveyed institutions use a blended learning model (when study of material and practice can be carried out both within the walls of the institute and at home); 82% of institutions offer online courses. Some of the trends are the joint production of courses by different institutions, as well as online courses with the possibility of obtaining a scientific degree. So many institutes offer their students to take the online exam even if the subject was taught in the traditional way.

Coverage of e-learning technologies within universities

Although almost all universities participating in the survey indicated that they use e-learning in some form, its prevalence varies greatly depending on the academic discipline. Only a third of the universities surveyed cover all or almost all students in their departments with e-learning. The most popular disciplines for using e-learning are business and management, pedagogy, engineering and technology disciplines. Electronic education is extremely rarely used in the fields of law and art.

Thus, we can say that modern technological initiatives are generated by each department and local enthusiasts separately, and only then can they spread to the entire university. How quickly this happens, or whether it happens at all, depends on the administrative apparatus, the management model and the amount of resources.

Due to the fact that modern technologies are promoted by departments and passionate teachers, only 13.8% of faculties have their own e-learning implementation strategies. Therefore, it is not yet possible to talk about at least the beginnings of a unified strategy for introducing electronic learning technologies in universities, although almost half of the surveyed institutions have a developed intra-university strategy, and another quarter are at the stage of its development.

E-learning infrastructure

To ensure a successful educational process, universities need reliable infrastructure. More than 80% of universities surveyed indicated the use of appropriate software for course creation, online repositories for educational material, electronic systems and learning management tools; and the availability of online student portals (both at the institutional and departmental levels). Almost all universities provide their students with internal email, Wi-Fi access, computer rooms and access to an online library. Also, 80% of universities surveyed provide student licenses for software, access to catalogs of online courses and educational materials, and use social media. 65% report the possibility of online exams, and another 9% plan to implement this opportunity in their work. A significant portion of respondents note the support provided to students and teachers in e-learning.

The introduction of e-learning technologies almost does not depend on the focus of the university

Contrary to expectations, it turned out that technical and open universities do not always lead in the process of introducing IT and digital technologies into the learning process. Although there are quite surprising differences in how and to what extent individual institutions of the same focus and in the same country implement e-learning technologies in their work. It is not yet very clear why this happens: perhaps the reason is different additional funding, differences in faculty and student salaries, and an emphasis on certain disciplines. However, the fact remains: most European universities, regardless of country and focus, actively use e-learning technologies and are working to create a unified internal university strategy.

Benefits and challenges of e-learning

The universities surveyed expressed no doubt about the value of e-learning. Three-quarters of respondents acknowledge that e-learning is changing the way learning and teaching are done, and 87% see it as a catalyst for future changes in teaching methods. Among other positive features of e-learning, its potential in the context of mass education is noted (“It allows you to give material to a larger number of students, and also stimulates them to work together”). Only 8% of respondents are unsure of the value of the e-learning industry as a whole.

However, opinions differ regarding certain types of e-learning. 45% of respondents either deny the benefits of a flipped classroom or are unsure about them. About half of the respondents either believe that e-learning does not improve the quality of education or are not sure about it (with a clear bias towards doubt rather than denial). The reason for this split may be the relative newness of this approach to teaching; respondents also note that the successful implementation of e-learning requires many factors - time for implementation (76%), budget (43%) and passion of the teaching staff.

Whatever the concerns, they do not reduce the motivation of universities to develop the field of e-learning. Among the motivating factors: flexibility of the educational process, increasing the efficiency of classroom work, distance learning opportunities.


Interest in MOOCs in Europe continues. During the survey period, only 12% of universities offered massive open online courses; but almost 50% expressed their desire to launch them. There is no clear connection between the availability of MOOCs from a particular university and its general involvement in other forms of e-learning, but judging by this sample, technical universities are still most likely to launch MOOCs.

Popular motivations for launching your own massive online courses include exposure to the international educational arena, attracting students, developing innovative teaching methods, and providing more flexible learning for existing students. Among the motives, saving the budget or making a profit is almost never mentioned. In addition, in the future, universities see MOOCs as opportunities for cooperation and partnership with other educational institutions.

What are the reasons why universities are abandoning MOOCs?

Half of the universities that have not launched MOOCs have not yet done so for financial reasons. One-fifth cite insufficient preparedness of the teaching staff as the reason (which sounds strange, but given the lack of a unified strategy, it is understandable). More than a quarter indicate that they prefer other forms of e-learning, questioning the benefits of MOOCs for students.

What are they, European MOOCs?

On average, the universities surveyed offer from 1 to 5 online courses - it is clear that they are still in the experimental stage. Most MOOCs are offered by universities in Western Europe; Spain has the largest number of courses. In terms of course coverage, a few courses in the sample attract tens of thousands of students, but generally the average online course attracts a couple thousand participants.

One-third of institutions award students extra credit for participating in MOOCs: this accounts for wide variations in completion rates for individual courses, ranging from 4% to 50% (though average completion rates range between 10% and 20%). Courses aimed at a global audience are primarily designed to enhance their international prestige, and such courses tend to have low completion rates. More local courses encourage their students to complete them completely.

Due to the small sample (only 31 universities) and the relative newness of MOOCs at the time of the survey, no conclusions can yet be drawn regarding the future fate of MOOCs in Europe. All universities surveyed intend to continue their activities in this area, but few intend to increase their performance. And, as with other types of e-learning, universities see MOOCs as great opportunities for partnerships with other institutions. What’s important: two-thirds of universities noted that they collect data from their MOOCs, which means that this data could soon become an important source of information for analyzing and predicting the future situation.

General conclusions

Overall, it is surprising that such different universities from such different European countries (249 universities from 38 countries) have approximately the same motives for developing e-learning. First of all, this is the effective use of classroom time and flexibility of the educational process.

The results of the study also remind us that digital technologies are not the only or sufficient way to improve the quality of education. Change must occur not only in the technological sector, but also in the social and mental sectors. E-learning is not a panacea, but only part of a unified educational system, the implementation of which requires resources, passionate teachers and time to develop.

Based on OpenEducationEuropa research and news


The article discusses pedagogical processes for the introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the development of a pedagogical university. Designing an information model of the department’s activities as a pedagogical subsystem of a pedagogical university includes: revealing the essence, structure, components and their components of the pedagogical system.

  • Advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of e-learning
  • Network interaction of educational institutions to solve personnel problems in rural schools
  • On the issue of developing communicative competence among law school students
  • Reflections on the creative individuality of a future specialist graduate
  • Pedagogical design of the activities of an educational institution in conditions of network interaction

The formation of the stages of development and implementation of e-learning at a pedagogical university is due to the expansion of opportunities and services for providing educational services to students, as well as the use of a system of flexible continuous education, conducting classes in synchronous and asynchronous modes. The inclusion of elements of distance educational technologies in the pedagogical process is necessary for the development of areas: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate studies, as well as retraining and advanced training programs. The main feature of flexible learning modes is that they do not strictly regulate the time and space framework for conducting classes and communication between teachers and students, as in traditional learning. This allows you to build educational plans taking into account the flexibility of planning your training time.

The design of educational models of the pedagogical system is based on the classical principles of pedagogy: integrity, nature, culture and society. The problem associated with defining the process of pedagogical design and the main approaches to solving it are reflected in a number of studies by scientists in pedagogy, such as: V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Clarin, E.I. Mashbits, V.E. Radionov, Yu.G. Tatur, V.Z. Yusupov et al., analysis of the relevant literature makes it possible to comprehensively consider the issue of designing pedagogical systems.

V.E. Radionov offers the following interpretation: “Pedagogical design is a multifunctional activity that naturally arises in connection with the need for transformations in educational systems. Its objects have a dual nature and have the ability to self-organize. In this regard, pedagogical design is constructed as an intellectual, value-based, informational predetermination of conditions, capable of directing the development of transformed objects."

Based on pedagogical design, a pedagogical approach is highlighted that puts the focus on the pedagogical process as such, the conditions for its effectiveness, possible forms of interaction between the subjects of this process, strategies and tactics for making decisions on the implementation of the process, regulating educational services and assessing their quality. “The designated perspectives of design in the field of education are not strictly demarcated. They all merge in their ultimate purpose: to create a regulatory basis for the functioning of the educational system, to provide value and information to the educational process unfolding in this system, to foresee the quality of educational services and their possible impact on the development of a person.” .

Pedagogical design of the educational process is characterized by pedagogical activity within the framework of multifunctional activity. To more fully reflect the characteristics of activity, we will rely on the methodological justification of this category by E.G. Yudin, “activity is a specifically human form of active relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is the expedient change and transformation of this world on the basis of the mastery and development of existing forms of culture.” E.G. Yudin identifies five different functions to the concept of activity:

  1. activity as an explanatory principle;
  2. activity as a subject of objective scientific study;
  3. activity as a subject of management;
  4. activity as a subject of design;
  5. activity as a value.

These functions are interconnected, but at the same time, each of them has its own special understanding of activity, and they do not arise simultaneously. In this work, we will consider the activity of constructing a training course at a pedagogical university using distance educational technologies based on the second function of the activity - as a subject of objective scientific study.

The main innovations that affect the forms and methods of the educational process are systems that speed up the generation of educational materials (processing and editing of documents); improvements in information storage and retrieval; preparation of educational materials (using distance learning technologies) and their distribution; communication activities. Thus, an important pedagogical condition is the presentation of information taking into account modern requirements for the organization of the educational process.

The modern educational process at a university includes various components, both substantive and organizational, which imposes certain requirements for its implementation. Based on the Law on Education “Article 16. Clause 1. E-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that provide transmission of the specified information via communication lines, interaction between students and teaching staff,” the organizational component that implements the “interaction” component is highlighted.

The main goal of creating training courses using distance learning technologies at the university is to post high-quality educational information for study, teaching and access to it. The content, structure, and main provisions of its presentation should ensure the solution of current professional tasks of teachers, creating discussions in a dialogue mode and providing easy access to this information for the end user. Based on paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Law on Education: “Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teaching staff.” Through the use of interactive means of obtaining and processing information, a new type of social relations appears, which involves faster and better exchange of the latest pedagogical developments and their implementation in practical activities.

Based on the experience of leading scientists and our own experience, the development of this area shows the need and feasibility of implementing e-learning at a pedagogical university, which will allow all educational processes to be carried out at a good technical and methodological level: the educational process, career guidance, advanced training and retraining of personnel, increasing the level of mobility of teachers and students.

The implementation of e-learning at the university is carried out through the activities of departmental departments. Designing an information model of the department’s activities as a pedagogical subsystem includes: revealing the essence, structure, components and their components of the pedagogical system. Based on the theoretical analysis carried out and the identified characteristics of the modeling process in pedagogical design, the concept of an information model of a pedagogical system is defined as a set of representations of background and pedagogical information about the state, functioning and development of the object of the pedagogical system and its subsystems, organized in accordance with pedagogical principles and taken into account their relationships.

The principles of designing an information model of a modern university department are determined by its activities in the context of the implementation of e-learning, using distance educational technologies:

  • the principle of a systematic approach to organizing an information model;
  • the principle of social conformity of goal setting;
  • the principle of conformity to nature, based on taking into account the psychophysiological and psychological characteristics of teachers, involves the creation and functioning of an information model of the department’s activities in the mode of greatest compliance with the natural mechanisms of assimilation of knowledge and experience of teachers and the development of their intellectual powers;
  • the principle of cooperation between teachers and students means the rejection of the authoritarian position of the teacher, the establishment of mutually respectful, relatively equal relationships, turning the student into a subject of the learning process;
  • the principle of independence and self-organization of teachers and students in the application of the information model of the department’s activities;
  • the principle of development of the department’s information activities involves constant and timely updating of educational information within the framework of the created model (electronic learning based on the use of distance educational technologies);
  • the principle of information interaction and cooperation through electronic educational networks means the widespread use of telecommunications capabilities to solve pedagogical problems, to improve skills and exchange experience between teachers, to use global information resources;
  • the principle of taking into account sanitary, hygienic and ergonomic standards means taking into account the current sanitary and hygienic norms and rules when creating and developing the material base of the department’s activities, as well as when organizing its functioning.

The information model of the activities of the university department implements the following goals: study of the object (activities of the university department); predicting the reaction of an object to various external influences; optimization of the object (scientifically based selection and implementation of the best option for the given conditions of educational activities of the department, from the point of view of achieving the set goals and objectives).

Materials in all areas of the department’s activities are reflected using an electronic representation of the information model of the pedagogical system through a global and local network. The study of theoretical work and practical experience in presenting educational information to students about the activities of the departmental unit of the pedagogical university is carried out using the educational portal and e-learning at the university

When designing the content of information arrays and the architecture of a pedagogical information bank, priority should be set for the forms and methods of presentation and content of information generated by information needs.

The introduction and development of e-learning at a pedagogical university is a promising component of the activities of the university department and includes various components, both substantive and organizational in nature and, accordingly, imposes certain requirements for its implementation. The quality and success of the use of distance educational technologies largely depends on the organization of the educational process. Therefore, when creating distance learning courses, an important role is played by, firstly, knowledge of the features of distance learning that determine the specifics of distance learning courses, secondly, the correct choice of a distance learning system, thirdly, knowledge of the fundamentals of pedagogical design, in accordance with which this or that one is built well.


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  8. Radionov V.E., Theoretical foundations of pedagogical design: Diss. ... Dr. ped. Sci. – St. Petersburg, 1996. – 320 p.
  9. Sovetov B.Ya., Yakovlev S.A., Modeling of systems: Textbook. for universities. – M.: Higher. school, 1998. – 319 p.
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“Introduction of e-learning into the educational process: problems, prospects”

Currently, the objective process of informatization of all spheres of human activity has led to a new social formation called the information society. Classical pedagogy, starting with J. Comenius, became inadequate to the information society and therefore required the development of a new paradigm, new approaches to education. The following attitudes have become clearly unsuitable: education for social production; learning in youth as a reserve for life; the teacher transmits knowledge and stands above the student; a stable structure of academic disciplines and forms of organization of the educational process with an emphasis on classroom training; the book as the main means of teaching. There was an urgent need to form a new pedagogy. It’s just that classical pedagogy, together with its branches, was reborn as a living being and turned into electronic pedagogy under the conditions of informatization of education. The old is dying off and the new is evolving to replace it. The term “electronic pedagogy” should not be jarring, since such concepts as e-government, e-commerce, e-business and other “electronic structures” have long taken root.

Electronic pedagogy still exists, whether we like it or not.School is an area that not only cannot be behind, but simply must be ahead, including in the field of using modern information technologies.

TermE-learning This is an abbreviation for the English phrase Electronic Learning. This is an e-learning system. UNESCO experts define the termE-Learning as follows: “learning using the Internet and multimedia”E-learning is a set of tools through which we gain access to educational materials. These can be web technologies (on-line training), or multimedia technologies CD-ROM or DVD (off-line training). What do these terms mean: on-line training - “on line”, “in touch”, “on the network”, “on the air”, “in a state of connection”, off-line training - “disconnected from the network” Thus, everything that is “offline” -it's off the internet , and "online" - in the Internet.

What should the school of the future be like? Of course, these are new educational standards, this is the improvement of the teaching staff, this is a support system for talented children, this is a change in school infrastructure and much more. And all these changes will take place in a “new” modernized society - an open society, due to the rapid development of the Internet. What will be new in a modernized society:

    Book – e-book

    Whiteboard – interactive whiteboard

    Desk - interactive desk

    Library - media library

    Notebook - tablet

    Class - network class

    Diary/journal – electronic diary/journal

    Lesson - BEFORE lesson, online Olympiad

    School - video presence

    Excursion – Internet travel

    museum - electronic museum

    Briefcase - laptop

    Laboratory – computer laboratory

    Teacher's room - electronic teacher's room

    School information board school website

    Personal folder of achievements - electronic portfolio

“Technology changes almost every day. Therefore, we need people who have broad, general ability to solve problems, no matter how difficult it may be,” Bill Gates said.

The school needs a universal teacher who is able to learn, change, creative and mobile teacher,possessing information and communication literacy.

Today everyone knows what informatization is.

There are many programs, electronic textbooks, websites, publications,written and designed for teachers and by teachers.

A huge number of various IT courses offer their services to teachers.

New equipment (computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards) is being supplied to the school.

But, unfortunately, we have to admit thatwork Not everyone can use this equipment. - Often teachers get carried away with presentations, this comes down to the mandatory accompaniment of a lesson or extracurricular activity with pictures-slides, often even unformatted, of low quality, overloaded with animation or sound effects. The situation is no better with the use of media resources.The teacher needs the ability to “change”, “correct”, “correct” existing product, or even create your own. And it is then that the use of information and communication technologies opens up unlimited possibilities.BUT only for those who really know ICT!!!

There is an opinion that

computer science teachers and educational institutions staff should help subject teachers prepare for lessons; This indicates that many subject teachers have already understood the advantages of ICT, felt the need to translate their ideas into specific teaching aids and developments, as well as their helplessness, lack of competence, lack of knowledge and skills in the field of ICT.

But, dear colleagues,As long as we think that someone owes us something, things will not move forward. Nobody owes us anything!

A computer is just a tool, the use of which should fit organically into the teaching system and contribute to the achievement of the set goals and objectives of the lesson.

Until a subject teacher realizes the need to independently study the basics of computer literacy he needs, and begins to study and apply them, he will not learn to master this tool at the proper level.

It is impossible to assign a specialist to every teacher who will implement his plans.Therefore, there is only one way out - learn it yourself! INIt is important to distinguish between ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.ICT literacy – knowledge of what a personal computer is, software products, what their functions and capabilities are, this is the ability to “press the right buttons”, knowledge of the existence of computer networks (including the Internet).ICT competence - Not onlyuse of various information tools (ICT literacy), but also their effective use in teaching activities.

An approximate list of the content of ICT competence of a teacher:

 Know the list of the main existing electronic (digital) manuals on the subject (on disks and on the Internet): electronic textbooks, atlases, collections of digital educational resources on the Internet, etc.

 Be able to find, evaluate, select and demonstrate information from the educational center (for example, use materials from electronic textbooks and other aids on disks and on the Internet) in accordance with the assigned educational objectives.

 Install the program used on a demo computer, use projection technology, and master techniques for creating your own electronic teaching material.

 Be able to select and use software (text and spreadsheet editors, programs for creating booklets, websites, presentation programs (PowerPoint, Flash)) for optimal presentation of various types of materials necessary for the educational process:

olesson materials,

othematic planning,

omonitoring on their subject,

ovarious reports on the subject,

oanalysis of the learning process, etc.

 Be able to use NITI methods (New Information Technologies and the Internet) - these are methods of conducting lessons united by one topic using ICT. They contain links to electronic materials and websites that are useful when teaching lessons on a given topic.

 Be able to create your own digital portfolio and the student’s portfolio.

 Be able to competently choose the form of transmitting information to students, parents, colleagues, and school administration:

oschool network,


osocial network (, ...),

owebsite (section of the website),


oblog (online journal or event diary),

 Organize the work of students within the framework of network communication projects (olympiads, competitions, quizzes...), remotely support the educational process (as necessary).

Thus, one cannot do without professional growth in mastering information and communication technologies and the desire to use them in the educational process!

Pros and cons of e-education.

I constantly think about the limitations of e-learning. You need to know the enemy by sight. When working with an idea, you need to understand not only its pros and cons.

1. Enrichment of the educational process with educational resources

Information technologies make it possible to complement and enrich traditional forms of education, for example, with the help of glossaries, electronic libraries, and bibliography. The textbook retains its place as the main tool supporting school learning, but the scope of its use is expanding as new technologies provide a greater range of possibilities and allow for more targeted consideration of both the specific requirements of the teacher and the needs of students. In reality, the teacher’s responsibility for the outcome of education increases significantly, despite the use of technical and multimedia tools.

2.Increasing the flexibility of education

There is an opportunity to study at home without strict time frames. The educational platform makes it easier and more efficient to manage students’ independent work. In the hands of a teacher, e-education is a tool that makes it easier to take into account the different levels of preparation, performance and motivation of schoolchildren.

3.Training with the help of information technology

The rapid depreciation of information in modern conditions poses a task for an educational institution: not only to give the student knowledge, but also to develop the abilities and skills to learn independently and prepare for a life where learning in one form or another will be constantly present. Currently, without using elements of e-learning, it is unthinkable to independently search for resources, set and consistently achieve learning goals.

4. The need for mastery of modern technologies

Communication with a computer is becoming the same civilizational achievement as the ability to read and write. New requests on the labor market, such as joint project work at a distance or instant search for information, cannot be accomplished without a computer.

5.Increasing the motivation of schoolchildren, increasing the effectiveness of learning.

Multimedia presentations attract schoolchildren; game forms allow them to intuitively and without complexes master information technologies from early childhood where adults are embarrassed by their mistakes.

6.Ability to define criteria for assessing knowledge - in e-learning it is possible to set clear criteria by which the knowledge acquired by students during the learning process is assessed.

7.Mobile and effective implementation of communication between the student and the teacher allows the learning process to be as successful as possible.

What is the main limitation of e-learning - lack of personal communication between teacher and students.

E-learning is recognized as one of the most progressive forms of education today, which is being dynamically introduced into the education systems of many countries around the world. E-learning are very developed and advanced methods and technologies, with a lot of possibilities, but they cannot and should not completely compensate for live communication.

I believe that the most important factor in the implementation of e-education is the presence of a creative working team that values ​​the advantages of new technologies and strives for professional growth. As a rule, if such a situation arises, e-education quickly gains momentum and after a while it is difficult to even imagine that it is possible to organize and conduct the educational process without computer technology.

The new education law gives Russian schools the right to completely switch to electronic textbooks. Library collections are being transformed into unique media centers (electronic school libraries), equipped with electronic educational publications and manuals. Electronic textbooks (ET) and electronic educational resources (EER) are becoming one of the main components of the school information educational environment.

Effective organization of the educational process using ES requires the participants in the process to master new competencies and their active use in conjunction with modern forms and methods of teaching.

In the wake of mass testing of the use of ES, not everyone still clearly understands how to get the best result. What to pay attention to in order to experience not only the economic benefits of replacing paper textbooks, the significant difference in the weight of the portfolio and the very fact of having ES in the classroom, but also to organize the educational process in a new way, based on teaching and learning of the 21st century.

Although the role of educational authorities is critical in relation to the effective use of regional funds, the creation of conditions for the introduction of ES and the replication of successful experience at the regional level, the entire narrative will be done with an emphasis on the applied nature of the projects, i.e. their implementation at the school level.

So. Important elements of ES implementation arecomplexity and consistencyproject approach and orientationfor all participantseducational process of the school. To simplify things, we can distinguish two vectors of work on ES implementation projects:

    Analysis of competencies required by all project participants and selection of work models for a school or class.

    Formation of the stages of implementation of the ES project, from determining the necessary components of the process (ES project plan, requirements for the creation of infrastructure and participants, advanced training, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness) to support and development of the project.

In this article we propose to consider both of these vectors.

1.1 Competencies and professional development options
1.2 ICT-oriented educational methods

2.1 Main stages of the project for introducing ES at school
2.2 Basic requirements for infrastructure and software at school
2.3 Conditions for high project efficiency
2.4 Recommended equipment for teachers and students
2.5 Monitoring
2.6 Support and development of ES implementation projects
3. Sources used
4. Authors

5. Electronic textbooks at school ( Video )

1. Competencies of participants in the implementation of the electronic textbooks project and work model

1.1 Competencies and professional development options I

Effective work on the use of ES in the educational process requires a certain level of ICT competencies from all participants in the process.

The main role is played by the school administration, which decides how the project will be implemented and provides all the necessary resources to start it.

Participants fully involved in all stages of implementation and use of ES include:1) technical specialists 2) library workers 3) teachers.

In most ICT projects, the starting stage of implementation is ICT training of participants. But the question arises, what to teach, what competencies are necessary in this case? Let's take a closer look at them.

Technicians and school administratorsit is required to perform a number of tasks related to organizing the process of using various ES and ESM on the scale of individual classes or schools.

Their competencies include:

    Installation and management of software for the distribution of EC on devices with different software platforms;

    Organization of an access system to ES and ESM on the server and user administration;

    Support for server and local network performance;

    Installation of updates and additional software necessary for the operation of the control unit;

    Working with educational process management systems in classroom and school IOS;

    Ability to diagnose technical problems when using various types of power plants and solve them.

For teachers and library workerswho work directly with students, in addition to the basic basic ICT competencies that they should possess by default, they must have additional skills related specifically to their role at the stage of introducing ES into schools.

Basic competencies include:

    Basic computer literacy, i.e. knowledge of office applications (word processors, spreadsheets, presentation programs, etc.)

    Knowledge of techniques for organizing personal information space and the graphical interface of the operating system

    Proficiency in basic Internet services and technologies

    Knowledge of techniques for preparing teaching materials and working documents using office technologies

Additional competenciesare the need of the hour. In connection with the entry into force on September 1, 2013 of the new No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the requirements for ICT competence of librarians are changing in connection with the introduction of new forms of maintaining library catalogs, library records, and communications with readers .

Library workerswithin the framework of school projects, they can solve the problems of distributing electronic devices to students’ computers, advising them on the use of electronic devices, the rules for working with them, their service life, etc.

In addition, their skills should include:

    Knowledge of legal aspects of using Internet information resources in education;

    Converting and presenting information in an effective way for decision; specific tasks in the form, compiling your own material from available sources;

    Formation of your own digital portfolio;

    Skills of working in the virtual information space;

    Administration of EU funds and work with electronic catalogues;

    Using various applications and software products to automate your workplace.

Quite a broad range of skills for workers who have been in the shadows for some time. Moreover, their professional development programs on the use of ICT in their activities have not received sufficient attention for a long time.

Scroll additional competencies for teacherseven wider. The teacher must also be able to work with electronic devices and the various resources they contain, master the technologies and work techniques associated with the use of electronic devices, and be oriented to the changing conditions of the educational environment.

An approximate list of teacher competency content includes the following skills:

    Effective navigation and organization of effective search for resources and information in the ED adding bookmarks

    Work in interactive mode with ES components (workbooks, interactive tasks, tests, etc.

    Working with demos and media objects

    Saving fragments of tasks and necessary ES resources

    Using tools for accumulating additional resources in the ES environment, if it (the environment) allows it;

    Development of resources for a lesson in an interactive multimedia modeling environment (if available in the educational environment).

In addition, the teacher must be able to:

    Plan and organize training in the “1 student: 1 computer” model, since students work with electronic devices individually on their own device;

    Use learning process management systems in the classroom;

    Master the methods and techniques of modern pedagogical technologies (blended learning, distance learning, project approach, etc.).

1.2 ICT-oriented educational methods

Trends in the development of modern educational technologies are relevant and fit well into projects for the implementation of educational technologies, emphasizing their advantages and providing opportunities to expand them with additional educational resources. Examples of such technologies that can be used in conjunction with ES implementation projects are:

    Mobile learning “1 student: 1 computer”. Enables students to access electronic textbooks on their individual personal devices;

    Distance learning. Allows you to organize remote interaction between teacher and student when solving educational problems;

    Blended learning. Allows you to combine the process of face-to-face classroom learning with online learning, which is most suitable for the use of ES, including the flipped classroom model. The flipped classroom model involves students independently studying educational material before class, for example, at home. The lesson in turn becomes practical. The teacher devotes more time to working with students, including individual work;

    Usage educational process management systems(LMS), providing the teacher with the ability to effectively organize learning in the classroom. For example, the Classroom Management System from Intel® Education Software;

    Cloud technologies. Students and teachers use various network services that are part of the school's IOS. The use of cloud services in schools makes it possible to solve the problems of licensed software, organize personal environments for students and teachers, and also actively organize joint work when using electronic devices.

The use of ES in the educational process in combination with such IOS components as learning management systems and educational content management systems can additionally provide:

    Management of the educational process through the interaction of mobile devices of students and teachers, as well as with other ICT-based learning tools;

    Organization of individual support for each student based on information about the results of his progress in the educational material;

    Organization of network interaction of participants to develop skills in educational cooperation and communicative competence.

An electronic textbook, like a paper one, is an individual tool for each student. The most important condition for uninterrupted work with an electronic textbook is the ability to use it without an Internet connection, especially with simultaneous individual work with each student in the class. The distribution system "Azbuka" allows you to work with electronic devices in offline mode and is easily integrated into the school's IOS. At the same time, if there is Internet access, the ES is automatically updated, and the results of tests and tests are sent to the server.

2. Stages of implementation of the electronic textbooks project at school

We will focus on the main stages of implementation of an ES project, from determining the necessary components of the process (ES project plan, requirements for the creation of infrastructure and participants, advanced training, monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness) to support and development of the project.

Considering that the ES implementation project requires the active involvement of all participants, its careful preparation and planning is necessary, and all stages of its implementation must be clearly agreed upon, if not regulated.

2.1 Main stages of the project for introducing ES at school

The project for introducing ES at school includes the following main stages:

    defining the goals, objectives and content of the project;

    formation of a working group for the implementation of ES;

    assessment of the degree of readiness of teachers to use ES and new approaches to teaching;

    choice of teachers, students and models of ES use;

    development of organizational and methodological documentation of the project;

    a comprehensive solution for equipping the educational process with personal devices, including the creation of infrastructure within the school;

    equipping students and teachers with mobile and tablet computers, taking into account their compatibility for organizing collaborative work in the classroom;

    development of an implementation plan in the near, medium and long term.

The implementation plan must include:

    holding an orientation seminar with the staff of the educational institution;

    organizing training for teachers under advanced training programs on the use of electronic devices in the “1 student-1 computer” teaching model;

    conducting information and methodological seminars during the implementation of the project;

    holding open events and lessons using ES;

    organization of advanced training for teachers in training programs, where the result of training will be the mastery of additional ICT competencies for effective work with EE, in accordance with the list of content of teacher competence specified in the previous article;

    organization of methodological support for project participants;

    organizing monitoring of the effectiveness of the project in order to determine the impact of the use of ES on the development of subject and meta-subject educational results of students, ICT competence of teachers;

    summing up the results of the implementation project and disseminating (replicating) experience.

2.2 Basic requirements for infrastructure and software at school

For successful implementation of the project determinedbasic requirements for infrastructure and software at school:

    Availability of information and educational environment;

    The presence of an information and library center with work areas equipped with a media library and connected to a distribution system, which in the future will become the center of the electronic library and will allow the school to move to a new level of development of a unified information and educational environment;

    Sufficient level of ICT equipment (sufficient number of multimedia projectors and/or interactive whiteboards, broadband communication channel, wireless network);

    Availability of mobile computer classes, individual access to educational content and a computer for students during self-study;

    Internet access for participants (on computers at the educational institution and/or at home);

    Availability of software:

      Lines of electronic textbooks on various subjects

      “ABC” distribution systems to obtain content and natural integration of the electronic library into the educational process of teachers and students, collecting information on the use of electronic textbooks and manuals for further improvement of the educational process. The system makes it possible to organize effective cooperation between educational institutions and publishing houses regarding the acquisition of electronic content and ensures the rational use and control of electronic resources.

      Management systems for the educational process in the classroom - allowing the teacher to use an electronic textbook, control the learning process, organize individual, group and frontal work, simultaneously diagnose the mastery of educational material and much more.

Whatever complex of forms and models of teaching is chosen, ES is, first of all, an individual digital tool for the student in any lesson. Therefore, when introducing ES, the mobile learning model “1 student: 1 computer” automatically forms the basis of the entire educational process.

Moreover, for a teacher, ES in the classroom is a modern educational tool that allows not only to increase the motivation for learning, but also to promote a high level of mastery of the material. When using ES and any additional ESM, this opportunity appears if there is a classroom management system, which was discussed above. Using this system allows the teacher, being at his workplace, to quickly interact not only with the entire class, but also individually with each student: observe work, receive feedback, provide assistance to the student by controlling the desktop of the child’s device. The teacher can use it to create their own tests, organize the testing process during the lesson with the ability to visually present the results of the completed test by students. Also, the teacher has the opportunity at any time during the lesson to block work with the computer of a particular student (which becomes extremely important if each person has his own personal computer device) if the student is engaged in activities on the computer that are not related to the lesson or in order to concentrate his attention on his explanation.

2.3 Conditions for high project efficiency

Project efficiency will be significantly higher at performing the following conditions:

    The school’s readiness to introduce innovations, the team’s experience; innovative teaching activities, which can be confirmed by victories in national projects, participation in competitions on the use of ICT tools in the educational process, publications, etc.;

    Interest of the school administration and teachers in participating in the project;

    All participants must have basic basic ICT competencies.

Depending on the degree of readiness of the school’s teaching staff to use ES and new approaches to teaching, it is necessary to think through the learning trajectories of project participants.

It is no secret that in order to organize educational activities in a new way, all participants in the implementation project need to constantly improve their skills in various fields. In addition to advanced training courses organized at the regional and federal levels, Intel Corporation provides ample opportunities for professional development, whose educational initiatives allow you to master new competencies, modern pedagogical technologies and techniques. Training is available according to educational programsIntel® Learning for the Future" And “Learning with Intel®”, and in distance learning courses.

Teachers also have access to a variety of portal tools.Intel® Education Galaxy , such as annual practice-oriented online conferences, exchange of experience between newcomers, fellow innovators and community experts, distance professional development courses:

    “Methodological aspects of organizing educational activities with electronic textbooks in innovative teaching models”;

    “Educational environment 1 student: 1 computer”;

    “Using classroom management systems when working in an open educational environment”;

    Project method;

    Assessment methods in the 21st century classroom;

    Collaboration Techniques in the 21st Century Classroom;

    Model “1 student: 1 computer”: student motivation.

2.4 Recommended equipment for teachers and students

When addressing technical equipment issues, only mobile devices (EC carriers) should be considered, which today are the most promising for reproducing EC. Among other things, these include devices that must have a USB/SD connector.

In order to implement ES, in this article we will focus on solutions that are equipped with a classroom management system (teacher and student versions) from the Intel ® Education Software package, as they have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Solutions for teachers:

    Productive laptop and ultrabook, including 2-in-1 transformable systems with the Windows operating system;

    All in One desktop computer(All in One) in the classroom, subject to the availability or open access of the teacher to a laptop for flexible work in extracurricular activities, as well as preparation for a lesson at home or at school;

The presence of Windows OS allows the teacher to work with electronic devices and other materials in a familiar interface.

Solutions for students:

    Transformable school computerIntel® classmate PC with rotating touch screen;

    School tablet computer - 2-in-1 transformerwith detachable keyboard (Intel® Education 2-in-1);

    Laptops and ultrabooks, including 2-in-1 convertible systems from the Intel® Education Solutions program;

    Intel® Education Tabletsrunning Android OS. But it must be remembered that the lack of a full-fledged keyboard on any tablet may limit the activities of students in performing certain tasks in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

    License to connect to the distribution systemfor obtaining and working with EU.

The list of mobile devices is presented taking into account the developed recommendations of FIRO based on the results of testing electronic textbooks in secondary schools of the Russian Federation, where the need for the multifunctional capabilities of mobile devices carrying electronic devices was confirmed at the software and hardware levels.

2.5 Monitoring

Organization of monitoring is extremely important for the implementation of the project, since timely examination and evaluation of results allows organizing project management at a high level.

During the implementation of the project, it is necessary not only to conduct monitoring studies to obtain an assessment of the use of ES in educational activities and determine the impact of the use of ES on the educational results of students, but also to organize systematic monitoring of research results for timely adjustment of teaching and management activities.

Directions of monitoring studies I can be:

    The influence on the level of competence and motivation of students of the content and variety of activities when using ES in class or extracurricular activities;

    The impact on the level of competence and motivation of students using blended learning models, additional services and tools;

    Monitoring the development of teacher competencies during activity-based learning of students (increased teacher self-esteem, increased teacher authority or facilitator qualities, etc.);

    Assessing the effectiveness of using ES from a methodological point of view, etc.

2.6 Support and development of ES implementation projects

Supporting the ES implementation project is one of the important components of the success of this process. It begins at the launch stage, from the stage of preparation of the educational institution, from the professional development of teachers and continues until the stage of replication of the project results. This is a fairly lengthy process, covering various categories of project participants. At the same time, at the support stage the following components can be distinguished:

Use of ES in the educational process of school: in this case, special attention will be paid to issues of access to ES and the effective use of its capabilities. After all, the introduction of ES into the school’s information and educational environment makes it possible to improve the quality of use of electronic educational resources and make the learning process not only personality-oriented, but also activity-based.

The use of ES in the pedagogical practice of teachers: when organizing support for the implementation of this component, special attention should be paid to improving the qualifications of teachers in the use of ES in the educational process, which allows teachers to reach a new level of using information and communication technologies, implement new educational standards, and learn to work “in a new way.”

Introduction of ES into the educational process of the classroom: the effective implementation of educational institutions in the educational process of a school largely depends on the model that the educational institution chooses for itself. And here the following options can be distinguished:

    implementation of class-based ES , in this case, the school selects one experimental class in whichon all subjectsES are used with all interactive applications. To work effectively in this model, it is necessary to have a team of subject teachers ready to implement and use modern educational technologies working in an experimental class

    introduction of ES subject basedinvolves the use of electronic textbooks as part of the study of a specific subjectin different educational parallels. To implement this direction, it is necessary to determine the work of the school methodological association of subject teachers who will be able to develop and implement a plan for using ES in the classroom.

When accompanying this direction, special attention may be paid to the development of a plan for introducing the use of ES in the educational process of the school, depending on the model chosen by the school.

Introduction of ES into the information and educational environment of the school: organizing support for this component will make it possible to draw up the necessary diagram for creating an effective educational institution infrastructure for the implementation of ES in the school’s IOS, determine the minimum and maximum requirements for material and technical equipment, and develop a program for the implementation and development of a project for the use of ES throughout the school.

Use of electronic devices by school students: the use of ES in the educational process makes it possible to build an individual development trajectory for each student, allowing them to master educational material at the speed and volume that makes the educational process as effective as possible. And here it is necessary to pay attention to the level of accessibility of the presented material, skills in working with electronic content, and the ability to complete interactive tasks. All this can be determined and, if necessary, adjusted in the process of supporting the ES implementation project.

So, when organizing support for the implementation of ES in the educational process of a school, it is necessary to highlight the following key stages:

    Questionnaire both at the start of the implementation project and during the process, as well as based on the results of the project. Questionnaires must be conducted among teachers , at the start to assess the level of readiness of teachers to use ES in their lessons, as well as during the course of the project to determine the necessary and sufficient volume of proposed tasks, the accessibility and ease of use of ES, and identify further prospects for using ES in the educational process of the school. Questionnaire among students should demonstrate how convenient the ES are to use and evaluate their impact on the level and quality of mastery of the material being studied. Questionnaire administration schools will allow us to assess the readiness of the school infrastructure, human and material potential necessary for the implementation of ES at the start of the project, as well as the effectiveness of the integrated use of ES in an educational institution based on the results of the project.

    Organization and conducting distance trainings and workshopsfor various categories of participants in the ES implementation project. After determining the level of readiness of the teaching staff of an educational institution to introduce the use of electronic devices into the information and educational environment of the school, a list of courses recommended for study by various categories of project participants is formed: technical specialists, library workers, teachers. This list can be adjusted, changed, and supplemented as the project progresses in accordance with the needs and orders of the school’s pilot team.

    To be able to share experiences among schools introducing ES into the educational process, it is possible to improve the quality and effectiveness of lessons conducted using ESholding online competitionsat various levels (regional, all-Russian). As part of competitions, lesson notes, interesting techniques for using EE in various subject lessons, and secrets that improve the quality of learning and student motivation when working with EE can be presented.

    Subject to the implementation of the project for the use of ES in several schools in the region, it is possibleformation of a team of regional coordinatorswho will be able to provide timely methodological assistance and support to all project participants.

    Throughout the entire implementation of the project for introducing the use of ES, it is necessary to organizecreating a base of best practices, which will contain the most interesting and successful examples of the use of ES in the educational process of the school.

The key to the successful implementation of an electronic textbook project in a school is the combined efforts of all participants in the educational process, strict adherence to the stages of preparation and implementation of the project, and the continuous professional development of all participants in the educational process together with the regional professional development structures and partner companies. Only with the complex interaction of all project participants can the most successful result be achieved.“Recommendations for the development, implementation and use of new generation interactive multimedia electronic textbooks for general education based on modern mobile electronic devices”, FIRO

  • Electronic educational and methodological complex “Binom School”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated September 5, 2013 N 1047 Moscow “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education "
  • 4. Authors

    Marina Aleksandrovna Livenets, senior researcher at FIRO, expert on educational initiatives at Intel

    Natalya Vyacheslavovna Kudimova, senior lecturer of the department of information technology at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Educational Development, computer science teacher at MBOU “Secondary school No. 14 with in-depth study of individual subjects”, Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region

    Galina Viktorovna Utyupina, head of the educational and methodological department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education of the Novosibirsk Regional Information Technology Center, expert of Intel educational initiatives

    5. Lesson in high school using electronic textbooks

    January 2014 Moscow

    Electronic textbooks at school
